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Okay, much like all of the wonderful people that put on the supershow Galacticon 3. I help in large part for a convention here in Tulsa called. Tokyo in Tulsa. ( So with the show in oh good lords of Kobal, 3 week time. I am going to be super busy. On top of this I am doing my college courses at the same time so a lot of my time and energy is going to be taken up. 

I still check on the messages on here and actually have some snippets of writing that I am contemplating putting into a Battlestar Raven book. 

Thank you for listening and supporting me in my endeavors.

And on the goofy side of things, working on my third play thru of Xcom Enemy Unknown I am going to be using Characters from this board as part of the teams and Once I am done I will post results of that run thru. Just imagine the aliens in the game being toasters and it works..

Wish I had the PC version and some people who were good a Mods. That just became a great idea for a computer mod game..

Sorry for the squirrel moments


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Galactica News!

Hello Colonials!

Another weekend & another Hero award to pass along...but first of all news from the BIG FISH of Conventions...of course that being the San Diego ComicCon beginning this coming week.

You may have seen Richard Hatch's schedule that I posted to all of you these past weeks, but as a reminder I'm posting a message directly from his fanpage on facebook as a reinforcer!

Hey Richard fans, if you're attending San Diego Comic-Con International next week, here are the details for his panel, workshop and autograph signings:
BSG 35th Anniversary Panel - Thursday, July 18 from 10:30-11:30am, Room 6BCF
**Viewing of trailer for Cowboys & Engines pilot during panel.

Acting/role playing workshop - Friday, July 19 from 7-8pm, Room 30CDE

Thursday, 7/18: AA20 12pm-4pm
Friday, 7/19: AA10 10am-2:30pm
Saturday, 7/20: AA10 10am-2:30pm
Sunday, 7/21: AA10 10am-1:30pm
**Autograph Area is located in the Sails Pavilion on the top floor of the San Diego Convention Center

More info. at

‪#‎richardhatch‬ ‪#‎sdcc‬ ‪#‎battlestargalactica‬ ‪#‎cowboysandengines‬ ‪#‎scifi‬


Unfortuantely, I'm not making it down to the Con this year, but last year I sat in with Richard for the duration and we had a blast with the fans.

So be sure to go see him and have a chat & be sure to NOT miss those panels...some very special guests will be joining him for his 35th anniversary panel.


Of course, this message would not be complete without our Hero award....and this one goes out to a very pivotal character in the reimagined series....and as often as not, this character was full of surprises and one who stirred as much controversy as Richard's character...Tom Zarek...did on the show.

Hero of Villian?

It depended upon your point of much as real world politics is concerned & I will borrow the phrase "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" that particular description is aptly applied here.

As much as his character fostered political commentary and discussion....the actor himself contributed mightily to the BSG universerse and we honor him today.


Alessandro Juliani everyone!

So Say We All!


Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club



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Battlestar Raven would just like to wish the following three Raven Members:  Benjamin B., Raven's very own Asst. Chief Engineer and Diego Gustavo Rafti.  May the three of you have a great one.  From all of your fellow crewmates here on Battlestar Raven.

On a side note, I just wanted to personally wish my Asst. Chief Engineer, a very HAPPY Birthday.  Chief Beaton, I hope you have a great one.  I owe you a drink when I get back at the ship lounge.  Until then, keep our birds up and running at 1100% percent capacity at all times especially the Raven's FTL's.  And if anyone of our viper pilots harm your babies down in Engineering, well, you know what to do to the offenders and may the Lords of Kobol help them LOL. ;-)


Raven Actual

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Set Condition "One" through out the ship, fire in starboard hanger bay, request Emergency Fire crew and Damage Control party ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Happy Birthday Chief Beaton!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK Chief, you can put out the fire now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your the best Chief any Battlestar could ever hope to have. Keep em Flying Chief!!!!!!!!!!!!

After you finish with your cake, the Flying Tiger's have provided live entertainment for your viewing pleasure in the ships lounge.

12578042481?profile=originalSO SAY WE ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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This Week

Hello Colonials!

Hopefully everyone ine the United States has fully recovered from the July 4th Holiday (and in some cases long weekend)...anyway, I hope all had a good Holiday with family & friends.

First off I need to post (in addition to last week's autograph schedule) Richard Hatch's panels for the San Diego that they have been officially published!


