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Attention Colonials,

              The next few days i recommend you all read the BFC Forum sections for pertinent information as well as new Standard Operating Procedures/Guidance (SOPs) which i will be releasing. In the event if you are new and not aware of said topics they will be listed on this message below. As the new SOPs are released they will be posted in their own individual sections. I will also provide a table of contents l in order to make it easier to find subjects. I want everyone to read them especially those serving on Battlestar Chapters. I expect everyone to be well informed instead of waiting on your Chain of Command to inform you. Other areas i will discuss and are not limited to the following listed here for a quick glance.

- Viper and Raptor Tail Numbers Issuing.

- Operations Test / Certification.

- TOP GUN Status / Award.

- Campaign Cluster Award for RPG Etc.

- Viper and Raptor Squadron Military Assets, Assignment and Commissioning. (Completed)

              The above is just a few items as i said at a glance that i will be talking about and providing SOPs in order to make us run more efficiently. I will also be releasing more news during the week as not to drown everyone in new information as it is released. Remember to pass on the information to fellow crew members not everyone reads the forums. Please keep track of this as i will update which topics have been completed identifying they have also been posted. More topics to come as i deal with up coming items in the future.

** T O P I C S **

-Commissioning New Chapter Procedure. (Completed)

-Ship to Ship Transfer. (Completed)

-Members pertaining to shipboard assignment and migrations. (Completed)

-Shipboard reporting periods. (Completed)

-Physical composition of the Battlestar Fan Club Fleet and other ships.

-Ship Manning Level for disposition and Dry Dock Procedures. (Completed)

-Commissioning / Decommissioning of Shipboard Squadrons.

-Formation of Colonial Civilian Ships.

-Building and establishment of Shipboard Squadrons.

-Colonial Marine assignment and Shipboard responsibilities.

-Shipboard Senior Staff Officers mission and responsibilities.

-Examinations, Grading and Certification.

-Implementation of Shipboard Service Record to encompass Military Fleet.

-Guidance on Logos, (Squadrons, Marines and Civilian).

-Suggestion or Complaints Procedures.

-Base Line on Rank and Promotion criterias.

-Pilots, Call Sign, Tail Numbers and Small ship Assignment.

-Military Commander, Air Group briefing and responsibilities.

-Viper and Raptor Etc Qualification and Testing. (Completed)

                There maybe pauses here and there do to me standing a duty day. This is beyond my control as many of you know my real life status, so you know the job can cause delays. However i will make every effort to post the information and make myself available here and via email. For anyone who has already taken their Viper or Raptor examinations i do have your tail numbers for you. I will also be posting new threads on key items for easy tracking to be utilized by all BFC Fleet members. Be safe and i thank you for all your attention and cooperation ~Salutes~.

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Here are two examples of Science Fiction becoming Science Fact.  Point Defense / Close In Weapon Systems using Lasers/Directed Energy Weapons.  One model is for defending ships. The other is for mounting on trucks and shooting down raiders, I mean drones.

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1/24th scale Colonial Blackbird Resin model Kit

Made by Kip Hart


This is the same kit being sold at JT-Graphics under the name of Howling Wolf. I don’t think many of these are being sold for $200 dollars at JT-Graphics so Kip is selling them on E-bay. They are being sold as a reserve auction. Kip has sold a couple of them and the one that was sold before the one I purchased sold for $170 and I figured that I would try to win the next one.


Not knowing how high the reserve price was set, I placed a bid of $125 and it was below his reserve price. The last day of the auction I checked and I still had the highest bid. The next day I checked my E-mail and I was amazed to see a second chance offer from Kip at the amount of my highest bid.


Needless to say I quickly signed in to my E-bay account and paid for it. The floor Crain and the diagnostic computer are offered with the kit on E-bay. If I purchased both items from JT-Graphics it would have cost $235 dollars and that is without shipping.


If anyone is interested, check out the current auction on E-bay. Maybe you can get lucky like I did.


This is a photo of my new Blackbird. To the right of the blackbird is a 1/32 scale Moebius Viper Mk-II fuselage to give you an idea of the difference in sive from 1/24th to 1/32nd. It's quite a difference.


Here's another photo showing the size difference between the pilots that come with each kit. Wow, what a difference! ! ! !


