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12-14-2013 Flying Tiger’s 1st Anniversary

Air Show CAP / Battle Briefing


“Attention Tiger’s Attention”


As you know, today we are celebrating the 1st Anniversary of the Flying Tiger’s Squadron becoming the second operational Viper squadron aboard the Battlestar Raven. Many of you were not with us from the beginning, but each and every one of you has shown a high degree of expertise and dedication that have made our squadron what it is today. Just the sight of the Shark Mouths on our Vipers is enough to strikes fear in the resurrected Cylon Raiders we have previously destroyed!!!!! It’s said that they remember their past life and become deadlier killing machines, but I don’t believe it’s true for all of them.


The eyes of the Fleet will be on us today. First we will form into a Finger Four Squadron Formation and perform a fly by for the Fleet. Then we will break into our separate flights and get into position to perform a new maneuver I call the Starburst Maneuver. If we fail to perform the maneuver properly we will see stars as we crash into each other.


The Starburst maneuver contains elements of the Immelman turn, Reverse ½ Loop, Roll and the Hammerhead maneuvers. After our squadron fly by, each flight will take up positions at the perimeter of the fleet equally spaced at 72 degrees of the compass creating a large circle.


Each flight will head toward the inner circle of the Starburst maneuver. When we reach the inner circle, we will go into a steep climb. At the top of the climb we will execute a reverse ½ Loop and go into a steep dive. As the dive begins, we will execute a ½ Roll so our formations are facing outward. When we reach the bottom of the dive, each flight will level off at the same altitude we entered the maneuver. Each flight will exit the maneuver the same direction they entered the maneuver (see maneuver illustrations). This will conclude the Air Show for the Fleet.


At this point our squadron will regroup and begin our CAP. Even though this is a celebration of sorts, we must never lower our guards or become distracted, always be ready to expect the unexpected so we will live to fly another day.


When our mission is completed, we will get together in the ships lounge and the real celebration will get under way!!!

SO SAY WE ALL! ! ! ! !


Any Questions?


Skids up in 15 on the port flight deck!!





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Part 3 Flying Tiger’s 1st Anniversary Air Show

CAP and Battle


  • Me

That's great Hotwire, Turkeys go well with Missiles......hehehehehehahahahahaha

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Roger that Lt. I am down to guns only an about 75% amo

  • Me

I got 50% ammo......

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Running low on ammo, but making it count!

  • Me

Just don't miss....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli


  • Me

That's the way Bunny....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I don't miss sir.

  • Me

Spoon feed them led, they love it.......

·         Yeah Hitman, you always play tough.....

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Flight 3 has about 65% left

  • Me

You're toys don't last long.....

·         There's some more 6 O'clock high......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Come on....Come on... FIring.... YES!! recycled!!

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Splash another!

·         We're flying, they're dying! Flying Tigers forever!

  • Me

Flight 1Executing an Immelman turn to get altitude on them.....

  • DragonLady4732

( RAven can be see firing all her primary batteries relentlessly making all hit counts with a serious look on Raven Actuals face) RAptor Squadron in the air firing towards the basestar Raven is engaging

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Roger That Bunny!!!!

  • Me

OK Flight 1.....make every shot count.....

·         Guns blazing.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Here is where we earn our pay!!

  • Me

Two raiders bite the dust.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Another one scrapped!

  • Me

Lets come around and see if we can get the other two.....

  • DragonLady4732

( Raven takes a hit but with only minimal damage compared to the basestar)

  • Me

Roger that LT I'm with you.....Over...

·         This ones' for you Dutchman......let em have it ......

·         Dutchman lines up the shot.......

·         Yeah splash one Lt....

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Down to 45% ammo, Lt

  • Me

Where did the other one go?

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I'm kinda getting to like these metal heads..

  • Me

Jockey to Reamer....I got him Sir......over.....

  • DragonLady4732

( Raven fore batteries firing furiously....Finally, an explosion on the basestar...)

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Mighty nice scrap pile we've got going on.....

  • Me

Great job Jockey.......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

They wont give up.. reminds me of someone...

  • Me the Fire Works everyone.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

We're doing great, keep it tight Flight 5!

  • Me

Great shooting Actual.......

·         The Raven's the best shot in the Fleet........

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Nice shooting Raven!!

·         Even i will attest to that!!

  • Me

What's the count on Raiders.....

·         How many left flying?

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Looks like to be only a few from here

  • Me

What a scrap field out here.......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

But they are staying back...

  • Me

OK that's great.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

We have them running scared!

  • DragonLady4732

(Raven Actual can be heard ordering damage control to assess the damage on the Raven)

  • Me

Lets get back into squadron formation and watch out for the scrap.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Flight 2 check in!

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Roger that Lt. Flight 5 let's get into formation!

  • Me

OK Tiger's......I think we'll be out here for a while still.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Trek here..... Mace here...

  • DragonLady4732

Raven Actual to Flight 4 Leader, how are you all holding up?

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Flight 2 is here.

  • Me

When the Raven sounds clear to land we'll head back.....

·         GreyWolf to Actual Over.....

  • DragonLady4732

This is Raven Actual....Go head

  • Me

We're OK Actual very low on ammo.....Over....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Flight 5 is in formation

  • Me

Low on Fuel also....

·         OK everyone......keep your eyes open and watch the scrap.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Roger that Lt.

  • DragonLady4732

Roger that! I think we got things under control here. Head back....You are free to return to base...

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Roger that Lt.

