
Good morning, Colonials!

I want to thank you all again for welcoming me and giving me the chance to be your Deputy VP. I'm looking forward to the opportunities this role will bring to me and what I can bring to all of you.

A little about myself...

BSG didn't enter my life when I was a kid. Sci-fi was not introduced to me until I was about 8 years old when my uncle showed me Terminator II. I was all about it. Post apocalyptic plots, robots, big machine guns, motorcycles (vipers :-p), etc. How could a little kid NOT like those things, right?

From there my interest in sci-fi grew into what it is today - a passion. Strangely enough, I didn't watch BSG (reimagined) when it was airing in 2004. I had just graduated high school in 2003 and was off to college 3 months after. So when BSG aired, I was in college with no TV and a terrible Internet connection. I moved back home in 2005 to pursue a different degree. While working at Sam's club to make some money, I'd come home to see my parents watching Star Trek on a regular basis. Voyager, DS9, Enterprise, Next Generation. They would watch them over and over. They'd wait for me every night to start the episode after I got back from work. That's when it started to click for me. But still, no BSG yet. 

I moved to Austin in 2007 for a new job and to be closer to my sister. At this new job, my coworker and I began connecting through things like movies and TV. At that time my impression of BSG was the 1978 version. I wasn't interested at all. 

One day he came into the office and asked me if I had seen Battlestar Galactica. I said, "No, isn't that show like really outdated?" And he responded, "No no, the new version." I replied, "What? There is a new version?" He said, "Yes dude. And you need to watch it." I replied, "Nah, I can't see myself enjoying that." He replied, "Do you like Star Trek and Star Wars?" I said, "Of course." He replied, "Then you need to jump on this." 

At the time, I didn't have Netflix or Hulu or any streaming device to make it easy to watch the show. So that night I went to Blockbusters and found Season 1 available for rental. I went home and turned it on. For a few minutes I kept thinking, "Psh, this can't be THAT good. I don't see any major action or space opera." But boy was I wrong. Once Caprica Six revealed that she was a Cylon, I was really intrigued. Then Baltar's panic set in. After that I was glued to the TV. I watched the entire series in just 3 weeks. I beat my coworker to the finale. 

I became obsessed. I think I've watched the series all the way through at least 10 times (Now on Netflix). I'd have it on in the background while cleaning or cooking.

BSG plunged me into a new love for sci-fi. Even out of the sci-fi genre. It was more like it made me realize what it means to have a passion for a franchise.

I'm so glad to have seen the light and to have given the show a chance. It led me to G3; it led me to new friends and now it has led me to all of you.

It's my pleasure to be a part of this great team and I look forward to what's in store for the future.

So say we all!

Deputy VP

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  • Thanks Paul, thanks DragonLady! (btw, what's your real name?)

  • Welcome! Let me know if you ever need anything or need help on something.
  • Welcome. let me know if I can help you with anything.

  • Thank you Deputy Vice President Soto....a story well told...everyone has a different path in life and this one led you to here & we are glad to have you with us. So Say We All!

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