Costume (6)

Cylon Six Anovos photo shoot. UK

12578074876?profile=original12578075461?profile=original12578076657?profile=original12578076881?profile=originalHi All, for those that don't know here in the UK the Boss of BSGUK just happens to be a 5,10 girl that happens to look like some one from BSG! .... So when she had her new Anovos red dress arrive from the States and wanted some pics I said I know just the place. Hope you like the pics!

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Humber Geeks Com Con UK show report.

12578066472?profile=original12578067263?profile=original12578067863?profile=original12578067688?profile=original12578068666?profile=original1st of March a little trip in the Raptor up to the north east to a great Con that's getting bigger all the time Phil took his fleet Darren came in his awesome warrior Tracey Six was rocking the red dress Colin was in his full marine for the first time and I rolled up in my new viper jacket with the cadet chief and Starbuck.

Here are some pics.

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Be sure to visit the Rhode Island Comic Con November 3&4 2012 and see in person the the Ballestar Galactica reunion with Starbuck Dirk Benedict,Apollo Richard Hatch,Boomer Herb Jefferson Jr,Sheba Anne Lockhart,Boxey Noah Hathaway,Lucifer Felix Silla aka Twiki from Buck Rogers
and more

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