battlestar (23)

Celebrating 45 Years of Galactica Magic



Today marks a momentous occasion as we commemorate the 45th anniversary of the original Battlestar Galactica series that first captured our hearts back in 1978. It’s a time to reflect on the immense impact this iconic show has had on science fiction and the countless memories it has given us.
From the jaw-dropping battles against the Cylons to the heartwarming friendships forged aboard the Galactica, this series took us on an unforgettable journey through space and time. We laughed with Starbuck's charm, admired Apollo's bravery, and marveled at the wisdom of Commander Adama. The original Battlestar Galactica taught us about resilience, loyalty, and the bonds of family.
But the story doesn't end there. The legacy of Battlestar Galactica continues to inspire new generations with its timeless themes and captivating storytelling. It has spawned new iterations, reboots, and spin-offs, reminding us that the spirit of the Galactica lives on.
On this special anniversary, let's raise our glasses to the talented cast, crew, and all the fans who have kept the Galactica flame burning bright for four and a half decades. Your passion and dedication have made this universe truly special, creating a community that spans galaxies.
Share your favorite memories, quotes, and moments from the original series using #Galactica45 and let's celebrate together! Here's to 45 years of adventures, friendship, and the enduring legacy of Battlestar Galactica.
So Say We All!!!
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President’s Address



Good Evening Members of the Fleet,

As I pondered quietly thinking what to say, I really found it very difficult to find the words to do so.  So, I will just say what I really feel.  

As the incoming President of Battlestar Galactica Fan Club, I never dreamt of running an organization such as this.  I have always been the type to just sit back and do the work behind the scene.  As you all know, the BFC just recently celebrated its 18 years of existence, which is a phenomenal accomplishment.  Clubs, organizations comes and goes, but the BFC is still around after 18 years later and very much alive and kicking well.  

Shawn O'Donnell was the one that recruited me to the BFC. When I first came here, I became the Chief Engineering Officer of Battlestar Tiger Claw, later renamed Battlestar Raven,  of which I later became the Chapter Leader in October of 2012.  Shawn O'Donnell once said to me that he likes that "spunkiness" in me, to help him keep him on his toes. I was like- "Spunkiness! Who me?" So, he appointed me as BFC Deputy Vice President when it was vacated.  And as the saying goes, the rest was history after that.  I began working more closely with Shawn side by side, as time goes by.  He would email me and send me text messages with a TO DO list for the BFC, quite often more than I wanted and expected.   Our first convention appearance together running the BFC Fan Club table was Comicpalooza 2012. I told Shawn that I don't like the character of Tom Zarek because he is such a troublemaker and very devious.  And so Shawn tells me-  "What if I tell you that Richard is nothing like his character Tom Zarek. You will see!  I will introduce you to him.   So, it is here, that another history was made.  He introduce me in person for the first time, to the ever charismatic Captain Apollo but the devious Tom Zarek, Richard Hatch , so I can see for myself, that Richard was nothing like the character of Tom Zarek.  

Upon meeting Richard and interacting with him, I was amaze at Richard's lovable personality and the way he talks about the fans of Battlestar Galactica.  To him, the fans are everything because it is what keeps the faith alive.  Meeting Richard with such an introduction,  would not have been made possible at all for me and  to form such a friendship with him on the side, without Shawn introducing me to him.   We had a lot of fun at that convention and to the many more conventions after that.  And with those good times, also came some bad times, of which I am not going to even explain it here because I don't like dwelling in the past.  Most of you know what they were.  But most will not. The past is the past.  And that is where it will stay.  I am the type that likes to move forward in a positive way. One thing that I can honestly say to all of you is that through the years I have known Shawn, I have known him as the type of leader, that will always stand by his people.  And to quote one of my all time favorite show right now, The Blacklist-

" Value loyalty above all else!"- Raymond Reddington -

Having loyalty is what keeps the bond stronger.  And in doing so, we got through those thick and hard times.  

Shawn was truly a man of passion when it comes to doing what he does for the BFC. Heck, he was doing it for almost 20 years ( back when he had more hair back ).  So when he told me that he was stepping down and turning over the reign to me, I did not know what to say.  All he said to me was - "You will do well and have every confidence in you that you will take it to heights because you are already doing it anyways!"   So Shawn, I thank you for everything you have taught me through the years on the side.  I certainly learned a lot from you and Richard especially teaching me that the fans, is the most important aspect of what we do here at the BFC.  For without the fans, it means nothing.  I can only hope, to carry on the legacy you have set forth for this organization with such a long, rich and honorable history, and make you proud not only as a friend but as a mentor to me alongside Richard, to the best of my ability.

