Featured Posts (163)

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Back on the BS Raven

So I am  back on  the  BS  Raven  as  her communications officer and   back   really home  with the  Spartans viper  squadron and  I  am  very happy. I   miss  the  gunstar and  her   command  and  crew  but I  started off  here on  the  Raven  with the Spartans  so  its  good  to  be  back  home.  now  to do  the job I  was  promoted to  do and  get  things  rolling  on   everything  that is  need.  I  have  missed  you   Raven command  and  crew. It is  good  to  be  home.

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The Passing of Terry Carter

ALL HANDS, all ships lights are to be dimmed 75 percent, in honor of Terry’s memory!
It's with a heavy heart that I announce the passing of the beloved Terry Carter. A gentle soul and a heart full of warmth, Terry's kindness touched everyone he met. I had the honor of working with him at Galacticon 3/4, where even a simple task like getting him his favorite vegetable soup became a cherished memory, thanks to his gracious smile and stories from his legendary role in the original Battlestar Galactica.
I'm so grateful for the moments we shared and the laughter he brought into our lives. Terry's journey was long and full of accomplishments, and his spirit was loved by all who knew him. Rest in peace, dear friend, your legacy will forever inspire us. 💔✨
You can leave messages to Terry’s family through this link. A lot of his family may not be a part of these various BSG social media pages:
BFC President
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Happy New Year 2024



Happy New Year, fellow Galactica enthusiasts! As we bid farewell to another incredible year, we can't help but reflect on the amazing adventures we've shared in the Battlestar Galactica Fanclub and with our flagship chapter, Battlestar Raven-BFC 002.

We want to take a moment to express our heartfelt appreciation for each and every one of you who has made this community an absolute joy to be a part of. Your passion, creativity, and unwavering love for all things Galactica continue to inspire us beyond measure!

In this new year, we encourage you to embrace the spirit of adventure and boldly go where no fan has gone before. Dive deeper into the captivating universe of Battlestar Galactica, connect with fellow fans, and let your imagination soar to new heights!

Speaking of new heights, this community would not be where it is now in the BSG community if it were not for each and every one of its members, the hard-working staff, and you, THE FANS.

Remember, it's the connections we forged that make this journey truly special. Let's celebrate the friendships we've formed and create even more meaningful bonds as we venture into this new year together. As the staff and leadership of the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club, we're committed to bringing you exciting content, engaging discussions, and endless opportunities to celebrate our beloved series. Stay tuned for exclusive behind-the-scenes insights and thrilling updates that will keep the Galactica fire burning bright!

So, raise your glasses to a year filled with laughter, epic battles, and memorable moments that will forever be etched in our hearts. May this New Year be your most extraordinary one yet, filled with incredible experiences and dreams that surpass the stars themselves!

We can't wait to embark on this next chapter with you, dear Galactica fans. Let's make 2024 our most stellar year yet! Together, we'll continue to celebrate the timeless brilliance of Battlestar Galactica and forge a future that's as unforgettable as the series itself!

Keeping the Faith Alive: So Say We All!!

In Service,


BFC President

URL: http://www.battlestarfanclub.com

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Celebrating 45 Years of Galactica Magic



Today marks a momentous occasion as we commemorate the 45th anniversary of the original Battlestar Galactica series that first captured our hearts back in 1978. It’s a time to reflect on the immense impact this iconic show has had on science fiction and the countless memories it has given us.
From the jaw-dropping battles against the Cylons to the heartwarming friendships forged aboard the Galactica, this series took us on an unforgettable journey through space and time. We laughed with Starbuck's charm, admired Apollo's bravery, and marveled at the wisdom of Commander Adama. The original Battlestar Galactica taught us about resilience, loyalty, and the bonds of family.
But the story doesn't end there. The legacy of Battlestar Galactica continues to inspire new generations with its timeless themes and captivating storytelling. It has spawned new iterations, reboots, and spin-offs, reminding us that the spirit of the Galactica lives on.
On this special anniversary, let's raise our glasses to the talented cast, crew, and all the fans who have kept the Galactica flame burning bright for four and a half decades. Your passion and dedication have made this universe truly special, creating a community that spans galaxies.
Share your favorite memories, quotes, and moments from the original series using #Galactica45 and let's celebrate together! Here's to 45 years of adventures, friendship, and the enduring legacy of Battlestar Galactica.
So Say We All!!!
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The Stranded Warrior a 1978 Galactica Fan Film

Short Summary The Stranded Warrior

Are you tired of waiting for the TV and Movie producers to finally make a Classic Battlestar Galactica TV show or Movie?  I know we were, so we decided to do something about it.  We are Chris and Pete (aka The Tipsy Toaster and NY Pete) from the live Vodcast IFB Interfleet Broadcasting.  Together as lifelong Battlestar Galactica fans (Galactica nuts really) we are going to make an outstanding fan film with your help. 