Kip has also sold a couple of his 1/24th scale Cylon raiders as well, but at this time he only has the Blackbird listed.


Good Hunting,

Lt Jg Reamer

Squadron Leader of the Flying Tiger’s

Battlestar Raven BFC-002

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Crew of Battlestar Raven,

I just wanted to quickly take my time here to post this while I am on lunch. I just wanted to wish each and everyone of you serving aboard Battlestar Raven, the Flagship Chapter of Battlestar Galactica Fan Club, a very Happy 2nd Year Chapter Anniversay.  

As I look back, I will be honest to all of you, I was not even thinking having a Battlestar Command of my own.  I was perfectly satisfied being the person behind the scene and helping out.  The more I avoid it, the more I get pulled out.  The Raven is my second product of love should I say.  Battlestar Aries was the first one.  But I was her old Chief Engineer and she has the best damn Commander a chapter can have.  The Raven is really the first one I can call my own because I am now her Commander.  And by the Lords of Kobol, I will take care of her.  Of course, I cannot do it alone.  So to all of you serving aboard her, I thank you all for the bottom of my heart, for doing what you do to help me run Battlestar Raven especially my current Command Staff. She will shine along with her crew. I am only but one person.  So of course I will have limitations as a person.  But I will do what I can to get things done in the mean time.

So here is a little video that me and my very good friend and mentor Admiral Miguel Rivera had put together.  I love and enjoy the video we have put together in honor of each and everyone of you that serves aboard Battlestar Raven.  And I hope you guys enjoy watching it as well. 

And to my Flying Tigers Squadron Leader, Reamer, I hope you have enough cubits to buy everyone a drink.  I thought I saw you post somewhere that the drinks is on you :-).  I know I will be there once I get off duty today.  God help you Reamer! HEHEHEH!

I will talk to you guys later! I have to get back to work.


Raven Actual

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On behalf of the BFC Raven, I want to take this opportunity to congratulate my friends Paul Nix and Cherry (pls. Forgive the familiarity Actual) for their promotions to Chief of Staff and Vice President, respectively! May the Lords of Kobol smile upon you!So say we all!!V/R Old Hickory
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Time Warriors interviews our very own esteem Raven Actual, making her the first American BSG Costumer they interviewed. 

In their own words:

As part of our ongoing cosplay series the Time Warriors went global to find out how the guys across the world do it. So today we talk to Cherry, a stoic Galactican that takes fans to new levels. Here she talks about how she became involved in the world of Galactica, costuming and the nicest celebrity she has ever met. Hi Cherry, thanks for talking to us today. It’s our honour for you to be our first global costumer.

For the results of the interview, you can find it here at the following link:

And I might add, it was a good and one hell of an interview.


-Raven Marine OIC

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The Flying Tiger’s Story


The history of the Flying Tiger’s during WWII is well known and documented. They were out numbered by the Imperial Japanese air force and were victorious in the face of insurmountable odds against them. I pledge to continue this illustrious history for the modern day Flying Tiger’s aboard the Battlestar Raven.


As you know, the Flying Tiger’s were the second Viper squadron to become operational aboard the Raven. My squadron was the first to achieve goals that none other has to date. What are these goals you might ask? The Flying Tiger’s has the first pilot aboard the Raven that has earned both Viper and Raptor qualifications and the much sought after “Top Gun” award.  I have combined many styles of leadership to build the squadron and the pilots are following in my foot steps by completing their Viper/Raptor training without me ordering them to do so. I am very proud to lead such a dedicated group of pilots.


I as the leader of the Flying Tiger’s squadron aboard the Raven I have studied the tactics used by our enemy past and present and I have gleaned their best qualities to use against them in our galactic struggle for the survival of the Human Race. In other words, I use the best the enemy has used against us and turn it around and throw it right back at them without letting up.


During WWII the German Luftwaffe perfected the formation known as the “Schwarm” in English it’s known as the “Finger Four” formation it gave their pilots superior protection when entering into combat. It was far superior to the standard formations flown by the allies at the time. It was so successful that the Finger Four formation was adopted by the USAF and many other air forces all over the world. I decided to adopt the Finger Four as the primary attack formation used by the Flying Tiger’s squadron against the Cylons.


