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Viper Pilot's Creed

The Viper Pilot's Creed:

This is my Viper. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
My Viper is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.
Without me, my Viper is useless. Without my Viper, I am useless in not fraking dead. I must fly my Viper true. I must shoot straighter than my enemy who is trying to kill me. I must shoot him before he shoots me. I will...
My Viper and I know that what counts in war is not the rounds we fire, the noise of our burst, nor the smoke we make. We know that it is the hits that count. We will hit...
My Viper is human, even as I, because it is my life. Thus, I will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weaknesses, its strength, its parts, its accessories, its sights and its canons. I will keep my Viper clean and ready, even as I am clean and ready. We will become part of each other. We will...
Before God, I swear this creed. My Viper and I are the defenders of the Colonies. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of my life.
So be it, until victory is the Colonies' and there is no enemy, but peace!
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Battlestar Crewman's Creed

The Battlestar Crewman's Creed:
This is our Battlestar. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
Our Battlestar is our best friend. It is our home. We must master it as we must master our lives.
Without her crew, our Battlestar is useless. Without our Battlestar, her crew is useless if not fraking dead. We must defend our Battlestar true. We must shoot straighter than our enemy who is trying to kill us. We must shoot him before he shoots us. We will...
Our Battlestar and we know that what counts in war is not the rounds we fire, the noise of our burst, nor the smoke we make. We know that it is the hits that count. We will hit...
Our Battlestar is human, even as we, because it is our life. Thus, we will learn it as a brother. We will learn its weaknesses, its strength, its parts, its accessories, its sensors and its weapon systems. We will keep our Battlestar clean and ready, even as we are clean and ready. We will become part of each other. We will...
Before God, we swear this creed. Our Battlestar and we are the defenders of our Colonies. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of our lives.
So be it, until victory is the Colonies' and there is no enemy, but peace!
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The Houston Cylons have set up a cultural display on Aisle 26 of the ComicPalooza Brown Convention Center in an attempt to win the 'hearts and minds" of the public, including members from the UK Fan & Costuming Club. The Raven Chapter will counter with the premier of the museum class model of the "Beast", the Mercury class Battlestar Raven, Flagship Vessel and Chapter of the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club.12578082855?profile=original12578082496?profile=original


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Monday, May 2 is Keith "Leonidas" Ranson's Birthday. The name synonymous with Toaster recycling. The man that invented Saturday night BFC chat-room Fleet Missions. Trireme Actual is top notch pilot and leader and former CAG, and earned his command at the first Commissioned Gunstar Escort in the Battlestar Raven Battle Group.  Always ready to administer encouragement or a swift kick to motivate and get things done. Now if we could just get him to come out of his shy shell and open up a little it would be great.

The cake was delivered by Marines, but don't know if it came from his pilots or the Cylons. Either way, I'd have it checked by an EOD Tech.

So here's to one of the few pointy-nosed Viper jocks I'd follow on a walk-in-the-woods patrol. OOHRAH!!! SO SAY WE ALL!


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12578081460?profile=original12578081680?profile=originalHad a great time at EmCon where we all met the Chief Aaron Douglas...what an awesome guy, so friendly and looked like he enjoyed his time in Nottingham too.  Loads of club members came along in costume so good pics.  Lots to see in Nottingham too and some great pubs including the Pitcher and Piano - as recommended by the Chief - and Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem a pub that has been there since 1189....

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Today, April 29 is Roger "Reamer" Barstow's Birthday. The hotshot CAG of the Battlestar Raven Air Group is always there for his Club, his Friends and his Shipmates. Remember, he is the one that built and donated the raffle Viper model with lights and a glass case to help out a Club Member. For a tough leader, he is a dedicated and selfless man, and, I'm proud to say, my Friend. Here's to you Reamer, Happy Birthday and Thanks. SO SAY WE ALL! I believe some well-wishers are already celebrating.


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[PODCAST] Frak Stars 29: "Black Market"

Frak Stars 29: "Black Market" has jumped on to Holosuite Media, you can download and stream it from:


The Battlestar Galactica episode 'Black Market' (season 2, episode 14) is reviewed by Frak Stars’ hosts Colin, Steve and Drogyn.

Pegasus commander Jack Fisk is murdered and it is up to Captain Lee Adama to find out why. His investigation leads him to the Back Market while he deals with what thoughts of a past love lost on Caprica and a new "relationship" he appears to have!

So turn on your Colonial Wireless and find out what our nuggets think of this episode.