  • Me

OK Tiger's lets head back to the Raven.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Were going home Tigers!!

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Copy that

  • Me

Anyone low on Fuel land first......

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Roger that Lt. Flight 5 heading home!

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Flight 3, outstanding job! Let's go home

  • Me

I'm low, but I'm good.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Flight 2, tighten up and lets head home.

  • DragonLady4732

( Raven Actual watching the dradis very carefully just to make sure her fighters gets back tot he RAven safely)

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Good flying out there.

  • Me

Lets get aboard as fast as we can.....

·         I don't want to loose anyone to low fuel.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Doing ok on fuel!

·         Low, but we won't loose anyone!

  • DragonLady4732

( Chief Beaton....our fighters are coming in...Get your people ready)

  • Me

OK everyone call the ball......

·         I will land last after everyone's aboard.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Hitman to Raven I am ready for landing..

  • Me

GreyWolf to Raven I got the ball......coming ion.....

·         My flight is with me.....

·         Roger that GreyWolf......

  • DragonLady4732

Roger...Permission to land granted....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Flight 5 is preparing to land

  • Me

Thanks Actual.......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Hitman to Raven this is Flight 2 I got the Ball

  • Me

My Flight is coming in....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

slowing speed.

  • DragonLady4732

Flight 5 Permission to land granted

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Achilles, Gunslinger & Jackknife are on board.....

  • Me

This is Dutchman I got the ball......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Skids down....

  • DragonLady4732

Dutchman Permission to land granted

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Raven, this is Hotwire, I have the ball

  • Me

El Cid and Jockey have the ball landing now......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Maglock engaged.

  • DragonLady4732

Hotmire, persmission to land , granted

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Bunny landing now, Flight 5 behind me

  • Me

I'm right behind you El Cid.....I got the ball.......landing now.....

  • DragonLady4732

Bunny and REamer, permission to land granted

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Great job tigers!

  • Me

Great Job Tiger's.....for a mission like that, I don't see any marks in the deck.....

·         Coming to a stop Mag Lock on......

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

The Chief should be happy.....well, happier...

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Now thats how you cap off an anniversary!!!

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Yeah, happy anniversary!

  • Me

Great to be back.....What an Anniversary Everyone.........

  • DragonLady4732

( Raven Actual can be heard on the intercom welcoming back her fighters safely)

  • Me

Climbing out of my Viper.....

  • DragonLady4732


  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Great to have you back, Reamer!

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Thanks Actual!

  • Me

Great Job Tiger's looks like everyone came back.....

·         Any damage?

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli


·         I got a little tail damage but nothing much,

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

I think we were pretty lucky this time, and that maneuver was smooth!

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Flight 3's birds all check out. Cannons are a little hot, but otherwise good

  • Me

Hey Lt I got a couple holes in my port wing!!!

  • DragonLady4732

Flying Tigers, I am gone for one week and you take me and the Raven into a fight as a welcome back....What a rush.... :D

  • Me

That's OK got back safe.....Choef Beaton will fix that up as good as new....

·         WE aim to please Ma'am!!!!!

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Thats why we are here Ma'am!

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Well tigers, I have to turn in! Have a celebratory drink for me!

  • Me

OK Tiger's!!! I'm buying in the ships lounge!!!!!!!

  • DragonLady4732

Well she took a hit but minimal damage only. She will be as good as new in a few days.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Nice Flying Bunny!!

  • Me

I'll save you a bottle Bunny!!!

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Sounds perfect Reamer!

  • Me

Roger that Actual!!!

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Thanks Hitman, you too!

  • DragonLady4732

I would like to see a report of this encounter on my desk alright Reamer....

  • Me

No problem Bunny!!!

·         Yes Actual Ma'am.....ASAP.....

·         I mean after the Ambrosia wears off!!!!!

  • DragonLady4732

Well, you and your crew deserve some time off...Go on and have fun at the lounger...Save me a bottle as I am still on duty...:D

  • Me

Can I buy you a drink Actual?

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Good job guys, see you later!

  • DragonLady4732

You will have to save me a bottle Reamer as I am still on duty!

  • Me

Roger that Actual, I'll have the Bartender save the best bottle for you Ma'am!!!

  • DragonLady4732


·         Go on and have fun! That is an order!

  • Me

No Problem Ma'am!!! Nothing but the best for you Actual!!!

·         Yes Ma'am!!!!!

·         Right away.....

·  MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson

Welcome back Reamer!

·  Yesterday

(8382 Characters)


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12-14-2013 Flying Tiger’s 1st Anniversary Air Show, CAP / Battle

 "Battlestar Raven" Joins the Fight

Part 1

Hi Everyone,

I would like to personally thank Raven Actual Cherry “Dragon Lady” for giving me command of the Flying Tiger’s Squadron on November 29, 2012. Commanding a Viper squadron can be a lot of work between recruiting pilots to creating weapons systems and planning missions to keep your pilots happy and active. I can say it’s been a great rewarding privilege for me to get to know my pilots on a personal level. I wouldn’t give up my job for anything.


The Flying Tiger’s squadron is a multinational group. Twenty pilots come from the US, while three of our pilots come from Europe. One pilot is from Valencia, Spain, one from Waalwljk, Netherlands, and another from Hungary.


The time difference between our pilots on the west coast of the US to Ensign Janos Miklos in Hungary is nine hours. The time difference makes it very difficult to plan a mission so everyone can join us at the same time. In fact Lt Jg Diego “El Cid” Martin from Valencia Spain has only been able to fly with us on two occasions. Even though Lt Jg El Cid speaks very little English, he’s gone out of his way to communicate with his fellow squadron members.