Yeah, I know around every bulkhead is someone asking for cubits, or some used viper salesman haggling you.  So what makes us so special?  Well, glad you asked.  Over the years (yahrens) of our live broadcasting, we have interviewed tons of fans like you, some going the extra mile, some just doing what they can to fuel the fandom.  We have met so many talented and passionate people who want to help lend their expertise to this fan film.  We have built a rag tag fleet of fans and recruited talent for this project. We are confident with the right number of cubits (open palm smacks viper fuselage) you can bring some relief to those old school Battlestar Galactica yearnings.  And who knows, perhaps we can start a movement and show that the original 1978 Glen Larson Battlestar Galactica is still a viable product and has fans willing to watch. So, what do ya say?  This thing only has 45 years (yahrens) on it, so let’s take it for a spin!


How much will it cost? Well it depends.  We are looking for $7500 cubits to do a 20-minute bare-minimum production that will make any BSG fan proud.

We can do the bare minimum at this cost because we have a lot of volunteers for one. [Actually, we’re lucky that everyone is a volunteer.] These are talented people who work for a meal and the exposure, which is fantastic.  And we already threw in a couple of thousands of our own dollars to get the ball rolling.  We also scaled our production to fit the budget. The more cubits we get, the higher the quality production.  As you can see we are determined to do this but want to make the best product we can.  We sure hope you can help us.



But all said and done, we do have stretch goals That will increase the quality of the production. 

Goal 01 $7500
Seven thousand five hundred Cubits is the bare minimum and gets us a two-day shoot on location at a large building in New York with real actors and 1080 cameras.  Better than a Cellphone production in front of a sheet somewhere on the lower decks of the Galactica here! This also includes some costumes and props.

Goal 02 $9500
At nine thousand five hundred Cubits We can get a 20', and two 10' Green Screens backdrops to simulate inside of a Battlestar. (Renting a Battlestar or a building and constructing a set was way over our budget!)  

Goal 03 $11,000
At eleven thousand we will be able to rent three professional cameras and lenses for a two day on location shoot.  This will give us the ability shoot 6k and edit to 4k.  We will also be able to rent audio equipment like lavalier mics, shotgun mics, recorders and boom pole.

Goal 04 $13,000
At Thirteen thousand five hundred cubits, we will fly the main character in to film on location and drive the necessary equipment and green screen down to record scenes at a warehouse with a Real 1 to 1 scale viper not a cardboard cutout! 

Goal 05 $16,000
Sixteen Thousand cubits will give us the use of professional lights for the scenes and the green screen. Instead of using home made clamp lights and bulbs from the Cylon's garage.

Goal 06 $23,000+
Reaching this goal will give us a basic start for another 20+ minute part two of the Stranded Warrior.  Further funding will make on location shooting possible.  We will need to travel and find a western set or utilize the green screen we have from the first episode. This includes the backstory of Lacerta, Red eye and what happens to Martin!

Every cubit donated goes into the production, the more cubits donated the better the production.  Being a fan film, NO ONE MAKES MONEY from this project! It’s a showcase of Classic Battlestar Galactica talent, just about every other franchise has a strong Fan Film representation, now it’s our turn to fuel the fleet!

What’s in it for you?

We promise you this: if we meet the goals outlined above, we will provide the best fan film possible, using really talented people and quality equipment.  We included some perks so be sure to check those out.  From the custom screen worn helmets to custom hoodies to uniform items and screen credits.  Everyone who donates gets something.   

Can’t Donate?

We understand that not everyone is in a position to donate but if you can’t, help out by spreading the word.  Use those share tools provided here on Indiegogo and check out our progress on social media.

INDIEGOGO LINK - https://igg.me/at/StrandedWarrior/x#/



Battlestar Galactica Fanclub President

CO- Battlestar Raven-BFC 002

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Jack Stauffer


Folks, let us as a community come together and help one of our own, Jack Stauffer. As you all know, he got his right leg amputated above his knee. He is good spirits despite what he went through.
This GoFundMe page was set up by Laurette Spang McCook for Jack and his family so they will be able to have medical caregivers at home following the surgery. He will need 3-6 months to heal before they discuss prosthetics. Insurance as we all know cannot possibly cover all the care he will require in the coming months. Give a helping hand so whatever you  all can donate, will be greatly appreciated by his family. And REMEMBER, #FLEETISFAMILY. And we take care of our own!!! Spread and share the link to this GoFundMe link:
BFC President
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Merry Christmas 2018

                                                                       Merry Christmas 2018

Good Evening Colonials,

I would like to take a moment of my time to wish all of you and your love ones, a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS.  2018 has been one hell of a year for the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club.  But with your continued support, 2019 would be an even better year.  We thank you all, the members and fans for all the support you guys have given the BFC through the years.  The Battlestar Galactica Fan Club is turning 19 years old this coming July 1, 2019.  That is one hell of an accomplishment.  I mean, how many organization can say that they have been around for that long and still going strong.  And that would have not been made possible without you, the members and fans, support.

