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NEW Raven Marine NCOIC


There is a change of personnel within the Marine Ranks!  After pondering for some time now and watching from the distance, I made the decision to select this individual to be my second right hand person and in charge of the Raven Marines when I am not around.  This individual has done a lot of great things for the Raven since joining the Raven this past May.  He has a great attitude and knows how to deal and speak to people from my observation.  They say a great leader will surround oneself with good people that they can trust and rely and will communicate with them.  And I feel I can trust and rely on this person to help me build the Raven Marine rank!  After speaking with the Raven Command (Raven Commander and current Interim-XO), to see whether they have any objections of my selection of him, I have decided to make his selection official today.

So without further ado, I would like to announce the selection of Corporal Paul "Iceworm" Oakley, as the new Raven Marine NCOIC.  So please join me in CONGRATULATING Corporal Oakley in his new position.

Also, thank you for a job well done during the Wizard World Convention in Austin, Texas.  You have done well providing security for our Commander and let her accomplished the mission she was set out to do!  TEAM WORK is the key to a successful mission!


-Major Eduardo "Enforcer"

Raven Marine OIC

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It is now time for another BSG Hero Award this week.  But before that, just a reminder to everyone, please do not forget that we have two cons happening this weekend at the same time where we will have  BFC represented.  One is the Long Beach Comic Con headed by our very own BFC President Shawn O’Donnell.    He will be sharing a space with Herb Jefferson Jr.  and also President O'Donnell buddy Noel  Gugliemi  from the Walking Dead.  He has been talking to him a lot about this convention so he is very thrilled to be meeting the fans there.  They will be talking about Battlestar Galactica, Galacticon 4, the Walking Dead or it could be anything if our BFC President has his way :-)

That same weekend down South, Battlestar Raven will be representing Battlestar Galactica Fan Club at Wizard World in Austin, Texas  headed personally by yours truly.  We will be there to meet and greet the fans and talk about the club and the Raven and also to help promote Galacticon 4.   So whether you are down South or over at the West Coast, don’t hesitate stop by at anyone of the tables we will have there.

Also, if anybody is not familiar with the Rockethut, it is a crowdfunding site that allows events, shows or even movies to be financed.  This is one of the ways that we want to help finance Galacticon IV aside from ticket sales.  It allows each and everyone of you to not only be a vital part of the campaign but you can get awesome cool stuff in the process.  So please do not hesitate to come and check out the site at:

You can participate on it for as little as $10.00 dollars and be a part of the action.

Now, for the BSG Hero Award of the Week!

The recipient of the BSG Hero Award this week is no stranger to the BSG Community but also in the fandom community as a whole.  He has been a long time science fiction fan since he was a young child.  His love for science fiction can only be match by his golden heart and tireless effort  in not only promoting BSG but helping others in the fandom community as a whole. He always makes time for anyone that needs help.

My love for cosplay really took off because of this person when I became his Chief Engineering Officer aboard Battlestar Aries in the Colonial Defense Forces.  The things he does for the fans fascinated me and started learning from him.  And he was always there to guide me.  Little did we know that my love for science fiction/cosplay will take off the way it did because of him.  We would at times spend hours chatting and just talking about anything when it comes to science fiction.  I guess you can all call it that we were having “geek moments”.  ;-)  :-)   We both have also been through the good and bad times together where our friendship was tested and at one point, we thought it was going to break apart because of some science fiction BS.  But it survived and in time, it healed and even became stronger with a better understanding, that we both should not let some science fiction BS, affect our friendship and that whatever we do from then on, is truly only for our fans and members enjoyment.  For without the fans and members, we will not all be here today.  I am also proud to call this person my brother-at-arms in the arm forces because he also serves and help protect the very freedom which this great country of ours was founded on just like myself.

So without further ado, I would like to present this BSG Hero Award to none other than someone I consider not only as a mentor in the science fiction community but also a very good friend.  And he is one of the few that has earned my true friendship which I rarely give out.  The BSG Hero Award for this week goes to none other than Battlestar Galactica Fan Club’s very own  Fleet Admiral,  Miguel “Krash” Rivera.