Of the 23 members of the Flying Tiger’s squadron, not all of our members participate in the mission we perform on a regular basis. Everyone has a busy life between spending time with family and work. As you know, many BFC members are very active in Cos-play and attending the many conventions across the US. Those of us that don’t participate in Cos-play perform missions like the one last night. Many of us are also involved in building models of the various Battlestar kits on the market today.


What ever your level of participation here at the BFC, the main purpose is to have fun.



Lt Reamer


The Mission Begins:


  • Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

CIC To Shooters,This Is The CAG; Clear Flying Tigers CAP For Launch As Soon As They Are Ready.

  • 9:40 PM
  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Completing pre-flight checklist!

  • 10:03 PM
  • Me

(Reamer walks in all suited up) OK Tiger's, lets get these birds in the air!!!!!

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Lt, preflight complete. In tube & awaiting launch order

·         Roger that

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Ready to launch!

  • Me

Make sure to check Firefox everyone, you never know when you'll need it!!!!

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Good idea!

  • Me

Everything is set on my ride, per-flight's are good.

·         I'm ready to launch!!!

·         Dutchman to Reamer, I'm ready to launch!!!! El Cid here, ready to launch Lt.....

·         Jockey, are you with us? Yeah my pre-flight is complete sir....

·         OK Tiger's lets launch, after we're all outside we'll get into formation!

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Roger that!

  • Me

Hitman, is your flight ready?

·         Hotwire is your flight all set?

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Allallright Tigers let's show em what Tigers do!

  • Me

I see Bunny's flight is ready as well as GreyWolf's flight.

·         OK everyone here goes 3, 2, 1 Launch........

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Launching now!

  • Me

Multiple launches......Woosh.....

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Roger that Lt. Flight 3 is launching now

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

HItman launching now!!

  • Me

Roger that Hotwire......Roger that Hitman......

·         Looking great Tiger's.....It's nice to see the whole squadron in the air again.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Flight 5 is launched and in formation!

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

This is Hitman I am clear of the launch bay. switching on Firefox .

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Hotwire, Gunslinger, Achilles & Jackknife are in the air

  • Me

OK lets look Sharpe all eyes are on us tonight.......

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Alright flight 3, check Firefox & switch it on. Cover your butts.

  • Me

Follow Hitmans lead.....FireFox switched to auto.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Firefox on!

  • Me

We're in perfect form everyone.....looks great.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Everyone stay tight!

  • Me

Lets do the fly by and keep it tight.......

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Copy that Lt.

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Okay 3. Keep it tight people

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I dont know about this Lt..

  • Me

What's up Hitman/

·         You're looking good.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

OK. Lets Rock Then!

  • Me

We're passing through the Fleet......I see some flashes.....looks like they're taking photos of the event.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Flight 2 stay tight and straight!

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Let's show them how great the Flying Tigers look!

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Everyone smile for the birdies

  • Me

I hope they get my good side!!!!!hehehehehahahahaha

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

No pictures please...

·         Hahaha!!

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

We're looking good

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I am loving it!

  • Me

Great job Tiger's........OK, lets break into our separate flight and get ready for the Starburst Maneuver.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Roger that Lt. Flight 5 breaking away

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Remember Tigers 72 degrees....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Yeah, we'll have to keep it pretty tight

  • Me

We'll get near the perimeter on our positions, then the maneuver will start.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

We pull up on the Lt's. mark.

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Come on Flight 3. We know this.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Mace... Trek,.. Stay with me...

  • Me

Flight 4 On location sir, awaiting your word....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Flight 2 in position.

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Flight 5 in position

  • Me

OK when everyone's ready.....we'll head for the inner circle.

·         OK in 3, 2, 1.......Go full throtle....

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Copy that

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Full throttle!!

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Got it!

  • Me

If anyone has a malfunction, just do a short dive to miss the other Flights.....over....

·         OK, were getting close.....

·         just a litt;e more.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Roger That!! Flight 2 you hear that! (Roger that)

  • Me

Pull up everyone and climb.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Roger that!

  • Me


  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Flight 3 executing now

  • Me

What a ride.....

·         and to think we get paid for this.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker


  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

This is fun.......

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Best thing in the world

  • Me

when we reach 5000' do the reverse loop....

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James


  • Me

OK execute reverse Loop.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Here we go!!!!

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Flight 5 executing reverse loop!

  • Me

Looking great Toger's.....this must be amazing on Dradis.....

  • DragonLady4732

(Watching closely from CIC at what they are about to do)

  • Me

Half roll as we dive.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Half roll..

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Flight 3, keep it up

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Flight 2 focus!!

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Keep it tight Flight 5!

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

What a Rush!!!

  • Me

Dive until we're almost at the point we entered the maneuver and level out.....

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Roger that

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Roger that

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

And leveling out in 4...3....2......1......Leveling!!!!

  • DragonLady4732

( Eyes glued on the screen watching very closely at what they are about to do)

  • Me

Leveling out....... and heading back to the perimeter at 0/360

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Pull Hard ..

·         NIce!!!

  • Me

Keep it tight everyone.....looking great.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Flight 5 leveling out, woohoo!

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Flight 3, leveled out & looking good

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

288 degrees, looks like we're on target!

  • Me

GreyWolf to Reamer nice run Lt.....

·         Lets do it again Sir....

·         Reamer to Flight's.....over.....

