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Greetings !

Hello fellow Battlestar Galactica fans, I am new to this site, and would just like to say hello and introduce myself. I haven't decided on my rank yet- but will shortly. I was 10 yrs. old when the original series aired on ABC (which should stand for A Bad Choice) after the cancellation of this show. Loved the show then, knew it was great, and was extremely disappointed when they pulled the plug on it. During the past 35 yrs. I hadn't given much thought to it, except for the occasional episode that would be aired irregularly on a given channel, (perhaps once in a 10 yarn stretch)  I tried to watch the sci-fi version (man did they kill it with commercials) I wont say anything negative, but it just didn't do it for me. Anyway 2 weeks ago I was on youtube, and a old dvd review pops up in my side bar - Battlestar Galactica The Complete Epic Series Collectors Edition Box (3/D Cylon head box) Well this became the "Must Have" Christmas present from me to me. Found it on ebay barely used from a reputable seller for $40.00 ! Got teased relentlessly by my wife, my 12 yr. old son had no idea what he was in for ! After it arrived we had a family viewing of the made for TV movie/pilot episode. After this the rule became that I was forbidden to watch any future episodes without them ! They were instantly hooked. It just shows how good this show really was. I look forward to participating in our forums with all of you. Thanks  Paul Caruthers 

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The New Year has just begun....

Good Evening Colonials!

And for you the New Year has indeed just the tide of time washes across the planet and time traveling us to a new era.

Welcome to 2014 (while I still wait on the clock) a little more than two hours hence.

We look forward to serving all of you in the new year & moving the Fan Club forward in the process...again, we can't, couldn't & wouldn't do this without all of you.

Just remember all of you...that as long as you keep the faith, Battlestar Galactica will never a matter of fact it will only grow stronger & your continued support will only hasten the day when it WILL return to either the small or large screen...or both.

Remember that the people have the power & YOU...all of you, are the boss.

Together we can move mountains & this is never been about sleeping giants...maybe sometimes resting but always waking fully & refreshed.

As we move into 2014 we can look forward also to the continued shaping of Galacticon IV: Resurrection

...and please believe we want, need & expect your input into the process...we WANT your active participation in this so it can be the BEST that it can be.

Anybody can put together a Convention...we want this to be an that fully embraces not only us, but the actors, writers & producers and others involved in the creative process of Battlestar Galactica (and other great Science Fiction)...but especially YOU, the fans who in the end pull it all together

I want to take a moment & remind everyone that we still have our Rockethub crowdfunder

still in place...and time is winding down on it too...again, this is very simply a way to be involved in the process...for all of you.

We have many ways to fund the event of course, with ticket sales being a mainstay but we also want to create a lot of "specialness" while we are at it and this again, is a way for you to be directly involved...the contribution to the crowdfunder is up to you...& of course there are some unique gifts attached, but the best one of all I think is have your name included in the official program book...everyone will know that you had a hand in the creation of something special.

I think it goes without saying (as I have mentioned it) that starting in January we will begin announcing the first of our special guests...and they will be the tip of the iceberg...and we think that they will resonate on many different levels for all of you.

Of course, before I close this note I will announce our Hero....nope didn't forget about that...but I was saving it for this night especially.


Our Hero harkens back to characters from both the original BSG & Galactica: 1980 and are part of the legend of Battlestar.

Tonight we honor Bruce Wright for his contribution to that legend!

So Say We All!

Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club


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12578040901?profile=originalSoon we'll all be counting down 2013 and welcoming in 2014. I felt 2013 should go out with a bang. Since this is the Battlestar Fan Club I figured what would be more fitting than to celebrate the New Year with an Exploding "Basestar"instead of the usual Fireworks!!!!


SO SAY WE ALL! ! ! ! !

