Toy fair show report and photos BSG UK.

Great little show today at Movie Buffs in Hull, UK.  We were able to field five marines, a shiny cylon centurion a cadet deckhand and Cylon Six Armistice Stationsuit copy plus a viper pilot throughout the day with a couple of costume changes here and there.  It was the first outing for our Centurion, he did remarkably well with very limited vision, even managed the escalators! This is Paul 'iceworm' Oakley's fault that we have all these BSG marines in the UK - shouldn't have looked so cool at Galacticon.



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  • Thanks mate and thanks for all your advice!

  • What a great crew there! And five Marines! There's a future for you in politics, Mate, perhaps around Ten Downing Street. Most impressive my Friend, most impressive.

    With much jealousy and regards, Paul

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