Grace Under Pressure


I have returned to Southern California from my little sojourn to Corpus Christi Texas...where I was raised & first "met" Richard Hatch & Kathy least via email was patchy (where did I leave that communicator?)...but I am most certainly back.

Just a small THIS note, I will explain the title of my current message to everyone.

To get started, I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who attended Galacticon 3, you the fans...thank you all for being there.

I do want to also single out some people for thanks (but warning: this might get long!) that really do need to be mentioned.

First of all I want to thank all the volunteers who were there to help us out:

Alvina Bryant, Cassie Kramer, Cherie Leach, Dan Donalson, David Roohy, Drew Vavrin, Duane Zamarron, Elaine Nowak, Erik Arroyos, Erin Stark, Frank Kennedy, Gayle Jackson, Giler McCarroll, Gladys Ramirez, Greg Goodwin, Guy Earle, Harold Best, Heather Rief, Holly Vavrin, Jacob Montgomery, James Hogancamp, James Stines, James Wood, Jamie Wood, Jennifer Roberson, Jennifer Thibideaux, Jesse Koves, Jessica Bailess, Jessika Kynett, Joe Slush, Judy Kennedy, Karolina "Karo" Kayko, Kat Hibsphman, Keith Allen, Kenneth Winnett, Kyle Denny, Laua Sanderson, Lessa Grable, Lexie Jackson, Lisa Spence, Lisa Wolfson, Lorena Arroyos, Lulu Tapia, Maia Szekely, Mark Rothkop, Mark Todd & Everyone from Blackstar Squardron, Michael "Rabbit" Boyett, Michael Amowitz, Michael Schloer, Mina Frannea, Mina Sharpe, Nela Milic, Nikkie Koves, Omar Buchanan, Rebecca Peierson, Richard Saunders, Robert "Bobby DJ" Lorber, Rober Ybarra, Rodney Johnson, Sal Baldovino, Samantha "Sam" Murray, Sandra Douglass, Sandra Merritt, Sara Gries, Scotty WhiteHurst, Sharon Bronson, Sherrie Crevoisier, Stacy Walker, Stepanie Youngblood, Stephen Dodd, Stephen Sardeson, Stuart Ransonm, Susan Gray, Tanyia "TJ" Johnson, Tony Leach, Travis Pickrey, Tym Pollack, Valerie Ng-Joe & Yvonne Neatby/

Special Thanks to:

Daniel Allan, Amy Prentice, Cherry Oclima & the Battlestar Raven, Chris Loomis, David Kunkle Cliff Gardner, Bill Watters, Missy Best, Tom Tagliente, Paul Nix & Stephen Gross.

Big Thanks to:

Cheryl "Grace Under Pressure" Dubuque....everytime something poked a hole in the Battlestar's skin, she was there to plug it!

I also want to send a special thanks over to John Simons & everyone at ComicPalooza for the support.

Nope....not done...and if you are left off this list...anyone of you...please let me know, remind me and I will make sure that we shout your name out!

Special thanks to our closing panelists: April Eden, Kathy Coleman, Richard Hatch & Jack Stauffer.

Another round of thanks for our attendees: Edward James Olmos, Mary McDonnell, Michael Hogan, Alessandra Torresani, Esai Morales, Richard Hatch, Dirk Benedict, Herbert Jefferson Jr, Terry Carter, Anne Lockhart, Tahmoh Penikett, Michael Trucco, Nicki Clyne, Rekha Sharma, Kate Vernon, Kandyse McClure, Leah Cairns, Luciana Carro, Bodie Olmos, Noah Hathaway, Jack Stauffer, Sarah Rush, Eric Chu, Bear McCreary, Kevin Grazier, Lee Stringer, Andrew Probert, Kathy Coleman, Tye Bourdony & Robert Scott LePine.


Not a better bunch of folks...not by a long shot!

I wanted also to say this to everyone, every show has it's ups & downs...and like every show we had a bunch of really great moments (mostly great moments) but we did have our expected share of frak ups & is the nature of the con beast.

So while we will obviously take credit for all the overwhelmingly great things, we also take responsibility for the the frak ups too.

I did want to make it clear to all who attended that our staff held things together and really performed miracles in light of last minute "no's" you can't do this or you can't use this or that room from either the hotel or the venue itself...or the last minute changes, and then changes & then changes once again that we were presented with.

Everything falls back on us of course, good or bad...but I did want to let you know the circumstances that we dealt with.

All in all though, IMHO...I think it was a helluva show!

Matter of fact I have something here that Jack Stauaffer asked me to share with all of you:

To the greatest fans in the world - thank you for making Galacticon 3 a fabulous event. I cannot remember when I have had more fun at a con. The fact that anyone remembers me 35 years later is mind boggling. It was great to make new friends and revisit with some old ones. Having 52 people take over Benihanas on Friday night was a gas.  There were so many pictures taken.  If you have some you want to share send them to me at  There was one taken of Richard and me at Benihanas i would like.   My special thanks to Tom, Cheryl, Marcel, and all the volunteers who helped me. Who knows how many more times we will do this but if this was the last one we went out with a bang. SO SAY WE ALL!!

I can give that one a definite ringing endorsement & I will second Jack's SO SAY WE ALL!

Of course the above note does suggest a few things that I should comment on...people were asking is there going to be a Galacticon IV (as in 4!)?...and could it maybe happen in less than 5 years?

All I can say with certainty is that yes, there will be a Galacticon IV...and it will happen in less than 5 years, much sooner in fact...not next weekend of course, but it WILL happen.

Can't say nothin' else at this point on that...but I will tell all of you thanks again for you support...KEEP THE FAITH....!


Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club

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  • Yes! So say we ALL! A special hats off to the volunteers! For many it was a big deal saving up the cubits, taking time off of work, etc. just to be there, and THEN to volunteer their time while...Well, that's nothing less than absolutely admirable. And hats off as well to the organizers and others working behind the scenes keeping things going. It was a HUGE responsibility. Hats off to all of those who sacrificed their own time so others could enjoy Galacticon 3. SO SAY WE ALL!!!!


    John David Feagin

  • Colonials,

                  BIG FRAKK'N THANKS TO EVERYONE!  I had a great time there.  I talked to fellow fans as i walked around all i heard was high praises by fellow Battlestar Galactica fans.  As many know yes there were hiccups here and there.  Anyone that is not new to attending Cons know there are always issues.  However like any great unit they are addressed taken care of quickly and smoothly.  In order to ensure fans stay focused on whats important having fun as you meet the Battlestar Galactica cast.  As many of you know the cast was awesome taking time to talk with fans as they signed autographs.  At no time were fans hurried away so they can get the next person in line.  Fact to point you can see how the cast members just took their time and spoke to fans as if they were friends.  Lets face it if you go to enough Cons the cast members tend to remember who you are.  I spent some time with Lucinna Carro "KAT" we talked about her first con were we first met.  Others made friends and exchanged contact information how cool is that!!   Well you know where am getting at like i said everyone had an OUTSTANDING TIME!   I personally want to thank Battlestar Fan Club President Shawn O'Donnell, Daniel Allen, Frank, Cherry My Aries XO Robert Ybarra, Tom, Gene, Renee and so many more.  It was honor to meet you all in person vice just emailing back and forth.  I know there were other fellow Battlestar Galactica Fan Club,  Colonial Defense Forces and Colonial Cylon Alliance members i did not get a chance to talk too.  However there is always next time if not hit me up on email you know i will get back to you.  We all rolled a HARD SIX and had the best time there thank you once again.... SO SAY WE ALL! ~Salutes~

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