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Galacticons Past

The "modern' Galacticon (or at least in the form we know it now) was kicked off in Los Angeles in 2003...Richard Hatch & team put that together to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Battlestar Galactica.

12578049860?profile=original(I have had the good fortune to be on that team and every subsequent Galacticon since!).

Galacticon is of course is an indirect descendent of the "Yahren" Cons that happened every 5 years you have an idea of the lineage and connections to past events.

12578049276?profile=original2008 saw the venue moved to the high seas...with Rex Mundi Productions LLC taking over the helm...with Galacticon II: Galacticruise & of course with Emissaries: Galacticon III in Houston.


Well any Convention is built on many things, not least it's guest list and to give all an idea of the who's who of Galacticon....

To keep it simple I'll feature a guests picture(s), name, show, character(s) name and Galacticon appearance.

For brevity's sake....and my fingers!....Galacticon (Los Angeles) becomes G1, Galacticruise becomes G2 & of course so on...

Also for the sake of my digits, Battlestar Galactica original series is BSG TOS...Reimagined is BSG RIS.

Also note that a lot of these folks made or will make repeat appearances so they are only pictured once, with the credit.

Also, for actors/actresses that appeared as guest stars, for the sake (again) of my digits, only the shows themselves will be noted, not the episodes (you can look them up!...lot more fun that way)...also to note considering the above note on abbreviation: Caprica is Caprica, Galactica 1980 is Galactica 1980 (easy!)...and if you will refer to the note below, any non BSG actors will have their show noted.

There will be but one credit per actor (except in the notable case of Richard Hatch and a few others)...way too many to list if it got down into that kind of detail AND if we are talking writers, producers, effects...well, it will be noted.

Before I begin I would like to add that NO Galacticon has ever...never been exclusively Battlestar Galactica...ain't that a kick in the pants...but true, each successive show has featured guest(s) from other shows as well....but I guess you wouldn't know till you saw the (almost) complete list!

Any omissions, mistakes or any other sort of errors on this list are my own...just noting that (unless of course any reference material was boo-booed in some way!).

Shall we begin?


12578050673?profile=original12578051452?profile=originalRichard Hatch

Captain Apollo


Tom Zarek


G1 G2 G3

12578052055?profile=originalDirk Benedict

Lt. Starbuck


G1 G3

12578052469?profile=originalTerry Carter

Colonel Tigh


G1 G2 G3

12578052656?profile=originalGlen Larson




12578053258?profile=original12578053879?profile=originalNoah Hathaway



G1 G3

12578054085?profile=originalPatrick Macnee

Count Iblis



12578054289?profile=originalJack Stauffer



G1 G3

12578054884?profile=originalJohn Dullaghan

Dr. Wilker



12578055469?profile=originalBritt Ekland




12578055501?profile=originalAnne Lockhart

Lt. Sheba


G1 G3

12578055686?profile=originalJim Carlson                            (Jim is on the right)




12578056464?profile=originalRon Kelly

Security Officer Reese



12578056852?profile=originalStu Phillips



G1 G2

12578057070?profile=originalSarah Rush

Cpl Rigel


G1 G2 G3

12578052672?profile=originalHerb Jefferson

Lt. Boomer


G1 G3

12578057478?profile=originalTerrence McDonnell



G1 G2

12578052869?profile=originalRon Moore



Star Trek: The Next Generation


12578057668?profile=originalJames Horan


Star Trek: The Next Generation


12578058072?profile=originalDick Durock

Imperious Leader



12578058293?profile=originalTom DeSanto



G1 G2

12578059055?profile=originalGeorge Murdock

Dr. Salik



12578038468?profile=originalDenny Miller

Ser 5-9



12578058875?profile=originalAustin Stoker


Battle for the Planet of the Apes


12578059288?profile=originalRobert Feero




12578060058?profile=originalMichael Swan

Deputy Collins

Galactica: 1980


12578060086?profile=originalAlessandra Torresani

Zoe Graystone



12578060653?profile=originalAndrew Probert

Concept Artist


Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Star Trek: The Next Generation


