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The Flying Tiger's Squadron would just like to wish Raven Actual Cherry "Dragon Lady," A VERY BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


After you have finished your cake and ice cream, please join us in the ships lounge for a bottle of the finest Ambrosia in the whole fleet! ! ! ! ! !


SO SAY WE ALL! ! ! ! ! ! !


Lt Reamer

Flying Tiger's Squadron Leader

Battlestar Raven BFC-002

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New Raven Security Logo


Colonials and Ravens,

I have been meaning to present this new Raven Security Logo to my Tactical/Security Officer, Lt. Juan "Blindsword" Lopez.  But real life events had prevented me from doing so.  This logo is based on his specifications and description.

Logo Description:  Dark blue field with gold cross pistols under a Raven in flight and a banner that reads in Latin:  "Protect the Best"  I tried to put everything to life based on this.  So, without further ado, may I present the Raven Security Logo.  I kept the logo simple but yet gets the meaning across.  I hope you like it and if needs changing around, kindly let me know.


Raven Actual

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12578036087?profile=originalFellow Colonials from all around the world!  It is my privilege to announce, after the great event that have been Galacticon 3, that the Canadian fandom of BSG will have an opportunity to celebrate the 10Th anniversary of Reimagined BSG, as Montreal Comiccon already announced as guests 5 main actors of BSG.  Just have a look on the pics above, that is indeed amazing!

Then, I send you a warm invitation to come to Montreal and attend our nice Comiccon, where English and French Canadian cultures celebrate together  their TV shows and Comics fandom :  September, 13-15, 2013.

So say we all!

Col.  Fred Landry, Commanding Officer of the CDF BSR-05 Excalibur


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I just wanted to quickly wish all the Dads out there, a VERY HAPPY FATHERS DAY, especially to all the Dads aboard Battlestar Raven.  Although I do not have a father to wish on this special day for my own father passed away in 1992, I always try to keep him close to my heart on this day.  May all of you Dads out there enjoy this moment with your children because they do grow up very quick.  You do not want to miss moments like this with them for those are precious times.

Take care and enjoy your weekend!


Cherry "DragonLady"

Battlestar Galactica Fan Club Vice President

Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven-BFC 002

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Battlestar Raven would just like to wish Raven Member:  Amanda Marron , A VERY BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  From all of your fellow crewmates here on Battlestar Raven.  Also, a BIG CONGRATULATIONS on passing your Viper Qualifications Test.  OUTSTANDING JOB Ensign Marron.  


Cherry "DragonLady"

Battlestar Galactica Fan Club Vice President

Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven-BFC 002

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All good things...

....never end! They just keep getting better!

Good evening, Colonials!

Welcome to our new always another group from all over the planet have landed on our again welcome.

First of all with this...personally speaking I'm so honored that you are all a part of our family & I'm also very thrilled and pleased with our management team & associates.

Since the BFC was founded in 2000 a lot has gone on and we have a unique history...up until the time of the emergence of the re-imagined series there was pretty much ZERO support from the studios for the property...the fans kept the fires lit along with Richard Hatch and other alumni from the original show.

This IS where the Fan Club has & had it's roots...when I first encountered Richard the question of a viable Fan Club came up & with his inspiration and the combined efforts of Chris Feehan & myself...the BFC was born.

So literally this was a project put forward by fans of the show plus alumni of the show...and that has been how it's been...Richard has always been an innovator in that respect...his Second Coming project was based on the same principal & other people with passion for the product have found that the fan/actor alliance is the champ (because they ARE all fans btw) Walter Koenig, George Takei,Tim Russ & Garret Wang from Star Trek...all good examples.

They get it!

To be sure being a fan of something does not mean you need to form a Fan Club...I'm a fan of fried chicken, but I would never make a Fan Club to admire it...!

