

It is now time for another BSG Hero Award this week.  But before that, just a reminder to everyone, please do not forget that we have two cons happening this weekend at the same time where we will have  BFC represented.  One is the Long Beach Comic Con headed by our very own BFC President Shawn O’Donnell.    He will be sharing a space with Herb Jefferson Jr.  and also President O'Donnell buddy Noel  Gugliemi  from the Walking Dead.  He has been talking to him a lot about this convention so he is very thrilled to be meeting the fans there.  They will be talking about Battlestar Galactica, Galacticon 4, the Walking Dead or it could be anything if our BFC President has his way :-)

That same weekend down South, Battlestar Raven will be representing Battlestar Galactica Fan Club at Wizard World in Austin, Texas  headed personally by yours truly.  We will be there to meet and greet the fans and talk about the club and the Raven and also to help promote Galacticon 4.   So whether you are down South or over at the West Coast, don’t hesitate stop by at anyone of the tables we will have there.

Also, if anybody is not familiar with the Rockethut, it is a crowdfunding site that allows events, shows or even movies to be financed.  This is one of the ways that we want to help finance Galacticon IV aside from ticket sales.  It allows each and everyone of you to not only be a vital part of the campaign but you can get awesome cool stuff in the process.  So please do not hesitate to come and check out the site at:


You can participate on it for as little as $10.00 dollars and be a part of the action.

Now, for the BSG Hero Award of the Week!

The recipient of the BSG Hero Award this week is no stranger to the BSG Community but also in the fandom community as a whole.  He has been a long time science fiction fan since he was a young child.  His love for science fiction can only be match by his golden heart and tireless effort  in not only promoting BSG but helping others in the fandom community as a whole. He always makes time for anyone that needs help.

My love for cosplay really took off because of this person when I became his Chief Engineering Officer aboard Battlestar Aries in the Colonial Defense Forces.  The things he does for the fans fascinated me and started learning from him.  And he was always there to guide me.  Little did we know that my love for science fiction/cosplay will take off the way it did because of him.  We would at times spend hours chatting and just talking about anything when it comes to science fiction.  I guess you can all call it that we were having “geek moments”.  ;-)  :-)   We both have also been through the good and bad times together where our friendship was tested and at one point, we thought it was going to break apart because of some science fiction BS.  But it survived and in time, it healed and even became stronger with a better understanding, that we both should not let some science fiction BS, affect our friendship and that whatever we do from then on, is truly only for our fans and members enjoyment.  For without the fans and members, we will not all be here today.  I am also proud to call this person my brother-at-arms in the arm forces because he also serves and help protect the very freedom which this great country of ours was founded on just like myself.

So without further ado, I would like to present this BSG Hero Award to none other than someone I consider not only as a mentor in the science fiction community but also a very good friend.  And he is one of the few that has earned my true friendship which I rarely give out.  The BSG Hero Award for this week goes to none other than Battlestar Galactica Fan Club’s very own  Fleet Admiral,  Miguel “Krash” Rivera.

And I thank President Shawn O’Donnell  for giving me the honor of presenting this award to Miguel Rivera tonight!  And I hope President O'Donnell is feeling much better today.  He has been sick for the last two or three days.  But according to him, he is ready for the Long Beach Comic Con.  So don't hesitate to stop by his table tomorrow.  And if you are down South, you know where to find me  and the Battlestar Raven table :-)


Cherry "DragonLady"

Battlestar Galactica Fan Club Vice President




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  • On a personal note, I know what it means and what it feels to be friends with Cherry! We are great friends of many years as well and it has been an honor being a guest at their house twice. But we did not meet the way you and her met and became friends. It was work related! And I cannot ask for a better friend than her. I do not call everyone a friend but she is definitely one of my best friend!

  • Congratulations on the award Admiral Rivera!

  • Hello Everyone,

                   I wanted to apologize for not posting sooner.  However for those closet to me they no why i was not around.  I was around however a family death as we all know takes precedence over all else.  To all of you thank you for your kind words and support.  My wife and Sister in Law truly appreciate it.

             I want to say THANK YOU for this award it is totally unexpected.  As many who know me i am not about awards i am here to help anyone and everyone.  I literally hit the brakes to help folks regardless what it is.  Whether it be advice, talk Battlestar Galactica or a member just needs to vent or just talk non Sci Fi related.  I am here in any capacity i am needed.  I want to thanks the following Shawn O'Donell, Daniel Allan, Members of the Quorum,  The men and women serving onboard the ship here in the Battlestar Fan Club, Colonial Defense Forces Fleets it is b/c of you all i always bring my "A" Game and Quality Control in all projects i do. You all ROCK i have printed the image above and have it framed along with everything else Battlestar Galactica related.

                   To Cherry Oclima you didn't really think i was going to leave you of the list of people to thank right??  Over the years i have made numerous friends through the Sci Fi community.  Each of them are special in their unique kind of way.  Cherry has been a steadfast friend for years my only regret is that i don’t get to see her that often just like other folks i know b/c of distance.  One in a blue moon i get to see my Sci Fi friends at CONs and i love and enjoy every minute of it.  Cherry and i friendship is unique b/c it’s forged in arguments, pain and hurtfulness.  Not sure if that is a word, but it comes to mind when i reflect on our friendship.  We almost went our separate ways b/c Sci Fi believe it b/c destructive to our friendship.  Some how, some way we worked through it it was fragile at best.  Long story short we in time that is re-forged what we had and it become very strong.  To her I say THANK YOU VERY MUCH for seeing things for what they were.  As well as recognizing sometime fans take things just way to serious everything we do in Sci Fi is all in fun.  However there is always that small group of people that just suck they very essence of fun and bring disharmony to a Fan Club.

                At times we do argue, but we are also fast to recognize and see each others few and all is good.  This new friendship only knows, “Survival through balance & understanding”  With that being said here for all to read I have for years done this, but never said out loud or told anyone.  I have adopted this woman who is my friend of numerous years as an adopted Sister.  Who one day I will get to see again and rein happiness and joy upon her at Convention.  She will never get to my Battlestar Galactica Collection b/c I know she will kidnap some pieces for her collection.  Sorry Cherry, but when you visit I will keep a close eye on you.   Thank you everyone for recognizing me with this Award its not mine, but instead all of OURS!!

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