12578060893?profile=originalBear McCreary




12578058074?profile=originalEdward James Olmos

Admiral Adama



12578061096?profile=originalMary McDonnell

President Laura Roslin



12578062066?profile=originalKandyse McClure

Petty Officer Dee Dualla



12578062268?profile=originalKate Vernon

Ellen Tigh



12578062866?profile=originalKathy Coleman

Holly Marshall

Land of the Lost


12578063065?profile=originalLeah Cairns

Lt. Margaret "Racetrack" Edmonson



12578063475?profile=originalLee Stringer

Effects Artist


Star Trek: Voyager


12578063864?profile=originalLuciana Carro

Commander Louanne "Kat" Katraine



12578064257?profile=originalMichael Hogan

Colonel Saul Tigh



12578063697?profile=originalMichael Trucco

Sam Anders



12578064855?profile=originalNicki Clyne

Petty Officer Cally Henderson Tyrol



12578064875?profile=originalTahmoh Penikett

Captain Karl "Helo" Agathon



12578065484?profile=originalBodie Olmos

Lt. Brendan "Hotdog" Costanza



12578065689?profile=originalEsai Morales

Joseph Adama



12578066063?profile=originalEric Chu

Concept Artist




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The Hero rides again!

Fellow Colonials!

I bid all a good evening!

If anyone is's Hero time...and not to keep you in suspense...this one goes to an actor originally from Tel Aviiv Israel (moving to Canada as a child) and is known for his roles in Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles as well as Grimm (among many others)...all of you know him as Sam Adama, the Uncle of future Admiral William Adama on Caprica.

12578048481?profile=originalThis Hero goes out to Sasha Roiz!

So Say We All!

Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club


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The Houston Con Raven Banner


Colonials and Fellow Ravens,

As you all know, we just got confirmed to make an appearance at the Houston Con.  Richard Hatch and Kate Vernon will also be at the Houston Con.  We will be there representing the Mother Club and promoting Galacticon 4.  So, if any Raven Members or friends of Battlestar Raven lives within the vicinity of the Houston Con venue or even if you don't but are planning attend to the convention, please do not hesitate to stop by the Raven table and say hello to everyone.  A few of you have been sent this same banner via PM to help spread the word about the con in support of Richard Hatch and Kate Vernon being there.  So please do not hesitate to share this banner to your friends or any site you can think off.  Every little share you do helps spread the word!  

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Farewell to Alice...

12578048454?profile=originalAnne B. Davis, who portrayed Alice Nelson on The Brady Bunch passed away Saturday June 1st.

The part she played was as the housekeeper for the Brady family, but the character was much more than that...she was an integral part of that "Bunch" who must somehow form a family and just as much as member of that extended brood as Mike, Carol, Greg, Peter, Bobby, Marcia, Jan & Cindy.

She was also a surrogate mother and friend, not only to her television family but to millions of people watching.

Anne B. Davis will be hugely missed but will live in on the hearts & minds of all.

Farewell Alice, we Love you!

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Battlestar all the time!

Hello Colonials!

Welcome to all and a special greeting to all of our newest members.

It is Hero time everyone!

For anyone who doesn't know about the Hero's...I'm sure our new people may not, it's a weekly award presented on behalf of an actor, writer, director, producer, fan etc. that has had a profound impact on the universe of BSG.

12578046863?profile=originalWithout further ado,  here is the newest entry...he played Barnabus Greeley on Caprica and is well known for his role as Spike on Buffy the Vampire Slayer & Angel.
The Hero goes to: James Marsters!

So Say We All!

Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club


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The Adama Gambit Part Two

It's not often that I sink my teeth into something like a film, a book or in this case a comic book story and do a formal review.
Sure I have opinions...and I voice them all over the place about a variety of things...things in general, Battlestar Galactica in particular...but a formal, up & down, documented opinion of a particular work.
But, but...the folks over at Dynamic Forces said "Hey, check this out" so I said "Why not?".
I am of course speaking of the Battlestar Galactica comic book line they are producing.
I just finished reading "The Adama Gambit Part Two"...and I came away impressed.
(Sometimes hard to do with me, I will admit).

