Reposting from my article on examiner:

Way back at the beginning of 2012 at WonderCon, there was a trailer shown during the Battlestar Galactica panel for a proposed prequel to the reimagined Battlestar Galactica series. Note that this shouldn't be confused with the other prequel series, Caprica, which was unfortunately cancelled after just one season in 2010 (and just when it was getting interesting).

The fan reaction was joyous to say the least, but then the punchline came that Syfy was balking at the idea of starting it back up again, especially when an unrelated movie adaptation is still being bantered about. Then over the months since then Blood and Chrome has been alternatively approved, on hold, cancelled, or approved but only as a direct to web property, more or less at random depending on the whim of the programming directors on any given day.

After a while it died down to the grumblings of fans who kept watching the bootleg trailer hoping that something would change. Well it seems that it has, and Entertainment Weekly has today broken the news that beginning this Friday, Blood and Chrome would be made available on Machinma in seven different twelve minute long webisodes. From there, it will then also air on Syfy as a two hour TV movie in early 2013 before being released to DVD for Christmas 2013.

Now will that be able to develop into something more than a single movie is anyone's guess however given that next year is the 35th anniversary of the original Galactica series, and the 10th anniversary of the reimagined series, pressure from fandom to bring back one of the most acclaimed and successful franchises will not be anything to dismiss lightly.

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  • Battlestar needs the big screen treatment it deserves :-)
  • I saw the first two minisodes.  They sure as frakkin hell don't dissapoint.

    I prey they don't cancel this any time soon.  With David Eick and Bear Mcreary onboard with this one, i am allready hooked to the first 20 minutes of watching Blood and Chrome. 

    The acting and atmosphere is very good. it feels familiair.  The CGI is staggering top notch. I wanted more and more after this two episodes/

    I realy prey that now that we have got lift off,  they will make this work.   So please, don't cancel this one.....

    in admiration to the new Battlestar Galactica and all its creators.

    So say we all..

  • Saw Part 1. They do not dissappoint!



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