
First off, I would like to welcome our two newest members on the Raven Wes Imlay and Amanda Marron.  

Second, it is through my love of researching things to read on the internet, that I came across Mr. Wes Imlay on Battlestar Galactica Fanon Wiki. As I was reading some things about Battlestar Stryker (D6) which appears in the alternate universe story called The Stryker Chronicles, I came across his name. He also has a fan fiction site located at the following link:   I was like, damn, he has written 20 stories for Battlestar Galactica: 2003, and Caprica.  So we started conversing and with him being a  BSG enthusiast like myself, I ended up inviting him to join the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club and the Raven. I ask him if he would write for us on the Raven for fun so the fans of the show have something to read on a constant basis.  And he agreed!  I certainly look forward to his writings. He is currently working on Battlestar Victorious.


As far as Miss Amanda Marron (which we came up with her callsign "Spitfire" which I really like the ring to it), she has been a member here on the BFC website but just inactive.  She stated she has had the account for a while now but did not really know how to get started.  And I offered to help on this matter.    And through my conversation with her on the side, I discovered that she is not only a sister at arms in the service (Navy for 8 years.  Now in the In-Active Reserves), but she also has been writing for DigitalNoob for a year now.  Her most recent writing after watching Blood and Chrome, is located at the following link:

She was supposed to write for GalacticaGeek which would have been an offshoot of BattlestarWiki but it just never got off the ground.  So, I ended up inviting her as well to join the Raven and that she would love to also help extend the BSG fan community.

So, that is the story for our two newest members on Battlestar Raven.  We have been blessed to have two individuals that loves to write.  Hopefully, we will get to see their writings here at Battlestar Galactica Fan Club and on the Raven.  So to Wes and Amanda, once again, welcome aboard Battlestar Raven and thank you for gracing us with the both of you presence.  We look forward to seeing your wonderful work and reading them.  I will add the both of you site links on the Raven website, as part of our "important site links" list.  Also, we hope that the both of you will be able to join us at the upcoming big combine convention of a lifetime:  Comic Palooza/Galacticon 3 Convention.  If you want more information about this event, you can find it here:



Raven Actual



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  • Thank you for the chance to join this fine group, I look forward to being able to contribute!

  • The Raven Airwing Also Extends Greetings!


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