12578064291?profile=originalLook, over the years...there have been a just a few Battlestar Galactica comics that have been put out, with varying degrees of success and THIS one looks like it's pushing all the right buttons.
It makes me want to read more...and if that's the case....then I'm willing to bet other people will too!
The creators obviously know the show...the original Battlestar Galactica that the dialogue rings true and because of that and the interaction that you know you are seeing those characters.
If any written (or drawn in this case) storyline, puts those characters in your head (yes, the magic mind movie that people get from reading a book)...then it's doing it's job.
In this this story you see the classic elements...Man vs. Cylon of course, which is always the basic premise of Battlestar Galactica (at least one of the basic premises I should say)...and it's straight forward.
At the same time, the dialogue flows along and the story moves with you see a Commander Adama who is shown to be perfectly human...with human doubt...but has an internal redemption because the warrior in him takes over.
(Showing a little bit a Commander Cain streak in him!).
Tie that all up with artwork that is is realistic (my biggest complaint against a lot of contemporary comic book art is that they have become in some cases TOO cartoony) is not realized here.
The people look like real people and thankfully like the actual characters.
On this one, I have to give it a solid thumbs's good to see the classic crew taking the fight to the tinhead's once again....and The Adama Gambit does not disappoint!

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Spotlight on Claudia Christian

This is a series of interviews that will be done with various actors & actresses exploring their thoughts about the convention scene and what is going on in the universe around them.
Our first interview is with Claudia Christian, who is probably best known for her role as Commander Susan Ivanova on Babylon 5.
Her first television role was a guest appearance on Dallas & then as series regular Melody Hughes on the drama Berrenger's, followed by appearances in The Hidden, Maniac Cop 2 & Hexed before finally appearing on Babylon 5.
She has also appeared in Freaks and Geeks & She Spies.
Claudia returned to her stage beginnings in the US premier of Michael Weller's What the Night is For in 2004.
She also appearances in the BBC comedy series Broken News as well as the Doctor Who audio drama "The Reaping" as well as Showtime's LOOK: The Series.
Claudia also has a music career, having released a solo CD called Once Upon a Time, a single called "Taboo" as well as a project with other Babylon 5 cast members on the album The Be Five. All told Claudia has appeared in over 40 films & 35 television series!

Shawn: What was the first convention that you attended?

Claudia: I don't recall, but I think it might have been the UK one with the whole cast of Babylon 5...

Shawn: So how did it go?

Claudia: If it WAS that event it was shocking, we had no idea that the show was that popular!

Shawn: What would say was probably the best Convention you've been to?

Claudia: I have had some fun DragonCon's and some great Cons overseas....I can't really choose one perfect event, but the Phoenix 20th anniversary reunion for Babylon 5 was darned near perfect!

Shawn: OK, how about the worst Convention?

Claudia: There was one a military base years ago...9 people showed up...I was with some Xena actors and it was just colossally awful...

Shawn: What would you say was the strangest or most unusual fan encounter you've had at an event?

Claudia: You can read about that in my book "Babylon Confidential"
It involves a man in a Tribble suit!

Shawn: How about an actual bad experience at a show?

Claudia: Check out the Tribble story...and in my own words:

Shawn: Scary

Claudia: It was a doozy!

Shawn: Well, in retrospect what would you do differently if you were running a Convention?

Claudia: I tried to to throw my own Con in London...the riots and a huge bicycle race happened to occur on the same was a LOT of work for very little profit, but the fans had a decent enough time and so did I!
I think Cons should allow the friendly guests (like me) more access to the fans such as with breakfasts and casual photo ops...things are becoming too expensive for most fans...

Shawn: Have you ever wanted to get an autograph from someone?

Claudia: Well, I did ask Parker Stevenson of the The Hardy Boys for a photo when I was 13...

Shawn: So what are your current projects?

12578063684?profile=originalClaudia: A new novel released by Tor called "Wolf's Empire", a TV show called Runestone, selling my documentary "One Little Pill" and running my non-profit counseling addicts and trying to save more lives.

Shawn; How about future projects then?

Claudia: Everything foundation is my reason to get up every morning...helping people who suffer from AUD (Alcohol Use Disorder) is my life's work!

I want to thank Claudia for taking a few moments with me to answer those questions and shining some light on her thoughts and personal experiences. You can also find Babylon Confidential on

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The Hero Strikes Again!


Hello to all & welcome to our newest members as always.

I'm a little overdue with last weeks Hero award, but better late than never!

So here it is...

12578062683?profile=originalPatrick Gilmore is the actor who portrays Rafferty in the Re-Imagined series episodes "Deadlock" and "Someone to Watch Over Me."

He also portrays Dale Volker on Stargate Universe and Trennan on the steampunk Riese the series.
He has also been seen in Eureka and is one of the first actors to appear in all three Stargate TV series.