In the next couple of days, I will announce the new BFC Vice President and Deputy Vice Presider along with the new Staff Members of the BFC.  I speak to all them on the side and let them know what my expectations will be to those selected and appointed in those positions.  I will also outline what my hopes and goals for the BFC will be in the future to come.

I thank you all for your time and patience! Take care!

" Keeping the Faith Alive"- So Say We All



President of Battlestar Galactica Fan Club


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Battlestar Dreadnought Specs and Background

Battlestar Dreadnought (Heketokares-Class Heavy Battlestar): Specifications: Crew: Approx. 6,000 ships crew + 200 dedicated commtechs Propulsion: 8x Enhanced sublight engines, RCS Clusters Role: Super Carrier/Battleship Hybrid Armaments: 10x Primary batteries (5x Dorsal/Ventral Spine Triple Super-Heavy turrets); 24x Secondary heavy batteries (6x2 twin turrets port/starboard); 40x Tertiary medium batteries port/starboard (10x2 twin turrets port/starboard); many duel AAA/PDC batteries (groups of 6/12 networked batteries); 10x VLS Missile tubes (Nuclear Capable) Defenses & Features: ECM/ECCM; Drone decoy system; Advanced Fleet CIC facilities Aircraft: Full Viper Mk VII compliment, Full Raptor compliment, Aviation facilities: 4x flight pods; 4x flight decks; 160x Viper launch tubes; 4x flight pod hangars; Viper construction facilities Dimensions: Length 2584.2 meters; Background: the Heketonkares-Class Heavy Battlestar is a true goliath. Produced during the 50 year armistice, 5 years prior to the Fall of the Colonies. It truly lives up to its class namesake the “Hundred Handed” goliath of legend. The secondary guns are equal to the huge forward batteries of the Mercury-Class. Its primary turrets are the biggest over made by colonial shipyards, each barrel firing 800cm diameter shells that can shred a Basestar in very short order. & that is w/out the 600cm & 400cm batteries being added. Its unique turret layout offers equal coverage on all arcs other then directly forward. It also has a large aviation compliment in 4 separate flight pods that are recessed into the Dreadnoughts incredibly thick flanks making them very difficult to damage. The Massive forward head section is divided into upper, lower jaw & teeth. The top section is the most heavily armored & contains the ships bridge; incredibly powerful sensors & electronics are buried in the two side sections. The luxurious crew accommodations are sandwiched between the two massively armored sections in “the teeth”, all studded by banks of AAA guns. The primary role of the Dreadnought is to be the Command ship of a large Armada providing heavy artillery & strategic CIC support. It has nearly all-around heavy gun & armor coverage making it ideal for anchoring the center of a fleet formation. This behemoth features dedicated Fleet CIC functions w/ a large dedicated communications staff. Its secondary battery placement makes any attempt to flank the fleet a highly dangerous endeavor. The only truly “safe” attack vector is directly from the prow & this is covered by numerous PDC banks & incredibly thick armor plus the armada it would be at the center of. This makes the Dreadnought a true force multiplier in large scale fleet engagement.
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Getting Back To Business Soon

Hello Everyone,

It is good to be back home FINALLY!  As I get settled into my old routine back after my R & R, you will see me in here more often getting to know our new members.  But first, let me thank everyone here on the Raven especially my Raven Command Staff Members and the BFC Deputy Vice President Steven Elliot, for running things in my absence.  Slowly but surely, I will get back into the routine and get things going here once again with us having lots of fun.  But in the meantime, I will be spending some quality time with my family trying to make up for lost time.  I will however, pop in here from time to time whenever I get the chance.


BFC Vice President

Commanding Officer

Battlestar Raven-BFC-002

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Battlestar Medusa (Medusa-Class/Gorgon Subtype Advanced Battlestar): Specifications: Crew: Approx. 3000 FTL: Yes Propulsion: 5x Enhanced Vectored sublight engines, RCS Clusters Role: Advanced Carrier/Battleship Armaments: 4x forward primary twin heavy KEW batteries; 30x twin turret secondary KEW batteries (14 dorsal/ 12 ventral/8 port/starboard); Tertiary AAA batteries; PDCs; 2x15 tube Missile batteries; 16 tube VLS missile battery Defenses & Features: ECM/ECCM; Drone decoy system; Advanced DrADIS; Flak barrier; reduced DraDIS cross-section; Advanced Jump calculation. Aircraft: Full Viper Mk VII compliment, 10 squadrons/2 reserve squadrons (200 planes); Full Raptor compliment, 10 squadrons/1 CSAR (70 planes); Various Axillary Craft Aviation facilities: 2x flight pods; 4x flight decks; 23 Viper launch tubes per deck; 2 x recessed flight pod hangars; Viper construction facilities Dimensions: Length 1984.2 meters. Background: The Medusa-Class is the finalized mass production form of the Experimental Battlestar Andromeda (Minerva-Class/Hyades-Subtype). It incorporates all the advanced features tested in the Andromeda. The contoured hull is designed to reduce DrADIS cross-section. Advanced vectored D2 RCS clustes work with the main thrusters to dramatically improve reaction time. The flight pods are heavily recessed into the hull sides making them much better protected. One of the final refinements are the easily exchanged palletized systems. Many core systems are now plug and play, including the CIS, reactors and jump drives. These are all accessible via external hatches. A series of hack-proof manual interlocks and clamps secure each module. This drastically decreases time spent in docks for replacements, refits and upgrades as the system can essentially be pulled and replaced with a new module in a fraction of the time spent on previous classes. KEW Armaments are fully automated and provide much better fire arcs the previous classes. The new missile batteries provide options and precision that the KEWs do not. The firewalls are the best that can be programed, and manual system backups are prevalent for all major systems.
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New Raven Tactical Officer



