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I have to apologize for my absence.  My duty to our country pretty much occupied my time.  But now that it has calm down a bit, you will see me here around more often.    During my absense, I have been able to develop the Marine Manual which I will implement aboard the Raven pending Command approval.  So all my Marines better dust the their boots off, get their gears ready, and be ready for some training. IS THAT CLEAR?!?!?!?!? No more slacking off now that I am back.


Major Eduardo "Enforcer"

Raven Marine OIC

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Here is an article on our friends across the pond doing a Live Action Role Play of the story in the Re-Imaged series.

Here a follow up article on how that type of game could cross the Atlantic

I think we need to have the command staff send out invitations to this crew and see if we can help them along.

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I think I may have come up with a recipe that is close to my interpretation of what Ambrosia would have been like.  Only thing is, what I came up with is about 80 proof, but I guinea pigged a few friends on it over the weekend and they pretty much wiped me out of thew stuff without even knowing what it was I made.

What I need is one or two of the bottles that Col. Tigh had in the show.  I know they bottles came from a company called Brilliant out of Scotland that makes vodka, but I have torn apart the city trying to find anyone who carries the stuff anymore.  My best contact is a place called Binny's up in Chicago but they dont' ship to TX and I don't know anyone from there.

I am going to go check out a few more places in Houston to see about a hexagon-shaped tall clear bottle and see if I can come up with anything.

If any of you have leads on this, let me know.



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Grace Under Pressure


I have returned to Southern California from my little sojourn to Corpus Christi Texas...where I was raised & first "met" Richard Hatch & Kathy least via email was patchy (where did I leave that communicator?)...but I am most certainly back.

Just a small THIS note, I will explain the title of my current message to everyone.

To get started, I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who attended Galacticon 3, you the fans...thank you all for being there.

I do want to also single out some people for thanks (but warning: this might get long!) that really do need to be mentioned.

First of all I want to thank all the volunteers who were there to help us out:

Alvina Bryant, Cassie Kramer, Cherie Leach, Dan Donalson, David Roohy, Drew Vavrin, Duane Zamarron, Elaine Nowak, Erik Arroyos, Erin Stark, Frank Kennedy, Gayle Jackson, Giler McCarroll, Gladys Ramirez, Greg Goodwin, Guy Earle, Harold Best, Heather Rief, Holly Vavrin, Jacob Montgomery, James Hogancamp, James Stines, James Wood, Jamie Wood, Jennifer Roberson, Jennifer Thibideaux, Jesse Koves, Jessica Bailess, Jessika Kynett, Joe Slush, Judy Kennedy, Karolina "Karo" Kayko, Kat Hibsphman, Keith Allen, Kenneth Winnett, Kyle Denny, Laua Sanderson, Lessa Grable, Lexie Jackson, Lisa Spence, Lisa Wolfson, Lorena Arroyos, Lulu Tapia, Maia Szekely, Mark Rothkop, Mark Todd & Everyone from Blackstar Squardron, Michael "Rabbit" Boyett, Michael Amowitz, Michael Schloer, Mina Frannea, Mina Sharpe, Nela Milic, Nikkie Koves, Omar Buchanan, Rebecca Peierson, Richard Saunders, Robert "Bobby DJ" Lorber, Rober Ybarra, Rodney Johnson, Sal Baldovino, Samantha "Sam" Murray, Sandra Douglass, Sandra Merritt, Sara Gries, Scotty WhiteHurst, Sharon Bronson, Sherrie Crevoisier, Stacy Walker, Stepanie Youngblood, Stephen Dodd, Stephen Sardeson, Stuart Ransonm, Susan Gray, Tanyia "TJ" Johnson, Tony Leach, Travis Pickrey, Tym Pollack, Valerie Ng-Joe & Yvonne Neatby/

Special Thanks to:

Daniel Allan, Amy Prentice, Cherry Oclima & the Battlestar Raven, Chris Loomis, David Kunkle Cliff Gardner, Bill Watters, Missy Best, Tom Tagliente, Paul Nix & Stephen Gross.

Big Thanks to:

Cheryl "Grace Under Pressure" Dubuque....everytime something poked a hole in the Battlestar's skin, she was there to plug it!

I also want to send a special thanks over to John Simons & everyone at ComicPalooza for the support.

Nope....not done...and if you are left off this list...anyone of you...please let me know, remind me and I will make sure that we shout your name out!

Special thanks to our closing panelists: April Eden, Kathy Coleman, Richard Hatch & Jack Stauffer.

