Saturday Night’s CAP Mission


Hi Everyone,

Here’s what the Flying Tiger’s like to do on a Saturday night at the BFC. We perform a mock battle against the Cylons and have fun scrapping a few Toasters in the process. Some may say this is a crazy way to spend/waste your free time. All I can say is don’t knock it until you try it.


As always each mission starts off with a briefing explaining the mission. At the appointed time who ever wants to take part simply shows up in the Forum Chat room and the mission gets underway. Most missions last about an hour in length then we have a few imaginary drinks in the Ravens Lounge before we call it a night. Take a look and read what took place last night and feel free to make any comments you like.


Captain Reamer


Mission Briefing:


“Attention Tiger’s Attention”


We’re up for CAP after the Minotaur squadron. As always, we never know what we will encounter out there. It may be a boring CAP or we could be in for the fight of our lives. Stay alert!!! Live to fly and fight another day. Understood? OK!!!


Colonel Leonidas just informed me to be on the look out for Cylon Mk-IX’s. The Mk-IX was discontinued many Yahren’s ago, but the Cylons have reactivated them due to a shortage of their Heavy Raider known to us as the Turkey. The Mk-IX may be slower than our Mk-II’s, but they are deadly no matter how old or outdated they may be.


That’s all, skids up in fifteen on the port launch bay.

Good Hunting!!!!!

SO SAY WE ALL! ! ! ! !


The Mission begins:


  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Raven, This Is Storm Shadow; Minotaur CAP Requesting Landing Clearance, Over)

  • 9:42 PM
  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

This Is Raven, Storm; You Are Clear For Port Flight Deck, Hands On; Call The Ball.

·         ( Speed 110, I Have The Ball)

  • 9:44 PM
  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • 9:49 PM
  • Me

Roger that CAG Sir!!! Flying Tiger's getting ready for launch!!!

  • 9:59 PM
  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Flight two prepared to launch preflight is complete.

  • Me

OK Tiger’s.....Remember to perform a complete pre-flight....lets not have any accidents while launching....

·         Good to see you Hitman!!! Bunny said she might be late.

·         I wonder if anyone is going to join us.

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

You know me. Always up for a night CAP.

  • Me

I hear ya Hitman!!! How’s the weather in Vegas?

  • 10:03 PM
  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

It was Franklin cold today 65 degrees!

·         Frak!

  • Me

Wow, that's cold for you my friend!!! It rained all day in RI and it was cold as well.

  • 10:05 PM
  • Me

Deathstroke was excited to join us. I wonder what he's up to.

·         This isn't the best start for a mission.

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Yes. It will be 75 tomorrow. So that cold stuff is over.

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Well gentlemen. I finally got my horse out of the barn. Shall we?

  • Me

OK, let’s launch this thing!!!!

  • LtJg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

I made it!

  • Me

Alright!!! Let’s launch!!!!

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Let's Rock-n- Roll!

  • Me

My Pre-flights good I'm in the tube and launching in 3, 2, 1......whoosh.....

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Kick the tires & light the fires!

  • LtJg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Pre-flight completed, preparing to launch!

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Or something like that. LoL

  • Me

OK Tiger's lets get formed up after everyone launches....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Flight 2 is clear of the Raven!

  • Me

We're packing standard ordinance for this mission....make every shot count.....

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Pre-flight complete. Locked & loaded. Launching now

·         Copy that Cap

  • Me

Ya never know what we're going to run into....

  • LtJg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Flight 5 is launched and forming up, ready to go!

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

We can only hope!

  • Me

El Cid lets get it together....Over....

·         Roger that Cap....

·         Flight one is looking good....lets see what's out here....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Flight 2 let's tighten up! Mace get in here!

  • Me

Reamer to Hitman....Over....

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Flight 3 formed up & ready to rock

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Go ahead Captain

  • Me

I forgot to mention, Hitman, your flight is packing two nukes a peace....I know you love Fireworks on your Birthday.....

·         Over...

  • LtJg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Happy Birthday to you both by the way!

  • Me

Thanks Bunny!!!

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I had noticed that I was a little heavy. Thanks for thinking of me Captain!

·         Thanks!!

  • Me

Roger that Hitman......OK lets head for the perimeter and begin our CAP...

·         Watch out for any Mk-IX's....

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

I would wish you a happy birthday, Reamer, but I'm pretty sure that you've already found that whoopee cushion I put in your cockpit

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Roger that.

  • Me

Oooops....I just found it!!!!!LOL

  • LtJg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker


  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Happy birthday guys

  • Me

I still got some Bean-O from the last mission!!!!

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James


  • LtJg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Bean-o before lol

  • Me

Here we go.....looks like the Cylons want to wish us a happy Birthday as well.....

·         My Dradis is lighting up all of a sudden....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Holy Frak!

  • LtJg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

I see!

  • Me

YeeHaa....I love a good fight.....

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Frakking hell my screen looks like a Christmas tree

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Time to get this party started!

  • Me

Looks like the CAG was right on this one.....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

This is amazing!

  • Me

I've not seen anything like this on my dradus in a long time.....looks like some Mk-IX's for sure it’s sooo big.....

  • LtJg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Yeah, they're coming in heavy

  • Me

They must be setting up a listening post against the Raven and the Fleet....

·         Let’s give it to em....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I haven't seen these before! Be careful Tigers!

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Flight 3: Let's plow the road!

  • Me

They may require HD-70’s.....making every shot count....

  • LtJg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Flight 5 Keep it tight!

  • Me

They're at 12 O'clock even....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Flight 2! Let's go in high!

  • Me

Let’s climb and then dive on them and hit em hard....

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Flight 3 is going right up the middle

  • LtJg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Flight 5 let's climb!

  • Me

Flight 1 execute an Immelman turn....

·         Watch it....there are Raiders in escort as well....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Flight 2 we are going to mirror Flight 1! Execute Immelman. Now!

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Roger that Cap

  • Me

OK level off and let’s dive on that group of scrap....

·         Target the IX's first....then we'll get the Raiders.....on the next pass….

  • LtJg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Flight 5 let's do this!

  • Me

·         Target acquired missiles locked on.....two away.....whooosh....


  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Deathstroke, you & Hawkwind break right & draw those 3 toasters. Achilles & I will mop them up.

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Firing solution acquired! Fire!!!!

  • Me

Multiple missile launches.......

·         POW.....look at the Fireworks.....

·         Yeah....that's scrapping a few....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Splash!! All that Glitters is Gold!!!

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

There you go boys..........served up like Thanksgiving dinner.....

  • Me

Flight 1 over.....everyone with me....

·         Roger that Cap we got one each from the looks of it....

·         Great shooting Tiger' out for their escort....

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Scrap 3! Nice shooting Achilles

  • Me

Let’s come around and see what we find....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Nice shooting Tigers!

  • LtJg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

I'm having comm issues; I'm going to restart my communications system

  • Me

There's a bunch of toasters at 9 O'clock....Over....



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