We salute this versatile Canadian actor!

So Say We All!

Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club


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12578062088?profile=originalATTENTION ALL DECKS: Operation Zoe Viper, 7242NC,  after an extended transit flight and several conferences with Cueball, has been inspected, fueled and armed. She is cocked and locked and ready to rock. Request and forms will go to CAG with a request that she be listed as "Mission Ready" for Houston appearance. Will advise. End of transmission.

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Ravens Honoring A Fallen Comrade/Family



It is never an easy thing to lose someone very close to you whether you are directly related to them or whether you are very good friends with them.  

Please keep in your prayers, the family of a very good friend of the Raven's very own Chief Engineering Officer Jeff "Gambit" Phillips and the Raven's very own Communications Officer Shane "Ogre" Coble. Gambit lost a very dear friend of his who was almost like a brother to him named Dan Moore, to brain cancer over the weekend.  Gambit and Ogre especially Gambit, I am here for you, along with the rest of your fellow Ravens ( all over 200 of them ) hailing from all parts of the world.  Like I said, WE ARE A FAMILY here on the Raven.  And when one goes down, WE ARE ALL HERE to support each other.  

Gambit, in honor of your very good friend Dan "Kazado" Moore, I AM ORDERING the Raven to dim her lights until he is laid to rest and run a missing man formation with all viper and raptor squadron participating.  Per Ogre's request, he will have the honor of flying in a multi squadron man formation.  And since Dan "Kazado" Moore was almost like a brother to you from what I was told, it is just befitting that he become a member of the Raven's Family and Friends Circle.  So I hereby announce, that for this day forward, the 18th of May 2014, effectively immediately, Dan "Kazado" Moore, is now an official HONORARY MEMBER of the Minotaur Viper Squadron.




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Two new convention Banners will be making its debut next week that will be representing not only Battlestar Raven, but the mother club ,  Battlestar Galactica Fan Club. These two new convention banners of course will be accompanied by the Raven's original banner as well.  The two banners will also become what I call "the Traveling Banners".  It means, where the Raven is being represented by other members of Battlestar Raven other than myself, these banners will be there.  The original Raven banner if far too important and precious to be shipped around as it contains signatures from cast members of both the TOS BSG Series and RDM Series.  Those signatures were obtained by those Raven Members who were with me at Galacticon 3, as a gift to me which I dedicate to my whole Staff and Crew.  Without them, there is NO Raven.  I am approaching my second year as her Commanding Officer this coming August 1, 2014. And I will say this, it has been such an honor and such a pleasure so far, leading a group that is full of class act and talented members.  The Raven has truely indeed evolve!  And as I stated early this year, it will be THE YEAR OF THE RAVEN!

So Say We All!


BFC Vice President

Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven-BFC 002

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Dinner with a friend

Hello Colonials!
I bid you a good day or evening...depending on when you read this!
Though it took a little playing catch up, with these two Hero awards we are now currently up to date with them.
Without further ado, (and with all thanks to the Battlestar Wiki in this regard)...our TWO newest Hero's!).

12578057876?profile=originalArlene Martel is an American actress whose TV career stretches as early as 1958, starring in many popular (now considered "classic") shows such as Death Valley Days,' The Twilight Zone, Bewitched, and Columbo.
Many science fiction fans may remember Ms. Martel best as the betrothed, scheming Vulcan wife of Mr. Spock, T'Pring, in the episode "Amok Time" from the original Star Trek series.
Ms. Martel guest-starred as Adulteress 58 in the Original Series episode, "The Long Patrol."

12578058497?profile=originalLarry Cedar is the actor who played Cadet Shields in the Original Series episode, "The Gun on Ice Planet Zero, Part I".

His work in the Star Trek franchise includes the roles of Nydrom in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's "Armageddon Game", Jal Tersa in Star Trek: Voyager's "Alliances", and Tessic in Star Trek: Enterprise's "Marauders".
He has also appeared in Stargate SG-1 as Prior #2 in the Brad Turner-directed episode, "Origin".

Now you may wonder WHY I called this message "Dinner with a friend"...well, let me tell you (and from personal experience too!)...conventions are a GREAT way to bond and find fellowship while you break bread with someone...over the years I've had some very interesting dinner companions in the atmosphere of conventions...some famous, some not...but ALL were people I would sit down to dinner with again.