Another round of thanks for our attendees: Edward James Olmos, Mary McDonnell, Michael Hogan, Alessandra Torresani, Esai Morales, Richard Hatch, Dirk Benedict, Herbert Jefferson Jr, Terry Carter, Anne Lockhart, Tahmoh Penikett, Michael Trucco, Nicki Clyne, Rekha Sharma, Kate Vernon, Kandyse McClure, Leah Cairns, Luciana Carro, Bodie Olmos, Noah Hathaway, Jack Stauffer, Sarah Rush, Eric Chu, Bear McCreary, Kevin Grazier, Lee Stringer, Andrew Probert, Kathy Coleman, Tye Bourdony & Robert Scott LePine.


Not a better bunch of folks...not by a long shot!

I wanted also to say this to everyone, every show has it's ups & downs...and like every show we had a bunch of really great moments (mostly great moments) but we did have our expected share of frak ups & is the nature of the con beast.

So while we will obviously take credit for all the overwhelmingly great things, we also take responsibility for the the frak ups too.

I did want to make it clear to all who attended that our staff held things together and really performed miracles in light of last minute "no's" you can't do this or you can't use this or that room from either the hotel or the venue itself...or the last minute changes, and then changes & then changes once again that we were presented with.

Everything falls back on us of course, good or bad...but I did want to let you know the circumstances that we dealt with.

All in all though, IMHO...I think it was a helluva show!

Matter of fact I have something here that Jack Stauaffer asked me to share with all of you:

To the greatest fans in the world - thank you for making Galacticon 3 a fabulous event. I cannot remember when I have had more fun at a con. The fact that anyone remembers me 35 years later is mind boggling. It was great to make new friends and revisit with some old ones. Having 52 people take over Benihanas on Friday night was a gas.  There were so many pictures taken.  If you have some you want to share send them to me at  There was one taken of Richard and me at Benihanas i would like.   My special thanks to Tom, Cheryl, Marcel, and all the volunteers who helped me. Who knows how many more times we will do this but if this was the last one we went out with a bang. SO SAY WE ALL!!

I can give that one a definite ringing endorsement & I will second Jack's SO SAY WE ALL!

Of course the above note does suggest a few things that I should comment on...people were asking is there going to be a Galacticon IV (as in 4!)?...and could it maybe happen in less than 5 years?

All I can say with certainty is that yes, there will be a Galacticon IV...and it will happen in less than 5 years, much sooner in fact...not next weekend of course, but it WILL happen.

Can't say nothin' else at this point on that...but I will tell all of you thanks again for you support...KEEP THE FAITH....!


Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club

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RE: Viper Flight Manual

OK, so I have read through the manual once so far and it took about two days because of work.  I am now in process of memorizing as much as possible before taking the test.  This is not easy, even though I have a working understanding of physics and mechanics.  We'll see where it goes from here and see if I can ace the test when I feel ready to do it.

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It is with great pleasure that I announce Battlestar Raven-BFC 002 new Communications Officer, new Squadron Leader of The Hammers Viper Squadron and the Head of the Office of the Chaplain and Ship Historian aboard the Raven:

Lt. Victor Ford -New Communications Officer (5th In Command of Battlestar Raven)
Ensign Michael Quinn- Squadron Leader of The Hammers

Professor Joseph "Prometheus" Pearson- Chaplain and Ship Historian

Please join me in welcoming them and wishing them good luck on their new position.

~Raven Actual

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Hi all!

Hi all.  I am very glad to be here.  After a very fun, but exhausting weekend at Galacticon 3 here in Houston, I decided to seek out the BSG clubs in my area and found this one.  I am very interested in joining a Viper group and am in process of reading the Viper manual and will hopefully get to join one of the exclusive Viper Wings in the near future.

I had the honor of being on the transportation team at Galacticon this year and had the honor of driving around many of the cast from BSG both old and new.  Got to make some really good friends and partied with Noah "Boxey" Hathaway over the weekend as well.

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              I met to post this last night but had no internet service.  I wanted us ALL to take time and recognize, support and give thanks to our military service members.  We want to give them praise and strength during their time in the Armed Forces.  These men and women across the globe make their own sacrifices with that being said so do their families as well. 

             Memorial Day is not just about honoring them, but all honoring those before them no longer wearing the uniform and those who died in service to our great country.  It is because to the we get to enjoy our freedom and give thanks to be an AMERICAN.  If you have ever served in the US Military or know someone in your family who has. Please honor them today by posting here and sharing their information so we can give thanks and prayer to them in support our great nation and their families. 