On this day of the 6th of February 2018, the Battlestar Raven would like to welcome its new Tactical Officer, Lt. Fred “Harfang” Landry. Lt. Landry was the sole survivor of Battlestar Excalibur of the Colonial Defense Forces, who used to patrol the skies of Canada. Battlestar Excalibur was destroyed in battle. Wanting to get back to serving the Colonial Fleet, he transferred aboard Battlestar Raven and became her new Tactical Officer.

So, please join me in welcoming the newest member of the Raven Command Staff, Lt. Fred “Harfang” Landry.

Lt. Landry, please report the Raven Executive Officer Major Steve “Kreios” Tweed for your newcomer’s briefing.

~Raven Actual

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If you do not already know......From our friends over at NBC Universo....


Starring Academy Award-Nominated Actor Edward James Olmos, the Universal Cable Productions and Syfy Series Debuts in Spanish on Wed., July 29 at 9 p.m. ET/PT 

MIAMI – July 28, 2015 – NBC UNIVERSO, the modern sports and entertainment cable channel for Latinos, today announced the launch of Battlestar Galactica, the cult classic which remains one of the highest-rated series ever on Syfy. From Universal Cable Productions, Battlestar Galactica is now slated to appeal to a whole new audience when it airs for the first time in Spanish on U.S. television beginning Wed., July 29, at 9 p.m. ET/PT.

Battlestar Galactica is the latest hit series NBC UNIVERSO has introduced in primetime as the channel recently launched Law & Order: LA and Suits in Spanish on Tuesday nights. Already a legendary franchise in English and with a global fan base, Battlestar Galactica, transports viewers into a world where human civilization has extended to a group of planets known as the Twelve Colonies and has engaged in a lengthy war against a cybernetic race known as the Cylons, whose goal is the extermination of the human race. After the Cylons carry out a massive attack on the Twelve Colonies and on the Colonial Fleet of “starships” that protect them, scattered survivors flee into outer space aboard a ragtag array of available spaceships. Only the “Battlestar Galactica,” a gigantic battleship and spacecraft carrier, survives the Cylon attack.

Under the leadership of Commander Adama (played by Academy Award nominee Edward James Olmos), the “Galactica” and a team of "Viper Fighters" lead a fleet of survivors in search of the fabled thirteenth colony known as Earth.

“Battlestar Galactica defined a special era for me as an actor and I am very proud to have been part of such an iconic franchise -- It’s thrilling to know that this work carries on and will now be enjoyed by legions of new Spanish-speaking fans,” said Edward James Olmos. “The show also delved into issues of mixed races and gender equality which I think new fans will find to be quite relevant today.”NBC UNIVERSO viewers can watch the series every week on Wednesdays from 9-10 p.m. ET/PT. The series also stars Grace Park as Battlestar Galactica pilot Number Eight, Mary McDonnell as President Laura Roslin and Jaime Bamber as Captain Lee "Apollo" Adama.

"Sci-fi is an extremely popular genre among Hispanics and NBC UNIVERSO is thrilled to build on its sci-fi offerings which currently include Warehouse 13 and Eureka,” said Bilai Joa Silar, Senior Vice President, Programming & Production, NBC UNIVERSO. “We are looking forward to introducing Battlestar Galactica to Spanish-speaking audiences in the U.S. and creating a new ‘Colony’ of “Galacticans.”

Subscribers of NBC UNIVERSO on participating cable, satellite, and telco services also will be able to view episodes of Battlestar Galactica in Spanish on Video on Demand, as well as and the NBC UNIVERSO NOW app by entering the subscriber’s log-in information. Battlestar Galactica is from Universal Cable Productions and originally aired on Syfy from 2004-2009. It was one of the channel’s highest rated series and out-performed UPN’s Star Trek series.

