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Battlestar Hero Bear McCreary!


Hello Colonials!

It is that time of the week again!

Before we move on to our award though, just a reminder to those folks in Portland Oregon, Orlando Florida, Providence Rhode Island, Long Beach Calfiornia & surrounding areas that there are four Cons underway or about to be underway that the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club will be at!

Obviously we'll be there to promote the club, but just as importantly to promote Galacticon III!

(Special note regards Long Beach Comic Con...Kate Vernon will not be able to attend due to a filming conflict), but Dr. Kevin Grazier (Science Advisor....among other the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica, will be sitting in with us both Saturday and Sunday!

Be sure & catch up with Dan Allan & most of the original Battlestar Galactica cast members in Providence!


Portland Oregon: Orycon

Orlando: Hurricane Who

Providence: Rhode Island Comic Con

Long Beach: Long Beach Comic Con


OK, now for the award presentation...this goes out to a certifiably gifted & multi-talented artist, .whose music inspire's and provokes & moves whomever listens to that completes whatever scene it's set to, whether on the screen or as a mental picture.

I was honored to be introduced to this fantastic musician by another fantastic musician several years so happened that I was helping Stu Phillips at his table during a Con in Burbank California...I think this is when the re-mastered version of the Knightrider soundtrack was coming out as a matter of fact...and Stu made my introduction to the person who we are honoring tonight.

None other than the fantastic Bear McCreary!

So Say We All!


Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club



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Battlestar Hero Herbert Jefferson Jr!


First of all I welcome all our new members...a round of applause to all of you....thank you for being part of our community.

Before we present the Hero of Battlestar Galactica award this week, I would like to let all of you know that we are now featuring episodes 3 & 4 of Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome on the Fan Club site.

You can also view both episodes 1 & 2 on the site as well.

Really, all I can say is that nowadays things are coming up BSG in a very good way, enthusiasm is off the board, everyone is psyched & I'm feeling really good energy from all of you.

Remember this one major fact: IT'S ALL ABOUT YOU!

Do not doubt this for one me, I really know make things happen by banding together, holding the flag up high and letting your voices be heard.

Guess what, they have yell louder!

Keep the faith, stay strong, stay committed...don't be surprised if "the powers that be" move once again...and give YOU what YOU want.

'Nuff said...all the success, all the advancements, all of the victories belong to all of you wonderful folks scattered across this globe...united in purpose & fact.

Now of course, our award!

This individual completed the troika in the original series...a mainstay in the show...and a very vital character whose interpretation inspired "many" copies.

Tonight, the award goes to a man who put the "BOOM" in Boomer...we salute Herbert Jefferson Jr

So Say We All!


Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club




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Crew of Battlestar Raven and Friends,


I just wanted to quickly post this and wish each and everyone of you and your family here at Battlestar Galactica Fan Club, Happy Thanksgiving Day.  May you and your family, find some quality time with your love ones and make the most of it.  Enjoy the weekend!  Eat, have fun and be safe...

I also want to take this opportunity to welcome our new member on the Raven, Paul Vokes.  Paul, welcome aboard and thank you for joining the Raven.  Whatever we can do to assist you to help get settled in as part of the Raven Crew, please do not hesitate to ask anyone of us here. 


So Say We All!


In Service,

Cherry "DragonLady"


Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven


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First off, I would like to welcome our two newest members on the Raven Wes Imlay and Amanda Marron.  

Second, it is through my love of researching things to read on the internet, that I came across Mr. Wes Imlay on Battlestar Galactica Fanon Wiki. As I was reading some things about Battlestar Stryker (D6) which appears in the alternate universe story called The Stryker Chronicles, I came across his name. He also has a fan fiction site located at the following link:   I was like, damn, he has written 20 stories for Battlestar Galactica: 2003, and Caprica.  So we started conversing and with him being a  BSG enthusiast like myself, I ended up inviting him to join the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club and the Raven. I ask him if he would write for us on the Raven for fun so the fans of the show have something to read on a constant basis.  And he agreed!  I certainly look forward to his writings. He is currently working on Battlestar Victorious.


As far as Miss Amanda Marron (which we came up with her callsign "Spitfire" which I really like the ring to it), she has been a member here on the BFC website but just inactive.  She stated she has had the account for a while now but did not really know how to get started.  And I offered to help on this matter.    And through my conversation with her on the side, I discovered that she is not only a sister at arms in the service (Navy for 8 years.  Now in the In-Active Reserves), but she also has been writing for DigitalNoob for a year now.  Her most recent writing after watching Blood and Chrome, is located at the following link:

She was supposed to write for GalacticaGeek which would have been an offshoot of BattlestarWiki but it just never got off the ground.  So, I ended up inviting her as well to join the Raven and that she would love to also help extend the BSG fan community.