·         Great job everyone......

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Flight 3, reporting

  • DragonLady4732

( Looking at the monitor very impress )

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Thank you sir

  • Me

Lets get back into squadron formation.......

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Thank you Actual

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Thanks Lt.

·         Flight 5 getting back into formation

  • DragonLady4732

( Clapping at the site of a successful hunt)

  • Me

Let the CAP begin........

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Roger that sir

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Lets get back in Formation flight 2

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Flight 3 falling in

  • Me

If the Toasters come out tonight, they'll be suprised....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Remember we still got CAP

  • Me

The whole squadron will shred them to pieces......

·         Reamer to Actual.....over.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

After last time they better be ready...hehehe

  • DragonLady4732

This is Raven Actual at the CIC...Go ahead

  • Me

How did our maneuver look on Dradis......

  • DragonLady4732


  • Me

It looked great from my position Ma'am.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

You hear that Flight 5? Great job guys! Thanks Actual!

  • Me

Thank you Ma'am.....I appreciate your knid words....

·         Is everyone in position....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Yes sir, Flight 5 is in formation

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Flight 2 in position!

  • Me

Flight 4, Roger that Lt.....

·         OK let's see what happens.......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Lt. I got that itchy feeling again...

  • Me

Just in case, I had the Chief load one nuke for each of us.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Yea, i asked him about that during preflight.

  • Me

So that means, we have seven HD -70 's each.....

·         and 1 Nuke...

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James


  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

They won't know what hit them!

  • Me

Roger that Bunny.....LOL....

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Anyone else feel like watching a nice fireworks show?

  • Me

Yeah....that would be great Hotwire....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

I'm with you on that Hotwire!

  • Me

Hey what's that.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Uh-- Oh-- speak of the chome domes..

  • Me

Looks like they're still listening in on us some how....

·         Oh well, it's their mistake this time....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I guess recycling day is twice this week, eh Lt. (9,681 Characters)


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Part 2 Flying Tiger’s 1st Anniversary Air Show

Cap and Battle

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Let's make them regret it!

  • Me

Yeah Hitman.....that's OK by me....

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Sucks to be them.

  • Me

OK lets hit them hard as a squadron, then we'll break into our flights....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Roger that

  • DragonLady4732

( Looking at the Dradis and sees what she thought it could be....OH FRAK)

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Roger that!!

  • Me

Looks like they want to play Chicken.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I love this game!!

  • Me

Light em up Tiger's......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

(guns a blazing)......

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Time to start the show! Firing!

  • Me

Multiple missile launches and Guns blazing.......

  • DragonLady4732

Flying Tigers, this is Raven Actual...Do you see what I am seeing on the draidis...

  • Me

Eat led sucker's.......

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Alright Flight 3 lets get in the game....

  • Me

What's that Actual.....Over....

  • DragonLady4732

Do you see what I am seeing on the dradis Reamer

  • Me

Looks like a Basestar.......Yeah.......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

FLight 2 .. cover the right flank..

  • Me

Toaster's exploding everywhere.....

·         Watch the debris field everyone.....that's what got me last time....

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

LT, I've got a 2nd basestar that just jumped into dradis over here

  • DragonLady4732

(Puts the Raven into ALERT! ACTION STATIONS....)

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

" its raining toasters "

  • Me

Roger that Hotwire.....looks like we need backup.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Lot's of scrap already!

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Splash another one..

  • Me

Break off the Raider's everyone and get into squadron formation......

·         Bring your nukes to bear on the closest Base star everyone......

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Roger that Reamer

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

scrap 2........Achilles check left

  • DragonLady4732


  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Roger that Lt.

  • Me

We'll need to get's going to be a rough ride.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

We can do this!

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Lt. we need a little more help here..

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Copy that.....flight 3 coming into formation

  • Me

The Cavalry is coming Hitman.......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

This getting a little crowded .. not in a good way..

  • Me

OK everyone launch nuke on my mark.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Ready to launch nuke!

  • Me

3, 2, 1.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Tiger prepare Nuke

  • Me

Nukes away......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli


  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Flight 5, nukes away!

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James


  • DragonLady4732

( Can be heard talking to Chief Beaton telling him: " Chief, I need all my birds in the air now to assist the Flying Tigers) When I say now, I mean NOW)

  • Me

Pull away from the basestar.....we don't want to be this close.......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Full throttle!!!

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Pulling away, we don't want to get caught in the explosion!

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli


  • Me

Break into separate flights and engage Raiders......

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Roger that, Flight 5 let's break away and scrap some toasters!

  • DragonLady4732

( Raven Actual can be heard ordering the Raven to position herself where she can best protect her fighters against the basestar)

  • Me

Wow.....what a Fireworks show.......

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

You can say that again Lt. Reamer!

  • Me

Now that's an Anniversary gift .....LOL.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Now thats celebratory!!

  • Me

Watch it El Cid....

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Outstanding Tigers!

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

No lets get the rest of these toasters!!

  • Me

There's a bunch of Raiders at three O'clock....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Mace... where are you..

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

There's still 1 Basestar floating around out there

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Stay sharp tigers!

  • Me

Flight 1 turns to starboard and lets them have it.....

·         Great shooting..... we got two of thw three.....

·         There's another.......Firing.......

  • DragonLady4732

Hotwire, the Raven has that basestar...

  • Me

Another one bites the Dust.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Splash one!

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Holy......Lords of.......Kob.....

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Copy that, Actual!

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Mace I'm coming!