For more information on Battlestar Galactica in Spanish, please visit To find NBC UNIVERSO on your channel guide, please visit

# # #


NBC UNIVERSO ( is a modern sports and entertainment cable channel for Latinos, bringing the world’s top sports franchises and edgy programming to more than 40 million households in the U.S. As one of the most widely available modern cable channels for U.S. Latinos, NBC UNIVERSO delivers a thrilling mix of exclusive sports action – including FIFA World Cup™, Liga MX, Premier League, NASCAR Mexico Series, NFL and The 2016 Rio Olympics – along with signature series, blockbuster movies, music, must-see live events and strategic acquisitions, on TV, online and mobile devices. NBC UNIVERSO is part of Hispanic Enterprises and Content, a division of NBCUniversal (, one of the world's leading media and entertainment companies. NBCUniversal is a subsidiary of Comcast Corporation ( To find the NBC UNIVERSO channel number in your area, please visit

About Universal Cable Productions: 

Universal Cable Productions (UCP) creates innovative and critically acclaimed original scripted and digital content across media platforms for domestic and international distribution. UCP’s content library spans classics such as Emmy-award winning, “Monk,” and critic and fan favorites “Psych,” “Battlestar Galactica,” and “Warehouse 13.” In the U.S., UCP’s programming can be seen across various networks, including: “Colony” (Fall 2015), “Dig,” “Mr. Robot,” “Playing House,” “Royal Pains,” “Satisfaction” and “Suits” on USA Network; “12 Monkeys,” “Childhood’s End” (2016), “Defiance,” “Dominion,” “Hunters” (2016), “Killjoys,” and “Magicians” (2016) on Syfy; “Girlfriends’ Guide To Divorce” on Bravo; “The Royals,” on E!; “Difficult People” on Hulu; “BattlestarGalactica: Blood & Chrome” on Machinima Prime/YouTube, Syfy and DVD/Blu-Ray; and “Side Effects” on Awesomeness TV/YouTube. Universal Cable Productions is a part of NBCUniversal Cable Entertainment, a division of NBCUniversal, one of the world's leading media and entertainment companies. Follow us @UCPisTV.

About Battlestar Galactica: 

Battlestar Galactica is an American science fiction franchise created by Glen A. Larson. The franchise began with the original TV series in 1978, followed by a short sequel in 1980, a two-part three-hour mini-series in 2003, and a weekly TV series in 2010. In 2010, there was a spin-off prequel entitled Caprica.

Follow them on Twitter at: @NBCUNIVERSO @NBCUNIVERSOPR

In Service,


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club Vice President

Commanding Officer of Battlestar Raven-BFC-002

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Frak Stars 27: "Resurrection Ship" has jumped on to Holosuite Media, you can download and stream it from:


In this episode of Frak Stars, Colin, Steve and Drogyn discuss the episodes Resurrection Ship parts 1 and 2 (season 2, epsiodes 11 and 12).

In this episode of Battlestar Galactica we have the Battlestars Galactica and Pegasus nearly come to blows, but instead call a truce after Starbuck returns in the Blackbird and then they engage in a huge battle to destroy the massive Cylon Resurrection Ship.

So turn on your Colonial Wireless and find out what our very own nuggets think of these episodes.


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Whom Gods Destroy: Prelude to Axanar

"Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad" as spoken by Prometheus in Henry Wadsworth's The Masque of Pandora.

12578068692?profile=originalI had the opportunity to sit down with Alec Peters and discuss his latest project and it was an interesting talk.

I've known Alec for around 15 years so it was pretty easy to just launch right into the questions for this...and yes, he has always been a big fan of sci-fi!

The project in question of course is the upcoming Star Trek: Prelude to Axanar....

Shawn: So why a Star Trek project?

What made you want to do a Trek project as opposed to any other universe?

Alec: I have been a Star Trek fan since I was six years old...It is my favorite of "geekinesses".

I also love comics, sci-fi in general, gaming etc. So I am a pretty rounded geek...but Star Trek is my first love in that regard.

Shawn: So what made you choose the Battle of Axanar?

It's a fairly obscure reference from the third season of Star Trek, from the episode "Whom Gods Destroy" whose main protagonist is the character of Garth of Izar...

Alec: I was always fascinated by was Kirk's hero. What was he like?

Why was he the role model of a whole generation of ship's captains?

And what was the Battle of Axanar and why was it a pivotal event in the Federation?...I wanted to know the answer to all these questions.

Shawn: So when you started this project out, what were your thoughts on casting?