The formation has very distinct advantages in combat. The leader is able to see his wingman on his port side and is protected by him as well as the leader being able to come to the aid of his wing man if necessary. The secondary element on the leader’s starboard side is taking care of his six from their point of view as they can protect each other as the lead element of the formation is capable of doing. This formation works equally well with squadron's of plans or just the basic formation of four. Additional formations trail a short distance behind the leading group. The combined strength of this formation is able to wreak havoc against any attacking enemy.


The images don’t show it, but each plane is at a slightly different altitude to allow the ease of the formation to change direction without causing a mid air collision.



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I am the lead pilot of my squadron and I’m always at the cutting edge of the battle. I would never ask any of my pilots to perform a duty I my self am not willing to perform. I lead my squadron with a strong hand and I’m willing to give up my life if need be for my pilots.


Anyone that joins my squadron is a new member of my family. It is an Honor and my greatest pleasure to serve together with my pilots and crew aboard the Battlestar Raven! ! !


SO SAY WE ALL! ! ! !


Lt Jg Reamer



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   (This Post Is As The Squadron Commander,Not the CAG)

  SPARTAN SQUADRON Was Created and Stoked In The Grand Tradition Of The Valiant 300 Of Thermopylae: The Few Who Stood against Many. We Sweat Not Over Numbers; For We Train Hard, Fight Hard, And Die Even Harder! for We Are The ALPHA and OMEGA: The Beginning and The End.

  For as Long as Our Colonies Live, And, as Long as The BATTLESTAR RAVEN Has Fight In Her, Those who would Threaten Us will Forever fear Our Battle Cry:

                            O U U !!      O U U !!      O U U U!!!!

     And, If,For Some Reason, Someone Wants To Make a Motion Picture Based on Us, If They Can't get Gerard Butler, I Will Settle for Either Mark Whalberg Or Channing Tatum To Play My Role!

    Those Who feel WORTHY To Join Our Ranks, You know Where To Find Us:


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What makes the Minotaur Special

What makes the Minotaur a special squadron? 

Well the first thing is the motivation of those that are involved with the squadron. We are on constant recruitment to fill out the 10 spots for the squadron. As of this writing we are at half strength of the roster with 4 of the 5 pilots already Viper certified. Each of those pilots are either already Raptor Qualified or in the process of taking the Qualification Test.
The second thing that makes the Minotaur special is the fact that we are taking the forethought and the idea of role-playing the idea of being something more that just the standard Mark II or Mark VII Viper Jocks. We are looking as a squadron to be outfitted not only with a cache of Viper Mark VII but with the Viper Mark III as well. The tactics that the Minotaur employ uses the Mark VII fighter as a bait and chase fighter to make the Cylon Raiders come to the battlefield of choice for the squadron. Once the Chase fighters pass through the kill zone the Mark III's swoop in with the heavy armament and dispatch the Raiders as quickly as possible.
The main reason is to immolate the current 51st Operations Group which houses both the 25th and 36th Fighter Squadron of the United States Air Force. The reason I chose this Group is to one, find a squadron that is still using the A-10 Thunderbolt which is being used by the 25th upon which we are basing the Mark III Viper on. The 36th are using F-16 Falcons which are one of the fastest fighters in service to the Air Force at this time. The second reason was to find a Squadron symbol of the "past" that was not a Flying Tiger. As such the tail wing of our Mark III Vipers are painted in a Checkered pattern in Red and Black to be our own version of the tail wing that is displayed by these Warriors.
Why should the Minotaur be selected as the Squadron of the Quarter? One major reason is the fact that until Lt. Jg Phillips put in the time to get his certifications and ask to take over the squadron, the Minotaur seemed to languish in obscurity. Once there, things moved quickly and the Squadron is alive and kicking. Pushing the other squadrons into getting more involved in their respected roles. The Minotaur has been on the forefront of getting new pilots to join up with the Raven.
The Minotaur is also going to be a breeding ground for new Squadron Commanders. As the Air Group grows the need to have experienced members leading the nuggets is necessary.  In the Minotaur due to the Air Wing Challenge will have the required qualifications needed to take over any of the vacant squadron commander posts. This situation is going to be a future requirement for any members of the Minotaur Squadron is to not only Viper Certified but to be Raptor Certified as well. Thus the breeding ground for new commanders and future Commanders of the Air Group (CAG) can claim that they got their initial training from the Minotaur and felt prepared to face the challenges of command.
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The Time Warriors