  • Me

Roger that Actual....Thanks....for the Fire Power.....

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Splash 1.......make that 2

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Firing on another, yes got it!

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Got you toasters

  • Me

There's another bunch at 12 O'clock low.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Good shooting tigers, yes another down!

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli


  • Me

Trying to get us from below....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Mace pull up on my mark!

  • Me

Flight 1 dives with guns blazing.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli


·         Fire!!!!

·         Got Him!!!

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Firing, yes scrapped another toaster!

  • Me

Multiple missile launches.....Whoosh.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Recycling always feels good, doesn't it?

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Now stay on my wing. ! ( Roger that Hitman)

  • Me

Yeah, they're dropping like flies.....Yeah.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Nothing like it Bunny!

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

3 O'Clock Reamer!

  • Me

coming out GreyWolf.....

·         There's a couple on your six....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Hotwire you got company!

  • Me

Whoosh......FireFox engages.....

·         Yeah splash two Toasters to FireFox.....

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Check. Got them Hitman!

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Firing off some missiles, woohoo got them!

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Great catch

  • Me

I love that weapons system.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Thats nice shootin'! Hotwire

  • Me

Great shooting Dutchman....that one disintegrated into dust.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Great shot El Cid!

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

YOu just like blowing smoke out the rear sir. Hehehe

  • Me

What's the status on the 2nd Basestar.....Over.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

THese things just wont give up!!

  • Me

There's a few more at Nine O'clock......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I see them!

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Engaging another one, firing, splash 2!

  • Me

Lets tag team them.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Who invited them to the party anyway!!

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Great job guys! There's more coming so stay sharp!

  • Me

Turning to port.....Guns blazing.....

  • DragonLady4732

( Watching the 2nd basestar..... Raven Firing on them) Back off my fighters!

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

ROgr that!

  • Me

WooHoo.....there's another one ......exploding.....

·         Jockey to Reamer Over.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Turning Starboard guns blazing

  • Me

There's another one sir....

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Couple more for the scrap yard

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Scrapped another!

  • Me

Thanks Jockey....I see it........

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Nice! .... WOW!!!

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Yeah, be careful, lots of floating scrap piles!

  • Me

Launching last missile......

·         Whoosh.....

·         Yeah right down his throat.......

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Great shot Lt

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I love it when the Raven gets to play too..

  • Me

That's the way Uh Huh, I like it.....Yeah.......

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

2 missiles left....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Firing last missile....

  • Me

All I got is 30mm.....

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Flight 3... any missiles left?

  • Me

Make everyshot count Tiger's.....

  • DragonLady4732

(Raven can be seen being ordered by Raven Actual to reposition matching the 2nd basestar path)

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Got 2 for 1!!!!

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

3 missiles left, letting another go! Boom!

  • Me

Looks like Actual's going to scrap a Basestar.....

·         Yeah Raven Go........they're Toast......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

All i got are guns.. how we holding up Tigers!!

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Lt....Flight 3 has 5 missiles left total.....where do you want them?

  • Me

How many Raider's are left....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Last 2 missiles away, whoosh! Yes!

  • Me

I see lots of scrap....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Flight 5 is down to guns!

  • DragonLady4732

(Raven Actual can be heard ordering the Raven to fire at will at the 2nd basestar trying to make a move towards the Flying Tigers direction)

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Its hard to tell right now...

  • Me

Hey there's a couple hiding behind the scrap at 10 O'clock.....

·         Lets let em have it......

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Copy, Lt. We're on it

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I careful

  • Me

Go get em HotWire.......

·         Flight 1 has your back.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Stay sharp!

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Alright Flight 3, let's mop the floor

  • DragonLady4732

( Raven fires at the 2nd basestar relentlessly making all shots count)

  • Me

Watch out Tiger's.....Basestar coming our way.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Oh Frak! there are more. They are headed towards the Raven!

  • Me

Stay out of their firing solution.....

·         We can't match that fire power.....

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

2 missiles left, Lt. You want them in that Basestar?

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Roger that Lt.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Roger that!!

  • Me

Dodging tracer' it's getting hot out here.....

  • DragonLady4732

( 2nd basestar can be seen going down) Now focusing on the other basestar making a move.....Raven is seen reposition herself as she fires relentlessly

  • Me

Save em Hotwire, they won't make a scratch on it.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Woohoo, go Raven!

  • Me

Make sure we got all the Raiders everyone.....

·         We don't want any trying to Kamikaze the Raven.....

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

2 turkeys ate my our last 2 missiles. Flight 3 is on cannons only.....

  • Me

I'm getting low on ammo.....

·         How's everyone doing?

  • DragonLady4732

( Raven Actual can be heard ordering all Raptors Squadron to launch)

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  • Me

Reamer walks into the hanger bay suited up ready for a test flight.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli


·         Great to see you Sir! ( salutes)

  • Me

(Returns Salute) Hi Hitman what's up?

·         I'm going to take my new Viper out for a test flight to make sure it's ready for our next mission.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Oh nothing just thought I would come and give my Viper a once over.

·         How about I join you?

  • Me

That sounds like a plan!!!

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Great I'll grab my flight gear.

  • Me

I'll do my pre-flight and wait for you.

·         The flight crew moves Reamers Viper into the launch tube.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

(Running while still getting flight suit on) OK!

·         Let me get in and I'll do my pre-flight...

  • Me

Reamer does a walk around and checks all six FireFox AIM-9000's.

·         Everything looks great!!!

·         I'm climbing in the cockpit to finish my pre-flight.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Looks in good shape.