Alec: I knew I wanted Richard Hatch as my Klingon leader...Richard was my first acting coach twenty years ago and he is now. He is amazing! I knew he could pull off the Klingon I wanted.

After that it was looking for actors who could fit the characters who I wrote in the script.

JG Hertzler made the perfect old crusty Starfleet Captain and we got lucky and got Tony Todd to play our Admiral...and he has serious gravitas.

The only exception was Kate Vernon who we specifically wrote in a character for as Christian Gossett and I loved her so much when we met her.

Shawn: As far as getting those actors to participate, how did all that come about?

Alec: Well, Richard turned us on to them...Christian and I are huge Battlestar Galactica fans.

But we pretty much wanted to have both Battlestar Galactica and Star Trek actors in Axanar.

Just two franchises with a wealth of talent...

Shawn: You portray Garth in the how did that come around?

Alec: Well, back in 2010 I bought the original costume Steve Inhat wore as Garth.

I am a huge collector of screen used Star Trek props and costumes.

It was one of my Holy Grails, since I love that character so much...then I was talking about costumes one day with James Cawley of Star Trek Phase II & I had mentioned that I had gotten the costume.

We discussed what a great character Garth as and how it was too bad that Star Trek had never explored the character more.

James said, "Well, you know we are shooting an episode called 'Origins' which is about Kirk at the Academy and that was the time of Garth. We should add him to the script!"

And I said "You should!" to which James replied, "Well, you should play him".

So I did.

While at lunch with James one day during the shoot, I told him my Axanar story and he said I should produce it...and that started me on a journey, that is now four years later in 2014 finally seeing its culmination.

Shawn: Speaking of ideas for the film and it's much did the Four Years War storyline play into it?

It's a very detailed source book for the Star Trek role playing game...

Alec: I read the FASA role playing games and was of course fascinated by the story of Garth and the whole Four Years War was just natural to give a nod to the FASA universe and make this about that war, of course I changed things around to fit my narrative...

Shawn Have you been surprised by the support for the film?

Alec: Yes, but then again...we are all fans and we KNOW what we want to see!

So it felt good with the direction we were going...and we are making Star Trek that we as fans want to see, so in a way it is not a surprise that others want to see that too.

Shawn: Do you think that combination of the subject of Star Trek and the inclusion of Battlestar Galactica actors helps to establish a bridge between the two universes?

Alec: Well, both are great franchises...I happen to think that the reimagined Battlestar Galactica is the best sci-fi show ever!.

Star Trek is my first love though...they each stand on their own.

We are just casting the best actors out there for the roles...and if they happen to be from Battlestar Galactica, so be it.

Shawn: Where do you want to take this?

Where do you want the film to go & what results would you like to see?

Alec: I think our ultimate goal is for CBS to take notice and think about talking to us and involve us in Star Trek moving forward....all the current films you see out there are independent Star Trek, but maybe we can show we are worthy of working on the next CBS Television series.

Be sure to keep up to date on the this film at: Star Trek: Axanar

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CTO of the graphic: Steve "Kreios" Tweed

I just wanted to take my time to wish each and everyone on Battlestar Raven, HAPPY 4th Year Chapter Anniversary to each and everyone of you. It has bee a long and hard journey for her considering her rough beginning.  But the success she is enjoying now, is because of each and everyone of her members ( both current or old timers should I say ;-) - and new ).  Your combine hard work got her to where she is now and she and leads with example.  The ownership, pride, friendship, comraderie, talent, fun and a sense of family that the Raven crew has, is something that makes her unique and strong. This is what will make her rise above anything.  We keep this group simple, fun, and NOT a competition. If there is anything I have learned from my experience being a part of a fan club that things so seriously, it takes the fun out of things and people end up going against each other.  Things will begin to crumble after that.  And that is something I am very thankful for that the Raven is FREE from.  And I will would like to keep it that way.  This group has work far too hard to get to where she is now.  So to all Ravens, keep showing your pride and loyalty which you have already done so. And the Raven will keep rising and soaring above.

To help celebrate the Raven's 4th Year Chapter Anniversary, we will announce the winner of the free round trip airfare and VIP ticket to Galacticon 4.  This was put together by me and my husband along with the collaboration of the other Raven Command Staff members.  We had to really think hard for months.  My husband and I decided to put this together because we both know and have been watching, that not everyone has the same financial capabilities to go to conventions.  And we got thinking to ourselves and combine forces, in making that one select person's dream come true. The person selected is someone that has been a part of the Raven crew since her beginning.  This individual has shown nothing but loyalty and integrity as part of the crew.  He once told me that he may not be as talented as the other members we have including myself but he will certainly do what he can and in what he is good at.  And he has just done that.  No failure. This individual is a very good motivator.  He has evolve from someone not knowing at first what he needs to do or what he can do, to someone that keeps wanting to learn, taking initiative of doing things.  And this individual has stuck with the Raven in bad times and in good times.  And this EVERYONE, is a characteristic that makes a group strong if you have people like this as part of the crew.

