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Part 2: Saturday Night Cap with the Flying Tiger’s

·         Roger that Bunny....Over

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Flight 3 has got you covered Bunny while you sort out your bugs

  • Me

Turning to port.....30mm ammo blazing.....

·         there goes another toaster to the scrap pile....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Splash another one! They are lighting up out here.

  • Me have one trying to get on your six....

·         Copy that Cap...I see him....

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Hawkwind: you got 2 toasters coming up on your 3 o clock

  • Me

Let’s do a couple split Esses to get him off our tail....

·         Executing now.....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

.Mace! 3oclock! Get it!

·         Roger that Lt.

  • Me

That did the trick....Blast em.....Yeah....

·         Pow...splash another toaster.....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Nice shooting Mace!

  • Me

Let’s make another pass.....

·         Anymore IX's still out there....

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Good shooting Deathstroke!

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Roger that! Captain!

  • Me

I got a couple IX's trying to make a run for it....

·         They're at 2 O'clock high....

·         Punching the thrusters and climbing......

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Let's get em!

  • Me

One missile away......

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Fire! ....

  • Me

Pop goes the IX....Gold dust in the wind!!!!

·         Great shooting Hitman.....they didn't stand a chance....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Thanks! You know how much all this scrap gold is worth!

  • Me

Looks like we got more Raiders coming in to play.....

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Lining up a it

  • Me

I'm not sure Hitman.....we need to finish the fight before we can weight it!!!!!LOL

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Well let's fill the bins!!

  • Me

Looks like a bunch of Raiders just jumped in on our 6.......

  • LtJg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

I'm back, what's the situation?

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

We got raiders on our 6

  • Me

Let’s do a manual FireFox deployment.....

·         Whoosh.....multiple missile launches......

·         Multiple explosions......Yeah, I love that weapons system.....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli


  • Me

Quick lets come around and get any FireFox missed.....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Roger that coming around

  • Me

There's a few looks like they were hit....

·         Let’s go in for the Kill.....

·         Before they jump away...

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Let's play some Tag!

  • Me

Wow.....what's that.....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Guns blazing!!

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

What you see Cap?

  • Me

I've never seen anything like that except back at the academy......

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Scrap 2

·         Good shooting Achilles

  • Me

Why it looks like an old fashioned Cylon Tanker or something....

·         It must have been ready to refuel the IX's.....

12578048671?profile=originalLook how big that thing out for the guns on top Hitman!!!!! If you hit it just right, it should make an amazing explosion...

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Yea! I think you're right.

  • Me

Yeah......let’s make a run on it....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I think I got something for them.

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Lords of Kobol, I've only read about them

  • Me

I knew I armed Hitman's flight with nukes for a good reason.....

·         OK Hitman....get your flight above it and you know what to do....

·         Launch your nukes and bug out.....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Alright Mace and you the rest of flight 2 stay back! And cover!

  • 10:50 PM
  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Ooooooooo.....Fireworks.......nice! Flight 3: Let’s pick out some good seats!

  • Me

There are some more Raiders trying to protect the Tanker....lets hit em so they don’t block Hitman’s shot.....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Launching nukes now!!!!

  • Me

Turning to starboard guns blazing.....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Now get out of here!!!!!

  • Me

There goes one....

·         I got one Cap...

·         Great shooting El Cid....

·         Let’s get out of here....

·         Roger that Cap....

·         The Raiders are toast....LOL

  • LtJg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Great shooting guys!

  • Me

Great Fireworks show Hitman!!!!!

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

The candles are lit and the fireworks are starting....


  • Me

Woohoo.....Yeah....that's what I'm talking about.....

·         Look at that thing burn....Scratch One Tanker.......Yeah!!!!!!!

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James


  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Now that's how you party Tigers style!

  • Me

Hey we should have brought some marshmallows to toast on the fire.....

·         That's one for the books....

·         Any more Raiders out there.....

  • LtJg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Cylon smores would taste pretty sweet!

  • Me

Yeah make mine Golden....Please.....

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James


  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Well I guess we will have that Ambrosia instead.

  • Me

Sounds great Hitman...Lead the way......

·         OK Tiger's lets get back in formation and head for the Raven.....

  • LtJg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

I'm bringing my Viper in for some maintenance, I'm having malfunctions

  • Me

Copy that Bunny, Watch out for the scrap on the way....

·         I hope you don't have any dents....That CAG was saying the Chief isn't running a body shop!!!!!LOL

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Flight 2 let's go home!!