I just wanted to share a message to all of you that I just got today.  It is from the Time Warriors!  The Time Warriors is a major blogging site based out of the United Kingdom.  One of the main things they do at the Time Warriors is they interview and feature fans from all around the world, that does costuming of any kind.  He just did recently did an interview with V fans from America. One of the main writer for The Time Warriors happens to be a huge fan of Battlestar Galactica.  He wanted me to extend an invitation to all of you out there, if anyone of you are interested in participating in an interview conducted by him and maybe even be featured at their site located at the following link:  


Don't hesitate to check them out specially their Irish Cosplay Section!

He believes that this might also help connect with a lot of Irish Fans and maybe even something real good might come out of it.  So if anyone of you out there especially members of Battlestar Raven, that wants to take this opportunity, this is your chance now to feel and be like a star. ;-) :-)   Anyone interested may contact  Owen Quinn at:


Raven Actual

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Battlestar Raven AirWing Challenge Rules

                                    *********ATTENTION ALL RAVEN PERSONNEL*********** 

Here are the rules to the Raven Air Wing Challenge all of you in the Air Wing Department have been waiting for.  The rules are very simple and as follows.  Each Squadron will be judge on the following:

  • Which squadron has all their members join their individual group they are suppose to be after joining the Raven as a whole.  For example, if one signed up to become a pilot on the Raven and wanted to join a particular squadron, did they join that group. This is the job of the Squadron Leader to make sure that as members that signed up to be a pilot on the Raven, joined the appropriate Squadron they are suppose to be at.  Myself, the XO and the CAG do not count as part of the count on the individualize squadron unless we are actual members of that squadron.  WE are just there for support.
  • Which Squadron has the most members certified in the Viper and Raptor Qualification Test.
  • Which Squadron has the highest average of pilots passing their qualification test.  The average is the sum of the pilots individualize score added together and divide it by the number of members that took the test.  And I don't mean giving the ones that has not taken the test, the answers to the test by people that already took the test.  This will disqualify your Squadron immediately and will end up in the Hall of Shame. Capish!!!!!!!!
  • Which Squadron has the most personnel that took the Viper and Raptor Qualification Test, that pass and qualified to become a TOP GUN first time around. (This is where studying hard comes in)
  • Which Squadron shows the most motivation and motivate others as well.
  • Each Squadron Leader is challenge to write a short summary of how they will lead their Squadron and how they plan to separate themselves from the other Squadron. 
  • Each Squadron is challenge to write a short summary why they should be selected as Squadron of the Quarter.  Each Squadron must list all their accomplishments for the quarter which will be submitted for review to the Raven Command Staff.
  • And lastly, have fun in the competition.  Remember, this all being done in the spirit of having fun.  So play nicely, honorably and keep your integrity intact.  Remember, you are part of the Raven and are Defenders of Fleet representing the Flagship Chapter of Battlestar Galactica Fan Club.

With that said, this challenge will occur every quarter as to give each and everyone of the Squadron Members, enough time to accomplish everything that has been laid out above.  The winning Squadron will be awarded a trophy ( YES, an actual trophy) which I will personally mail to the Squadron Leader of the winning Squadron.  Also, the winning Squadron every quarter will have the honor of being featured at the following sites where a section for that will be created:  

1.  Battlestar Raven:

2.  Battlestar Fan Club:

3.  Battlestar

Good luck to all participants and may the Lords of Kobol help you all.  Good hunting!!!!!!!!  LET THE CHALLENGE BEGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Raven Actual


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Blackstar Squadron Joins Battlestar Raven


Blackstar Squadron


We have been truely bless here on the Raven.  I say this because it is with great pleasure to announce the establishment of the Raven's 1st Classic Series Viper Squadron headed by Rob "Spectre" Tipton called the Blackstar Squadron. The Blackstar Squadron is an establish Classic Series Group that follows the Classic BSG show.  Please join me in welcoming them to the Raven Family and Circle of Friends.  With their addition to the Raven AirWing, all the Classic Series fans can now enjoy being a part of a Classic Series Viper Squadron.  Good hunting to all and again, welcome aboard Battlestar Raven Blackstar Squadron:



Raven Actual

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