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2014 is almost upon us regardless of where one is here in the US.  It is already 2014 in some parts of the country.  I just wanted to quickly take this moment, to wish my wonderful crew here aboard Battlestar Raven, a very Happy New Year.  I want to thank all of you for an awesome year.  You guys make my job as Commander, an easy one.  Although it is still an untested and young crew, but in that short period of time, her crew came together, both old and new, to make her the shining star in the fleet (Colonial Alliance). 

And to my Interim XO, Steve Tweed, I read what you wrote finally in details.  Thank you for your kind words.  I appreciate all the support you guys have given me.  The Raven’s success is not due to me, it is because of ALL OF YOU, her loyal and supportive members.  I was quite surprise at what I read.  I never expected that one.  I smiled when I read it because looking back, I never wanted to command a battlestar chapter.  I was always satisfied just being the person behind the scene making things happen.  But looking at it now, I guess I can honestly say, I am glad I did accept command of the Raven for I would not have it any other way anymore.  The best part about being a battlestar chapter commander is helping ones chapter become successful and meet lots of new friends along the way.  You become a family of friends.

And lastly, I had to really ponder what to say to this person for he really made me speechless at what he wrote and revealed.  To my very good friend of many years now, Miguel Rivera, what are you trying to do?  Make me cry this past Christmas Eve?  I wish you would have told me.  I had no clue you were responding to that BSG Hero Award you received in that manner until you text me and told me to look.  I was eating some icecream (cookies and cream which you and I both like) in a cone for dessert.  Miguel, I did not really know what to say on your revelation other than, I am very happy and shocked at the same time.  I mean looking at the trials and tribulations our friendship went through, one cannot help and be thankful that we both found the way to make our once fragile friendship survive, re-forge, and made it even stronger and evolve to something totally unexpected!  The way you put how our friendship was forge, is strange but very unique and true!  Through those trials and tribulations, we learned from our mistakes and took those mistakes to help make things better for our members and to never repeat the same error that cause us to nearly went our separate ways. And you are right, there are just those people whose goal in life is to just suck the fun out in a fan club because they are selfish and only think of themselves.  They are motivated by jealousy and always have a hidden agenda!  NOTHING ELSE!  Those kind of people I really don't have any respect for at all, until they make an effort to change for the better. And you know me by now, that I will NOT hesitate to tell those people off.   One thing I will tell you Miguel, I WILL ALWAYS be there for you wherever the both of us will be in the future, just as you have for me!  And happiness will indeed reign again when we see each other at whatever convention we will end up being there together.  Adopted sister huh? Well that means you have to share your toys with your younger one so she doesn’t have to kidnap them (well maybe some) when she comes for a visit ;-) :-)   The feeling is mutual Miguel! And I am VERY PROUD to be that adopted sister. :-)  And that I freely admit out in the open!

In closing, to my wonderful crew here on Battlestar Raven,  this I promise to all of you as your Commanding Officer, that in 2014, I will work further harder to help make the Raven truly the brightest star of them all in the Colonial Fleet (Colonial Alliance).  A blessed HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!!!!!  Battlestar Raven will resume normal operations on JANUARY 2, 2014.  I want all Department Heads to give me a SITREP on your departments upon resuming normal operations.  THAT IS ALL!   

THANK YOU FOR A WONDERFUL 2013!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I am very proud of all of you here on the Raven and truly an honor to be your Commander!

So Say We All!

Cherry "DragonLady"

Battlestar Galactica Fan Club Vice President

Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven-BFC 002

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Star Trek: Voyages Of The Funakoshi

12578036096?profile=originalA band of renegade Klingons has capture Klingon Ambassador To'Lark. Starfleet turns to Captain William T. Raines to command the newest Nova Class Starship the USS Funakoshi to rescue Ambassador To'Lark from the renegade Klingons and avert an all out war with the Klingon Empire.