Stay safe during the holidays and God bless to all of you and your family.

" Keep the Faith Alive"

So Say We All!!!

In Service,


BFC President


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An Unexpected Visitor

Tonight the Raven Battlegroup was scheduled to host combat drills. Instead we encounter an unexpected visitor.  You can read the transcript below.


Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

OK, All Batteries are manned and ready;MARDET teams in position; DRADIS is clear

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Flight deck on standby


Copy that! The Raven is on standby also


Action stations: Action stations. Dradis contact! Deploy all fighters and raptors to investigate


Draidis shows an unknown contact possibly a basestar with 9 smaller contacts escorting it

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Gremlin raptors 363 and 366 on alert five for CSAR

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Not picking up any Cylon IFF, so classify as bogey..


Freya in Raptor 220M is ready for launch.

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Launch when ready...trireme will track..


Gremlins and Seekers will investigate the bogey and report back

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

 (363 away....


Freya launching in 3..2..1.. 220M away


Gremlins on me.

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

 (roger that)


ECO keep that dradis sweep and let me know if anything changes

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

 (picking up nothing)


This is strange the bogey is moving slowly.


it doesn't move like the cylons

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

 (Must be overloaded with something....scans show no radiologicals)


we are not in visual range yet


no other contacts showing on Dradis

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

 (Dradis is clear except for bogey one)


but I am picking up some strange sounds over the wireless


do you hear that?

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

 (Woah!.....jingle bells?)


coming into visual range now. I can see a red light


ts not moving so it may still be a raider..


some new cylon technology?

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

 (Well, we didn't get any intel as such....approach with caution...)


copy that


Gremlin 366 take the lead go in for a look


ECO anything new on the Dradis?

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

 (Now picking up strange voice...sounds like an old man laughing...)


Negative Freya


this is Freya I am also in visual range. you wont believe this.


It most certainly not the cylons

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

 (Unidentified craft....you are approaching the rave battle group...I detify at once..)


"Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas *bells jingling"

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson



I am taking photos for visual reference sir. it appears to be.. 9 strange animals tethered together pulling a sleigh


Raven this is Freya what are my orders?

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Commander Kringle..this is the gunstar trireme...state youyr intentions..

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson



Sir what are my orders? Do we allow him to come aboard?

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Trireme to freya..as far As I know...he's friendly...escort him to the raven,yet, have the MARDET standing by..just in case...


Roger that Trieme

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

We still have not picked up any radiologicals..


Commander Kringle permission granted I will escort you all the way


please acknowledge

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson



Gremlins stay sharp

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

 (We're on him...wow...never thought I'd be this close to santa...)


we are approaching the battlegroup now

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson



copy that


Santa has landed onboard the Raven

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson



This is Freya entering the landing pattern I have the ball

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

 (skids dowd..maglock secured)


Trieme you better get over here. you will want to see this for yourself sir


Skids down, maglock secure 220m back on board

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

On the way....Prep raptor 362 for immediate launch

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

 (it's ready sir)


MARDET is on standby

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

XO, you hve the ship

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

 (Got it sir)

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

 (Raptor 362 launces and heads towrds raven)

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

This is trireme raptor 362,requesting hand on port landing deck

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

 (call the ball)

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

speed one zer one..I have the ball


MARDET stand down.

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

 ( Raptor lands..Leonidas disembarks)


I never thought I would actually see this. I thought he was just a myth


it is santa claus and his sleigh.

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Well, what does this jolly old man have?


Santa Hands Leonidas a package

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Wow, havent seen stuff that old in years..must bee good..thanks santa!

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson



Tauron Toothpaste?

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson



*Santa hands out his presents to the rest of the colonials*

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson



Thank you Santa

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

 (Deck crew starts singing 'Silent night')


*Santa boards his sleigh*

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

 (Santa guides sleigh into launch tube)



Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Wow, do the people of earth celebrate like this...I heard they do


 (Santa's sleigh takes off)


Dradis shows Santa's sleigh. for a moment then it is gone

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Well, time to hit the lounge..they've got something called egg nog,I hear..


Copy that sir. I still cant believe what we just saw


I better get this report written up


Merry Christmas!

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Well, in this universe...nothing's set in stone..

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Merry christmas!

Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson  (Leonidas returns to trireme)



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“ There are those who believe that life here began out there, far across the universe, with tribes of humans who may have been the forefathers of the Egyptians, or the Toltecs, or the Mayans. Some believe that there may yet be brothers of man who even now fight to survive—somewhere beyond the heavens! “

The iconic phrase spoken and narrated at the beginning of every episode of the Battlestsr Galactica Classic Series. Battlestar Galactica is an American science fiction television series, created by Glen A. Larson, that began the Battlestar Galactica franchise 40 years ago today. Its is the sci-fi epic that became a phenomenon all around the globe.  It premiered on September 17,1978.


Richard Hatch as Captain Apollo
Lorne Greene as Commander Adama
Dirk Benedict as Lieutenant Starbuck
Herbert Jefferson Jr. as Lieutenant Boomer
John Colicos as Baltar
Terry Carter as Colonel Tigh

Anne Lockhart as Lieutenant Sheba

Jack Stauffer as Lieutenant Bojay 

Sarah Rush as Flight Corporal Rigel 

Noah Hathaway as Boxey

The original series on which the SyFy Channel phenomenon was based, "Battlestar Galactica" ran for a single season on ABC from 1978 to 1979. It’s creator, Glen A. Larson ("Knight Rider," "Magnum, P.I.") and starring Richard Hatch ("Dynasty," "Santa Barbara") and Lorne Greene ("Bonanza"), "Battlestar Galactica" follows the last surviving warship after a devastating space war. The crew of the Galactica goes in search of the legendary "thirteenth tribe of humanity" and its settlement, "Earth," while being pursued by warrior robots called Cylons.

In its 24-episode run, "Battlestar Galactica" featured guest stars Ed Begley Jr. ("St. Elsewhere," "Arrested Development"), Jane Seymour ("Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman"), Lloyd Bridges ("Roots," "North and South, Book II"), Lew Ayres ("State Fair," the "Dr. Kildare" film series), John de Lancie ("Star Trek: The Next Generation," "Torchwood"), Rick Springfield ("General Hospital"), Ray Milland ("Dial M for Murder," "Love Story") and Ian Abercrombie ("Twin Peaks," "Seinfeld," "Star Wars: The Clone Wars"). Behind-the-camera talents included writer Donald P. Bellisario ("Quantum Leap," "JAG"), director Winrich Kolbe ("Star Trek: The Next Generation," "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine," "Millennium") and special effects wizard John Dykstra ("Star Wars," "Star Trek: The Motion Picture," "Spider-Man," "X-Men: First Class").

Despite airing for only a single season, "Battlestar Galactica" won a People's Choice Award for Favorite New TV Drama and Emmys for Outstanding Costume Design and Creative Technical Crafts. It was also nominated for a Golden Globe for Best Drama Series and a Grammy for Best Original Score. In addition,  Richard Hatch was nominated for a Golden Globe for Best TV Actor - Drama.  

The Battlestar Galactica Classic Series is one of a kind show, whose strong base followings through the years, shows the loyalty of the many fans all around the globe. A lot of the cast members from the original show are no longer with us, but their memories will forever live on for generations to come.  For those cast members that are still with us, they all hold a special place in the hearts of the many fans all around the world, as they continue to represent what the show is all about.  The Battlestar Galactica Classic Series made such a big impact that a remake version of the show came along.  That too, was a phenomenal success.  

So, to all fans of the Battlestar Galactica Classic Series, today, is a day of celebration.  The BSG Classic Series is now 40 YAHRENS OLD.   It is because of all of you, THE FANS, that the show confinue to LIVE in the hearts and memories of many fans all around the world.  Continue to "Keep The Faith Alive" Colonial Warriors and Cylons alike.  May the Lords of Kobol keep all of you safe today!

So Say We All!


BFC President

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Salute to a true American Hero


A true American hero passed today: Senator John McCain.

He was a man who was always true to his convictions and during his time of service both in the military & as Senator he always put the American people first.

As a Senator, he was always willing to reach across the aisle to work with his colleagues on issues of importance & was respected by all.

There many have been disagreements along the way, but Senator McCain understood that politics need not be personal, that you can disagree with someone and still like them.

Point in case, Vice President Biden and Senator Edward Kennedy were long time friends of his.

He set a good example for not only other politicians but for the American people.

Senator McCain...though I can't say that he was a fan of Battlestar Galactica or not...understood the credo that "There is only one race, the human race"...as he recognized that one of the underpinnings of our great republic lie in the fact that we are a nation of immigrants, bringing the best from around the world to diversify & make our country great.

As a man of conviction, he sometimes flew in the face of his own party when he needed to make a stand, because he always put country first.

He also knew that the foundation of our country lay not only in it's people, but also in our constitution, which he adhered to every day in his public service.

Senator McCain had faith in the American people & knew that our country has never ceased being great, it always has been great, is great & always will be great because of the strength of its people and that faith was unflagging.