However this is a totally different is neither a studio creature telling fans what to like nor is it a bunch of folks with absolutely no connection to what is going on either...we are an interactive group that combines fans of Battlestar Galactica with the actors, writers, musicians, directors & producers of BSG & other productions to create a truly complete whole.

Before I forget to mention...I want to send a BIG thank you out to Bear McCreary for calling and broadcasting Stu Phillips to the fans gathered at our Galacticon 3 opening ceremony & though he wasn't there with us, for making him a part of the celebration.

Stu Phillips, I know you are reading this...we all love you & thank you for bringing light and magic into our universe!

In that continuing frame of you know...have a weekly Hero of Battlestar Galactica announcement...and this goes out to an individual who has enhanced, moved forward and expanded the animal we call Battlestar Galactica in some way shape or form.

This could be an actor, a writer, a director or a fan...anybody who has made a positive contribution...this week it falls to someone who was instrumental in making Galacticon 3 move forward and kept peace and order in the house and who continues to bring that to the Fan Club as well...not only is he a great and hard working fan of BFC (and has been honored by Katee Sackhoff & Tricia Helfer in their road trip adventures) he is an equally hard working member of the police force in Texas....and an example of a cop everyone should have in their town!...I do not honor him because he is a friend of mine, i honor him because he is a good man and a shining example of what a hero is...Colonials, our Hero of Battlestar Galactica....head of security at G3 & I want his butt back for G4...heading our security on the BFC and looking out in the same capacity on Chief of Staff here as well...Ladies & Gentleman...Paul Nix!

So Say We All!

Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club



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Attention to orders, we set Condition 1 to engage in this fight.  There is a facebook combat, BSG Reimagined   vs Star Trek TNG, organized by Montreal Comiccon.  We must win this combat. Those treekies are just frakkin skinjobs, so It's time to kick their butt. Launch all vipers Ens. Sloan. Start marines deployement as planned LT Ferland.

We need your vote!!!

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Good morning, Colonials!

I want to thank you all again for welcoming me and giving me the chance to be your Deputy VP. I'm looking forward to the opportunities this role will bring to me and what I can bring to all of you.

A little about myself...

BSG didn't enter my life when I was a kid. Sci-fi was not introduced to me until I was about 8 years old when my uncle showed me Terminator II. I was all about it. Post apocalyptic plots, robots, big machine guns, motorcycles (vipers :-p), etc. How could a little kid NOT like those things, right?

From there my interest in sci-fi grew into what it is today - a passion. Strangely enough, I didn't watch BSG (reimagined) when it was airing in 2004. I had just graduated high school in 2003 and was off to college 3 months after. So when BSG aired, I was in college with no TV and a terrible Internet connection. I moved back home in 2005 to pursue a different degree. While working at Sam's club to make some money, I'd come home to see my parents watching Star Trek on a regular basis. Voyager, DS9, Enterprise, Next Generation. They would watch them over and over. They'd wait for me every night to start the episode after I got back from work. That's when it started to click for me. But still, no BSG yet. 

I moved to Austin in 2007 for a new job and to be closer to my sister. At this new job, my coworker and I began connecting through things like movies and TV. At that time my impression of BSG was the 1978 version. I wasn't interested at all. 

One day he came into the office and asked me if I had seen Battlestar Galactica. I said, "No, isn't that show like really outdated?" And he responded, "No no, the new version." I replied, "What? There is a new version?" He said, "Yes dude. And you need to watch it." I replied, "Nah, I can't see myself enjoying that." He replied, "Do you like Star Trek and Star Wars?" I said, "Of course." He replied, "Then you need to jump on this." 

At the time, I didn't have Netflix or Hulu or any streaming device to make it easy to watch the show. So that night I went to Blockbusters and found Season 1 available for rental. I went home and turned it on. For a few minutes I kept thinking, "Psh, this can't be THAT good. I don't see any major action or space opera." But boy was I wrong. Once Caprica Six revealed that she was a Cylon, I was really intrigued. Then Baltar's panic set in. After that I was glued to the TV. I watched the entire series in just 3 weeks. I beat my coworker to the finale. 

