We've had a lot of people join the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club since we last posted anything from Chris Morgan & the good people over at Wildlife Media.

By way of explanation about we all found each other...Chris Morgan is a BEAR biologist & he began work on an epic film called 'Beartrek"...understand that Chris is also a big fan of Battlestar Galactica...and as it so happened he & his producer on the film contacted Bear McCreary about lending some music to the effort...which Bear happily did.

Wildlife Media also wanted to reach out to a really good Battlestar Galactica group to talk about this very obvious connection between Battlestar & Bears...so Bear referred them over to me....and it was a fact that I immediately loved these folks & strongly support their efforts....oh yes, the music is VERY cool of course, but the fact that they do so much to support, nuture & preserve the invaluable wildlife on our planet is the main theme....but of course great music & video sure doesn't hurt at all!

Here is a a message from Chris Morgan:

Siberian Tiger Quest
premieres Wednesday, October 10

Dear Friends,

I hope this finds you well! I think you are going to enjoy this one - our new show from 'PBS Nature' premieres this Wednesday (October 10th, 8pm), called 'Siberian Tiger Quest'. This was an incredible experience for me personally - I've dreamed of searching for tigers in the forests of Russia since I was a kid. We did it in a very special way - for several weeks in March we joined Sooyong Park, a Korean filmmaker who has dedicated so much to finding and filming tigers in the wild - no small feat as you'll see in the film! It was wonderful to work with film producer Mike Birkhead and his team on this show.

There are just 400 Siberian tigers left in the wild - in an area the size of my home state of Washington. They need all the help they can get - PLEASE spread the word about this show as one small step in that direction. I've also pasted a short blurb below from PBS Nature. You can also preview a clip of the show and read more on the PBS website, including behind the scenes photos and stories, and links to tiger conservation efforts:  http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/episodes/siberian-tiger-quest/preview/7799/. The preview clip can also be found on YouTube here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtNl3hbtVJU.

I hope you can tune in, and do let us know what you think!

Best wishes,

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