35th Battlestar Galactica Celebration
Host Richard Hatch (Capt. Apollo, Tom Zarek), director Michael Nankin (BG, Defiance, Blood and Chrome), Dr. Kevin Grazier (consultant, Defiance, BG, Falling Skies, Caprica), producer/writer Michael Angeli (Battlestar Galactica), write/producer Kevin Murphy (Defiance, Battlestar), Michael Taylor (Battlestar, Caprica, Defiance), producer Paul Leonard (Battlestar, Caprica, Defiance), and surprise BG guests discuss and celebrate the 35-year history and future of the three Battlestar Glactica series and franchise. Includes Q&A, theatrical trailers and discussion.
Thursday July 18, 2013 10:30am - 11:30am
Room 6BCF


Acting and Role Playing
With host and Golden Globe nominated actor/director/teacher Richard Hatch (Battlestar Galactica Capt. Apollo, Tom Zarek, Phil Brent, All My Children). Richard will share his career story and the art, craft, and business of becoming a highly skilled, successful actor in today's world. Master fear and create a positive mindset for success.
Friday July 19, 2013 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Room 30CDE

So if you are in attendance this coming weekend, please stop in to Richard's panels...and if you got last weeks email (which I'm sure you all did) you'll know exactly where to find him in autograph alley for the full convention run!

Of course, the week would NOT be complete without our Hero of Battlestar Galacica without further was an honor to meet him at the 2003 Galacticon event in Los Angeles...a British actor who put himself in American homes before Battlestar Galactica with his performance on the "The Avengers" (no, not the Iron Man Avengers!).

He was the voice of the Imperious Leader...and he was the evil Count Iblis...both in the original series...and two points of interest on that one...firstly there WAS a connection between Iblis and the Cylons (whole other storyline on that one!) AND of course his very name is a hint about how bad he is...Iblis is an Arabic name & you will find that he plays the role of the bad guy in Islam...well, google it and it should become apparant.

Let's just say you'll "recognize" him...

HOWEVER the man is a absolutely charming and really a nice guy & great talent.


The Hero of Battlestar Galactica this week: Patrick Macnee!

So Say We All!


Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club

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Happy Independence Day (4th o July)



I just wanted to quickly wish each and every of you out there especially our men and women in uniforms, past or present, along with my all my members on the Raven and their wonderful families, HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY (4TH OF JULY).    I just want to thank my fellow brothers and sisters at-arms(regardless of branch of service), for all you do, stateside or abroard.  Be safe out there and come back home safely to your love ones.  Being away from love ones is the hardest thing of all when performing ones duty in service to this great country of ours. Many holidays, many birthdays, one child's birth, children's school acitivities are miss.  So to our love ones, thank you for all your support.


Cherry "DragonLady"

BFC Vice President

Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven-BFC 002

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 I’ve been thinking about adopting this song with a few changes for Raven airwing for a while now. After Ensign Hitman’s request today for Buzzsaw to come up with a new song, I decided to stop thinking about it and make it happen.

The original song was written by Robert Crawford a long time ago before the birth of the USAF. Many of us know it, but I’m sure that many have never heard the song before. For those of you that either never heard the song before, or you just need to hear it to refresh your memory so you can hum the tune to the new Raven airwing version, go to this link and listen:

This version is only audio but gives you an idea of the tune:

Note: This version sung by Bing Crosby is incomplete:

Finally, this is what I was looking for and it’s beautifully illustrated as well:

Launch All Viper's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






SO SAY WE ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lt Reamer




Raven Airwing Anthem based on the Original Army Air Corps Anthem

by Robert Crawford edited by Lt Reamer of the Flying Tiger's Squadron


Off we go into the vacuum of space,
Climbing high into the nebula;
Riader’s jump into meet our thunder,
At 'em boys, Give 'er the gun!  
Down we dive, spouting missiles from under,
Off with one helluva roar!
We live in fame or go down in flame. Hey!
Nothing'll stop the Raven Air Wing!

2nd Verse:

Minds of men fashioned a crate of thunder,
Sent it out into space;
Hands of men blasted the stars asunder;
How they lived Gods only knew!
Souls of men dreaming of worlds to conquer,

Gave us wings, ever to soar!
With Raptors before And Vipers galore. Hey!
Nothing'll stop the Raven Air Wing!

 Bridge: "A Toast to the Host"

Here's a toast to the host
Of those who love the vastness of space,
To a friend we send a message of his brother men who fly.
We drink to those who gave their all for us,
Then down we roar to score the rainbow's pot of gold.
A toast to the host of men we boast, the mighty Raven Air Wing!


Off we go into uncharted space yonder;
Keep the wings level and true;
If you'd live to be a grey-haired wonder
Keep the nose out of the darkness beyond!
Flying men, guarding the Colonies of Kobol,
We'll be there, followed by more!
In echelon we carry on. Hey!
Nothing'll stop the Raven Air Wing!