I became obsessed. I think I've watched the series all the way through at least 10 times (Now on Netflix). I'd have it on in the background while cleaning or cooking.

BSG plunged me into a new love for sci-fi. Even out of the sci-fi genre. It was more like it made me realize what it means to have a passion for a franchise.

I'm so glad to have seen the light and to have given the show a chance. It led me to G3; it led me to new friends and now it has led me to all of you.

It's my pleasure to be a part of this great team and I look forward to what's in store for the future.

So say we all!

Deputy VP

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BATTLESTAR GALACTICA | American Cinematheque


Just a little info we just want to pass along that we just got to each and everyone of you.

The American Cinematheque will be showing BATTLESTAR GALACTICA: THE MOVIE on the big screen in Sensurround (as it was originally shown theatrically) at the historic Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood this Friday night, preceded by a discussion with original series creator Glen A. Larson, plus writer Terry McDonnell and visual effects artist Pat McClung. 

You can find more info about it on their  website here:

They also have a Facebook event you can share on your social media:

Tickets are still available at $11 General Admission.


So we encourage all of you especially those that lives locally to come and check this out.  And please, spread the word.  

Keeping the faith!  So Say We All!

In Service,

Cherry "DragonLady"

Battlestar Galactica Fan Club Vice President

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Crew of the Excalibur and Colonial patriots! An intelligency report has come to our attention. On June 15Th, the Montreal Comiccon team is organizing within a big Genre TV Tournament a battle between BSG Reimagined and Star Trek TNG. We need your vote

to allow BSG  to win.

Colonel Fred "Harfang" Landry
BSR-05 Excalibur Commanding Officer
11Th Fleet
Viper and Raptor pilot 11041QC
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Well I have looked around at a few places online for the flight suits and dress blues.  I "like" the stuff at Anovos, but I don't know what they are smoking to think I am paying $1250.00 for an officers uniform dress blues.  Guess I will have to try one of the other suggested links.  I really want the flight suit though.  Tahmoh and Leah were telling me at the Con about the terrific weight loss program you get with the ownership of one of those flight suits.

I used to make full suits of leather armor for folks at the Renaissance Faire in Texas, and for $1250, you got one hell of a suit of armor for that price.  A blue chefs coat and some trousers with a couple patches doesn't come close in my book to "getting my money's worth".

So the search continues...

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Hey all FNG here!!

Hey all, new member here, longtime BSG fan, since the initial showing of the original series. I've since become a passionate fan of the new series, due to the fact the final episode really falls along into my personal beliefs.
Anyhow, I live in North Carolina, hope some other members live here

So Say We All!!!

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Back in the Universe

Fellow Colonials,

Greetings on this day of June 8th...I hope all is well with everyone & that most have sufficiently recovered from Galacticon 3...lot of fun, but I suppose most would be hard pressed to keep up that pace EVERY weekend...or would they?

I do know that the Battlestar Galactica family...and the weekend of the Con proved it once a thriving vital tribe.

Again, once again, the diversity of the fans that love BSG have no bounds...younger fans, older fans, black, white, latino & and and straight...different religon's, different nationalities, from nations scattered around the globe, physically came together in that one spot in Houston to celebrate...and here we are, right here and now, together.

You could say that we reflect the BSG universe, but the actual truth is that it reflects all of US, which provides its ultimate humanity.

How could anyone not like that?

Of is Hero time...Hero of Battlestar Galactica that is...and I think I have said before that this is meant to honor either an actor, a writer, a producer, or a fan of the show...actually any capacity that is connected with it and where that person added a contribution to the multi-verse that is BSG.

Well, I can think of no better person to honor tonight than a lady who worked TIRELESSLY to make things work, who kept things moving along (despite frequent schedule changes imposed upon her)...she was there all the way & then some.