·         Let me climb up...

·         (settles in the cockpit to finish preflight)

  • Me

My Pre-flight's complete, I'm ready to launch!!!!!

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I'll see you out there.

  • Me

Launching in 3, 2, 1........

·         Roger that Hitman!!!

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Preflight is complete.

·         I am ready for launch…

·         (Hitman you are cleared for launch)

  • Me feels great to be flying again....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Launching in 3.....2.....1... GO!!!!

  • Me

The chief did a great job on my new bird.......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I am clear of the launch bay.

  • Me

This thing feels just like my old one!!!!

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Chief is very good at what he does.

  • Me

Thank the Gods....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

All right Lt, lets test it out...

  • Me

Yeah....let’s push this thing.......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Ok are you ready!!

  • Me

I'm going to head to the perimeter of the fleet and do a few rolls and what ever I feel like....

·         Follow the leader.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Barrel Rolls are a good way to get going!

·         I am right behind you!

  • Me

Yeah that will test almost all the moving surfaces at once....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

You got that right!

  • Me

Reamer pushes it to full throttle as if the Cylons were biting him.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Make sure every thing is tied down!

  • Me

Hahahahaha what a ride......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

(Hitman follows)

·         WOOOOHOOOO!!!

  • Me

At least all the engines work.....

·         OK I'll get serious now.

·         Executing barrel rolls.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I never liked these.

·         Reminds me of too much Ambrosia...

  • Me

Yeah I hear ya, OK that's enough.....I'm breaking into a couple split Esses.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

You are looking great!!!

  • Me

Too much of a good thing usually isn't good......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I don't think you lost a step Lt!

  • Me

OK I'm going to pull up hard into a steep climb and see if it stalls.....

·         Great, what a responsive bird.....

·         This one is almost better than my old ride.....

·         I ought to crash more often.......hehehehehahahahahahaha

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I told you Chief is good!

·         Don't say that too loud!!

·         HAHAHA!!

  • Me

Hey, how about we try that new maneuver, the Starburst?

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

OK! Let's do it!

  • Me

It's really simple, just follow me Hitman.....

·         It's almost what I just did.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I am right here!

  • Me

We start out flying straight and level.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli


·         Then...

  • Me

Then pull back hard on the stick and climb straight up.

·         as you accelerate so you don't stall.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli


·         Of course yes…

  • Me

OK, that's about high enough.

·         Now, do a reverse half roll and go into a straight down dive. Like the Hammerhead.......

·         Wow, what a rush.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Reverse half roll... got ya! ...

·         WOAA! YES!!! LOVE IT!!!

·         Now that is Frakkin' cool!!

·         The rest of the squad is going to love this!

  • Me

As you start to dive roll so you’re facing away from the direction we climbed at the start of the maneuver.

·         But keep diving.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Got it… holding on is the hard part!

  • Me

OK, now were at the bottom of the dive about where we began.

·         Now just pull back on the stick and level out flying back the same way we started the maneuver.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Leveling out....

  • Me

Great, now imagine we're traveling from the center of a wheel to the outer rim.

·         As if to follow a spoke.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Ok. I see now!!

  • Me

Each of our flights will be doing the same thing, but in different directions 72 degrees apart.

·         It's kind of like shooting a Rocket in the air.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I get it now. I wasn't real sure at first but now....

·         This is going to be Frakkin' epic!

  • Me

When it explodes the debris goes in different directions and falls back to where the rocket was launched.

·         Except we will go in different directions.

·         It sounds strange at first.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Very cool.

·         It does but now that I have done it, it will be great.

  • Me

The important part is when each flight is speeding into the middle of the circle. We all pull up without crashing into each other.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I hope we can execute it precisely.

  • Me

Then we all climb and then roll away from each other into a dive and head back away from the center the same way we started.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

It will take nerves of steel to stay in your seat.

·         but well worth it I think

  • Me

Yeah it will.....

·         I showed the maneuver to Major Leonidas earlier today.

·         He said the nuggets will be watching and leaning via Dradis.

·         That was cool.......lets take a couple laps around the fleet

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Well this is going to look even better on DRADIS

·         OK... Let’s Go!

·         OH! And no more holding back...

  • Me

I think so; it will be like we're drawing a flower or a five spoke mag wheel!!!!!!!

·         Yeah.....full speed ahead Dam the Cylons.......hahahahahahaha

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli


  • Me

Oh I had to mention our friends........

·         Look at that....10 O'clock.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

You seem to be a magnet…

·         I see…

·         I got your wing.

  • Me

Yeah.....the Cylons are still listening in on our briefings or maybe it's the hanger deck.....

·         Lets dust them off, they don't seem to know we're here yet.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I don't know...

·         Its not even recycling day yet....

  • Me

Let’s dive on them suckers.......Yeah.....

·         Oh well, I need to test my guns anyway.....

·         Moving targets are more fun.....

·         Reamer lights em up.........guns he dives......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

You know it! (Guns Blazing) AHHHHHH!!!!

  • Me

Re-cycle day was never better........hahahahahahaha

·         Eat led sucker......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I love the smell of metal in the morning!!

  • Me

Yeah....this one's breaking up........

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Nice shooting Lt. you have been keeping sharp!

  • Me

Scrap in the wind........

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

All they are is scrap in the wind

  • Me

Yeah I had a lots of sim time while my arm was healing.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Looks like the rest are buggin' out.

  • Me

Hey what happened.....we scared them away.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

There is something wrong here.