So without further ado, the winner of the Raven Battle Group free roundtrip airfare and VIP ticket to Galacticon 4 is Keith "Leonidas" Ranson.  One of the Galacticon 4 VIP tickets that I have in my possession,  will be immediately transferred to you and the roundtrip airfare ticket will be given to you on the side at the appropriate time due to some personal information that we might need to book you the ticket. Now if for some reason you are not able to go due to your work, then a second person will be chosen in your place.  But I am sure you would want to go ;-) 

Congratulation Leonidas!  You deserve it!   MORE TO COME EVERYONE AS ANOTHER THING WILL BE REVEALED! :-)

SO SAY WE ALL!!!!  " NIL SATIS NISI OPTIMUM!"  Get used to seeing that phrase from the Raven Battle Group! You will soon find out everyone why here shortly.  ;-) :-)

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Galacticons Past

The "modern' Galacticon (or at least in the form we know it now) was kicked off in Los Angeles in 2003...Richard Hatch & team put that together to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Battlestar Galactica.

12578049860?profile=original(I have had the good fortune to be on that team and every subsequent Galacticon since!).

Galacticon is of course is an indirect descendent of the "Yahren" Cons that happened every 5 years you have an idea of the lineage and connections to past events.

12578049276?profile=original2008 saw the venue moved to the high seas...with Rex Mundi Productions LLC taking over the helm...with Galacticon II: Galacticruise & of course with Emissaries: Galacticon III in Houston.


Well any Convention is built on many things, not least it's guest list and to give all an idea of the who's who of Galacticon....

To keep it simple I'll feature a guests picture(s), name, show, character(s) name and Galacticon appearance.

For brevity's sake....and my fingers!....Galacticon (Los Angeles) becomes G1, Galacticruise becomes G2 & of course so on...

Also for the sake of my digits, Battlestar Galactica original series is BSG TOS...Reimagined is BSG RIS.

Also note that a lot of these folks made or will make repeat appearances so they are only pictured once, with the credit.

Also, for actors/actresses that appeared as guest stars, for the sake (again) of my digits, only the shows themselves will be noted, not the episodes (you can look them up!...lot more fun that way)...also to note considering the above note on abbreviation: Caprica is Caprica, Galactica 1980 is Galactica 1980 (easy!)...and if you will refer to the note below, any non BSG actors will have their show noted.

There will be but one credit per actor (except in the notable case of Richard Hatch and a few others)...way too many to list if it got down into that kind of detail AND if we are talking writers, producers, effects...well, it will be noted.

Before I begin I would like to add that NO Galacticon has ever...never been exclusively Battlestar Galactica...ain't that a kick in the pants...but true, each successive show has featured guest(s) from other shows as well....but I guess you wouldn't know till you saw the (almost) complete list!

Any omissions, mistakes or any other sort of errors on this list are my own...just noting that (unless of course any reference material was boo-booed in some way!).

Shall we begin?


12578050673?profile=original12578051452?profile=originalRichard Hatch

Captain Apollo


Tom Zarek


G1 G2 G3

12578052055?profile=originalDirk Benedict

Lt. Starbuck


G1 G3

12578052469?profile=originalTerry Carter

Colonel Tigh


G1 G2 G3

12578052656?profile=originalGlen Larson




12578053258?profile=original12578053879?profile=originalNoah Hathaway



G1 G3

12578054085?profile=originalPatrick Macnee

Count Iblis



12578054289?profile=originalJack Stauffer



G1 G3

12578054884?profile=originalJohn Dullaghan

Dr. Wilker



12578055469?profile=originalBritt Ekland




12578055501?profile=originalAnne Lockhart

Lt. Sheba


G1 G3

12578055686?profile=originalJim Carlson                            (Jim is on the right)




12578056464?profile=originalRon Kelly

Security Officer Reese



12578056852?profile=originalStu Phillips



G1 G2

12578057070?profile=originalSarah Rush

Cpl Rigel


G1 G2 G3

12578052672?profile=originalHerb Jefferson

Lt. Boomer


G1 G3

12578057478?profile=originalTerrence McDonnell



G1 G2

12578052869?profile=originalRon Moore



Star Trek: The Next Generation


12578057668?profile=originalJames Horan


Star Trek: The Next Generation


12578058072?profile=originalDick Durock

Imperious Leader



12578058293?profile=originalTom DeSanto



G1 G2

12578059055?profile=originalGeorge Murdock

Dr. Salik



12578038468?profile=originalDenny Miller

Ser 5-9



12578058875?profile=originalAustin Stoker


Battle for the Planet of the Apes


12578059288?profile=originalRobert Feero




12578060058?profile=originalMichael Swan

Deputy Collins

Galactica: 1980


12578060086?profile=originalAlessandra Torresani

Zoe Graystone



12578060653?profile=originalAndrew Probert

Concept Artist


Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Star Trek: The Next Generation


