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  • Awesome.  No problem.  Let me know if my skills can help out in future events/needs.

  • That was perfect thank you Beowulf

  • Hopefully this is what you wanted.  If there are any corrections, please let me know.  If not, then your Viper awaits.


  • Well excellent. Well if you can reproduce results then could you be so kind as to create a pic for me. The small features would be the Minotaur emblem, where you have the spartan. My Tail number is 06402OK and the tail wing would be red and black checkered. I would much appreciated of the hook up...

  • I am sort of a Photoshop guru.  Whatcha got?

  • Okay how did you accomplish that? If you can repeat the effects I have a project for you.....

  • Roger that Sir!

  • Outstanding! Make Sure Chief Beaton Gives A good wash Every now And then!

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