The Air Force Song - Full Lyrics by Robert Crawford

Courtesy USAF Heritage of America Band

Off we go into the wild blue yonder,
Climbing high into the sun;
Here they come zooming to meet our thunder,
At 'em boys, Give 'er the gun! (Give 'er the gun now!)
Down we dive, spouting our flame from under,
Off with one helluva roar!
We live in fame or go down in flame. Hey!
Nothing'll stop the U.S. Air Force!

Additional verses:

Minds of men fashioned a crate of thunder,
Sent it high into the blue;
Hands of men blasted the world asunder;
How they lived God only knew! (God only knew then!)
Souls of men dreaming of skies to conquer

Gave us wings, ever to soar!
With scouts before And bombers galore. Hey!
Nothing'll stop the U.S. Air Force!

 Bridge: "A Toast to the Host"

Here's a toast to the host
Of those who love the vastness of the sky,
To a friend we send a message of his brother men who fly.
We drink to those who gave their all of old,
Then down we roar to score the rainbow's pot of gold.
A toast to the host of men we boast, the U.S. Air Force!


Off we go into the wild sky yonder,
Keep the wings level and true;
If you'd live to be a grey-haired wonder
Keep the nose out of the blue! (Out of the blue, boy!)
Flying men, guarding the nation's border,
We'll be there, followed by more!
In echelon we carry on. Hey!
Nothing'll stop the U.S. Air Force!


Notes: Crawford didn't write "Hey!"; he actually wrote "SHOUT!" without specifying the word to be shouted. Wherever they appear, the words "U.S. Air Force" have been changed from the original "Army Air Corps." Words in parentheses are spoken, not sung.



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Hi! I wanted to let the Battlestar Fans know that I have started a fitness blog: ME TARZAN! I post the blog every Friday. I hope you will take the time to check it out. I welcome your comments, questions and feedback. If I hadn't stayed fit throughout my 50+ year career, I would never have had the acting opportunities and incredible experiences I have enjoyed! I hope I can encourage people/fans to get off the couch and start moving - toward a better, healthier lifestyle! As a Physical Educator, I wrote my new book "ME TARZAN...YOU TRAIN...WITHOUT PAIN!" and this blog to encourage people to do painless exercises daily and reap the physical and mental benefits! For more information check out my website:




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Hello everyone,

Again the week rolls around and I would have sent this message out a few days earlier, except that I was waiting to confirm some information about a few things.

Thanks to all of you on behalf of Sophie LaPorte, again she appreciates the support...I am sure that a lot of you might be  interested in her jewelry design (she had sent me the link just prior to her recent issues last week) & I wanted to share that with all of can find the link to Nuku Hiva Designs here.

Some other news for those attending San Diego ComicCon...if you are looking for Richard Hatch, I certainly want to make sure you find him, his signing location/schedule is as follows:

Thursday: AA20 12PM-400PM

Friday:     AA10 10AM-230 PM

Saturday: AA10 10AM-230 PM

Sunday:   AA10 10AM-130 PM

Richard will also be conducting his 35th Anniversay panel on on Thursday & his actiing panel on Friday...when we have a firm confirmation of locations/times we will pass that on to everyone.

Now of course, it IS our weekly ritual...the Battlestar Galactica Hero of the week....always something of interest and anticipated I think.

This week out, the honor goes to a man who has a long history in television & film...he began his film career in 1945 actually.


As a matter of fact, here is his image from a 1950 film called "Stars In My Crown"...look familiar?

Here is another hint...he played Al Calavicci on Quantum Leap...another hint?

OK...How about John Cavil on Battlestar Galactica?

The Hero of Battlestar Galactica this week goes to Dean Stockwell!

So Say We All!

Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club


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I just wanted to quickly let everyone know, as the eve of the Raven's first site launching approaches, the Raven is on its way migrating to her new and permanent home.  The current site she is on right now, was just her temporary home that I launch so I can give her an identity after I took Command of her August 1, 2012, in order to get her squared away.  Now that she is well on her way and proudly leading the way, I decided to give her a home much more fitting for her stature now in the Sci-fi Community.  A home deserving of her current designation as the Flagship Chapter of Battlestar Galactica Fan Club.  This site has been in the works on the side but due to my real life responsibilities, progress has been delayed.  But now, it is well on her way of being finished.  She has a large file and  I can only work on it at night or on my spare time. I try not to do anything relating to science fiction on the weekends because that is dedicated to me spending some quality time with my family.   I am hoping I can launch her new home before the current one expires. So stay tune for that everyone.  