6" x 9" (15.24 x 22.86 cm) 
Black & White on White paper
100 pages

Language: English  

ISBN-13: 978-1494308360 
ISBN-10: 1494308363 
BISAC: Fiction / Science Fiction / Space Opera

Shipping Weight: 7.2 ounces


Order your copy today at

CreateSpace eStore:

List Price: $5.38


List Price: $5.38





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Help Find R2

12578042099?profile=originalI know what I'm sedning to you is not BSG related and I did get permission to share the information as well as the attached picture. This has been posted on Facebook too by the Star Wars Fan club group 501st Legion. One of their members, Chris Bartlett (who some of you may know as one of the nicest guys in #StarWars fandom and a close friend of C-3PO) had his static R2-D2 replica stolen from his garage in Round Rock, Texas, and we areasking help from the fan community to keep an eye out for anyone claiming ownership of a new Artoo or selling Artoo parts that match this image. Note that the droid body will be two-legged and his dome is fiberglass---not aluminum. The main body is a single cast, hollow piece and the wood legs will be missing the feet (left behind at the crime scene). Please do not make accusations, but instead report any information to You're our only hope!


James Cecil 


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HAPPY NEW YEAR! Happy Colonial Day! Now let's set off some Battlestar Galactica Fireworks!

Alright you guys...WHO's gonna clean up this frakin' mess!

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Hi John. Since you have expressed an interest in joining the Raven, may I suggest you join the Fan Club sub-group "Battlestar Raven - BFC 002". It's on the list of 57 interest groups under "Groups" in the bar below the Club logo. It's provides internal communications for Raven Chapter Members. Then if you like the Marine Detachment or one of the Squadrons or other Raven Teams you can join those departments within the Raven Group. Any Group you join will show up on your home page and you can link to it there. You can also receive notices on your personal email when anything new is posted on your member Groups. It's a very detailed and compartmentalized system, but once you get the hang of it the layout makes sense. The main thing is ask any member questions on anything that interests you. We're glad to help since we're all here for the fun and friendship. Where else can you fly Viper missions or gear up and go hand to gland with some toasters? Enjoy. Regards, Paul "Iceworm" Oakley, Battlestar Raven Colonial Marine Detachment.

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The idea of downloading your personality, memories, etc. into an artificial life form or another body is no longer just science fiction. In the same way that one's avatar personality was downloaded into a Cylon in Caprica, and the skin jobs were downloaded into new bodies on the resurrection ships, they are working on ways do download one's brains into artificial life forms. This is no longer just science fiction, but science fact.

Downloading memories and personalities is one thing, but...nobody is seemingly asking about the soul, but that's a private matter I suppose.

I also guess you could have LOTS of beings out there with "multiple personalities" clustered into one body, not unlike Gayas Baltar...Now THAT would get confusing!  Who knows...Maybe that's how we'll end up creating the Imperious Leader...


John David Feagin

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Battlestar Galactica Hangar Deck Scramble Print

Didn`t get what you really wanted for Xmas? Here`s your chance. I picked up one of these prints for myself back on black friday. Little did I know I was getting a second one for Xmas. I sure don`t need a two of the same print so here it is offered for sale. The print in this auction is still sealed in the plastic tube unframed. Print number 40 of only 250 signed by the artist. Print is 20X36 inches. First $60 takes it with free shipping in the USA.

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If you, or anyone you know, are interested in obtaining BSG Uniforms and suiting up for the next Galacticon, event, You-Tube movie, vanity pics, etc., please check these links out:

Reimagined Series Uniforms, Rank Badges, etc.

Alchemy Arms Home Page: 

Reimagined GREEN BDU Shirt: 


Reimagined Khaki BDU Shirt:


Black BDU Shirt (Colonial Marines):


Senior Officer/XO Blues (Includes Shirt And Pants): 

Commander Blues (Includes Shirt And Pants): 

Senior Officer/Admiral Blues (Includes Shirt And Pants): 

Pins And Badges For Rank Insignia:

Page 1 

Page 2 

Double Tank Top Undershirts:

Cheapest Tees Home Page:



Gray Under Layer: 

Black Second Layer: 

**Shadowdale Uniforms From BOTH Original And Reimagined Versions:

(These folks are higher end and take longer, but have good stuff).