             I know we also have retired or members here in the Colonial Defense Forces, Battlestar Fan Club and Colonial Cylon Alliance who have served at one time in their lives. Please post here so we know who you are and salutes you for your service to this Nation. SO SAY WE

Miguel Rivera
Active Duty: US Navy..........  Who next keep it going Colonials.

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Galacticon 3 was such a  memorable experience.  All who attended will know.  I just wanted to share one of the most heart warming impromptu scenes I saw there while waiting for the closing ceremony.   The gruff XO, AKA Mr.Hogan took advantage of a lull in the autographs, and laid down on the floor in front of the Raider with a little boy and started talking with him and playing with him as if they were playing in a sand box.  If you had seen it, you would have been very touched and impressed.  So say we all.  The Battlestar Galactica actors are all great folks, and this is just one example.  So say we all again.

John David Feagin

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I just wanted to say that we are at Galacticon 3, and it is much more than I had hoped for.  It is a true blessing, beyond words.  ALL....Can I emphasize it enough A-L-L of the stars from both the original and re-imagined version are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO  SINCERELY FRIENDLY, REAL, AND APPROACHABLE!!!!   Seriously, they have done such a great thing, and yet they are sincerely hospitable, outgoing, and friendly, like anybody you might meet anywhere.  And even when they are not allowed to pose for photos and the like, they explain it in a very gracious manner...angry "No photos" demands, but simply "We're not allowed to do that now."   And they will OPEN UP TO YOU about anything appropriately related to Battlestar Galactica.  TRULY, I can not say how very much I am impressed with ABSOLUTELY EVERY star I have met.  They are ALL really GREAT, SINCERE, APPROACHABLE, FRIENDLY, and above all else SINCERELY DECENT people.  I just anted to communicate that, since "stars" have a reputation for being shallow and narcisistic.  At least with ABSOLUTELY EVERY STAR I HAVE MET TO DATE HERE AT GALACTICON 3 has been the sort of person I would be so very happy and contented to know in real life where they not famous.  In short, they would be great friends and neighbors, regardless of their careers.  They are really great people, and I have  found absolutely NO fault with any of them.  I sincerely pray they all be blessed throughout their lives. I HOPE ALL WILL AGREE WITH ME AND SAY SO SAY WE ALL!

This is said from the utmost sincerity of my heart, as I had no idea what to expect from this ONCE IN A LIFE TIME OPPORTUNITY!


John David Feagin

PS...I couldn't help but notice that Richard Hatch, Dirk Benedict, and some other dude all seemed to take a shining to my Sister...Even though IIIIIIIIIIIIIII was the one dressed up!!!!!  Hmmmm.... Should I tell her hubbie or not...Hmmmm...  


John David Feagin

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-Crew of the Excalibur prepare for an FTL jump.
-Ens. Carmela Mendoza, execute jump calculation to Galacticon 3 area, and then proceed to jump.
-XO LTjg Yves Ho, you have the deck, the CIC is yours, I will take my raptor to give the ride to Ens. Lepine.
-Ens.  Robert Lepine, I will give you the virtual ride to G3.  We support you as special guest of this huge event.  We are proud of what you do as a modeller and wish you a great and awesome con at Houston.

So say we all!

~Col. Fred Landry, BSR-05 Excalibur Actual

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Ravens and Friends,

The first offfcial ship patch for the Raven just arrived today.  Only 50 were made.  It is about 3 inches in size.

Since this batch turned out real nice, we will have the other design made and possibly the other ship patch designs especially the AirWing and the Marines. This patch will be availabe during GalactiCon 3 If any is left from there, it will be put up at the Raven Store


Cherry "DragonLady"

Battlestar Fan Club Vice President

Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven-BFC 002

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Calling all Classic BSG fans

We are five days away from the Thursday night opening of Galacticon 3 ! if you have not bought your membership you need to get that done before the price goes up at the door.

What a great opportunity for us Classic Battlestar fans. Look at the list of guest from the original series:

Richard Hatch

Dirk Benedict

Herb Jefferson

Terry Carter

Anne Lockhart

Jack Stauffer

Noah Hathaway

Sarah Rush

We will have a classic Cylon raider on hand for photo ops and Blackstar Squadron will be doing a panel or two also. We will have photo ops and autograph sessions as well as a chance to mingle with other fans and pick up some cool collectables.

For us fans of the of the original series this is a rare opportunity to meet and mingle with the remaining cast. That's something we also have to keep in mind, some of these people will be looking at retiring from doing conventions in the future and we might not have another opportunity to get that autograph or photo.