As a veteran, he always championed veteran's rights and was a strong supporter of our military, of our great men & women in uniform.

It also says volumes about him, that he asked two former political adversaries, President George W. Bush & President Barack Obama to both give eulogies at his funeral, again proving that politics need not be personal.

The country lost a great statesman today.

May he rest in peace.


Shawn O'Donnell

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           *************ATTENTION ALL RAVEN PERSONNEL AND PILOT WANNABES******************

The TOP GUN rules aboard the Raven is going to change here soon.  The following changes will take effect by June time frame to be fair enough to the pilots who have already taken their viper and raptor test, that are awaiting retest.   I believe retest is three months after one takes their first test.  It used to be 6 months.  Pilots can verify this with Admiral Rivera if needed.  I will post the date here sometime this week. This change will only affect future TOP GUN applicants.  These changes are set forth to make it more competitive and a lot harder becoming a TOP GUN aboard the Raven.  TOP GUNS are considering the BEST OF THE BEST.  THE ELITES amongst all the pilots in the fleet.  So it is fitting only that ONLY the best gets selected and earned that honor.

In order to become a TOP GUN from now on aboard the Raven, all future pilots and pilots wannabes must do the following:

1.  Download and take the Viper Test located on the Raven website at the following link:

Viper Test

2.  Upon completion of the test, please send your test to be graded to BFC Fleet Admiral Miguel Rivera at the following email:


3.  You must score a 100% first time around ONLY can become a TOP GUN member aboard the Raven.  Pilots who have taken their qualifications test before this new rule takes effect, are excempted from this rule.  Only scores of 100% 1st time around on the viper test are accepted to become a TOP GUN aboard the Raven.

With that said, Raven Pilots and Pilot Wannabes that have not taken their qualifications test, study hard.  For this rule will apply to you if you have not taken your qualifications test before this new rule takes effect.

Good hunting to all the pilots aboard the Raven.....ONLY the best pilots in the fleet gets to pilot aboard the Raven. The Raven is the Flagship Chapter of the growing BFC Fleet so she needs to set a very high standard amongst the others.  So let the fun begin.....I will also announce here shortly, a little competition amongst all the Squadrons in the Raven AirWing as my Executive Officer announce on the Raven Group Page on our mother site already......


~Raven Actual


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BFC Special Awards

Colonials and Members of the Fleet,

This tradition was originally started by the Founder of the BFC, Shawn O'Donnell. He had asked me to create these special awards to recognize individuals whose work ethics for the BSG fandom, goes above and beyond for the enjoyment of the fans.   And these individuals certainly deserved these awards.



ORDER OF THE RISING STAR- The 2nd highest BFC Award

ARROW OF APOLLO-  The 3rd highest BFC Award


Karl Kuhlenschmidt-  Order of the Colonies

As most of you know, Karl was the Master Builder of the Battlestar Raven and build the one and ONLY Classic Series Colonial Viper in existence in the United States,seen in over 40 years.  What is so unique and very important about this is he build it out of his home garage.  This whole project was self-funded by members of Team BSG Viper.  He dedicated his time building the Viper everyday, rain or shine, after work.  Even when he was under pressure because time was running as Comicpalooza 2018 fast approaches, he kept going with his goal in mind, that he needs to finished the Viper because he did not want t disappoint the fans that was coming to Comicpalooza to see it.  And did just that and persevered.   Karl is also a member of the Raven Colonial Marines.  When he is not building the Viper and would go to conventions, he would dressed up as a Raven Colonial Marine representing the RCMs.

George Mellis-  Order of the Rising Star

Where there is a Master Builder, there are also those who supports the Master Builder in his task.  George was the electronics expert of Team BSG Viper.  He help Karl install all those beautiful electronics you see on the Colonial Viper cockpit, to make the fans experience getting inside the cockpit of the Viper, as real as it can get.  And he certainly did a phenomenal job.  He too contributed to the expense of building the Colonial Viper.

Paul Oakley- Order of the Rising Star

Paul was the logistic support individual ( manpower ) for Team BSG Viper.  His constant support of not only Battlestar Raven as the Raven Marine NCOIC and one of the Admins on both the Battlestar Raven and BFC site, his attention to detail is beyond reproach and will not hesitate to ensure things are alway in order.  He takes initiatives to get things done and corrected immediately for the BFC and Battlestar Raven.

Ralph Duran- Arrow of Apollo

Ralph Duran is such a trooper.   This Colonial Warrior is always ready to help in anyway he can.  And he does it with such enthusiasm as well.  He was certainly a big help during Comicpalooza 2018.  He help so many fans assisting them, both young and old, climb aboard the Colonial Viper, so they can sit inside and relieve their memories of the show and what was it like to sit behind the cockpit of a Colonial Viper. Since he became a member of the Battlestar Raven, he has represented the group with honor.