So, that is the story for our two newest members on Battlestar Raven.  We have been blessed to have two individuals that loves to write.  Hopefully, we will get to see their writings here at Battlestar Galactica Fan Club and on the Raven.  So to Wes and Amanda, once again, welcome aboard Battlestar Raven and thank you for gracing us with the both of you presence.  We look forward to seeing your wonderful work and reading them.  I will add the both of you site links on the Raven website, as part of our "important site links" list.  Also, we hope that the both of you will be able to join us at the upcoming big combine convention of a lifetime:  Comic Palooza/Galacticon 3 Convention.  If you want more information about this event, you can find it here:



Raven Actual



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Welcome to The Raven's New Communications Officer



I just want to quickly post this here.  Please join me in welcoming Lt.Jg. Jeff Dailey, as Battlestar Raven's new Communication Officer here.  This completes the Raven's Command Staff.  But everyone is more than welcome to join any department  they want too. The more the merrier.   Each and everyone of the department heads have what it takes to lead their own department.  So anyone wanting to join, please proceed to the Raven's Group Page located at the following link:

Also, the Raven's Crew page will also be updated that will contain the link to their profile page on this site soon.

So Say We All!

Raven Actual


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If you have ever wondered what it would be like to serve onboard a battlestar, I, on behalf of our Commanding Officer, would like to invite you to join the Battlestar Raven. We are the flagship of the Battlestar Fanclub (BFC) Fleet and endeavor to provide an environment and experience that maintain the highest of standards. Please visit our group at
The Battlestar Raven Group Page
If you have any questions, please feel free to message me.
Major Al Bartraw, XO

BFC Raven

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Happy Birthday to The Raven Executive Officer





I just thought I'd quickly sneak in and post this real quick....I just wanted to quickly wish my very own Executive Officer on the Raven, a very Happy Birthday!  I hope you have a great one.  Thank you for everything in helping me get the Raven to where she is now since I took over.  I greatly appreciate all the help and support you have given me. I am only good of a Commander as the people serving under me.  Today is your day so ENJOY IT!  THAT IS AN ORDER!!!!!!!!!! :-) 


HAPPY BIRTHDAY ONCE AGAIN!!!  Here is a little chocolate cake for you and a bottle of the finest "HOOCH" in the Fleet

;-)  I made it myself which I learned to make during my tenure aboard the Battlestar Aries as her Chief Engineering Officer ;-) :-)  Well, I had to find something to occupy myself when I am off duty LOL.............


Once of these days, we will meet in person and share a drink.... :-)  But I warned you, I am not much of a drinker.  But our one and only Chief on the Galactica is. I have seen it on two occassions when I met him at All Con Convention. :-)  If you ever need anything on the side, do not hesitate to let me know.  You know to get hold of me. :-)  I have an open door policy.

And on my signal, prepare the Raven for departure to Rampart Station in the Colonial Defense Forces.  That will be our stop on our way to our final destination:  to redezvous with Battlestar Aries in the CDF 6th Fleet Area of Operation.....I am visiting a friend and keeping a promise to see how he is doing......



SO SAY WE ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Take Care!

Raven Actual

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Reposting from my article on examiner:

Way back at the beginning of 2012 at WonderCon, there was a trailer shown during the Battlestar Galactica panel for a proposed prequel to the reimagined Battlestar Galactica series. Note that this shouldn't be confused with the other prequel series, Caprica, which was unfortunately cancelled after just one season in 2010 (and just when it was getting interesting).

The fan reaction was joyous to say the least, but then the punchline came that Syfy was balking at the idea of starting it back up again, especially when an unrelated movie adaptation is still being bantered about. Then over the months since then Blood and Chrome has been alternatively approved, on hold, cancelled, or approved but only as a direct to web property, more or less at random depending on the whim of the programming directors on any given day.

After a while it died down to the grumblings of fans who kept watching the bootleg trailer hoping that something would change. Well it seems that it has, and Entertainment Weekly has today broken the news that beginning this Friday, Blood and Chrome would be made available on Machinma in seven different twelve minute long webisodes. From there, it will then also air on Syfy as a two hour TV movie in early 2013 before being released to DVD for Christmas 2013.

Now will that be able to develop into something more than a single movie is anyone's guess however given that next year is the 35th anniversary of the original Galactica series, and the 10th anniversary of the reimagined series, pressure from fandom to bring back one of the most acclaimed and successful franchises will not be anything to dismiss lightly.

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Minotaur AirWing Squadron Logo

12578028685?profile=originalMembers of Battlestar Raven here at Battlestar Galactica Fan Club,


Well here is the Minotaur logo finally.  I tried my best to get it as close as I can to what Leonidas wanted which was a Minotaur with a Cylon Raider in each hand crushing it on a starry background.  But this particular logo, the Minotaur on his left hand was slicing a Cylon Raider instead and got stuck on his blade.  On his right hand, he is holding a Cylon Raider and actually pierced through it slowly with his sharp, pointy claw made out of steel.  I guess it is almost the same concept which is destroying a Cylon Raider.  I tried  to get it as close as I could to what he wanted. 

Leonidas, let me know if you are alright with this and if correction is needed at all.  But, here is the Minotaur Squadron logo.