Raven Engineering Department, you will have your hands full when her new home launches.  You are the department that will keep her FTLs running at 110% capacity at all times.  You are the Raven's Guardian.

Keeping the fate!!!!!!  So Say We All!


Raven Actual

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My character sheet from another RolePlay site.

Biographical Record of Rear Admiral Yogi "From another roleplaying site"
CURRENT ASSIGNMENT: Battlestar Atlantia BSG-53
LAST POSITION: Commanding Officer
POSITION: Rear Admiral
SERIAL NUMBER: RA 213-75-7793

NAME: Yogi Tenor Devya
SPECIES: Human with Cybernetic Hand
Spouse: Rebecca Murphy (AKA) Breena
Daughters: Brilyna, Love-Deceased
Son: Dolton


EYES: Greenish/Amber
HAIR: Dark Brown
Date of Birth: 7/1/7324
Age: 30
Colony of Birth: Carpathia, Virgon


Accepted into flight school, I was proven a gifted and natural pilot, hampered only by my tendency to over-intellectualize things - a result of my upbringing with my mother, who encouraged me to read widely, and think freely (encouragement that led myself to read banned texts by the renegade Tom Zarek while at college. Despite my father's estrangement from the family, I nevertheless inherited my passion for flying—a passion that enrolled me in the Colonial military reserves after graduating from college. Following my basic training, I graduated from the military academy third in my class and immediately applied for flight school.

While I was successful in this - gaining promotion to Captain through my own abilities, the decision nevertheless placed a heavy strain on friends with my application for marine duty aboard Galactica. A year in my Marine Commander went a-wall so I stepped up and took on this role. Discovered I was a Cylon sleeper blew up the ship and nearly killed the Commander. Reborn among the Cylons where I work my way up to chain. Many yahrens later I reach my goal in becoming the new Cylon Imperial. I soon reconnected with my old life before it went array, through my Cylon connects who turned sides. I fled to Colonial's joined as a Marine Commander of the Cerberus. A yahren later Cerberus was Destroyed in a great battle and I was on a Secret mission, I lost my right hand on help those against my kind, I ran across a little girl who I took in. Love was he name and she loved tech that she built me a hand, I then left her with a Conley. During that time I met my goal and become reborn as human. Few years ago I choose to start a new life and I was too work back up from to bottom. I then set off to find my fleet they gave me a prototype Nanite suit. I was lost and low on air but my suit kept me alive until the Retribution found me, I had reunited with my Friend’s Kona and Christopher Whaley and a bunch others. The Fleet had found a new home and new ship's

(Need filled in)

Took over Commanding Officer of the Atlantia after Commander Playtime Fell Ill.


Fight School
Bomb Defusal
Bomb Disposal
Hand to Hand Combat
Ground Force Tactics and Strategies
Space combat tactics and strategies


Unpredictable, Unstable been known to be crazy

Medals and Commendations

Fleet Service Ribbon
Marine Service Ribbon
Officer Development Ribbon
Green Poster Level Ribbon w/4 diamonds
Red Poster Level Ribbon w/1 diamonds
Army branch ribbon to honer the army.
Colonial Command Ribbon


Perfect Health
Broken ankle
Stomach wound
head wound
back wound
broken hand
Split lip
knife wound to the right cheek
Died 25 times


Military Intelligence Branch
Junior Pilot Qualification Wings 
Seiner Pilot Qualification Wings
Imperial leader Pilot Qualification Wings
Commander Pilot Qualification Wings
Cylon Intelligence Branch
Graduated Basic Training - 7342
Graduated Military Academy 2th in class - 7343
Graduated Flight School 1th in class - 7344
Qualified in a Viper - 7344
Given rank of Private - 7345
Promoted to Private First Class - 7345
Promoted to Lance Corporal - 7346
Qualified in a Raptor - 7346
Promoted to Corporal - 7346
Promoted to Sergeant - 7347
Assigned to the Battlestar Birmingham - 7347
Decommission of the Birmingham - 7348
Promoted to Lieutenant - 7348
Transferred to the Battlestar Galactica Marine CO - 7349
Defected from the Colonial Fleet - 7349
Assigned to the Scorpion - 7350
Promoted to Sub Commander - 7350
Defected from the Cylon Legion to join the Fleet - 7352
Promoted to Captain - 7352
Transferred to the Battlestar Cerberus Marine CO - 7353
Promoted to Major - 7353
Destruction of the Cerberus - 7354 
Secret Mission and Lost in space - 7354
Promoted to Colonel - 7354
Assigned to Battlestar Retribution as Marine XO – 7354
Promoted to Battlestar Retribution Executive Officer - 7354
Assigned to Cargo Ship Nebula as Commander - 7355
Reassigned to Battlestar Atlantia Executive Officer - 7355
Promoted to Battlestar Atlantia Commanding Officer - 7360
Sworn in as Secretary of Defense - 7364
Decommission of the Secretary of Defense - 7366
Sworn in as Rear Admiral - 7367

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Hi Everyone,

I think many of you may have purchased Moebius pre-finished model kits at G3. I have no idea what the cost was, but Hobby Linc, an online hobby shop I have dealt with in the past has them at their everyday price of 29% off manufacturer’s list price.

