The Adama Gambit Part Two

It's not often that I sink my teeth into something like a film, a book or in this case a comic book story and do a formal review.
Sure I have opinions...and I voice them all over the place about a variety of things...things in general, Battlestar Galactica in particular...but a formal, up & down, documented opinion of a particular work.
But, but...the folks over at Dynamic Forces said "Hey, check this out" so I said "Why not?".
I am of course speaking of the Battlestar Galactica comic book line they are producing.
I just finished reading "The Adama Gambit Part Two"...and I came away impressed.
(Sometimes hard to do with me, I will admit).

12578064291?profile=originalLook, over the years...there have been a just a few Battlestar Galactica comics that have been put out, with varying degrees of success and THIS one looks like it's pushing all the right buttons.
It makes me want to read more...and if that's the case....then I'm willing to bet other people will too!
The creators obviously know the show...the original Battlestar Galactica that the dialogue rings true and because of that and the interaction that you know you are seeing those characters.
If any written (or drawn in this case) storyline, puts those characters in your head (yes, the magic mind movie that people get from reading a book)...then it's doing it's job.
In this this story you see the classic elements...Man vs. Cylon of course, which is always the basic premise of Battlestar Galactica (at least one of the basic premises I should say)...and it's straight forward.
At the same time, the dialogue flows along and the story moves with you see a Commander Adama who is shown to be perfectly human...with human doubt...but has an internal redemption because the warrior in him takes over.
(Showing a little bit a Commander Cain streak in him!).
Tie that all up with artwork that is is realistic (my biggest complaint against a lot of contemporary comic book art is that they have become in some cases TOO cartoony) is not realized here.
The people look like real people and thankfully like the actual characters.
On this one, I have to give it a solid thumbs's good to see the classic crew taking the fight to the tinhead's once again....and The Adama Gambit does not disappoint!

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