Raven Actual



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As we all know, November 11, 2012 is Veterans Day.  And speaking of veterans, we have members here at Battlestar Galactica Fan Club, who are either serving or have served in the military.  We here at Battlestar Raven. salutes all of you warriors, past or present, for your service and sacrifices made, in order to protect the very freedom we all so much enjoy and which this country was founded on.  What all of you have done, will never be forgotten and will always be appreciated.  Be proud of your heritage ( current branch of the service currently serving or have served in) and let it be known with pride



In Service,

Cherry "DragonLady"


Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven

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I have a proposition/suggestion/request:


There are many Battlestar Galactica fans who are really into ship designs and the Sci-Fi technological aspect of Battlestar Galactica.  There are lots of technical manuals with ship designs for other similar Sci-Fi productions such as Star Wars and Star Trek.  It is a lucrative merchandising income for both, and their materials are protected by copyrights.  Anybody who has access to the producers of Battlestar Galactica, and I know some do, might encourage them to provide some good ship designs and technical manuals.  There is a decent market for this sort of thing, including fans, role players, Sci-Fi technogeeks, etc.  This would not only provide extra income for the producers, but would also advertise Battlestar Galactica, making it even more popular, and would assist in funding future productions.  This applies to both the original and re-imagined versions. 


There are some very sparse speculation designs out there, but it would be much better to have a cannon version that is a bit more detailed and official and is supported by the writers and producers of the Battlestar Galactica genera.  The most popular/sought after designs include the original series Columbia class Battlestar Galactica, the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica, Mercury class Battlestar Pegasus, and the Valkyrie class battlestars, as well as viper designs, raptor designs, etc., and possibly the Cylon Base Stars and Raiders from both versions.


Please pass on the request/suggestion, and encourage the production of official cannon technical manuals for Battlestar Galactica.  Some have personal relationships and access to the writers and producers, and any fans can make requests at Galacticon 3 and other conventions in person as well.


John David Feagin

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Battlestar Galactica Hero Bear McCreary!

Hello Colonials!

It is that time of the week again!

Before we move on to our award though, just a reminder to those folks in Portland Oregon, Orlando Florida, Providence Rhode Island, Long Beach Calfiornia & surrounding areas that there are four Cons underway or about to be underway that the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club will be at!

Obviously we'll be there to promote the club, but just as importantly to promote Galacticon III!

(Special note regards Long Beach Comic Con...Kate Vernon will not be able to attend due to a filming conflict), but Dr. Kevin Grazier (Science Advisor....among other the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica, will be sitting in with us both Saturday and Sunday!

Be sure & catch up with Dan Allan & most of the original Battlestar Galactica cast members in Providence!


Portland Oregon: Orycon

Orlando: Hurricane Who

Providence: Rhode Island Comic Con

Long Beach: Long Beach Comic Con


OK, now for the award presentation...this goes out to a certifiably gifted & multi-talented artist, .whose music inspire's and provokes & moves whomever listens to that completes whatever scene it's set to, whether on the screen or as a mental picture.

I was honored to be introduced to this fantastic musician by another fantastic musician several years so happened that I was helping Stu Phillips at his table during a Con in Burbank California...I think this is when the re-mastered version of the Knightrider soundtrack was coming out as a matter of fact...and Stu made my introduction to the person who we are honoring tonight.

None other than the fantastic Bear McCreary!

So Say We All!


Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club



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"There is no better friend...
and no worse enemy than a Raven Colonial Marine."


Be a part of an elite group of people.  Join the Raven Colonial Marines !  I think our logo, which is done with pride by our Raven Commander, speaks for itself.  You can also join our group page here:

So new recruits, are you ready to be one of us?  Then take the first step and earn your title and spot here by joining the Raven Colonial Marines!!!!!!  Once a Raven Colonial Marine, Always A Raven Colonial Marine!!!!!

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Looking for BSG cosplayers in Los Angeles


I'm making a fan film in Los Angeles in about two weeks, and I need a few BSG cosplayers to take center stage.  If you have acting experience, I definitely want to hear from you.  If you don't, I promise it'll be a fun day.

Right now the shoot is planned for the weekend of 11/15, exact date isn't solid yet.  If you participate, you'll get a screen credit, a copy of the finished short film and food on set. And the chance to hang out with other BSG fans, and maybe one or two people from the show.  Shhhh....

More info or questions - send me a message.



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Season of Darkness Starring Richard Hatch



Check this out.  Battlestar Galactica very own Richard Hatch to star on the Season of Darkness:


100 Universal City Plaza

RSVP no later than November 6th. Everyone then must have a photo ID to show to get onto the lot. Admission and Parking is free. Doors will be open no later than 7pm.

THERE IS AN AFTER PARTY - The after party will be close by and start at roughly 10pm. That information will be handed out at the screening itself.

RSVP TO: – and it will be forwarded to the appropriate person to add your name. Once you RSVP complete info will be sent to you.
Note: this is in University City/North Hollywood next week – so please make sure you are in the Los Angeles area. Seating is very, very limited right now.



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