For instance, the aforementioned Arlene Martel....yup, I had lunch with T'Pring!

Last year as matter of fact...actually with Arlene, Richard Hatch, Kate Vernon & her Personal Assistant Lynda King...NOW don't get me wrong, I'm not personally boasting about who I have meals with, have had or will have...I AM trying to say that YOU all have (when you go to a Con) the opportunity to do the this case share a table with fellow fans (and friends) & some of those people you see on television or film.

There is also Sci-Con in beautiful Tampa Florida...and I AM looking forward to spending some time in Florida for this one!

Something a little different...though not a Con but an acting workshop is Columbia Gorge Acting Intensive

later this year...

Of course the big Kahuna in all this is of course Galacticon IV

The biggest Battlestar Galactica event at any time....and while next years event will include guests from other shows...the overriding premise is based upon Battlestar Galactica and it's stars...and OF COURSE I will be at this one!

So get out there and have dinner!

Bon Appetit!

So Say We All!

Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club


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Just wanted to give you guys an update. I am officially on the liver transplant list at UNC Chapel Hill. I still have a long way to go including 3 kidney stone removal surgeries over the next month. My wife and family have set up a page on facebook if you would like daily updates, as I am usually incapable of giving them myself due to all the travel and meds associated with this life saving journey. You can look it up on face book under: Bryan's Journey to a New Liver. I really miss hanging out with all of you, and sharing all our thoughts and imaginations of this wonderful show and group of people. But I know you guys will be here as soon as Im ready to climb back aboard. Thank you again ...So Say We All!!! Bryan "GreyW0lf" McMinn...
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new members


 I'm Ernie Miller and as the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club Adminstrator of Colonial Affairs,    I welcome you on behalf of the leadership of the BFC.

 Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you on the site"

 Welcome   So Say We All !!!!!!

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Hero's at last!

Fellow Colonials!
Hello to all & welcome as always to our newest members...we are always moving forward!
Finally able to get "caught up" from the whirlwind of activity that has been going on and as promised we are going to be catching up with our Hero's at last.
Without further ado, here we go:

12578052688?profile=originalSamuel Stewart "Sam" Witwer  is an American actor and musician. He has portrayed Lt. Crashdown in Battlestar Galactica, Davis Bloome in Smallville, and vampire Aidan Waite of the US/Canadian remake of BBC's supernatural drama series Being Human on Syfy in the US and Space in Canada. He also voiced main protagonist Galen Marek/Starkiller in the successful multimedia project Star Wars: The Force Unleashed as well as The Son & Darth Maul for Cartoon Network's Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008 TV series).

12578053297?profile=originalKerry Norton is an English Actress & former gymnast.Kerry had a small part on the American TV series, Sabrina the Teenage Witch in 1996. The episode, entitled "A Girl and Her Cat", saw Norton putting her years of gymnast training to the test. Norton played the part of Lulu, a very flexible gymnastic witch, who was engaged to Sabrina's second cousin.
She has made several guest appearances on Battlestar Galactica as paramedic Layne Ishay (with her real-life husband as Major Lee 'Apollo' Adama). Ishay saves Commander Adama's life when shot by Sharon "Boomer" Valerii. She was in the first three episodes of season 2, "Scattered", "Valley of Darkness" and "Fragged", and a later episode entitled "Downloaded". She also appeared in the season 3 episode "Taking a Break from All Your Worries", and the season 4 episodes "A Disquiet Follows My Soul", "No Exit", "Islanded in a Stream of Stars" and "Daybreak, Parts 1 and 2".
She also played the leading role of Anne Alstein in The Screwfly Solution. She played the part of Maxi Purvis in Bad Girls' third and fourth series and was a member of the original cast of the touring play Seven Deadly Sins Four Deadly Sinners.
She also appeared in a Fairy Liquid television advertisement in 2010.