This person has been working in show business for many years...notably with well known Producer Norman Lear...and she came to work with us too.

Tonight, the Hero of Battlestar Galactica certificate goes to none other than our own Cheryl Dubuque!

So Say We All!

Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club


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What is it like to be a Marine aboard the Raven you ask? I believe the General Orders that all new Marine Recruits have to know and memorize will tell it all.

-To take charge of this post and all BFC property in view

-To walk my post in a military manner, keeping always on the alert and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing.

-To report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce.

-To repeat all calls from posts more distant from the guardhouse than my own. IE: in the event of a COMM breakdown, all orders must be yelled or verbally given to the next sentry no matter the distance from the next post and so on...until the entire unit knows the same order issued.

-To quit my post only when properly relieved.

-To receive, obey and pass on to the sentry who relieves me all orders from the Executive Officer, Detachment commander, and officers, both commissioned and non-commissioned, of the guard only.

-To talk to no one except in the line of duty.

-To give the alarm in case of fire or disorder.

-To call the MarDet Commander or the XO in any case not covered by instructions.

-To salute all officers and all colors and standards not cased.

-To be especially watchful at all times, especially wartime, and to challenge all persons on or near my post and to allow no one to pass without proper authority.

If you have what it takes to be the elite of the elites, then there is only one place to join. JOIN THE RAVEN COLONIAL MARINES here at Battlestar Galactica Fan Club !!! Check us out on the Raven website:


-Major Eduardo "Enforcer"

Raven Marine OIC

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Since I joined up with this wonderful organization, I have had some thoughts and ideas that needed to be fleshed out. In the recent years including this one, I have had several friends or family members finish college degrees and some with advanced degrees. For the longest time I felt uncomfortable around these people for the fact that I spent time in the Military, and after I got out tried to go to school full time, but when working full time at the same time made trying to accomplish this goal almost impossible.

I dropped out of college back in 1999 and now 14 years later, there had been some things that have affected my life. I am not ashamed to say that for the past 2 years I could not find a job, and yes there were times that I did not even look. However with my roommate (Ens. Chronstier) graduating from Law School in 2011 everyone in my household had at the very least a bachelor's degree. Again that feeling uncomfortable started up again. It caused some strife in my house and I was feeling very ashamed and embarrassed about not getting an education. So one night after an argument I sat down and started to look at stuff online.

Because of the people I hang around with and the interests I have being political in a sense, I started to look at becoming a paralegal due to the fact that I feel there is job opportunities once I got the training. So I found a school that is not traditional in the sense that I have to take multiple classes at the same time. I only take one class a month 3 days a week. To me this allows me to concentrate on that one subject and get it out of the way. I like this kind of deal when Composition I and Composition II come rolling around. But I was still sketchy on trying to attend school, I have pretty much lost a lot of my personal things. Being out of work I could not afford Insurance and keeping up with the Tag on my car. My apartment complex towed my car away due to the fact of that tag. Well that made things extremely hard. Since I could not afford the normal stuff so I could not getting my car out of impound so I cut my losses on that and considered it lost to the ravages of being unemployed. 

Talking with my roommates and then started to talk with the Admissions Recruiter, we saw the fact that we can work things around to allow me to go to school. We looked to Financial Aid, and sure I was in need of student loans. But we saw that it was not a whole lot for student loans and it covered my tuition for the classes. Again feeling sketchy about getting into debt since I could not pay for anything else. I was assured that things will be alright. So I decided to take the plunge and enrolled in school. 

School started this past week and I am enjoying the class so far. Again I am just taking one course at a time. So I am still excited about the whole process. 

In character you will see Gambit sitting in his quarters or in the rec room pouring over the correspondences courses from the JAG corps. He is not going to ignore his duties but his off hours are now nose deep in books and pages of notes strewn across the table.

Thank you for reading and Thank you for all being of awesome.

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