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Greetings Fellow Members,


            I wanted to take a moment and say a few words here to everyone here.  First I want to salute all the members of the Battlestar Fan Club, Colonial Defense Forces and Colonial Cylon Alliance as well as members from other communities.  Over the course of this year we have had great success and made just as great strives in all areas.  Whether it is recruiting new members, making new friends or sharing adventures at conventions.  WE AS A WHOLE have done exceptional and deserve a handshake as well as hearty HELL YEAH!! all around great job to ALL OF YOU! The Colonial Alliance is a great success because of you the members who have joined us from around the world, thank you.

            Attention to my fellow Colonial Officers and Crews serving on BFC Ships here.  I want to say thank you for your continued support in everything i do.  I greatly appreciate you all for being very supportive to your individual ships.  It is vitally important that you all continue to help your chapters grow and be successful.  It is about conviction, dedication and being humble.  I am very proud all you all from the guy at the CIC manning Helm Control,  to the Snipe down in Engineering,  to the Deck Hand performing maintenance,  to the Colonial Marines who stand the watch!  The list goes on and you know who you are and if you forget I am here to remind you.  You are a FAN OF BATTLESTAR GALACTICA…  In your hearts and soul we all carry the LEGACY which guides every COLONIAL WARRIOR in the FLEET!   Keep up the great work and as the new year quickly approaches.  We say farewell to 2013 and embrace 2014 as a new beginning to live and enjoy with families and friends.  Regardless if you are here in the United States or in a different country around the Globe the mission is the same.  Bringing and sharing Battlestar Galactica with fellow Fans and introducing it to new one, so they can join us!  

            Let us all remember and cherish these words which still continue to echo through time and remain timeless for all eternity.  Spoken by none other then Lorne Greene, (Commander Adama),  “There are those who believe...that life here began out there, far across the Universe...with tribes of humans...who may have been the forefathers of the Egyptians...or the Toltecs...or the Mayans...that they may have been the architects of the Great Pyramids...or the lost civilizations of Lemuria...or Atlantis.   

           Some believe that there may yet be brothers of man...who even now fight to survive—somewhere beyond the heavens!”

           May the Lords of Kobol Bless every one of you as we come together to celebrate a wonderful Merry Christmas and Happy New Years with your Family and Friends around the world.  Also please take a moment to say a prayer for those who are less fortunate, but continue to do their BEST!!  Especially those hard hit by natural disasters that still need our prayers and support.  Please post and share your random acts of kindness here.  Thank you all and be safe  ~SALUTES~.

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Skin Jobs are starting to really get serious about strength training! Ja! You had bettah pump some iron girlly boys!

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The Flying Tiger's Squadron and I would like to wish you a very Happy Birthday HotWire. Your Mother must have received her best Christmas Gift ever the year you were born!!!!!

The day you joined the Flying Tiger's Squadron was a gift to me and your fellow squadron mates as well. It's been a pleasure to know you on a personal basis and to serve with you aboard the Raven and the Flying Tigers Squadron.

May your birthday be filled with many happy times spent with family and friends!!!!! Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas from the Flying Tiger's Squadron! ! ! ! !

SO SAY WE ALL! ! ! ! !


12578040471?profile=originalWe're Flying, They're Dying, Shredding the Cylons Bite by Bite!!!!!!!

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Colonials and Crew of Battlestar Raven,

Greetings from our Nations Capital!  Christmas is just right around the corner so I  and just wanted to quickly take my time and wish each and everyone of you especially my wonderful crew on Battlestar Raven and your families,  HAPPY HOLIDAYS and a Merry Christmas to all of you regardless of where you are located in the world. 