And for the reimaged series and Caprica fans we will have plenty for them to stay occupied with also.

See you at the show.

Paul Nix

BSG fanclub Chief of Staff

Galacticon Security coordinator 


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For the those Raven Members and Friends of Battlestar Raven that cannot make it to Galacticon 3, well here is a little something  for you.  Since you cannot come to Galacticon 3, we will bring Galacticon 3 to you via our live feed of the event on USTREAM and will be located at the following websites which can be  viewed easily:  (located all the way down the front page of their site) ( at the Raven Group Page)


All the Raven Live Feeds will be located on the front page of these websites.


It can also be viewed on our Facebook LIKE page.   But we do want to thank the following websites for carrying our live feed.  This will also help lessen the strain on our main website server due to incoming traffic.  We don't want it going down during the event.  Please do not hesitate to check these websites out and follow along during the Galacticon 3 Convention.  It is the least we can do for our members on the Ravens and Friends of Battlestar Raven around the world,  that could not make it to Galacticon 3.  We will be giving this feature a trial run to see how well it works.  This feature will go live during Galacticon 3.  Hopefully our phones and tablets hold out battery wise or whatever other equipment that will be use so there is no interruption.  Otherwise, there will be intermission to switch batteries out.


Raven Actual

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Nothing but the rain...

Colonials...we are getting closer and closer to the big event, something I consider to be one of the biggest events in Battlestar Galactica history.

Sure, there have been other Cons...but this isn't just a Con...this is an EVENT (you notice I said that twice right?).

Never before as the cast of the original & the re-imagined series come together like this before in this way for starters.

Imagine Terry Carter & Michael Hogan standing next to each other...likely to make you tongue tighed!

Seriously, most people think it's simply going in...getting an autograph and that's is NOT!

Galacticon 3 is a multi-level event (see now I mentioned it a third time!)...that is going to blow you away...interactive events...panels...workshops...and other happenings all day (and night).

By partnering with ComicPalooza we have opened up a whole new universe for you to be in as well...your entry into our world gives you automatic entry into theirs as well.

Who wants to miss out on a three-day party with your favorite people?

And I don't mean just the celebrities...but people that you know you are going to know there.

Our pre-sales come to end this coming Monday...yes, you CAN buy your membership at the door, but the price is going up from our current price to $99 for a weekend membershp...which is still very good. $16.50 per day for TWO covnentions?

Don't have to be a rocket scientist for that (well, Dr. Kevin Grazier is going to be there...and he REALLY is a rocket scientist!)...but all that aside...

Galacticon's literally happen only once every five this is your big chance till another 50% of a decade creeps by....

Personally, I'm overjoyed to be a part of be one of the people bringing this event you...and I'm delighted with the fact that so many of my friends are going together under the same roof...feels like home.

We want to see you there!

Give it some thought if you are on the fence...some serious thought...and roll the hard six and bring in the cat.

Time to spool up the FTL and make YOUR way the show!

So Say We All!

Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club

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It is with great pleasure that I announce the following promotions :


Al Bartraw to the rank of Colonel :

Diego Martin to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade:

Keith Ranson to the rank of Major:

Eduardo “Marine Enforcer” to the rank of Major:

Roger Barstow to the rank of Lieutenant:

Ronald Beaton to the rank of Chief Petty Officer:

Steve Tweed to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade:

Steve Sardeson to the rank of Master Sergeant:

Tom Burns to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade:


It is also with great pleasure that I announce the selections of the following individuals to the following Command Staff Positions after :

Steve Tweed- New Operations Officer (3rd in Command )

Tom Burns-New Chief Engineering Officer:  ( 4th in Command)

Their selection comes with all the priviledges that comes with their rank and position.  The positions that these individuals are in is more important than their rank.   So please show them all the courtesy and respect that comes with the positions that they are selected in.

Also as a note, those Ravens that are not part of this promotion list, this does NOT mean you do not deserve to be promoted.  It is just you do not have the time in grade just yet.  That is all!  Hopefully the next time around, there will be more of you on the list to be promoted.  I will make sure you get what you deserve and have earned.  So keep the faith and keep kicking ass and taking names later.

As a special note to the following individuals promotion,  “Marine Enforcer”.  Although his actions are not always noticable publicly, his actions behind the scenes, have been a great help to me executing my job as Raven Actual.  Without his support, I would not be able to do my job as the Commanding Officer of Battlestar Raven.   He is not as verse as a lot of us when it comes to science  fandom.  But he is learning.


SO SAY WE ALL!!!!!!!



Raven Actual

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