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Flight 3: form up

  • LtJg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

I'll catch you guys later

  • Me

It seems like we always meet up with the toasters....

·         I'm going to have our briefing room checked for Cylon Bugs again....after we have a few bottles of Ambrosia that is....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

They do seem to always show up don't they?

  • Me

Yeah they do....the Minotaur never have fun like we do.....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Raven this is Hitman ... I am calling the Ball.

  • Me

The Raven's in the ball everyone....

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Roger that, Cap

  • Me

This is El Cid...I have the ball.....coming in for a landing....

·         Slowing to 104....

·         Touching down....

·         I'm right behind you El Cid.....leave some room for me....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Reducing speed.....Skids down. ..... Contact.....maglock engaged!

  • Me

Skids down....coming to a stop...maglock on...

·         Hey scratches on your deck....

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Skids down.....Mag locks on

  • Me

I heard that deck better not be damaged....or I'll get you pointy nosed college boys.....

  • 11:07 PM
  • Me

Dutchman...looks like you have a big dent on your starboard engine cover....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Haha! That Chief is always on your rail Captain!!

  • Me

Better not let the Chief see it tonight....

·         Roger that Cap....

·         I'll park it with the dent near the wall....

·         Sounds good Dutchman...lets head for the lounge.

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Nice CAP Tigers!

  • Me

The Chief loves to bang out releases his stress!!!! LOL

·         Great shooting Tiger's. Let’s tip a few in the lounge.

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

See you in the lounge

  • 11:10 PM
  • Me

You got it Hitman!!!!

  • 11:18 PM



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I bid you all a fond hello & a welcome to all our newest members as always.
Bear with us a bit, I was planning on kicking of this week with a bunch of hero awards but as it sometimes happens things tend to intervene (in this case Cons, news & scheduling)...but I do promise that in the near future though we will resume the hero's in an expanded version.
Sooo...having said all that, I will give all of you a short report regards the Anaheim WonderCon that the BFC recently attended (with yours truly).

12578050886?profile=originalFirstly, it was actually Battlestar Galactica "heavy"...Richard Hatch, Herb Jefferson, Kate Vernon & Kandyse McClure were all in attendance and though there wasn't any big "news" per se (the proposed movie being the 800 pound gorilla in the room), Richard was talking about Axanar, the newest Trek project that he is working on (albeit as a KLINGON!)
My good buddy Noel Guglielmi was also in attendance (The Walking Dead, Fast & The Furious, Training Day).
Always good to visit with him..and other friends.

12578051092?profile=originalAlicia Hollinger was a guest at the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club table with me (check out her art!), having just been featured in Heavy Metal magazine & putting out her newest book...I would say she is an artist on the rise!
Fan Club....and what I like to call BFC Team L.A. members Cliff Gardner & Herb Brunner came down along with my good friend and photographer supreme Chris Loomis.
I think if you everyone recalls from both Chris' site and Luciana Carro's Facebook page a few months back Chris did a fantastic photo shoot with Luciana in Hollywood..anyway, check out his site and her FB page.
There is always a different kind of vibe at Cons, which you all get...those of you who have been to one knows what I mean, but always fun.

12578051870?profile=originalThis year there are several events that the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club will be present at...notably in Tulsa OK, Houston TX & Tampa FL.
Especially looking forward to Sci-Con in me a chance to not only to visit Florida, but again to see friends.
That's what it's all about.
If I can distill it down to one basic thing...that thing that serves as the glue to all of this...(and I'm talking here about the collective fan support for Battlestar Galactica specifically while also taking into account the whole spectrum of Cons, networking and mutual support), I would have to say it all boils down to friendship.
I have been involved with Battlestar Galactica for the past 15 years and over that time, I have made lifelong friends in and out of the (entertainment) of Battlestar Galactica & other shows (and mind you, some of THOSE fans are actors & writers etc.), while some just have an abiding love for the show(s)....and THEY too are talented people in whatever path they follow.
I'm blessed to know those fans and direct participants (people like Richard Hatch, Bear McCreary and of course, etc) while you might say I'm on both sides of the fence...I find there is NO fence...get to a Con & you will see how quickly that perceived "fence" disappears!
Having said that I'm going to give two special shout for next years Galacticon IV (can't help it, I'm one of the Executive Producers!) & Gene Haggerty & Co's Sci-Con...really how much fun can one person have...?
(Well, many people having fun, but it's a personal perspective!).
Before I close...two things...DO NOT FORGET THIS: To ALL Battlestar Galactica fans, your deep and abiding love & faith keeps the franchise alive, your determination, your belief and your support keeps it going...any day and everyday you move mountains...and once again you have moved that mountain, the talk of the upcoming film has proved that, don't for one minute forget that it was YOU who directly influenced that decision so keep on pushing...don't sit back, shout LOUDER!
The other is that over the next several weeks we will be featuring the special Galaction IV spotlight on the stars interview series featuring our upcoming guests next year in you may learn a thing or two you didn't know before...and you'll see that as much as you go to a Con to see them, they are there just as much to see you!
Always remember to:
Keep The Faith!
So Say We All!