12578060893?profile=originalBear McCreary




12578058074?profile=originalEdward James Olmos

Admiral Adama



12578061096?profile=originalMary McDonnell

President Laura Roslin



12578062066?profile=originalKandyse McClure

Petty Officer Dee Dualla



12578062268?profile=originalKate Vernon

Ellen Tigh



12578062866?profile=originalKathy Coleman

Holly Marshall

Land of the Lost


12578063065?profile=originalLeah Cairns

Lt. Margaret "Racetrack" Edmonson



12578063475?profile=originalLee Stringer

Effects Artist


Star Trek: Voyager


12578063864?profile=originalLuciana Carro

Commander Louanne "Kat" Katraine



12578064257?profile=originalMichael Hogan

Colonel Saul Tigh



12578063697?profile=originalMichael Trucco

Sam Anders



12578064855?profile=originalNicki Clyne

Petty Officer Cally Henderson Tyrol



12578064875?profile=originalTahmoh Penikett

Captain Karl "Helo" Agathon



12578065484?profile=originalBodie Olmos

Lt. Brendan "Hotdog" Costanza



12578065689?profile=originalEsai Morales

Joseph Adama



12578066063?profile=originalEric Chu

Concept Artist




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Dinner with a friend

Hello Colonials!
I bid you a good day or evening...depending on when you read this!
Though it took a little playing catch up, with these two Hero awards we are now currently up to date with them.
Without further ado, (and with all thanks to the Battlestar Wiki in this regard)...our TWO newest Hero's!).

12578057876?profile=originalArlene Martel is an American actress whose TV career stretches as early as 1958, starring in many popular (now considered "classic") shows such as Death Valley Days,' The Twilight Zone, Bewitched, and Columbo.
Many science fiction fans may remember Ms. Martel best as the betrothed, scheming Vulcan wife of Mr. Spock, T'Pring, in the episode "Amok Time" from the original Star Trek series.
Ms. Martel guest-starred as Adulteress 58 in the Original Series episode, "The Long Patrol."

12578058497?profile=originalLarry Cedar is the actor who played Cadet Shields in the Original Series episode, "The Gun on Ice Planet Zero, Part I".

His work in the Star Trek franchise includes the roles of Nydrom in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's "Armageddon Game", Jal Tersa in Star Trek: Voyager's "Alliances", and Tessic in Star Trek: Enterprise's "Marauders".
He has also appeared in Stargate SG-1 as Prior #2 in the Brad Turner-directed episode, "Origin".

Now you may wonder WHY I called this message "Dinner with a friend"...well, let me tell you (and from personal experience too!)...conventions are a GREAT way to bond and find fellowship while you break bread with someone...over the years I've had some very interesting dinner companions in the atmosphere of conventions...some famous, some not...but ALL were people I would sit down to dinner with again.

For instance, the aforementioned Arlene Martel....yup, I had lunch with T'Pring!

Last year as matter of fact...actually with Arlene, Richard Hatch, Kate Vernon & her Personal Assistant Lynda King...NOW don't get me wrong, I'm not personally boasting about who I have meals with, have had or will have...I AM trying to say that YOU all have (when you go to a Con) the opportunity to do the this case share a table with fellow fans (and friends) & some of those people you see on television or film.

There is also Sci-Con in beautiful Tampa Florida...and I AM looking forward to spending some time in Florida for this one!

Something a little different...though not a Con but an acting workshop is Columbia Gorge Acting Intensive

later this year...

Of course the big Kahuna in all this is of course Galacticon IV

The biggest Battlestar Galactica event at any time....and while next years event will include guests from other shows...the overriding premise is based upon Battlestar Galactica and it's stars...and OF COURSE I will be at this one!

So get out there and have dinner!

Bon Appetit!

So Say We All!

Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club


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12578036087?profile=originalFellow Colonials from all around the world!  It is my privilege to announce, after the great event that have been Galacticon 3, that the Canadian fandom of BSG will have an opportunity to celebrate the 10Th anniversary of Reimagined BSG, as Montreal Comiccon already announced as guests 5 main actors of BSG.  Just have a look on the pics above, that is indeed amazing!