CONGRATULATIONS to all of you on this special award.  May you continue to help lead the way in "Keeping The Faith Alive" for the many fans all around the world for generations to come.  You lead by example and are to be emulated.

So Say We All!


President-Battlestar Galactica Fan Club






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BFC Leadership Structure


Good Evening Colonials,

I would just like to take this moment to introduce to all of you, the rest of the BFC Leadership and Staff Members.  

As with any group or organization, it is only as effective as the people serving underneath it.  So, it is vital that the right people are selected and chosen.  Those individuals you select must be individuals that you can trust to represent the group with honor and integrity, representing the best interest of the organization at all times. So without further ado, may I present to all of you, people of the fleet, your new Vice President and Deputy Vice President-

Vice President - Steven Elliott

Deputy Vice President- Leslie Willis

And the rest of the BFC Leadership Members and Staff- 


Congratulations to all those selected and appointed.  May all of you represent the BFC well and always keep in mind that the members and the fans, are what matters the most in what we do here at the BFC.  

As with everything else, it is also my goal and hope, that the BFC be a place, for all fans of the Classic and Re-Imagine Series, to consider their home, and co-exist under one roof, and be able to show their love for the fandom without worries.   Because without the other, there is no BSG fandom.  As time changes, the only way for the fandom to continue existing and growing, is for all fans to stick together. That is the only way, to "Keep The Faith Alive".  You, the fans, are the beacon of hope for its continued growth and existence through time.

So Say We All!


President -Battlestar Galactica Fan Club


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President’s Address



Good Evening Members of the Fleet,

As I pondered quietly thinking what to say, I really found it very difficult to find the words to do so.  So, I will just say what I really feel.  

As the incoming President of Battlestar Galactica Fan Club, I never dreamt of running an organization such as this.  I have always been the type to just sit back and do the work behind the scene.  As you all know, the BFC just recently celebrated its 18 years of existence, which is a phenomenal accomplishment.  Clubs, organizations comes and goes, but the BFC is still around after 18 years later and very much alive and kicking well.  

Shawn O'Donnell was the one that recruited me to the BFC. When I first came here, I became the Chief Engineering Officer of Battlestar Tiger Claw, later renamed Battlestar Raven,  of which I later became the Chapter Leader in October of 2012.  Shawn O'Donnell once said to me that he likes that "spunkiness" in me, to help him keep him on his toes. I was like- "Spunkiness! Who me?" So, he appointed me as BFC Deputy Vice President when it was vacated.  And as the saying goes, the rest was history after that.  I began working more closely with Shawn side by side, as time goes by.  He would email me and send me text messages with a TO DO list for the BFC, quite often more than I wanted and expected.   Our first convention appearance together running the BFC Fan Club table was Comicpalooza 2012. I told Shawn that I don't like the character of Tom Zarek because he is such a troublemaker and very devious.  And so Shawn tells me-  "What if I tell you that Richard is nothing like his character Tom Zarek. You will see!  I will introduce you to him.   So, it is here, that another history was made.  He introduce me in person for the first time, to the ever charismatic Captain Apollo but the devious Tom Zarek, Richard Hatch , so I can see for myself, that Richard was nothing like the character of Tom Zarek.  

Upon meeting Richard and interacting with him, I was amaze at Richard's lovable personality and the way he talks about the fans of Battlestar Galactica.  To him, the fans are everything because it is what keeps the faith alive.  Meeting Richard with such an introduction,  would not have been made possible at all for me and  to form such a friendship with him on the side, without Shawn introducing me to him.   We had a lot of fun at that convention and to the many more conventions after that.  And with those good times, also came some bad times, of which I am not going to even explain it here because I don't like dwelling in the past.  Most of you know what they were.  But most will not. The past is the past.  And that is where it will stay.  I am the type that likes to move forward in a positive way. One thing that I can honestly say to all of you is that through the years I have known Shawn, I have known him as the type of leader, that will always stand by his people.  And to quote one of my all time favorite show right now, The Blacklist-

" Value loyalty above all else!"- Raymond Reddington -

Having loyalty is what keeps the bond stronger.  And in doing so, we got through those thick and hard times.  

Shawn was truly a man of passion when it comes to doing what he does for the BFC. Heck, he was doing it for almost 20 years ( back when he had more hair back ).  So when he told me that he was stepping down and turning over the reign to me, I did not know what to say.  All he said to me was - "You will do well and have every confidence in you that you will take it to heights because you are already doing it anyways!"   So Shawn, I thank you for everything you have taught me through the years on the side.  I certainly learned a lot from you and Richard especially teaching me that the fans, is the most important aspect of what we do here at the BFC.  For without the fans, it means nothing.  I can only hope, to carry on the legacy you have set forth for this organization with such a long, rich and honorable history, and make you proud not only as a friend but as a mentor to me alongside Richard, to the best of my ability.

