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Attention All New Members Or ANY Others Who Do Not Yet Have Battlestar Galactica ensembles!  It’s more fun to suit-up, but you don’t have to.  Halloween and Galacticon 3 are not far off though, so you might consider some of the following sources that I have found for uniforms, props, etc. for Battlestar Galactica, for both the original and re-imagined versions.  (Also better to suit-up at Galacticon 3 for pics with the stars).

(Remember also that as funds can be a consideration, just visiting the local sporting goods stores can get you a good uniform for the re-imagined series, really cheap! Just get a black or chocolate brown muscle shirt, a grey T-shirt, some green BDU looking pants, and some appropriate military looking hiking boots, and you’re ready to blast some toasters!)

For any interested in uniforms from the Original or Re-imagined versions, you can get them here:


For the BEST quality uniforms made to original specs, you can contact:  This guy custom makes them, working on no more than three at a time.  He can make uniforms for the Galactica or the Pegasus, or what ever you want.  If you want QUALITY, this is the guy to contact. I'm getting one made.

For less expensive but still great looking uniforms and props from the original series, go here:  I really like my uniform and wish I could wear it daily at work. The material's thinner, so it's better suited for Summer or warmer climates.  Looks great!


For a really good Flight Suit go here: It's a great suit, but really holds in the heat.

For a regular Blue Officer's Uniform go here: (Notice that this is a regular officer's uniform, not the Commanders with the red trim)

For a Commander's Blue Uniform go here: This has the red trim, and I really like mine.  Like my uniform from the original BSG series, I wish I could get away with wearing it every day at work.

For the Number Six Red Dress go here: Ahem...I'm a guy, so I don't have one of these.

For Green BDU's from the re-imagined series you can go here:

They also offer Duty Blues here:

Now, suit up and let's blast some toasters...and every thing else in the frakin' kitchen!  So say we, my self, and I!

I hope this is help to any interested, and that y’all have lots of fun…and it’s much more fun if you can suit up like your favorite Battlestar Galactica characters.  Looks great for pics on this site and your Face Book, scrap book, etc. as well! 


Best wishes and good hunting! So say we all!


John David Feagin

Engineering Dept Battlestar Atlantia

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A special note to all new members of the Battlestar Fan Club:


Please check out the information on this site pertaining to GALACTICON 3!  This is an opportunity of a life time to meet the stars from both the original series and the re-imagined version of Battlestar Galactica.  There is still time to get tickets, room, board, etc.  It is RARE that you will ever get all of these stars meeting in one single location! 


Also, if you are interested in “suiting up” for Galacticon 3, or any other Battlestar Galactica events, I welcome you to click onto my page and look at past links I posted regarding Battlestar Galactica uniforms, ensambles, with props, etc.  You do NOT have to suit-up for Galacticon 3 or any other events, but if you are into that sort of thing it’s lots of fun.


Also, the Battlestar Fan Club is a fun way to meet new people with a common interest and make friends, as well as share your own ideas, links, opinions, etc. regarding all things Battlestar.  Please post all you like on the blog posts, discussion forums, etc.  There are many ways to participate in the Battlestar Fan Club, and it really is more fun if you get actively involved. 


I invite you to join us on the Battlestar Atlantia, or any of the other Battlestars in the club, or if you get together with enough members, start your own Battlestar.  I especially invite you to check out the Engineering section on the Battlestar Atlantia, since I have posted information on most every type of ship, weapon system, you name it, from both versions of Battlestar Galactica.  It’s everything practical and tactical, and great information for those who really like to get into the technical stuff.


Most importantly, enjoy the site, the club, new friends, and all things Battlestar Galactica.  So say we ALL!




John David Feagin

Engineering Dept of the Battlestar Atlantia


Battlestar Atlantia:


Battlestar Atlantia Engineering Dept:


Galacticon 3



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Wow! I see Tim James, Kim Steinmeh, Laura Vincent, and 23 others have joined the Battlestar Fan Club! Welcome to the fleet! So say we ALL!