Hobby Linc's shipping prices are very reasonable. They offer many types of shipping, the choice is yours depending on how fast you receive your items.

I know what you're thinking and no I don't work at Hobby linc or have any stock in their company. I'm just like most people these days trying to find the most bang for my buck and I like to let friends and family know when I have found a great deal. Since we're all family at the BFC why not let all of you in on this. Before I bought my Pegasus and Galactica, I searched online and the lowest price at the time was Hobby Linc. Enough talk you search and be the judge!!!!!!!

Here are the pre-finished kits they have in stock as of today:

Galactica- $56.49 (List $79.98)

Viper Mk-II and Mk-VII- $38.89 (List $54.99)

Cylon Raider- $31.79 (List $44.99)

If you like to build your own models like I do, the prices of all of Moebius BSG kits are all at the everyday price of 29% off manufacturer’s list price as well. The following prices are what you pay (29% off) for the build it yourself kits.


Galactica- $31.79

Viper Mk-II and Mk-VII- $21.19

Cylon Raider- $21.19

1/6 Cylon Centurion- $28.29

Viper Mk-I- $21.19 (Not in Stock Yet)

This is a link to the pre-finished kits. To see the build it yourself kits do a search at their web site.

Have fun and Good Hunting!!!!!!

SO SAY WE ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lt Reamer

Flying Tiger's Squadron Leader

Battlestar Raven BFC-002

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Apologies on the lateness of the Hero award (it was intended for Friday) but I had to push it back a few days.

But here we are!

First of all, thank you everyone for your response to Sophie...she is very appreciative of the loving words and help.

She apologizes for not getting back to people via email due to the fact that she recently had a stroke & with attendant treatment complications produced anaphylactic shock.

Literally she cannot move her arms at all...but still she feels guilty about not being able to get up to go to the computer and answer everyone.

She sends love and once again apologies to all of you for not being able to get back to you right away.

Please keep her in your hearts and minds.

Something to take notice of on the website, you will notice on the splash page at the top a heading for Battlestore...if you click on that it will link you to our Galacticon 3 ebay store where you may purchase programs, t-shirts and posters from the recent event, so go check it out!

Of course for our Hero of the week...appearing in the original Battlestar Galactica...and a man who has a long history in television and film...AND a very noted ecologist to boot, I'm very pleased to give this one out to Lt. Greenbean...aka...Mr. Ed Begley Jr.!

(The certificate is not available now due to a technical difficulty but I will present it later in the week).


So Say We All!

Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club


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Note from an old friend....

Hello Coloinals!

I'm posting a note here to all of you from a dear friend...and I'm sure quite a few of you remember her if you were active or connected with Battlestar Galactica going's on when Richard came out with his Second Coming a matter of fact this person Co-Produced the trailer!

Without further ado, here is a word(s) from Sophie LaPorte:



Hello all,

Sorry about the length of this post, but I wanted to be as clear and honest as possible, which means going into details that will cost me precious time I don't have. My guilt issues, as usual... Richard has been telling me for a while now that many questions have come his way about whatever happened to me. Please be gentle... I've sat in Hollywood Studios boardrooms to negotiate the impossible, I've walked on wires 40 feet up (guess who's idea that was? Richard of course!), I've said "I love you" on family members' answering machines who never take my calls. Yet, writing this is the hardest thing I've ever had to do... Emotional courage: a valuable lesson I learned from Richard, the most loving Human Being I've ever known. :) Thank you, Richard! You are my best friend, here, now, and in the afterlife. If it was just me and my life at stake, I would rather crawl into a mouse hole forever than posting this. But there are innocent creatures involved too and for them, I am willing to put my heart out there...