Shawn O'Donnell
Battlestar Galactica Fan Club

Photo's of Kate Vernon & Noel Guglielmi by Chris Loomis

Photo of Yasu Tano (Na'vi) by Shawn O'Donnell

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Happy Birthday Leonidas

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEONIDAS12578050460?profile=originalFriday, May 2 is Keith "Leonidas" Ranson's Birthday. The Battlestar Raven CAG is top notch pilot and leader. Now if we could just get him to come out of his shy shell and open up a little it would be great. The cake was delivered by Marines, but don't know if it came from his pilots or the Cylons. Either way, I'd have it checked by an EOD Tech. Happy BD! SO SAY WE ALL!

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Mr. Jack Stauffer will be appearing this weekend at the The Lousiana Science Fiction and Film Festival

in Baton Rouge Louisiana April 25th-27th.

Everyone knows Jack as Bojay from Battlestar Galactica, but his credit list goes a lot deeper...all the way from appearances on The Partridge Family to The Streets of San Francisco and Lois & Clark.

That is only scratching the surface & I haven't even mentioned his time on stage.

I WILL tell you this, having known Stauffer the past 15 years or will NEVER find a more entertaining moment talking story & film with anybody else.

That being said, not because he is my friend, but because it's far as Battlestar Galactica is concerned he is a piece of the legend and the real deal.

DO NOT MISS THE CHANCE to meet'll be thrilled that you did!

Battlestar Galactica Forever!

So Say We All!


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More BSG Movie News


Good news, Battlestar Galactica fans: Universal is resurrecting plans for a film reimagining of the sci-fi franchise.

The project will be produced by series creator Glen Larson, according to Variety.

Battlestar Galactica previously had two lives on television. The first was in an ABC series that lasted from 1978 to 1979; the show, while low-rated, developed a cult following. In 2003, Ronald D. Moore and David Eick reimagined Battlestar Galactica as a three-hour miniseries; its success led to an acclaimed sci-fi series that ran from 2004 to 2009.

In Battlestar Galactica, humans (living on planets known as the Twelve Colonies) are engaged in a war against the Cylons, a cybernetic race that wants to exterminate the human race. A major attack devastates the Colonies, and leaves only one ship in the Colonial battle fleet — the Battlestar Galactica — intact. The survivors go off in search of a fabled thirteenth colony known as Earth.

Rumors of a Battlestar Galactica film have persisted for years, including speculation in 2009 that Bryan Singer was attached to direct. John Orloff was hired to write a script in 2011, according to Deadline.

The latest writer attached to the project is Jack Paglen. Paglen is also writing the screenplay for the Prometheus sequel, which starts shooting this fall, Variety reported.

Rather than using characteristics from the 1978 or 2004 series, the new film is supposed to be another reboot of the Battlestar Galactica world, but with a similar premise. The original plan back in 2009 was to keep characters such as Apollo, Starbuck and Baltar, albeit with different actors (and potentially different genders).

From Mashable by Christine Warren

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I wish a happy Passover and Easter to one and all, but be ever mindful of the bloody tetrad and its four bloody harbingers heralding gloom and doom for mankind. Be especially mindful if Kara Thrace flies by one or all, be it on her broom or in her viper. You have been warned!

But most especially, happy Passover and Easter to one and all, be they humans, skin jobs, or toasters.

So say we ALL!


John David Feagin


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This isn't exactly BSG related but it is important, I wanted to share that my little-little Raven (My son Tristan) is doing some fundraising to fight Cystic Fibrosis. 

He will be participating in a fundraising walk in May, it’s very important to him, and he’s looking for support. 

Donations in any amount are great, but if you can’t donate just sharing his cause with your friends to fight Cystic Fibrosis is a huge help. (via facebook, twitter, email, ect.) 

Here is the link to his fundraising page, where you’ll find more information and how to help:

Tristan's Fight Cystic Fibrosis Fundraising Page

Just putting this important cause out there as I'm helping him get support, thanks everyone! 