If any of you would like to become more actively involved (which is more fun, and a great way to meet other people who share a common interest,) please consider visiting the following links:
Visit the Battlestar Atlantia here:
Visit Blue Squadron here:
Visit our Engineering Department and bone up on all things technical and tactical here:
To enlist with the Battlestar Atlantia or any other ships in the fleet, you can go to your home page and update it, and/or post a message for assistance. There are many positions available, depending on your interests.
You can make a real difference in the defense of humanity. The Battlestar Atlantia offers you the opportunity to truly be all that you can be among the few and the proud, the elite defenders of the fleet, the colonies, and the Counsel of 12. You are welcome among the crew of the Battlestar Atlantia.
So say we all!
John David Feagin
Engineering Dept of the Battlestar Atlantia

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Galacticruise: Galacticon II

Fellow Colonials!

We are very happy to announce that the DVD of Galacticruise: Galacticon II is ready for you!

The film documents the experience of the 2008 30th year celebration of Battlestar Galactica...featuring Richard Hatch (Apollo/Tom Zarek, Terry Carter (Col. Tigh), Sarah Rush (Lt. Rigel), Robert Feero (Bora the Borellian), Stu Phillips (Musical Composer Battlestar Galactica), Denny Miller (Ser 5-9 "Gun on Ice Planet Zero"), Terrence McDonnell (original show writer), George Murdock (Dr. Selik) & special guest Austin Stoker (Battle for the Planet of the Apes).

Special Notes for all of you television/movie buffs: Robert Feero appeared in George Lucas' film directing debut THX-1138...while Denny Miller appeared in Wagontrain as a regular, along with guest shots on both Gilligan's Island & The Brady Bunch and a movie appearance with Peter Sellers in "The Party"...and was also the first BLOND Tarzan!

George Murdock appeared in features ranging from The Twilight Zone to a regular guest appearnce on Barney Miller....and he played "God" in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier as well.

Stu Phillips has scored television shows ranging from BJ & The Bear, Buck Rogers, The Donna Reed Show to Battlestar Galactica...and was the producer behind the hit "Blue Moon".

Well, I could go on and on....all of our guest on this historic journey have a great wealth of history in the industry of film & music and I encourage all to look up each & every one of them to explore their varied careers...and we were lucky to have each & everyone of them with us for this special Battlestar Galactica event.

You can purchase your copy here the DVD is Letter boxed & it, get it, watch it & own a piece of Battlestar Galatica History!..

Attached are some clips from the film (these were early clips before sound editing) but give you a taste of the what this is all about....

So Say We All!


Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galatica Fan Club





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Happy Birthday to the Raven Marine NCOIC



I would just like to take my time to wish my very own Marine NCOIC aboard Battlestar Raven here at Battlestar Galactica Fan Club, A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Gunny, sorry, this is the only thing I was able to whip at such a short period of time. A strawberry shortcake LOL... But I promise you that it is good. And to go with it is a bottle of ambrosia for you. Also, if you like something I called "Hooch" which I learned to make during my tenure as Aries Chief Engineering Officer, let me know. It is the best one around. So I have been told :


HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you once again!!!!!!!!!!! And oh I made sure I spelled your name right on the cake courtesy of my significant half laughing at me. Enjoy your day LOL!!!!!!!!!  I am not going to even try singing as my voice sounds horrible right now like a croacking frog.  I have been under the weather so you are just going to have to settle for this LOL... :-)


Raven Actual

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Raven Crew And Friends,


I know I have been very busy with real plus being under the weather with this ever changing and unpredicatable weather.  All thanks to Mother Nature..  So it always gives me joy doing things on the side to relax.  And one of them is my growing passion being creative here at Battlestar Galactica Fan Club.  I love doing things for my crew on the Raven and others, to make things more fun.  So it gives me great pleasure to present this first ever Raven Crew Access ID Card.  There is a hologram of the Raven Ship logo and BFC to add some authentication to it just like any other ID.  So ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)