There's been rumors and stories and I had begun writing a couple of pages which start with my time as a freelance writer pitching for the Star Trek series back in 1995. But I am running out of time and had to stop to write this, or rather to dictate this to someone here typing it for me. I've been asked to write a "tell all" book of my experiences with Star Trek, BSG, Conventions, and BSG & GWOM Trailers for a few years now. I turned it down repeatedly, out of loyalty. Not because I have "dirt" on actors that would create mini-scandals, but because I didn't want to make anyone feel violated, even though most of it is actually positive and funny. If I had accepted, I wouldn't find myself in the situation I am in now, but I feel that I did the right thing and so I have no regrets. If I somehow survive this, I will post what I have written so far on the internet for you all to enjoy.

I hope this isn't my last communication. There are so many nice people I met going to conventions with Richard and once Richard decided to book his own, I suddenly lost touch with most of the friends I had made there. I had put my career in the corporate world on hold to book conventions and Richard was nice enough to separate love and business and paid me 10% of his convention earnings from 1996 to 2001. It turned out to be not enough to pay my bills, while at the same time, too time consuming to earn other monies on the side. Between calling promoters, negotiating, writing contracts, booking flights, booking TV, Radio & newspaper interviews to advertise his appearances and get more last minute people through the doors, doing the bookkeeping, and then the outrageous amount of time we all work our little butts off filming both trailers, I was swamped. But I also learned a lot and have Richard to thank for that. What I didn't expect, was that once it ended, it was impossible for me to get a job in the industry - and i was willing to answer phones even though I have college degrees! - or to even get back to the corporate world that seemed so appreciative of me before!

That, is where I was standing in the mid 2000s when I found out I had a breast tumor... And no insurance. I was able to get into a research program and therefore lower costs considerably, but it still wasn't enough to pay for the treatments I needed. Richard gave me some work to do and even paid for many of my treatments, even though he was low on $ at that time of year (less conventions) and had important expenses. Still, he basically saved my life. Treatment wasn't easy; after about the 3rd week, I was too sick to ride the bus back home and had to wait at UCLA for hours before I could ride the bus back. I even slept in a car for a while so that any income could go to my treatment. I'm not ashamed of it. It is something many Americans have had to do these days including an accountant I knew at the time! God chose this for me for a good reason which I will know someday when He chooses to reveal it to me.

I couldn't tell my family in France at the time: my sister was going through breast AND lung cancer at the exact same time! She had an even harsher time than me painwise as she had to undergo Chemo twice and even Radiation Therapy! The only thing she had easier than me, was that she paid for none of it, they sent a car to pick her up, and her bills and cost of living were taken care of 100% as it always is there when someone has cancer. I considered going there myself, but having been gone for so long, I no longer qualified for free healthcare...

God chose to spare my life, for whatever reason only He knows. I was put on Tamoxifen and other medications, one of which I discovered very quickly had side-effects both fortunate and detrimental: my hormonal breast cancer was now in remission and not likely to return if I took my meds regularly, and unexpectedly, the rare seizure I'd started having in 2003 (which my mother also gets and which have freaked Richard out more than once) were no longer happening. My blood pressure, which even a cocktail of the usual blood pressure meds out there had failed to bring down to safe levels, was also now in check. I did, however, gained about 30 pounds the first 6 months and plateau-ed there. Healthy, or fat? I'll take fat any time!

I was stabilized for a while, and when an opportunity to take care of an 80yo+ Alzheimer's patient in Las Vegas for room, board and $80/week presented itself in Feb. 2009, I took it. After all, I had helped taken care of my grandfather through the same ailment while studying for college years ago. This is where I am right now, sharing the 24/7 care of my "charge" with his son. Thankfully, he is also helping with the care of my beloved pet cats as well as the fosters I often rescue, spay/neuter/immunize at my own cost, rehabilitate until they are loving lapcats, and place with loving and responsible individuals or families.

I underestimated what would happen if I skipped my meds for days, or even took less than commended by my oncologist in L.A. And in December of 2012, an unexpected complication fell on my lap: I was the victim of a crime and my wallet was now gone. Even with my previous ID & Green Card and a police report detailing what happened, I was no longer able to get my medications! My pleas fell on deaf ears and within hours of X-mas, my blood pressure kept on rising, eventually reached 240/153, and I had a stroke. To make a long story short, my charge's son saved my life: he found for me 1 and only 1 pharmacist willing to honor whatever identification I still had, along with a letter from the French Consulate explaining the time consuming course of action that was now to take place in order for me to proove my being a legal resident before obtaining a replacement state ID - the very last step and the one document I couldn't get my meds without!

