My Thanksgiving Wish to My Raven Family and Friends

Members of the Ravens and Friends Circle,

I just wanted to take my time and come to all of you just being me, DragonLady!  Not as Raven Actual nor as the Vice President of Battlestar Galactica Fan Club. I am just coming to all of you just as myself. The real me talking as a person!


I wanted to wish each and everyone of you and your love ones, HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY! As the year comes to an end soon, looking back at the journey each and everyone of us took as members of the Tiger Claw at first, then later on Raven, I have to say, we have a lot to thank for especially me. I would like to thank my family and friends, for all the support they have given me each and everyday. My career is right where I wanted it at. Then of course, my Raven Family and Friends.

The Raven is truly unique and has a lot of great people. I would like to thank whole heartedly my current Command Staff, Squadron Leaders and of course, our members on the Raven. You guys make my job as Commander so easy. When someone is down, we never leave anyone behind and we are all there for that person. When someone is sick or lost a love one, we make them feel they are not forgotten or alone in their grief. We are truly a family, a family of friends that is!  Both body and spirit!   We also know how to have fun on the Raven and living up to our reputation of being a fun, loving, wacky and the best crew in the fleet!  And YES, I am saying it with pride, conviction and with an exclamation point,  that we are the BEST, DAMN FRAKKING CREW IN THE FLEET !!!!  ;-)  :-)

So during Thanksgiving Day tomorrow whether you celebrate it or not, whether it be aboard or stateside, please take a moment and be thankful for all the things each and everyone of you have that others might not have. Whatever it may be! Also, please remember our men and women in uniform, whether it be stateside or overseas, that cannot be with their love ones for this occasion. May they be kept safe so they are able to return to their families when the time comes.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING to each and everyone of you! Don’t eat too much now! Enjoy your time with your love ones and value those moments!  Take care everyone!  And be safe!

DragonLady and Family

P.S.  Reamer, I hope your recovery is going well....

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