And more to come soon...  So COME AND JOIN the ever fun loving, funny, but hard core crew of Battlestar Raven.  If interested, please do not hesitate to contact me personally or the Raven Executive Officer Major Al Bartraw. You may also join our group page here on the site located at the following URL:  The Raven also have an official website located at the following address:  Either link will give you an idea of which departments you would like to serve on.  We still have a few available positions on the Raven.  So if you want to be part of an elite group of people helping defend the Colonies, Quorum of 12, then joining the BFC Flagship Raven, is the way to go about it.  Each of the Raven's Department, has the best qualified people to head it. 


Also, I would like to personally officially WELCOME four new members to the Battlestar Raven.  They are:


Troy Copes

Dawn Fromel

Paul Rezac

Tym Pollack


Thank you for joining Battlestar Galactica Fan Club and BFC Flagship Battlestar Raven.  The fun is just beginning.  :-) I have an open door policy so if you ever need anything along the line, please do not hesitate to let me know or my Executive Officer on the Raven, Major Al Bartraw.

SO SAY WE ALL!!!!!!!



Cherry "DragonLady"

Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven


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Welcome to the fleet Troy Copes and Dawn Fromel! So say we ALL!

If you would like to become more actively involved (which is more fun, and a great way to meet other people who share a common interest,) please consider visiting the following links:
Visit the Battlestar Atlantia here:
Visit Blue Squadron here:
Visit our Engineering Department and bone up on all things technical and tactical here:
To enlist with the Battlestar Atlantia or any other ships in the fleet, you can go to your home page and update it, and/or post a message for assistance. There are many positions available, depending on your interests.
You can make a real difference in the defense of humanity. The Battlestar Atlantia offers you the opportunity to truly be all that you can be among the few and the proud, the elite defenders of the fleet, the colonies, and the Counsel of 12. You are welcome among the crew of the Battlestar Atlantia.
So say we all!
John David Feagin
Engineering Dept of the Battlestar Atlantia

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To all Colonials!

Fellow Colonials,

Greetings to all on this fine October day!

First of all I would like to extend a big thank you to both Richard Hatch & Daniel Allan in regards to the Battlestar Galactica Hero award.

That was a nice surprise (and something I would have NEVER done for myself)...I think anyone that knows me is aware that I'm all about praising others before myself.

I do truly appreciate it is a high honor...thank you Richard & thank you Dan!

I also want to bring all of you tech minded individuals so news...the good people behind are currently offereing positions to those skilled in php programming among others, here is the notice below:


Web Company GSP NETWORK looking for PHP programmers for couple hours a week to work on this from home for busy office environment. Start Immediately . Need to know Eccomerce, Server administration, Authorize net gateways and be people friendly to deal with customers. Please send resume and type of work refrences to for interviews.
If you have interest plese respond to the address provided...GSP NETWORK is a trusted friend of the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club.
I also wanted to give props & throw out an invitiation to all to join the group The Pyramid Project on the has always been a pet project that I have been stewing over for quite a while and finally found the right forum for it.
This is, like everything on the site an interactive forum dedicated to the premise of this ties into BSG in a lot of ways and also stands alone in others...I welcome original stories, essays, poems....videos, music et al that has a theme of mythology tied to it.
I think in some way or another with all of BSG being heavily laden WITH mythology that most roads lead back to it anyway.
Again, thank you Richard & Dan...and Cherry Oclima!
Thank you all...
So Say We All!
Shawn O'Donnell
Battlestar Galactica Fan Club
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For any interested in uniforms from the Original or Re-imagined versions, you can get them here:


For the BEST quality uniforms made to original specs, you can contact:  This guy custom makes them, working on no more than three at a time.  He can make uniforms for the Galactica or the Pegasus, or what ever you want.  If you want QUALITY, this is the guy to contact. I'm getting one made.