And I thank President Shawn O’Donnell  for giving me the honor of presenting this award to Miguel Rivera tonight!  And I hope President O'Donnell is feeling much better today.  He has been sick for the last two or three days.  But according to him, he is ready for the Long Beach Comic Con.  So don't hesitate to stop by his table tomorrow.  And if you are down South, you know where to find me  and the Battlestar Raven table :-)


Cherry "DragonLady"

Battlestar Galactica Fan Club Vice President


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JOIN US at Wizard World Austin Comic Con on November 22-24, 2013 where we will be representing our mother club Battlestar Galactica Fan Club. Just take a look at the phenomenal guest list they have here:

And on the West Coast that same weekend, don't forget to join our mother club, Battlestar Galactica Fanclub at the Long Beach Comic Con that same weekend: November 23-24, 2013. So one South and one West Coast Convention, all at the same weekend.

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Moving Forward!

Greetings all!

We welcome as always, our new members to the Fan Club...we hope you enjoy.

Several things to talk about today...for all of you who may not know & especially if you are in the SoCal (as we call it in Southern California) and especially if you are in the Los Angeles area, I want to turn you on to Richard Hatch's "Craft of Acting" classes which kick of December 3rd & then every Tuesday thereafter from 2pm-6pm.

The classes will be at Two Roads Theater, 4438 Tujunda Ave Studio City CA can visit the theatre's website  here

The classes are $40 per session & can be paid monthly, the 3rd & 10th classes are at no charge, so don't miss that special!

Please contact: with any questions you might have.

This is perfect for the aspiring actor & even someone who wants to be able to speak more effectively in front of groups...or just for the fun of it!


I also wanted to remind everyone that this coming weekend I will be appearing at The Long Beach ComicCon

along with Team L.A. so if you are in the area, come on down...the Con will feature Herbert Jefferson Jr. (Battlestar Galactica), Noel Guglielmi (The Walking Dead), Thomas Jane (The Punisher), Dean Haglund (The X-Files) & Lance Henrikson (Aliens).

The VERY same weekend, Cherry Oclima is going to be headlining with the Battlestar Raven at Austin Wizardworld

featuring Norman Reedus (The Walking Dead), William Shatner (Star Trek), Bruce Campbell (Army of Darkness), Jewel Staite (Firefly) & Robert Rodriguez (Director/Machete) among others.

We are going to be out there with you spreading the word!

The word of course...or words I should say consist of Battlestar and Galactica...the fans of this show are the most important thing bar none for us...this is what we do!

We want to create a place & a space for fans to congregate, talk story and become friends in a wider pantheon of people...we also strive to bring the fans together with the writers, producers, directors & actors of the various incarnations of would be astonished at what we can all do together!

An overarching theme at work here is also the fact that no matter what & no matter where people are...we can demonstrate, everyone of us just how easy it is for people to come together and cooperate with each really this is about building COMMUNITY.

We are also going to be on the road talking about Galacticon IV: Resurrection

We plan on an EVENT...not just a Convention...something that you will experience & walk away from that you will talk about for years.

As always the thrust of this will be Battlestar Galactica, but we also plan to bring in elements from other popular shows like Firefly.

All of the individual talent in attendance will bring a unique perspective to the fans while at the same time creating an equally unique & memorable feel for the particular show (or shows) that they have appeared in.

At the same time all of this will be tied into our event theme...not only of the unique connections that these folks have with each other in the acting profession...but the very tapestry of this gathering...which is the renewing (or if you prefer, The Resurrection) of what inspires all the fans...whether it be Battlestar Galactica, Firefly or Star Trek...

Our destination is Seattle Washington July 31st-August 2nd 2015 & we want to see you THERE!

I also need to mention that right now we have a way for you to participate early at Galacticon IV

If anybody is not familiar with Rockethub it is a crowdfunding site that allows events, shows or even movies to be financed.

This is one of the ways that we want to help finance Galacticon IV aside from simply ticket sales & it allows you not only to be a vital part of the campaign but you can get some really cool stuff in the process...go check out the site yourself  & can start with as little as 10 bucks & be a real part of the action!

We of course want to honor our Hero of Battlestar Galactica this week...

This native of Edmonton, Alberta Canada has appeared in shows as diverse as Stargate Atlantis, Supernatural to Fringe.

You will probably know him from those shows & you will most surely know him for his role as Lt. Coker Fasjovik in SyFy's Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome...

The Hero goes out to Ben Cotton!