·         These metal heads never just leave.

  • Me

We need to play well with others, but they don't stay long enough for the lesson.......LOL

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Oh well I guess that’s why I'm always in detention…

  • Me

Well maybe they're planning something big.

·         Yeah me too....

·         I hope we see them again tomorrow night.

·         Well that was a great test flight.....

·         Lets head back to the Raven.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

That was a great flight!

·         You need to decompress and get ready for tomorrow.

·         We need you to be sharp tomorrow.

  • Me

Sounds good to me Hitman!!!! It's great to be back in the cockpit though......

·         We need to always remember there's only one of each of us......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I can't think of any other place i would rather be.

  • Me

The Cylons can afford to be sloppy, we can't......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

That is right. No resurrection ship out here for us.

·         We have to be sharp ... like a razor.

  • Me

We're coming up on the Raven........

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Always a good looking site to see.

  • Me

Yeah I think my rack is calling me. I had a tough day.

·         OK, I got the Ball............

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

See you inside,

  • Me

Slowing down to landing speed........

·         Perfect landing, look chief no skid marks........Yeah........

·         Mag locks on.......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

(Raven to Hitman you are clear to land Call the Ball at your will)

·         This is Hitman I got the Ball

·         Reduce speed.....

·         Skids down…

·         Mag lock on…

  • Me

Back in the hanger deck, Climbing what a nice Viper....this one's a keeper!!!!

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

WOW! Nice flying Lt!! Tomorrow is going to be epic!

  • Me

Yeah, tomorrow's going to be a great day I can feel it in my bones.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I'm gonna hit the showers I'll see you tomorrow Lt.

  • Me

Hey Chief, refuel and Re-arm our birds for tomorrow.......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Nice Flying (waves)

  • Me

Great flight Hitman, thanks for joining me!!!!!

·         I got to go, I'll catch up with you later Hitman!!!!!!!

  • 11:04 PM


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NASA has constructed a female robot named Valkyrie to accompany astronauts on space walks...Hopefully she won't live up to her name sake and carry them off to their afterlife.  Looks a bit chunky for now...Not QUITE a Super-Sexy Number 6...but it's a start. Buy your command...

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For any interested. This is one SERIOUS mobile air defense laser system.  It shoots down everything from mortar rounds to drones...and presumably raiders of any and all types.

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12578045675?profile=originalWell looked after again by the organisers at this 10th anniversary weekend show. Darren  looked awesome in his cylon, Cylon Six was glad to have a winter suit to wear (now she is over her cylon virus from last weekend she was much happier), Libby made an awesome mean marine and the ships looked great Phil and thanks for the pics (I forgot the camera..oops)! Great little show, lots of interest , lots of public.  Managed to get two missing BSG actor signatures and found some bdu trouser ties in the Screen Used boots ....good find Libby!   And we made the local paper...pic below....... We have been invited to six shows by the organiser so we'll be back next year.





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 Yes Folks, It is The Tenth Anniversary Of Ronald D. Moore's Presentation Of The Thing We Call BSG; Two Years earlier, Brian Singer And Fox Were Going To bring This Wonderful Thing Back To Our TV Sets; But, Unfortunately, They Both Fumbled The Ball; However,RDM  And Sci-Fi Channel Picked It Up, Ran With It, And Won!

  Now,  BSG Fans Are Growing Legion, Thanks To A Writer Who Wrote For Star Trek; And, Brought Hard-Hitting Drama And Action Back To The Rag Tag,Fugitive Fleet On It's Lonely Quest: A Shining Planet,Known As Earth.

  It's His Inspiration That Fuels our Quest To Play BSG In Our Spare Time, And To Demand More; Even Though We Haven't given Up On The latest Chapter,'Blood and Chrome', To Become a full series, The Powers That Be  At  NBC/Universal Are Still Stalling, And Trying in Vain To Placate Us By Spoon-feeding  Roger Corman Type Crap like 'Sharknado', And Whatever Silly Concepts They Come Up With; Our Response? In The Words Of The 'Immortal' Kara Thrace: Keep fighting Until We Can't.

 There Is A Ray Of Hope,Though; Brian Singer Has A BSG Project In The Works; And, It May Be Some time Before It Gets Some Steam; However, It will Be interesting To See How It Develops; In The Meantime, We Will Carry on With Our Missions,And Destroy As Many Cylons As We Encounter.

                                                                                             SO   SAY   WE   ALL  !   !



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I am posting this on behalf of the Raven Commander as the Raven Marines promise to be on the watch while she is gone. She made this before she left to be on her R & R.  She gave me the honor of doing so I can learn the site according to her. ;-)


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Toy fair show report and photos BSG UK.

Great little show today at Movie Buffs in Hull, UK.  We were able to field five marines, a shiny cylon centurion a cadet deckhand and Cylon Six Armistice Stationsuit copy plus a viper pilot throughout the day with a couple of costume changes here and there.  It was the first outing for our Centurion, he did remarkably well with very limited vision, even managed the escalators! This is Paul 'iceworm' Oakley's fault that we have all these BSG marines in the UK - shouldn't have looked so cool at Galacticon.



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Viper Idea

Anyone know where I can get a really good set of Mark II Viper blueprints? Many nice pics and drawings out there but, I need something with measurements and cross sections. Been kicking around the idea of building a Mk II Viper (yes full size) but, I need to know will it fit out my garage. Realize the wings would have to be removeable so, the big questions is how wide is the tail end at the engines. Length wise I don`t think it would be a problem, building a new garage next year anyway so I can build the garage to fit. I also have an extra long enclosed car trailer here if need to house or move the Viper. 