Then, I send you a warm invitation to come to Montreal and attend our nice Comiccon, where English and French Canadian cultures celebrate together  their TV shows and Comics fandom :  September, 13-15, 2013.

So say we all!

Col.  Fred Landry, Commanding Officer of the CDF BSR-05 Excalibur


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Nothing but the rain...

Colonials...we are getting closer and closer to the big event, something I consider to be one of the biggest events in Battlestar Galactica history.

Sure, there have been other Cons...but this isn't just a Con...this is an EVENT (you notice I said that twice right?).

Never before as the cast of the original & the re-imagined series come together like this before in this way for starters.

Imagine Terry Carter & Michael Hogan standing next to each other...likely to make you tongue tighed!

Seriously, most people think it's simply going in...getting an autograph and that's is NOT!

Galacticon 3 is a multi-level event (see now I mentioned it a third time!)...that is going to blow you away...interactive events...panels...workshops...and other happenings all day (and night).

By partnering with ComicPalooza we have opened up a whole new universe for you to be in as well...your entry into our world gives you automatic entry into theirs as well.

Who wants to miss out on a three-day party with your favorite people?

And I don't mean just the celebrities...but people that you know you are going to know there.

Our pre-sales come to end this coming Monday...yes, you CAN buy your membership at the door, but the price is going up from our current price to $99 for a weekend membershp...which is still very good. $16.50 per day for TWO covnentions?

Don't have to be a rocket scientist for that (well, Dr. Kevin Grazier is going to be there...and he REALLY is a rocket scientist!)...but all that aside...

Galacticon's literally happen only once every five this is your big chance till another 50% of a decade creeps by....

Personally, I'm overjoyed to be a part of be one of the people bringing this event you...and I'm delighted with the fact that so many of my friends are going together under the same roof...feels like home.

We want to see you there!

Give it some thought if you are on the fence...some serious thought...and roll the hard six and bring in the cat.

Time to spool up the FTL and make YOUR way the show!

So Say We All!

Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club

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The Cylon God is on Facebook! (concept art)

Announcing the birth of the Cylon God's Facebook page. Here, you'll find some of my BSG art, as well as other paintings I've done over the years!

Folow me, and you will be privvy to my nefarious plans for the human race!

By my command!

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To all Canadian members of BFC and from other countries where there is no Colonial Defense Forces Chapter:

As the 11Th Fleet Liaison I am looking for recruits to join us to rebuild the Canadian Chapter that have fallen for little more than a year.  In the past years 11Th Fleet of CDF, representing a group of Canadian fans of BSG, was an active Colonial Defense Forces Chapter.  Battlestars Chimaera and Excalibur were patrolling  our wild area of space.

As Reimagined BSG has been filmed in Vancouver, Western Canada, and less than a year before Galacticon 3, It's about time to embrase the torch of the Canadian BSG fandom.

We just need a few more members to reactivate our CDF Chapter and get a Battlestar recommissionned.  If you are interested to join us, register to
and request assignment to 11Th Fleet.  We need Fleet Officers, Marines and enlisted crewmans (Fleet enlisted) too.




Major Fred Landry, callsign Harfang


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Be sure to visit the Rhode Island Comic Con November 3&4 2012 and see in person the the Ballestar Galactica reunion with Starbuck Dirk Benedict,Apollo Richard Hatch,Boomer Herb Jefferson Jr,Sheba Anne Lockhart,Boxey Noah Hathaway,Lucifer Felix Silla aka Twiki from Buck Rogers
and more

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Hello Colonials,

You will all note that I just posted a trailer from the film "Titanic".

Today marks the 100th Anniversary of course of the day that the ship struck an iceberg in the North Atlanic...NOT however the 100th Anniversary of the sinking (technically)...the actual collision happened late in the evening of April 14th 1912...the ship itself sank in the early morning hours of April 15th.

A little later in the day to add to the tribute for Titanic I will post the full-length version of James Cameron's "Ghosts of the Abyss" in HD.

Very informative & very interesting...

So Say We All!


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At the middle of  May I bought a BSG t-shirt on Ebay, a nice viper patch t-shirt.  As I didn't receive  any news from them 3 weeks later, neither confirmation of shippings, I wrote to the saler.  They just have been very cool with me, they explained me kindly that  shipping was delayed because the shirt come from another shop  and  only one shop take care of International shipping.  So he just proposed to refund me and send it free.  It was more than fair so I  offered to buy another one.  around 23 $ for 2 originals Syfy t-shirts.  : D  a frakkin good deal!

I just received the t-shirts yesterday and they are original, very nice and they sale it at an affordable price.  As they dealt with me that kindly I want to recommend this shop.  They have a lot of BSG t-shirts and they really take care of their customers.  Here are the link of the product I purchased:

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