So Say We All!

Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galctica Fan Club

Visit Battlestar Fanclub at:

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Leave of Abscense

Squad Members, It is with much regret that I must take a Leave Of Abscense. I have just returned from UNC Chapel Hill Medical Center after consulting with the Liver Transplant Team there. With not knowing my schedule in the coming weeks or months, much of my time will be spent traveling back and forth from home to UNC. Seeing different Dr.s and spending time with family and friends. Although a transplant may be months or years away, depending on futher testing and prognosis, I will not have a lot of free time for a while. Please keep my family and I in your thoughts and prayers until we can see a light at the end of the tunnel. I will keep you updated as much as possible. Thank you again my "EXTENDED FAMILY" for always making me feel welcome in the short time I have been here. Sometimes life puts obstacles in front of us that we must do whatever it takes to overcome them. I hope to return ASAP back to sharing again in this SCI-FY world we all know and love. 

                                                            Thank You,

                                       Ens. Bryan "GreyWolf' McMinn 


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Birthday of the U.S. Marine Corps

Marine Corps Birthday

Marine Corps Turns 238

On November 10, 1775, the Second Continental Congress meeting in Philadelphia passed a resolution stating that "two Battalions of Marines be raised" for service as landing forces with the fleet. This resolution established the Continental Marines and marked the birth date of the United States Marine Corps.

Happy Birthday, Devil Dogs, from an Army grunt to the finest sea-borne fighting force in the world. And thanks.

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Greetings to everyone & welcome to our new members...tonight I have a LOT of exciting news to share with all of you...first of all we have...Galacticon that is...just launched our new Rockethub crowdunder for G4!

Check it out, we have a lot of cool stuff & perks for participating members.

Also, a very important note I would like to share with EVERYBODY...if YOU...and we do need YOU...would like to attend a show in your area complete with a table promoting the Fan Club & Galacticon IV, we will be right behind you in supporting that...anywhere that you may be, spread the word & be a part of the adventure.

As you read this our troops are making appearances in both Portland, Oregon & Denver, Colorado and later this month the Battlestar's are going to be blazing away in both Austin, Texas & Long Beach, California!

I would also like to announce (and this is a very big deal for aspiring actors) & even those who merely want to polish their communication skills.

Richard Hatch will be be starting a series of acting classes at Two Roads theatre starting next month in Studio City California.

Allow me to take this directly from Richard's Facebook page as he talks about it:

My acting classes cover all aspects of acting from preparing to auditioning to learning the art of giving your most exciting and dynamic performance in front of the camera when it counts. It also includes the business of finding your own pathway to success in this current and dramatically changing industry of ours. Learning how to positively deal with fear, unlock and unleash your energy, passion and deepest creative instincts is key to not only living life more fully but finding your way to your pot of gold in this world. Don't let fear and insecurities stop you from realizing your full potential. If you are looking to take your talents to a more powerful and dynamic level or just looking for a class to explore the art and craft of performing for the first time this is the class for you. A flyer will be forthcoming in the next few days. I look forward to meeting those of you that are ready to make a positive move and shift in your lives.

These classes will be on Tuesdays starting on December 3rd, again at the Two Roads theatre at 4348 Tujunga Ave, Studio City, California 91604. They will run from 2pm to 6pm.

The monthly cost of the classes is $160.00 with $40.00 per class.

Richard's passions in life are teaching, writing, directing & acting, so please let him share that with you!

Any signups, questions & other info about the classes that you might have please contact Richard at his business email:

We also of course have our Hero of Battlestar Galactica announcement for this week & I'm excited by the choice of a new face in the Battlestar Galactica universe...beginning her acting career in her native Hungary & being featured in many productions there she went on to play Dr. Beka Kelly, a former employee of Graystone Industries, the company responsible for creating the Cylons on SyFy's Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome!



The Battlestar Galactica Hero goes out to actress Lili Bordan!

So Say We All!

Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club


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OK, I erased my blog, so now, I do it again...

I found some things about the Ghost Fleet.  It could be used to make new chapters, new clubs, all within the sphere of BSG.  Gun-boats to Heavy cruisers, think of the 'possibilities'  Creativity, activity and comradeship are all shown in 'organized fandom'.  Lets grow this concept..."There are those who still believe...", and they might want to 'play' as well!!



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