In the next couple of days, I will announce the new BFC Vice President and Deputy Vice Presider along with the new Staff Members of the BFC.  I speak to all them on the side and let them know what my expectations will be to those selected and appointed in those positions.  I will also outline what my hopes and goals for the BFC will be in the future to come.

I thank you all for your time and patience! Take care!

" Keeping the Faith Alive"- So Say We All



President of Battlestar Galactica Fan Club

Website- http://www.battlestarfanclub.com

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Message From The President

Hello Fellow Colonials!

I bid you a good weekend!

I hope that all of you are well across the world.

Of course, my message today is not just to bid you all a hello, but a farewell of sorts.

As of August 1st 2018 I will be stepping down as President & Owner of the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club.

Stepping up as President will be my Vice President, Cherry aka DragonLady I have faith that she will lead the BFC on to even greater heights with the team she has behind her.

She has my full support & I ask all of you to render your support as well.

First of all, you may ask why I might be stepping down?

Well, I will tell you.

I have actively been doing the Battlestar "Thing" for 20 years now and to be honest I felt that I had done the things I had set out to do.

To be honest, I have been a fan of Battlestar Galactica since it first aired, so when I say "Thing", I mean to say being actively involved in it's resurrection and then it's continuance.

I would say it's obvious that the first goal was accomplished & the second one is ongoing...however, I know that all of you will keep the faith & stay on course.

Also, by handing off the reigns, I hope to give the entire movement a fresh outlook...and not only that, but to set a precedent.

I want to make sure that this organization is never based on just one person, that when the time comes for whomever is in charge to make the call & pass the leadership along to another person who can lead and so on...in order for the organization to continue on it's path, always powered by all of you.

This group has been around for 19 years so far...I want to see another 18 years & 10 times that for the future!

We owe so much to the past in order to maintain the present & build the future.

I will say this without any hesitation, that Battlestar Galactica, the franchise that you know today, would not exist without the dedication of one many: my dear friend Richard Hatch.

He was the leader, the spirit & the lifeblood of the resurrection of Battlestar Galactica...he was as in the song from Rainbow & Ronnie James Dio, truly "The Man On The Silver Mountain".

He had some help of course, yours truly being among them who helped lead the charge & focus the fans towards the goal of bringing the show back.

So ALL of us together did that.

I personally took inspiration from Bjo Trimble (who I interviewed), in her amazing quest to bring back Star Trek in the 1960s.

Of course, it doesn't hurt to have someone on the inside so to speak...we had Richard, she had Gene Roddenberry!

All said, Richard never claimed to have originated BSG & he never would have...that began with Glen Larson...it was something that Glen created & fostered...Richard took up the challenge of bringing it back.

If things had been different, BSG would have come back in a different form...if they had gone exactly the way that Richard had envisioned them...as a matter of fact they almost did...X-Men & Transformers writer Tom DeSanto was almost there.

It wasn't exactly the vision that Richard had, but it was the closest it was going to get.

Production offices were established...sets built...and the September 11th, 2001 happened.

The shock of that momentous day was felt everywhere, including the entertainment industry...which adjusted itself to another worldview...and scheduling.

By the time that production would begin on ANY new shows, the Tom DeSanto version of BSG was left behind...in it's place a show called "Firefly" was premiered.

BSG did not sit for long though...it was given the green light in a "re-imagined" version under the creative hand of Star Trek veteran writer Ron Moore.

BSG now had a grittier, darker mood....perhaps to underscore the changed world we lived in.

It was not exactly what we had all worked for...Richard's vision of the original cast returning with new characters...BUT it was damn good, that's for sure...and it WAS a return for BSG!

Richard was offered a spot on the new show & after some hesitation took it...and I think embracing the reality that even though it wasn't quite a remake of the original show, it WAS Battlestar Galactica!

So now you know him as Tom Zarek as well...who was the opposite of whatever his original character of Apollo was.

The original Apollo was full of goodness & virtue...Tom Zarek, eh...not so much.

Actually, Tom Zarek was probably a more believable human being, for better or worse.

Anyway, the total of all this being the sum of all our efforts...we have come a long way baby!

Battlestar in some form will continue as long as you keep the flame lit & I KNOW you will.

I want to give my thanks to not only all of you, but to team here at Battlestar Galactica Fan Club...we couldn't have down it without you.

I thank all my friends (and yes, you know who YOU are...I just don't want this particular note to turn into a book!).

Specifically, I want to thank Richard Hatch, whom without all this would not be possible.

