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I just wanted to personally take my time to welcome not only all our newest members on Battlestar Galactica Fan Club but also aboard the Raven:


Cookiecupcakes:  I can honestly say we have our first "Caprica 6" .  She looks so much like her. :-)  Here take a look:  We met at the Wizard World Austin Comic Con.


Shan Murphy

Rob Hillman

Benjamin B.

Asli Bayrak

Tony Sanchello


Thank you all for joining our group here.  And we will try our best to make your experience not only as members but as fans of Battlestar Galactica like all of us here, a memorable one.


Also, the new Comic Palooza/Galacticon 3 promotional cards are awesome in helping spread the word about the Comic Palooza and Galacticon 3 Convention for next year.  The two sided card was very easy to hand out and make people aware about Comic Palooza and Galacticon 3.  This will be an awesome experience for all those in attendance next year.


Be safe everyone especially with the holidays coming up!


So Say We All!






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Here is some more Sci-Fi technology becoming a reality now.  Behold:


Plasma Jet Electric Thrusters For Interplanetary Spacecraft! They seem to give much better thrust than the modern and wimpy ion engines.  It also looks to be more cost effective, and easily scaled up or down depending on what sort of space craft you are working with.


Cool! Maybe we CAN all have a Viper of our own some day soon!




John David Feagin

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This was sent to me by one of our NEWEST members here on the Battlestar Fan Club, Alex Beech.  They live in New York, which all know was devastated by the recent super-storm.  Even so, it is somewhat noble and admirable that they are not asking for help for them selves, but rather another person in need:

...My Mother, Tara my dog, and I fared well. Scary sounds but overall, not a terrible experience. Thanks for checking on us!!

By the way, BSG actor Lymari Nadal is the featured artist on our site, We're raising funds because our playwright friend is really sick. Needs a kidney transplant. Could you let your friends know?

Edward James Olmos and James Callis also made videos...check out our gallery.



I hope y’all will give it a look, and even if you can’t help personally, pass on the information. Podemos salvar una vida!




John David Feagin

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This might be of interest (There were requests): 


Blueprints for the Battlestar Galactica:  


Sorry, still no GOOD blueprints for the Pegasus.  The systems should be about the same though.  Main differences being that the Pegasus has raptor bays on the sides of the landing bays, and is bigger with more engines, twice the landing bays, etc.  The main components would be about the same though.


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12578024093?profile=originalRaven Members and Friends,


Please come and join members of Battlestar Raven that will be on hand at the Wizard World Austin Comic Con in Texas, that will be representing Battlestar Galactica Fan Club and promoting Galacticon 3.  And while you are there, check out our new "Out of This World" flyer :-)

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It’s too late to order uniforms for Halloween, but there is still time for Galacticon 3.  For any interested:


For any interested in Battlestar Galactica uniforms from the re-imagined series, here are several to pick from.  I got a flight suit and Commander’s blues from these folks a few years ago.  Not bad for the price.  You can modify at will.


Main Page:


Flight Suit:


Commander’s Uniform:


Officer’s Uniform:


Number 6’s Red Dress:


For any interested in the Original Series uniforms these folks have some good and affordable uniforms and props:



For any interested in higher end quality uniforms from both TOS and Re-Imagined Battlestar Galactica, these folks have lots of really good stuff:


Main Page:


Battlestar Galactica Section:

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ATTENTION All Colonial Marines:


It looks like some Colonial Marine uniforms are finally available if you are interested.  Too late for Halloween, but probably enough time to order for Galacticon 3.



They also have the cool Aliens version of the US Colonial Marines too.


Good Hunting!


John David Feagin


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Friday, October 26, 2012 - 12 Noon - 8pm
Saturday, October 27, 2012 - 10am - 7pm
Sunday, October 28, 2012 - 10am - 5pm
**VIP’s get onto the show floor 30 Minutes before regular attendees each day of the show!**
500 East Cesar Chavez Street
Austin, TX 78701
Get Your Tickets
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Greetings Colonials!

We have some news to post to all of you...especially those avid Conventtion goers....I believe that last week I noted that the weekend of November 3rd is going to be a busy one for Battlestar Galactica and the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club in particular.

Well, it just got a whole lot more interesting!

As you know we'll be talking to the fans in Portland Oregon at OryCon 34 & in Orlando Flordia at Hurricane Who that weekend...I also wanted to point out once again that the Rhode Island Comic Con in Providence will be featuring Richard Hatch, Dirk Benedict, Herbert Jefferson Jr., Anne Lockhart, Jack Stauffer, Noah Hathaway, Laurette Spang, Sarah Rush& Felix's a BSG bonanza & a portent of things to come at Emissaries: Galacticon III!

Our own Daniel Allan will be in attendance at the Rhode Island Convention as well, manning the BSG Fan Club table and keeping the troops motivated & informed.

Also please turn your attention to the West Coast the same weekend...especially all of you folks in the Los Angeles metor area...come down and meet up with Team Galactica LA at the Long Beach Comic Con Team Galatica LA conists of myself, Herb Brunner, Cliff Gardner & of course the talented pioneer of what she likes to call Cheesecake Galactica Alicia Hollinger & please check her site for her great Sci-Fi pin up art!

We also have some special guests...first off, you know when they say it ain't rocket science...well it is with this guy!