Thanks for all your help.  Rob

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United States military

I had served over 20 years in the United States Army 101st. airborne Special Forces and I would like to thank all military personnel men and women who have served and are currently serving thanks to them we are able to celebrate the holidays. So I would like to give a special thanks to our miltary men and women
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My Thanksgiving Wish to My Raven Family and Friends

Members of the Ravens and Friends Circle,

I just wanted to take my time and come to all of you just being me, DragonLady!  Not as Raven Actual nor as the Vice President of Battlestar Galactica Fan Club. I am just coming to all of you just as myself. The real me talking as a person!


I wanted to wish each and everyone of you and your love ones, HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY! As the year comes to an end soon, looking back at the journey each and everyone of us took as members of the Tiger Claw at first, then later on Raven, I have to say, we have a lot to thank for especially me. I would like to thank my family and friends, for all the support they have given me each and everyday. My career is right where I wanted it at. Then of course, my Raven Family and Friends.

The Raven is truly unique and has a lot of great people. I would like to thank whole heartedly my current Command Staff, Squadron Leaders and of course, our members on the Raven. You guys make my job as Commander so easy. When someone is down, we never leave anyone behind and we are all there for that person. When someone is sick or lost a love one, we make them feel they are not forgotten or alone in their grief. We are truly a family, a family of friends that is!  Both body and spirit!   We also know how to have fun on the Raven and living up to our reputation of being a fun, loving, wacky and the best crew in the fleet!  And YES, I am saying it with pride, conviction and with an exclamation point,  that we are the BEST, DAMN FRAKKING CREW IN THE FLEET !!!!  ;-)  :-)

So during Thanksgiving Day tomorrow whether you celebrate it or not, whether it be aboard or stateside, please take a moment and be thankful for all the things each and everyone of you have that others might not have. Whatever it may be! Also, please remember our men and women in uniform, whether it be stateside or overseas, that cannot be with their love ones for this occasion. May they be kept safe so they are able to return to their families when the time comes.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING to each and everyone of you! Don’t eat too much now! Enjoy your time with your love ones and value those moments!  Take care everyone!  And be safe!

DragonLady and Family

P.S.  Reamer, I hope your recovery is going well....

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These are some cute Thanksgiving E-Cards to share with any you wish. Happy Thanksgiving to one and all!
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Wizard World:  Austin Texas was a blast!  But before I start, I would like to say a very BIG THANK YOU, to all those that were able to come and help out at the Raven table:

-Honorary Raven Member:  Robert Ybarra

-Honorary Member:  Ruth Anne

-Raven Colonial Marine NEW NCOIC- Corporal Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

- Jr and Little Eddie (Little Ravens)

I could not have done it without their help.  Wizard World was so busy with lines of people trying to get in.  I ran into several familiar faces especially two people I did not expect to see there from the Paintball Community I belong too.  When I saw both of them at the table and Robert Ybarra was talking to the both of them, this gentleman looked over towards me and said "DragonLady???? What are you doing here?"  I looked at him and said "Oh no!!!  Oh geez!"  And we just gave each other a hug!  I said to him "Fallout, what are you doing here?  I never figured you to be a science fiction type person!"  Well apparently he is!  We got him to join BFC!  But before we parted, I told him on the side, "You did not see me here and I won't tell your secret either!"  And we both laughed!  In the paintball community, I am someone that is known and had developed a reputation for being a player that plays hard and someone you don't want to mess with but a fair player.  In this sport, the way you command yourself, is what determines how people see you as a player.  And I have worked hard maintaining my good and well respected reputation.  So it was really good to see people from my paintball community and loves science fiction like I do at Wizard World in Austin this weekend!  This was a total surprise.  We gave this individual his callsign "Fallout" because during one of his first game at our old homefield (122 acres in size) he suffered a heat stroke in front his son.  His son was shouting loud asking someone to help his father out!  Robert and I happened to be right there close by them so we came to his rescue and helped him out.  He was with our group of people defending the location we were at.   We helped him out until the field doctor arrived and got him to his clinic.  He had to be helped off the field.  We checked on him after we all came off the field for a break.  From then on, the rest was history........ :-)

I also would like to thank our Raven Member and Model builder:  Phillip Cocking, for representing the Raven and BSG as a whole, at a memorabilia exhibition in Birmingham, United Kingdom, this past weekend as well.  Just check these beautiful photos of the Raven in the TOS version that he send me with her own rag-tag fleet:



12578043668?profile=originalThank you Phillip for representing us and BSG as a whole.  It goes to show you everyone, that no matter where you are at, you can represent the group you belong too and show your love for BSG as a whole in your own little way and we will be behind you and support you.

Lastly, I wanted to say a special thank you to our very own Raven Colonial Marine Member and NEW Raven Marine NCOIC:  Corporal Paul "Iceworm" Oakley!  He was there with me the whole entire duration that I was there at the convention.  He helped me carry things that I brought with me  for the Raven and set up the table.  We tag teamed talking to fans that came by the table and promote not only the Raven, but BFC and Galacticon 4.  We accomplished a lot of things that day and at the same time, enjoy doing it. I have to honestly say, he went above and beyond the mission the Raven Marine OIC gave him.  And for that, I thank him!  Now, I have to make some more flyers, sign up sheets, business cards , ready for whenever the next convention appearance the Raven will be showing up to.



~Raven Actual

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