-Lt. Jg. Bunny

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For those of you who do know, I am working on getting a degree in Criminal Justice. Thus some of the postings I have had in the past mumbling about JAG correspondence courses. Well I was chosen to represent my school this past weekend in Louisville Ky. to participate in a practical application competition on skills that are taught in the Criminal Justice program at my college.

There were 5 schools represented at this years competition. This is the first year that Brown Mackie-Tulsa has competed in this competition and due to trying to figure things out and some lapses in communication our teams went in sorta behind the 8-ball.

There were competitions over the following applications. These are team applications where 2 or more team members participated in.

Executing a Search Warrant

Performing a Traffic Stop

Crime Scene Investigation

Responding to a Burglary in Progress

The following competitions were individually scored.

Writing a Report

Overall Knowledge Bowl.

So after a long hard day of competition the results came in.

My team won the silver medal in the Executing a Search Warrant

and My team took home the gold medal in Responding to a Burglary in Progress!!!! Now this is despite the fact that I being the tail officer in the entry was killed due to the fact we did not kick in the door the way we wanted to because they put a Caprica look a like behind the door and we did not want to break her nose upon entry! Next time we will not be so nice!

I personally took home a silver medal in the overall knowledge bowl.

And also for being a first time school at the event and being behind the 8-ball placed 3rd in the presidents trophy race for the overall school competition.

If you happen to know me on facebook right now you will see a picture of me with my medals, I know one looks bronze but it is silver trust me.

I am proud to say that I loved every minute of this trip with my fellow students and my Criminal Justice advisor who is a Reserve Tulsa Police Officer. It was a great time and cannot wait to do it again next year!

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Starbuck and Apollo are together again in the made for TV mini series “After Hell.”                    Dirk “Starbuck" Benedict is God while Richard “Apollo” Hatch plays the character known as Colt. Also starring Alexander Holzl as John and Cathy Zimmermann as Jane.(1)

The film is about world after the apocalypse. The mission of John and Jane on a desolate planet called "God's End", seeking for Eve, the key to survival of the human race. It soon becomes clear that the procurement of food is the least of their problems. Living dead, who are controlled by God, are apparently seeking to kill them. The 6 episode mini series release date has not been set, but hopefully it will air in 2014 in a galaxy near you.(1)


1.        After Hell  IMDb

2.        Images After Hell IMDb page and Hollywood


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Mary “Roslan” McDonnell (Battlestar Galactica) stars as Captain Sharon Raydor in the TV series “Major Crimes.” Major Crimes is in its 3rd season; it’s a spin-off series from the 'The Closer’ which follows Capt. Raydor of the Los Angeles Police Department.(1)


Mary McDonnell was interviewed by Life Reimagined in January of this year. This is what Mary said, “I’m not 25. I’m not even 40,” I never dreamed that at 60, I would become the star of Major Crimes on TNT, one of the biggest hit dramas on TV. “I was at a certain age where I wondered if Hollywood would ever let me work again.”
She paved the way to playing Capt. Sharon Raydor, head of the LAPD major crimes division with a surprising move: downsizing her expectations. When she got a call to do a small role on The Closer opposite Kyra Sedgwick, McDonnell didn’t pass because it wasn’t the lead – or the sexy love interest.
According to McDonnell, “I think you have to change your expectations with age.”       “It wasn’t the biggest role to start, but I knew this was a refreshing role because I would work with creative and brilliant people. Meanwhile, I would be playing a female police captain and woman of power. She’s competent in her own skin, but dealing with all the dysfunctional things in her life. This is a woman who gets the job done.”
Then something incredible happened. When The Closer ended, I got the call to make Capt. Raydor the lead in her own series. “If I didn’t do that role on The Closer, I wouldn’t be here talking about this great show today.”(2)


1.        Major Crimes IMDb page

2.        Interview by Life Reimagined

3.        Images Warner Bros


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Katee “Starbuck” Sackhoff (Battlestar Galactica) gave up her Viper in 2009 when the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica series came to an end. The question is what’s an Ex-Viper pilot to do? Well, trade her flight suit in for a badge and gun of course!!!(1)

“Longmire” Season 3 started filming in March. Tune in and see what Trouble awaits Vic/Katee in Longmire Season 3 on A&E!!!

Credits: 1.        A&E  2.        Images Katee and Longmire Facebook page.