For less expensive but still great looking uniforms and props from the original series, go here:  I really like my uniform and wish I could wear it daily at work. The material's thinner, so it's better suited for Summer or warmer climates.  Looks great!


For a really good Flight Suit go here: It's a great suit, but really holds in the heat.

For a regular Blue Officer's Uniform go here: (Notice that this is a regular officer's uniform, not the Commanders with the red trim)

For a Commander's Blue Uniform go here: This has the red trim, and I really like mine.  Like my uniform from the original BSG series, I wish I could get away with wearing it every day at work.

For the Number Six Red Dress go here: Ahem...I'm a guy, so I don't have one of these.

For Green BDU's from the re-imagined series you can go here:

They also offer Duty Blues here:

Now, suit up and let's blast some toasters...and every thing else in the frakin' kitchen!  So say we, my self, and I!

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Okay, it's that time of the year again!  Here are some good images of Battlestar Galactica Pumpkin Carvings and Stencils!  There's still plenty of time to do some creative brain it human or cylon...and come up with some cool stuff!  You can also check out some sites that show you how to shade real pictures and make them look great on a pumpkin, watermelon, etc.  PLEASE POST ANY PICS, ESPECIALLY IF YOU MADE THEM!!!! 

Basic Search:

Really Good Pics:

Here is how to carve faces on pumpkins with a decent picture:

(You can also use pictures of battlestars, vipers, raptors, basestars, logos for Battlestar Galactica or the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club, or your own personal Battlestar, logo, insignia,  etc.)

(Mostly you just shave off the light colored stuff so the light will show through)

Good uh...CARVING!  So say we all!

John David Feagin

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We've had a lot of people join the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club since we last posted anything from Chris Morgan & the good people over at Wildlife Media.

By way of explanation about we all found each other...Chris Morgan is a BEAR biologist & he began work on an epic film called 'Beartrek"...understand that Chris is also a big fan of Battlestar Galactica...and as it so happened he & his producer on the film contacted Bear McCreary about lending some music to the effort...which Bear happily did.

Wildlife Media also wanted to reach out to a really good Battlestar Galactica group to talk about this very obvious connection between Battlestar & Bear referred them over to me....and it was a fact that I immediately loved these folks & strongly support their efforts....oh yes, the music is VERY cool of course, but the fact that they do so much to support, nuture & preserve the invaluable wildlife on our planet is the main theme....but of course great music & video sure doesn't hurt at all!

Here is a a message from Chris Morgan:

Siberian Tiger Quest
premieres Wednesday, October 10

Dear Friends,

I hope this finds you well! I think you are going to enjoy this one - our new show from 'PBS Nature' premieres this Wednesday (October 10th, 8pm), called 'Siberian Tiger Quest'. This was an incredible experience for me personally - I've dreamed of searching for tigers in the forests of Russia since I was a kid. We did it in a very special way - for several weeks in March we joined Sooyong Park, a Korean filmmaker who has dedicated so much to finding and filming tigers in the wild - no small feat as you'll see in the film! It was wonderful to work with film producer Mike Birkhead and his team on this show.

There are just 400 Siberian tigers left in the wild - in an area the size of my home state of Washington. They need all the help they can get - PLEASE spread the word about this show as one small step in that direction. I've also pasted a short blurb below from PBS Nature. You can also preview a clip of the show and read more on the PBS website, including behind the scenes photos and stories, and links to tiger conservation efforts: The preview clip can also be found on YouTube here:

I hope you can tune in, and do let us know what you think!

Best wishes,

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I'm sure there were some out there who watched the debate have heard from have heard from will hear from them again...& you will hear from Ryan & Biden...some people vote Republican, some people vote Democrat...but have you looked at voting Battlestar?

Our hats are in the ring!


If elected I pledge to appoint Richard Hatch Secretary of State, Tricia Helfer secretary of Lingerie & I will ask that Mary McDonnell play me in the movie adaptation...hey they did it with Starbuck so why the frak not?


