Colonials All! Battlestar Hero Michael Trucco!


Colonials, lend me your ears...or eyes in this case.

Just a few updates...first some hello's to our new members...I see we have a new crewman from Argentina aboard...Hola, Amigo!...and a couple from across the US...Hello friends, welcome all...

Some important things to touch you all know episodes 5 & 6 of Blood & Chrome have been released and if you are following that....which I'm sure you are...we ARE presenting each and every episode of Blood & Chrome on the Fan Club site.

We are also featuring the nearly hour long panel of the original cast members of BSG at Rhode Island Comic Con...Richard Hatch, Dirk Benedict, Sarah Rush, Jack Stauffer & Noah Hathaway.

Richard & Jack...since I know you both are getting this email...great presentation, I know the fans there in Providence loved it.

This is really a sneak preview of what you'll see at Galacticon III, times 10!

It is like a foretaste of what is to come...for anybody who DOESN'T know what G3 is...go to the link here: Galacticon 3 and check it goes by a variety of names...Emissaries: Galacticon III, Galacticon 3, G3...whatever you want to call it, it IS the biggest reunion of all casts of BSG to ever happen.

One other major note I want to touch on before we go on to the hero of Battlestar award...again, first and foremost I want to thank all of you, the fans...for giving us support, for supporting the cast members of the show & the whole concept of Battlestar Galactica...this a great big layer cake of people...every person who touches it becomes a part of the process, so you are all great, you are tremendous warriors & we are ever thankful once again.

Listen, we have gotten very far with the advent of Blood & Chrome...and we can go farther...we proved the pundits wrong back in 2003 because all your voices were heard...and Battlestar Galactica was we are again, with almost the same set of a phoenix from the fire...Battlestar Galactica rises yet again.

Let the studios know what you want...let them know exactly what you want...stay involved, let them know through mail, email and online forums that you support Battlestar Galactica and want the new series to move forward.

My understanding is that the DVD is coming out in February and presumbably SyFy will be airing it...well, there needs to be a follow up!

Do not think for one moment...not one single solitary moment that the studio is not gauging your reaction to the webisodes and they will gauge the reaction to the DVD...and the film when it airs...this is where they will base their judgement on moving on to back this have to fight for the future...and again I know that you are all warriors and will do your duty in that respect.

Now, breaking stride a bit...the hero award....this goes out to a guy who didn't know he was a toaster....never had a clue...knew that he was madly in love with Kara Thrace though...and was such a good guy about it that he piloted a Battlestar into the sun!...(that's going a bit far)....but hey, the things you do for love!

Seriously, a gentleman who pulled it together in the re-imagined series as regular Sam Anders...Mr. Michael Trucco!

We salute you!

So Say We All!


Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club



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  • It just came to me...If he had made Colonel, he would have been Colonel S Anders!  Now why am I suddenly hungry for chicken? Hmmm...

    Seriously though, Salute!


    John David Feagin

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