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Jamie “Apollo” Bamber (Battlestar Galactica) is: John Doe Vigilante by Main Street Films.(1) According to Bamber, the controversial film is all about right and wrong and our failing legal system. The director, Kelly Dolen says, we’re not glamorizing violence, but we ask the question, is violence ever really justified? Jamie commented further about the film saying, “Violence is not easy or clean. Neither is justice. I certainly don’t believe in a world of heroes and villains where violence can easily be “just.”(2) The film was released on March 21, 2014 in select cities.


1.        John Doe Vigilante IMDb page

2.        Comments and Images, Main Street Films


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Battlestar Galatica Movie
April 7, 2014 | 02:20PM PT
Film Reporter
Dave McNary
Film Reporter @Variety_DMcNary

12578054499?profile=originalUniversal is ramping up a movie version of the sci-fi franchise “Battlestar Galactica,” aiming to develop the film as a complete reimagining of the story.

“Transcendence” writer Jack Paglen has signed on to write the screenplay. Paglen has also committed to Ridley Scott’s “Prometheus” sequel for Fox that will start production this fall.

Original series creator Glen Larson will produce the “Battlestar Galactica” film.

There have been three “Galactica” TV series (including the brief “Galactica 1980″). The first, starring Lorne Greene and Richard Hatch, ran during the 1978-79 season and was centered on humans engaged in a lengthy war against a cybernetic race known as the Cylons while searching for Earth.

In 2003, a reimagined “Battlestar Galactica” miniseries aired on Sci Fi Channel. The second series, starring Edward James Olmos and Mary McDonnell, went on to run for four seasons.

In 2009, speculation emerged that Bryan Singer was attached to direct a “Battlestar Galactica” movie.

Universal’s exec VP of production Scott Bernstein and director of development Jay Polidoro are overseeing the latest version of “Battlestar Galactica” for the studio.

Warner Bros. will open “Transcendence,” starring Johnny Depp, on April 18.

Paglen is represented by ICM Partners and Lichter Grossman Nichols Adler and Feldman. Larson is represented by the Lichtman Group, manager Denny Bond of Management 3 as well as attorneys Neville Johnson, Douglas Johnson and James Ryan of Johnson & Johnson.

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Michael Hogan: Star Trek: Axanar: (8-31-2014) Starring as Captain Robert April. Also Starring Richard Hatch cast as Klingon commander Kharn.(1)

The Story of Star Trek: Axanar

“Axanar” takes place 21 years before the events of “Where no Man Has Gone Before”, the first Kirk episode of the original Star Trek.  Axanar is the story of Garth of Izar, the legendary Starfleet captain who is Captain Kirk’s hero.  Kirk himself called Garth the model for all future Starfleet Officer’s.  Garth charted more planets than any other Captain and was the hero of the Battle of Axanar, the story of which is required reading at the academy.  This is that story.

“Axanar” tells the story of Garth and his crew during the Four Years War, the war with the Klingon Empire that almost tore the Federation apart.  Garth’s victory at Axanar solidified the Federation and allowed it to become the entity we know in Kirk’s time.

It is the year 2245, four years into the war with the Klingons.(2)

 From our favorite Klingon General, Richard Hatch (Battlestar Galactica).

Well, what a day in the makeup chair getting a mold cast for my Klingon character Kharn. So glad that Alec and Chris have brought on board their AXANAR production some very gifted professionals and they made the process relatively painless. Made me appreciate what some of those very familiar characters we all love in the Trek universe went through to bring us their wonderful performances. AXANAR is moving forward with great energy because of the love and support of all you amazing fans out there and you have no idea how much your help is appreciated. We all thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Keeping the faith!(3)



1.        Star Trek Axanar IMDb page

2.        Star Trek

3.        Star Trek Axanar Facebook page

4.        Images Kickstarter and Trekbbs

12578053071?profile=original12578053669?profile=originalHere's an Amazing New Development just posted yesterday to the Star Trek Axanar Facebook page. I think this is totally amazing!!!! Lets see how many more BSG stars they will add to the new Star Trek Film.

The Axanar team is very proud to announce that veteran actress Kate Vernon, known best for her role as Ellen Tigh in the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica, has joined the cast as Sonya Alexander a hot shot Starfleet captain.

Director Christian Gossett and I have been working hard to develop a strong female captain for the final battle. We in fact wrote this role for Kate after meeting her for the first time last spring at Wonder Con in Anaheim. We wanted a strong, tough, aggressive female captain who could go toe to toe with any other Starfleet captain. Sonya Alexander is second only to Garth in the number of Klingon ships destroyed in the Four Years War.

Our meeting with Kate this week went fantastic, and she is looking forward to defining this character in a way that will make her not only extremely capable, but a lot of fun.


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