Battlestar Hero Bear McCreary!


Hello Colonials!

It is that time of the week again!

Before we move on to our award though, just a reminder to those folks in Portland Oregon, Orlando Florida, Providence Rhode Island, Long Beach Calfiornia & surrounding areas that there are four Cons underway or about to be underway that the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club will be at!

Obviously we'll be there to promote the club, but just as importantly to promote Galacticon III!

(Special note regards Long Beach Comic Con...Kate Vernon will not be able to attend due to a filming conflict), but Dr. Kevin Grazier (Science Advisor....among other the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica, will be sitting in with us both Saturday and Sunday!

Be sure & catch up with Dan Allan & most of the original Battlestar Galactica cast members in Providence!


Portland Oregon: Orycon

Orlando: Hurricane Who

Providence: Rhode Island Comic Con

Long Beach: Long Beach Comic Con


OK, now for the award presentation...this goes out to a certifiably gifted & multi-talented artist, .whose music inspire's and provokes & moves whomever listens to that completes whatever scene it's set to, whether on the screen or as a mental picture.

I was honored to be introduced to this fantastic musician by another fantastic musician several years so happened that I was helping Stu Phillips at his table during a Con in Burbank California...I think this is when the re-mastered version of the Knightrider soundtrack was coming out as a matter of fact...and Stu made my introduction to the person who we are honoring tonight.

None other than the fantastic Bear McCreary!

So Say We All!


Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club



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