Quebec City
Quebec City
Birthday: April 16 Join the BFC Fleet Enlist NOW Raven What do you want to be aboard your chosen ship? OPS
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Quebec City
April 16
Join the BFC Fleet Enlist NOW
What do you want to be aboard your chosen ship?
I am a Fan of
Reimagined Battlestar Galactica
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Colonel Saul Tigh
Referred by
CDF mates
Wishing you a very happy birthday, Harfang.
Aeneas, SC Perseus Squadron
Hi LT,
Here's your new VNP/VTN at your present rank as well as your previous VNP along with your VTN. They are Jpeg images that can be saved here in your photos as well as downloaded to your computer and printed if you like.
You could also join one of the Ravens Viper Squadrons as well as maintain your new position aboard the Raven. If you so choose, may I recommend the Flying Tigers Squadron. We're always looking for more pilots to join our merry band of Cylon Exterminators.......Oooops.......I mean Recyclers.
Good Hunting!!!
If you are interested, Clash Of Civilizations is a good cross over e-book for Battlestar Galactica and Star Trek. It does have adult content though, so not for the kiddies. Good reading! So say we all! :o) http://www.clashofcivilizations.co/
I just realized that a good friend of mine is part of your group... Robert S. LePine. He is an extraordinary model maker, and I have seen many of his works up close and personal. Looking forward to joining your group, as there are far too few Canadian groups.
Phillip "HipShot" Vautour
Happy Birthday! Regards, Paul
It was my pleasure to do such a simple task for you Col. Keep up the great work aboard the Excalibur!!!!!
SO SAY WE ALL! ! ! ! !
Good Afternoon Col Harfang,
Here's the VNP I offered to make for you. It's a Jpeg image. It can be printed, saved to your computer and saved as a photo in your photos here at the BFC.
Good Hunting!!!!!!!!!!!!
SO SAY WE ALL! ! ! ! !
Thanks for your confirmation to join in canadian fleet,but when I want to open registration link-its says that page is not found-can anybody help.please-sorry about my english-I am from Croatia.
Have a good day
Thanks !!!