I also wanted to personally thank my crew on Battlestar Raven, for a wonderful year.  December 1, 2013, mark my 16 months of being the Raven Commander.  I will never get tired of saying, the Raven has really come a long way and this is because of each and everyone of you serving on board the Raven.  Your dedication, hard work and loyalty made all her success possible.  NOT ME!  I was just there to guide the Raven back to the right path to be where she needed to be.  I would also like to thank all members of the Raven Friends and Family Circle for all the support you have all given to the Raven.  Her success would not have been possible if it weren't for all of your support as well.

As the new year fast approaches, 2014 will be another YEAR OF THE RAVEN!  She has a lot of good things going on for her and her crew this coming year.  I wish I can say more, but I don't want let the cat out of the bag so to speak :-)  The Raven Crew will just have to wait patiently.  ;-) :-) 

With the holidays upon us, I want my crew on the Raven to have some down time for themselves which they have earned it.  So effectively immediately, BATTLESTAR RAVEN IS HEREBY ORDERED TO STAND DOWN!  Please use this time to relax, be with your love ones just like I am doing for the holidays or however you want to spend you Christmas holiday. I want all of you to be safe while you are on leave because I need all of you back on the Raven to help me tackle a big year ahead of us.  I cannot do it without each and everyone of your help and support for I am only but one person.   Business on the Raven will resume on January 2, 2014.  Also, I encourage all of you to share any photos you might take of yourself and your love ones showing how you celebrate your holidays on the Raven Facebook page.  At least, this will allow all your other fellow Raven Members from all around the globe, to get a glimpse of what you are like as a person.  This way, they will at least get to know you a bit even though you might not have met in person just yet. 

I wish you all the best and once again, HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU AND YOUR LOVE ONES! 


Cherry "DragonLady and Family

Battlestar Galactica Fan Club Vice President

Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven-BFC 002

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Battlestar Raven December 2013 Hall of Promotions



To All Colonials and Ravens,

As I get back into the swing of things from my R & R, December is the month where I wanted to recognize the following Ravens on this promotion cycle, for their loyal and continued service to the Raven especially while I was on my R & R.  It really does help having quality members because it makes it easier for a Commander to take a break and do the things one needs from time to time in real life with ones family and love ones.  I believe in having quality members rather than quantity.  Any chapter can have so many members but if only a few are active, I would personally rather have those those small amount of good people rather than just bodies as I have seen from experience. And the Raven has been blessed with so many good members from all around the world. And this month promotion list are some of those members that have really proven themselves they are just not here for the ficticious rank or position they are given and assigned to but rather they are here for the fun, friendship and comraderie the Raven gives them as members.  There is an old saying that what you put into your membership is what you get out of it. I took into consideration the following things:

1.  Time in service

2.  The amount of participation  (whether it be on the Raven media outlets such as FB, Twitter or the BFC website)

3.  Loyalty to ones group

4.  The effort one puts into the group no matter how little they can put in ( I don't ask anyone to do what they do 24/7.  Remember, real life comes first and we ALL do this for fun only in the spirit of BSG)

So without further ado, please JOIN ME in congratulating these individuals for their loyal and continued service. The promotion is effective immediately.   I look forward to announcing the list of names again on the next promotion cycle. 

To the following Ravens on the this promotion list, A BIG CONGRATULATIONS to all of you from yours truely, your Commander.  And thank you for everything!  I already have the bartender on the ship lounge bring out the finest ambrosia there is aboard the Raven for all of you.  

But I better not see anyone of you come close to the lounge until you are ALL OFF DUTY.  No drinking on the job!  I hope I made myself clear.  I will also bring some of my very own homemade "HOOCH".  It is something I have learned to make while spending those times down in Engineering as  CEO of Battlestar Aries.  ;-)  :-)   I had to keep myself occupied whenever I was off duty while Admiral Rivera sits on his comfortable office and I am sweating down in Engineering when I was on the Aries ;-) 


~Raven Actual

PS.  I would like to note that there are more people who deserve to be promoted but are not eligible on this promotion cycle.

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