I've lived in fear of not having my meds ever since and about a month ago, the worst case scenario came true again: only this time, the stroke came while I was at the top of a staircase! There is irony in there somewhere... My left side was very slow for 3 weeks, my right side was injured in the fall including my knee which will need an operation to be "normal" again (I have to wait until France to do that), my right ring finger was broken but doesn't seem to be getting better, less swollen or even less painful, and I broke a front tooth! (That'll have to wait for France too & no smiling until then!) I didn't die, I'm not in a wheelchair for life, and my beloved IQ, my one and only source of self-esteem left, is still intact, thank you God! Which means I can still read Science news, and write Sci-Fi. :)

Hospitalization helps nothing each time save for receiving high bills in the mail later, and failed to even stabilize me even once! The last time, they even refused to admit me once I arrived there by ambulance and I'd have a lawsuit on my hand if I had time for such details... But I don't:

Where I stand now, my "charge" just spent a few days at Mountain View Hospital, where, when he was released, it was discovered that these idiots not only allowed an Alzheimer's patient to hold on to his own wallet (instead of storing it in a safe place), but also allowed it to be stolen right from his nightstand!!! What this means, is that he cannot access his bank account for at least a few days. I can't collect the little money I get per week to pay for my meds, cat food, cat litter, and cat care! It also means that the rent for the weekly place his family moved us into 2 years ago is VERY LATE! We were given a 5 days notice 4 days ago and now have until tomorrow Saturday the 22st, NOON, to pay the $190 + $15/day late fees! (And Management is not very open-minded.) What I care most about, is that with nowhere to go, the foster cats - and very young kittens I rescued with their mommy who deserve a fair chance at life! - will end up at the pound, where, in spite of what they claim, they are KILLED WITHIN 3 DAYS if not adopted! I have built a site for them as well but haven't been able to finish it. I cannot let them die! Rescues here are filled up, and I stand a better chance at getting them good homes as I was going to enlist some of the BSG actors to help advertise them: I named the site "GalactiCats" and gave them all names after the show's characters!

My "charge"'s daugher, an irresponsible gambler, isn't going to honor her responsibility. His son, a Broadcast Engineer who has been looking for work - any work! - for 5 years now, would love to help but cannot. And the so-called friends I thought I'd made here and have helped countless times are now conveniently unavailable!

Same with the other countless people I helped out in Los Angeles: I helped land newcomers in L.A. good paying jobs in the film industry who now are too busy to return my calls. I helped wannabee writers book pitch sessions at Star Trek who actually remember getting that for themselves instead! (Richard remembers it MY way though...). I had a great big single apartment in the middle of everything in West-Hollywood for 7 years and during that time, 11 different individuals stayed with me for free and were fed and had gas put in their cars and were "built up" before job interviews - some for months at a time, without complaint, and without thinking for a second about the loss of privacy that it meant for me, as what mattered most was their getting their lives back on track.

I am not going to hate, be resentful, revengeful or even negative. It IS very disappointing, but I didn't give to receive then. The way I see it, the circle of life takes over and giving is what matters, God is watching, and who gives back later is acting through God just as I had. God, Karma, it is all 1 and the same. I also can't sit here and wait to have the next stroke, which my doctor gave me a 20% chance of surviving... - as I believe that we aren't "Children of God", but "Adults of God", taking responsibility for our lives. So, as embarrassing as this is for me, as I am normally comfortable giving but not receiving, I am reaching out here because I am very quickly running out of time...

I do NOT want CHARITY! So I thought about what I could give in return and here are some things I can offer:


I taught myself to make jewelry - mostly "costume jewelry" which means that the most expensive beads and pendants used are semi-precious gemstones. I have made a few pieces over the last year, and built a website on Weebly with preset templates. It took a while but it is done, save for measurements and prices for each piece, which Mike here is going to attempt to help me do tonight. I also can make any design you either find in a magazine, or come up with yourself, so I can take orders. A link to it (I called it Nuku Hiva Designs after the French Polynesian island I dream to visit one day...) will be posted here as soon as it is available. I had set up a PayPal account I have yet to use but links to it will be added too.


Mike ran around town last week-end and NO ONE in Las Vegas buys or pawns furs. He only found 1 place willing to take it on consignment, which we don't have the time to do... He listed it on Craigslist and all the responses were Nigerian or other internet scams. It was his mother's, her name is engraved on a tag on the inside lining and he has her old passports to prove his relation to her. It is a long - 90cm = 1 yard - BLACK MINK and is very very beautiful! His father bought it for her in Pittsburgh in the late 70s and it was worn 5-10 times. It has been stored properly all along, and never "sat on", which damages furs. It is an emotional item worth letting go to save a Human and many feline lives, as he sees it. He has photos if you'd like, and a PayPal account.


No need to say more. We'll give you a contract to set it in stone and can take PayPal.