12578053481?profile=originalColm Feore is a Canadian-American actor born in Boston, Massachusetts. Within the Galactica universe, Feore appears on-screen as Richard Adar, the President of the Twelve Colonies at the time of the Cylon attack.
Feore graduated from Ridly College in St. Catherines, Ontario, and attended the National Theater School in Montreal, Quebec. He became a member of the Acting Company at the famous Stratford Festival of Canada, where he performed such roles as Oberon in A Midsummer Night's Dream, Petruchio in The Taming of the Shrew and the title characters in Richard III and Hamlet.
While not performing at Stratford, Feore appeared in minor roles in American and Canadian film and television productions. He shot to fame in Canada by portraying former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau in a 2002 CBC miniseries. The actress portraying Trudeau's then-wife Margaret, Polly Shannon, is the real-life girlfriend of Callum Keith Rennie, better known in Battlestar Galactica as Leoben Conoy, a Humanoid Cylon.
Feore is perhaps best-known internationally for his intelligent portrayals of varying characters as diverse as pianist Glenn Gould and Marcus Andronicus in the 1999 remake of Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus. He also portrayed the Necromongers' Lord Marshal in The Chronicles of Riddick. He recently appeared in the film Bon Cop, Bad Cop, which has become one of the highest-grossing Canadian films of all time.

And there you have it!

Major thanks to the resources of both wikipedia & the battlestar wikipeidia on all that!

Tomorrow a major announcement from Galacticon IV so stay TUNED!

So Say We All!

Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club


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Happy Birthday Reamer

12577822281?profile=originalHAPPY BIRTHDAY REAMER

Tuesday, April 29 is Roger "Reamer" Barstow's Birthday. The hotshot Leader of the Battlestar Raven Flying Tigers Squadron is always there for his Club, his Friends and his Shipmates. For a tough leader, he is a dedicated and selfless man, and, I'm proud to say, my Friend. Here's to you Reamer, Happy Birthday and Thanks. SO SAY WE ALL! I believe some crew members are already celebrating.

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Saturday Night’s CAP Mission


Hi Everyone,

Here’s what the Flying Tiger’s like to do on a Saturday night at the BFC. We perform a mock battle against the Cylons and have fun scrapping a few Toasters in the process. Some may say this is a crazy way to spend/waste your free time. All I can say is don’t knock it until you try it.


As always each mission starts off with a briefing explaining the mission. At the appointed time who ever wants to take part simply shows up in the Forum Chat room and the mission gets underway. Most missions last about an hour in length then we have a few imaginary drinks in the Ravens Lounge before we call it a night. Take a look and read what took place last night and feel free to make any comments you like.


Captain Reamer


Mission Briefing:


“Attention Tiger’s Attention”


We’re up for CAP after the Minotaur squadron. As always, we never know what we will encounter out there. It may be a boring CAP or we could be in for the fight of our lives. Stay alert!!! Live to fly and fight another day. Understood? OK!!!


Colonel Leonidas just informed me to be on the look out for Cylon Mk-IX’s. The Mk-IX was discontinued many Yahren’s ago, but the Cylons have reactivated them due to a shortage of their Heavy Raider known to us as the Turkey. The Mk-IX may be slower than our Mk-II’s, but they are deadly no matter how old or outdated they may be.


That’s all, skids up in fifteen on the port launch bay.

Good Hunting!!!!!

SO SAY WE ALL! ! ! ! !


The Mission begins:


  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Raven, This Is Storm Shadow; Minotaur CAP Requesting Landing Clearance, Over)

  • 9:42 PM
  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

This Is Raven, Storm; You Are Clear For Port Flight Deck, Hands On; Call The Ball.

·         ( Speed 110, I Have The Ball)

  • 9:44 PM
  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • 9:49 PM
  • Me

Roger that CAG Sir!!! Flying Tiger's getting ready for launch!!!

  • 9:59 PM
  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Flight two prepared to launch preflight is complete.

  • Me

OK Tiger’s.....Remember to perform a complete pre-flight....lets not have any accidents while launching....

·         Good to see you Hitman!!! Bunny said she might be late.

·         I wonder if anyone is going to join us.

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

You know me. Always up for a night CAP.

  • Me

I hear ya Hitman!!! How’s the weather in Vegas?

  • 10:03 PM
  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

It was Franklin cold today 65 degrees!

·         Frak!

  • Me

Wow, that's cold for you my friend!!! It rained all day in RI and it was cold as well.

  • 10:05 PM
  • Me

Deathstroke was excited to join us. I wonder what he's up to.

·         This isn't the best start for a mission.

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Yes. It will be 75 tomorrow. So that cold stuff is over.

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Well gentlemen. I finally got my horse out of the barn. Shall we?