Not only a real live rocket scientist...well, planetary scientist who not only worked on the Cassini-Huygens mission to Titan at JPL, he is a teacher & noted lecturer....and also happened to be the science advisor on Battllestar Galactica, Falling Skies, Eureka & the upcoming SyFy Channel series AND the co-author of "The Science of Battlestar Galactica"...we are pleased to announce that Dr. Kevin Grazier will be joining us in Long Beach!

Not done yet!

Our second featured guest...some may know her from her roles as Lorraine Prescott in Falcon Crest...some of you may know her as Benny Hanson in the feature film Pretty in Pink...I think you will ALL know her though as one of the Final Five, Ellen Tigh...Kate Vernon will be joining us in Long Beach as well!


Long Live Battlestar Galactica!

So Say We All!


Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club

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the Live action starblazers was outstanding

i have seen some serious 3d rendering but this blending of live action and cgi was incredible. the only way to see it right now is subtitled but it is all worth it just to see the whole thing.


after watching the original series and then the new bsg in sequence i have to say they made an interesting tie back by season 4 the points back to the original serires, it one serious loop from what i can tell

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Good Morning Crew of the Raven,

I hope everybody had a great weekend! Also, Raven ship patches are in the works and I am looking around for the best place to get it made. So if anyone of you know a good place to get it made, kindly let me know. I am also having a convention banner made for the Raven much like what we had on the Aries.

Another thing, if anyone of you will be in the Austin, Texas Convention coming up this weekend, I might pop in there and do a little recruiting for Battlestar Galactica Fan Club  / Battlestar Raven. I will have my tablet with me.

The rest of the logos will be presented here soon. Let us crank up the recruiting effort so we can man all the departments with enough people. We are doing well with in regards to that more than what I expected in such a short period of time since I took over. For that, I thank you all for all your efforts. Keep up the great job!!!!! Each and everyone of you that contributes to the ship success makes my job as the commander easy. Something I have learned in my real life responsibilities that one is only good of a leader as the people that is underneath him or her.   It is a testament to the quality of the people we have on the Raven!!

Major Bartraw, kindly see which crew members have not been assigned to a department yet.


So Say We All!!!!!!!!!

Raven Actual


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I just wanted to offer a very special congratulations to Matt Gedeon who has been promoted to the position of Chief of Engineering aboard the Battlestar Atlantia.  He has shown him self to be a very capable and enthusiastic member of the crew and of the fleet.  There is an ample supply of Virgon ambrosia, Romulan ale, and, naturally Guinness in the Officer's lounge, and I invite one and all to drop by and join Colonel Saul Tigh of the Galactica and my good friend and fellow engineer Montgomery Scott as toast Chief Gedeon!  Well done Chief Gedeon! Congratulations! So say we ALL!


John David Feagin 

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Behold: Some good Battlestar Galactica pumpkin carving pics.  Just a few days to carve your own and post them!  Ship logos would look good to!  Please post your masterpieces...or at least your attempts at master pieces.  It'll be fun, and we can see who's most creative and artistic!  Good carving! So say we all!





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Perseus Viper Squadron



Please, check out our newest Viper Squadron:  Perseus Squadron.  All viper jockeys looking to make a name for themselves in being the best pilots, come and join the Perseus Viper Squadron.  If interested, contact the Raven CAG at the following link:

Also, you can directly join the squadron by joining the group page at the following link:


Raven Actual

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Welcome to New Raven Member Barry Viloria

Raven Members and Friends,


I just wanted to personally welcome our newest member on Battlestar Raven, Barry Viloria.  Barry, welcome to Battlestar Galactica Fan Club and welcome aboard Battlestar Raven.  You have joined a great bunch of people here on the Raven.  Let us know what you need to get settled into the Raven.  You may contact me directly or contact the Raven XO at the following link:

We still have one position on the bridge staff left open on the Raven.  The Communications Officer slot is still vacant.  If you are interested on that position, let us know.  Other than that, you can join any of the departments we have aboard the the Raven.  Also, do not hesitate to also check out the Raven official website located at the following link:

Again, welcome aboard Battlestar Raven and I look forward to working with you!!!


Raven Actual




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Prepare the Fleet!


Well, as you can probably all tell by the increased mail traffic that there is a lot going on in the Battlestar Galactica universe! Firstly I wanted to point out (for all of you who took a look) at the revised version of the Galacticon 3 trailer...yes, in a day we just issued version 1.5!

Please take a look at it here 

Some very simple revisions were made, but again we hope you enjoy it & share it with friends...

The very special announcement we'd like to make is that coming up on the weekend of November 2nd, 3rd & 4th some special happenings are going mentioned the BSG universe.

Four Cons featuring the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club being held at the same time across the US!

We will be talking BSG & Galacticon 3 in Portland OR Nov 2-4 at OryCon 34 in Long Beach CA Nov 3-4 at Long Beach Comic Con in Orlando FL at Hurricane Who & last but not least in Providence RI at Rhode Island Comic Con 

We will be North & South & East & West!

Very special note regarding the Rhode Island Con...and this is going to give fans a BIG foretaste of what to expect at Galacticon 3 is the fact that they have gathered together the cast members of the original Battlestar Galactica for this very special two day event.

In attendance:


Richard Hatch

Dirk Benedict

Herbert Jefferson Jr.

Jack Stauffer

Anne Lockhart

Noah Hathaway

Laurette Spang

Sarah Rush


Again, this will be a great show...and also again give the fans a taste of what is to come next year in Houston.

We're hoping to see you all in Porland, Long Beach, Orlando & Providence!

The Battlestar Galactica Fan Club is out there in full force & you ain't seen nothin' yet!

So Say We All!


Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club


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