Richard accepted for me to do a Sci-Fi Blog on the BSG website a while back but because it is so difficult for him to find people to work on the site, I recently told him that I was going to do it on my own and simply link it to the BSG site. My health complications have delayed the launch but if I can salvage things here, I intend to start the blog next week. I can only offer this to 1 person. You must love and be knowledgeable in Sci-Fi films, series, novels, graphic novels, etc..., or some of these and be willing to learn the rest. It should take about 5-10h per week of your time, more if you'd like. I will give this and a contract to make it binding to the 1st person who requests it, for $200 as I feel it isn't fair to ask for more.


Again, PayPal OK. If you chose to do that, please include your phone # so I can thank you when/if I am better.


The PayPal account I recently set up is not attached to a bank account, but we will find a way to transfer it to someone and collect it...




The email account will remain open all night and tomorrow and I made Mike promise to check it very often as I am not able to be up and out of bed.


(I have many saved from my years writing them and can alter one to fit fairly quickly.)

I am so frustrated because if my health hadn't interfered, these projects and others (such as an independent film I wrote which some very talented actors have agreed to star in), would have been started months ago and would now actually help the situation... If somehow, the situation is resolved and my health stabilized, I no longer intend to wait for other people to get their act together and will be launching the blog, the GalactiCats site, and another couple of projects (including a "black projects & UFO" Forum, and a blog with advice and resources about writing short stories, novels, articles, and screenplays). Some of these, I've been wating to do for months - some for years, even - and I'd love to be able to launch in the next few days. If/when something happens to me, I would like to have people I've met at conventions and know, or people I take the time to know now, take ownership and take over for me, so write me if you are interested in any of these projects, except the Sci-Fi Blog (see why above).

I am now running out of time, I am posting what I am hoping will not be my last communication. I have attempted to contact my family, to no avail. They never really forgave me for chosing the U.S. as my home country and are still resentful. It hurts that they don't seem to care much about what happens to me, which is why forging friendships is more important to me than the meaning of blood.

Again, I am sorry for having to ask for help. And for doing it in such a lengthy manner. Giving the pertinent details, I feel, is the least I can do for not just explaining the situation, but also to answer to the people who have asked Richard about me at conventions, as well as to be honest with all of you. I am honored to be in your thoughts after all these years. I met some of the best people there, and so has Richard: people with whom we have more in common than we do with our own families who are not into Sci-Fi or Sciences and just don't "get it". He and I are both self-professed nerds and proud of it! Even if you cannot help, please let the kitties be in your prayers. And write me a note, whether you met me before or not. I am so very sorry to make my return to the Sci-Fi world in this way and hope to have your forgiveness. Thank you for your valuable time spent reading this. I miss the conventions so very much and this letter, although very emotional for me to write - or rather, dictate - has been a kind of rekindling. Thank you for the fun times I had from 1996-2001. It is you all that made them the fondest memories I have in my life.

Love to you all and hopefully not goodbye...

Sophie LaPorte.

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Fellow Colonials,

             Allow me to take a moment as we salute and recognize on of members who has reached a great milestone in her military career celebrating the 20th Anniversary!!  Her career has span the years in quest to no only training the next generation of US Airman, but help citizen here the our great nations.  During Galacticon 3 which took place May 24th she was not able to properly celebrate her great achievement.  With that being said i was asked and commission to render a unique art piece to honor her accomplishment in the US Armed Forces.

             This art work is present to none other then Cherry Oclima currently serving in the United States Air Force.  The art denotes her love for Science Fiction with a military twist as well as acknowledging her love for family.  The work dimly shows her loving children's names along with loving husband grace the reaches of space.  Bridging the gap which all our families gives us support in our hobbies as well as our love for Science Fiction.  The newly designed graphics are a merger of the US Air Force logo meets Colonial Phoenix in a beautifully designed frame specifically designed by me for this unique piece as well as matching head seal.  This was a labor love and had to put a couple of things on hold in order to meet her deadline for her birthday which is today the 21st of June.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY as well so this unique also covers that area. 

             In closing i would like to add two things first thank you for her husband who secretly contacted me and asked if i would do the honor for rendering the piece.  He had insight and provided me with the information i needed.  Secondly i ask that my art piece be left alone and not tampered with by editing any portion of it to be used on some other certificate or website. So i ask everyone to please respect my request without exception.  Please do not ask me permission to use my emblems b/c the answer will be no i reserve all my creations. THANK YOU ALL!!   I truly appreciate your support.  Without any further delay Ladies and Gentlemen here is the art piece below and link so you can also see it better.  Be safe, ADM Rivera, Fleet Commander, BFC.



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