I also want to thank some dear personal friends of mine from the original cast:

Jack Stauffer (Bojay)

Sarah Rush (Rigel)

Terry Carter (Tigh)

Anne Lockhart (Sheba)

Stu Phillips (Composer)

Also thanks go to Dirk Benedict (Starbuck) & Herbert Jefferson Jr.(Boomer) as well as Noah Hathaway (Boxey).

Posthumous thanks to John Colicos (Baltar)...whom I sat across from during dinner at a Bennigan's no less...Stauffer, you remember the Cherry Tree (Pit) Hotel right...you & Mark Goddard got stuck there in Pennsylvania!

Thanks of course to Glen Larson, who I met in L.A. in 2003.

If I miss some people, bear with me!

I want to thank Tom DeSanto who is actually a very cool guy...as well as Ron Moore, another very cool guy.

More posthumous thanks to Denny Miller & George Murdock...wonderful fellows.

Thanks also go to:

Edward James Olmos (William Adama)

Mary McDonnell (Laura Roslin)

Tricia Helfer (Number Six)

Jamie Bamber (Lee Adama)

Grace Park (Boomer)

Kandyse McClure (Dee)

Tahmoh Penikett (Helo)

Nicki Cline (Cally)

Michael Hogan (TIgh)

Leah Cairns (Racetrack)

Bear McCreary (Composer)

Luciana Carro (Kat)

I know I'm missing people here, so remind me!...believe it or not, think they only folks on this long, long list who I have not met face to face would be Ron Moore (phone calls, email) & Grace Park (email, did a great interview with her when she first started with BSG).

Thanks also go out to George Takei (great interview) one of those who I've encountered only via email & David Prowse (the original Darth Vader, who showed up at my Birthday Party in Atlanta Georgia in 1999!)...and I did cut him a piece of cake!

All, I will remain as a member of the BFC as an one of the original Founders along with Chris Feehan who put it together with me in 2000 & I'm there to answer questions if you have them or just to chat...and always to lend support, advice & help when when I can.

Keep The Faith!

So Say We All!

Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club

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I just wanted to quickly take my time to WELCOME all new members here at Battlestar Galactica Fan Club.  Thank you for joining. We here at Battlestar Galactica Fan Club are a very tight knit family of friends who loves Battlestar Galactica both old and new and Syfy as a whole.  We welcome each and everyone of you with open arms.  All we ask here at the leadership level is that you treat each other with respect.  There is  no name calling!  No berating of another person because of ones opinion or beliefs. No POLITICS of any sort ( I think we have enough of that in the real world ).   If you failed to adhere to those simple rules, your membership will be terminated immediately.  This is a place of fun and friendship in the spirit of Battlestar Galactica.  

Have fun everyone!



BFC Vice President 

Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven-BFC 002

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Emmy and Academy Award nominated actor, Edward James Olmos, known for his roles in Battlestar Galactica, Blade Runner, Stand And Deliver, and many more, is joining the #CPX2018 lineup

View Bio: goo.gl/kHVUn7

View Guest Lineup: goo.gl/9HCJ3m

Buy Passes: goo.gl/94rWsM

Visit Website: www.comicpalooza.com


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New Raven Tactical Officer



On this day of the 6th of February 2018, the Battlestar Raven would like to welcome its new Tactical Officer, Lt. Fred “Harfang” Landry. Lt. Landry was the sole survivor of Battlestar Excalibur of the Colonial Defense Forces, who used to patrol the skies of Canada. Battlestar Excalibur was destroyed in battle. Wanting to get back to serving the Colonial Fleet, he transferred aboard Battlestar Raven and became her new Tactical Officer.

So, please join me in welcoming the newest member of the Raven Command Staff, Lt. Fred “Harfang” Landry.

Lt. Landry, please report the Raven Executive Officer Major Steve “Kreios” Tweed for your newcomer’s briefing.

~Raven Actual

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Salt Lake City


I want to take the opportunity to urge all of you who can make it to attend the Salt Lake Comic Con Sep 21st-23rd.

This Con will be attended by our very own Jack Stauffer (Bojay) and Herb Jefferson Jr (Boomer).

Jack is planning a tribute to Richard while there...and I think that will be an experience for all those in attendance.

And for you guys who have never met Jack...well, that is an experience I can tell you! Fun guy, you'll love him!

And of course, Herb will be there too to round out the "warriors" club...good guy to remember the original masterwork with.

Back to Jack though (for all those who don't know it, several actors and writers from BSG original and re-imagined are members here), Jack among them...Hey, yo Jack!

(Drop the man a message and say hi!)..

Anyway, I urge those who can make it, take a look and get out there to Salt Lake City...maybe Bojay will organize a Steak House night (no, I'm not committing you to that Jack!)...but what fun to be sitting together shmoozing over Japanese food and drinks...and good company.

PS: i forgot to mention that the legendary Dick Van Dyke is headlining this show!

So Say We All!

Keep the Faith!

Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club


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