A Viper in every garage, a Daggit in every pot!


A peace conference with the Cylons...yes, I will take the fleet to a place that they choose and make sure I take every ship with me, leaving the Colonies defenseless AND power down all their defense systems to appear non-threatening to our Cylon friends!....ok, scratch all that....


I will add Edward James Olmos to Mt. Rushmore!


Ambrosia will become the national drink!


Stu Phillips & Bear McCreary will be commissioned to write a new national anthem based on the Nightrider theme!


I will let James Callis walk around the Pentagon and take as many pictures as he wants of super secret stuff and give all the security codes to Tricia Helfer (it's ok, she'll be Secretary of Lingerie anyway, so she'll give them back!)...


I will enforce a no-mushie ban in public eateries!


Last but not least, I will allow Noah Hathaway to confiscate all existing copies of Neverending Story & re-sell them at $50 a pop!


Vote Battlestar Galactica!


So Say We All!

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Join The Raven Colonial Marines





Here is what Captain Enforcer ( Raven Colonial Marine OIC) have to say about what it means being a Raven Colonial Marine:



What is it like to be a Marine aboard the Raven you ask? I believe the General Orders that all new Marine Recruits have to know and memorize will tell it all.

-To take charge of this post and all BFC property in view

-To walk my post in a military manner, keeping always on the alert and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing.

-To report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce.

-To repeat all calls from posts more distant from the guardhouse than my own. IE: in the event of a COMM breakdown, all orders must be yelled or verbally given to the next sentry no matter the distance from the next post and so on...until the entire unit knows the same order issued.

-To quit my post only when properly relieved.

-To receive, obey and pass on to the sentry who relieves me all orders from the Executive Officer, Detachment commander, and officers, both commissioned and non-commissioned, of the guard only.

-To talk to no one except in the line of duty.

-To give the alarm in case of fire or disorder.

-To call the MarDet Commander or the XO in any case not covered by instructions.

-To salute all officers and all colors and standards not cased.

-To be especially watchful at all times, especially wartime, and to challenge all persons on or near my post and to allow no one to pass without proper authority.

If you have what it takes to be the elite of the elites, then there is only one place to join. JOIN THE RAVEN COLONIAL MARINES here at Battlestar Galactica Fan Club !!! Check us out on the Raven website:


Raven Marine OIC

Captain "Marine Enforcer"

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Special Message

Fellow Colonials!

I am delivering a special message to you tonight about two very important causes.

As you all know (or might not know) I travel to a lot of conventions promoting not only the club but also Galacticon 3...which gives me the chance to meet a lot of people...some famous...some not...but all great.

I recently met a person (in this case of the famous variety) who is inspired by some very good causes...who has a zeal for them that I much admire....and she is a extremely nice person on top of that.

The person?

Linda Blair...and yes that would be the same Linda Blair who appeared in probably the most frightening film ever made...The Exorcist.

In real life she is light years away from that character...and very firmly committed to some wonderful projects that we here at the Fan Club are happy to support, first of all the Linda Blair WorldHeart Foundation which is designed to help abandoned animals find a new home..please take a look at the site & the video here:

Her other project is Haunts For Hunger which is designed to raise awareness & food for the hungry among us, please take a look at what Linda has to say:

Speaking to Linda on the phone today, she said how happy she was that we could get the word out to you tonight & that she wanted me to give you all a big Hello & Thanks!

If you would like to help contribute to either cause feel free to use the contacts on either page...they can always use the help.

So Say We All!


Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club

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Flag of the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club

Over the course of our history the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club has used a variety of symbols...I would imagine that a lot of you have seen them.

We did adopt a flag several years ago that was the official banner but I have decided to retire that in favor of a new banner, which will also seem a bit familiar.

Let it be known that as of this date 9/23/12 by Presidential proclamation..(proclamation's are one of the perks of the job!)....that the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club has adopted a new flag and standard.

So Say We All!


Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club



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