  • Me

OK, let’s launch this thing!!!!

  • LtJg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

I made it!

  • Me

Alright!!! Let’s launch!!!!

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Let's Rock-n- Roll!

  • Me

My Pre-flights good I'm in the tube and launching in 3, 2, 1......whoosh.....

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Kick the tires & light the fires!

  • LtJg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Pre-flight completed, preparing to launch!

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Or something like that. LoL

  • Me

OK Tiger's lets get formed up after everyone launches....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Flight 2 is clear of the Raven!

  • Me

We're packing standard ordinance for this mission....make every shot count.....

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Pre-flight complete. Locked & loaded. Launching now

·         Copy that Cap

  • Me

Ya never know what we're going to run into....

  • LtJg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Flight 5 is launched and forming up, ready to go!

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

We can only hope!

  • Me

El Cid lets get it together....Over....

·         Roger that Cap....

·         Flight one is looking good....lets see what's out here....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Flight 2 let's tighten up! Mace get in here!

  • Me

Reamer to Hitman....Over....

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Flight 3 formed up & ready to rock

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Go ahead Captain

  • Me

I forgot to mention, Hitman, your flight is packing two nukes a peace....I know you love Fireworks on your Birthday.....

·         Over...

  • LtJg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Happy Birthday to you both by the way!

  • Me

Thanks Bunny!!!

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I had noticed that I was a little heavy. Thanks for thinking of me Captain!

·         Thanks!!

  • Me

Roger that Hitman......OK lets head for the perimeter and begin our CAP...

·         Watch out for any Mk-IX's....

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

I would wish you a happy birthday, Reamer, but I'm pretty sure that you've already found that whoopee cushion I put in your cockpit

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Roger that.

  • Me

Oooops....I just found it!!!!!LOL

  • LtJg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker


  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Happy birthday guys

  • Me

I still got some Bean-O from the last mission!!!!

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James


  • LtJg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Bean-o before lol

  • Me

Here we go.....looks like the Cylons want to wish us a happy Birthday as well.....

·         My Dradis is lighting up all of a sudden....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Holy Frak!

  • LtJg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

I see!

  • Me

YeeHaa....I love a good fight.....

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Frakking hell my screen looks like a Christmas tree

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Time to get this party started!

  • Me

Looks like the CAG was right on this one.....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

This is amazing!

  • Me

I've not seen anything like this on my dradus in a long time.....looks like some Mk-IX's for sure it’s sooo big.....

  • LtJg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Yeah, they're coming in heavy

  • Me

They must be setting up a listening post against the Raven and the Fleet....

·         Let’s give it to em....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I haven't seen these before! Be careful Tigers!

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Flight 3: Let's plow the road!

  • Me

They may require HD-70’s.....making every shot count....

  • LtJg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Flight 5 Keep it tight!

  • Me

They're at 12 O'clock even....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Flight 2! Let's go in high!

  • Me

Let’s climb and then dive on them and hit em hard....

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Flight 3 is going right up the middle

  • LtJg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Flight 5 let's climb!

  • Me

Flight 1 execute an Immelman turn....

·         Watch it....there are Raiders in escort as well....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Flight 2 we are going to mirror Flight 1! Execute Immelman. Now!

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Roger that Cap

  • Me

OK level off and let’s dive on that group of scrap....

·         Target the IX's first....then we'll get the Raiders.....on the next pass….

  • LtJg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Flight 5 let's do this!

  • Me

·         Target acquired missiles locked on.....two away.....whooosh....


  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Deathstroke, you & Hawkwind break right & draw those 3 toasters. Achilles & I will mop them up.

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Firing solution acquired! Fire!!!!

  • Me

Multiple missile launches.......

·         POW.....look at the Fireworks.....

·         Yeah....that's scrapping a few....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Splash!! All that Glitters is Gold!!!

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

There you go boys..........served up like Thanksgiving dinner.....

  • Me

Flight 1 over.....everyone with me....

·         Roger that Cap we got one each from the looks of it....

·         Great shooting Tiger' out for their escort....

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Scrap 3! Nice shooting Achilles

  • Me

Let’s come around and see what we find....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Nice shooting Tigers!

  • LtJg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

I'm having comm issues; I'm going to restart my communications system

  • Me

There's a bunch of toasters at 9 O'clock....Over....



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