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12578079674?profile=original12578080467?profile=original12578080675?profile=original12578080882?profile=original12578081273?profile=originalWent to this fun show today.  Our changing room was one of the Executive boxes with views over the famous cricket ground...very nice.  We were able to field a large number of different costumes which was unusual.  We had madame president, Armistice Six, NCP Officer, Prisoner, Old style Warrior and Chrome Centurion, Deck hand, Marine and of course BDUs and Duty Blues.  Here are some pics....

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One Week after the Mission at Zebulon; Ens. 'Freya' Willis is In Trireme CIC after Shuttling Parts and Supplies from the Raven ,And Talking with Trireme CO Leonidas.

"Well, that should be it Sir;They're Probably Finished offloading Now;Anything you need me to Take Back?"

A Couple of things;A Few Smaller Items That have been Boxed up,Checked,and Should have already been delivered to your Raptor by Now;And This(Pulls out A bottle of Honey Ambrosia) Hand this to Lt. Red Dog of my Old Squadron;Tell Him I Said He did a Superb Job of Leading the Spartans;And, Hopefully, He'll get A Squadron of his Own,Soon.

" Very Nice! I Concur with you Sir; He Actually Saved My Butt out there;I'll see He gets this And the Message!" (Salutes)

Leonidas Returns Salute,Freya Departs.

 Two Hours Later; Trireme is Maintaining Escort Position with the Raven:

"DRADIS Contact,Sir." Says XO 'Bunny' Nonemaker; What We Got? " Civilian Cargo Ship,Just Sitting there"

Any ID? "Stand By"       " A Very Old Ship; Colonial 3306-L, Registered with Wayne Enterprises of Leonis."

Sitting there,You Say? "According to Sensors..." Adds Tac/Ops Officer 'Faceman' Ursiny ".. The Only thing that's Running is it's RCS System; It Hasn't Moved for the Last Three Hours."


Any Transmissions? " None Sir; If they were Sending out an SOS,We Would have Heard it by Now."

Well, They have to get Help Sometime,From Somewhere; Any Radiologicals? "None Sir; Sensors show it's Clean;Except for the Fact it looks like A Rust Bucket." Adds Bunny.

DJ(Comm Officer Rachel Fish), Patch Me Through;   "I've got them Sir,But There's Some Static Also."

Colonial 3306, This is the Gunstar Trireme, Are you in need of Assistance?

"(Skrreeeek) This is 3306(Bluuurrrt), We're Fine(Saaaact) just some Engine Trouble(Skreeerk) We'll be on our Way Soon;Thanks for Asking(Scrrretch)"

"That's It Sir,Obviously,They're Trying to Blow us Off."

Really? Not THAT Easy! We're Going to take A Look see;DJ, Contact the Raven and Advise them of the SITREP; Let them Know We are Investigating." Yes Sir."

Faceman, We're going to Pay them A Visit; Contact Tusker;Tell him I Want Him and Platoon B Ready to Load into Raptors;Alert the Flight Deck,Tell them to have Raptors 360,362 and 365 Ready in Five Minutes; Bunny,You've got the Store; Alert the Raven CAP to Stand By in Case,Even though chances are, they're not Going Anywhere; Have Chief Cool and one of his Techs Meet us in the Hangar,Also.

"Got it,Sir; Be Careful."

90 Minutes Later,the Trireme Raptors Land on 3306;The Captain and Crew are Obviously Cooperative,But, A Little Apprehensive:

Let me Get this Straight,Your Company is A week Away from Bankruptcy,Yet, You're Still Operating?

"Why Yes Sir; We've got to Make Money Somehow until the Courts tell us to Stop."

Yes, Interesting; And, you're still Running this Ancient Ship,Without hope of Spares?

"We have to use what's Available,Sir."

 Ah-ha, Well, You Certainly won't Mind a Safety Inspection while you're trying to get your Engines running Again?

"No Sir, we should be on Our Way Soon;We have Time Sensitive Cargo;We need to get to Picon ASAP;Everything's in Order I assure you."

Won't Take Long

In the Next hour,several Containers are Opened,Empty; Now, they Approach A Particular Group of Containers:

"Sir, Seriously,We Need to Finish this so we can Go." "What's your Hurry?" Asks Faceman

"This is the Sensitive Cargo I was Telling you About;We have to get it there On Time,or We'll be in Trouble!"

Leonidas Hears Something;He puts his Ear to the Container; He hears Muffled Voices and several "Shh!'

Captain,Open that Container! "But Sir, Our Client will be VERY UNHAPPY if that Cargo is Damaged."

Well,He's Going to be REAL Unhappy,If we have to open it with a GRENADE! Easy way or Hard,Your Choice!

The Captain Nervously Opens the Container,Revealing Cardboard Boxes;"See, Nothing Wrong Here!"

FELDGERCARB! The Last time I Checked,Cardboard Doesn't say "Shh!"

 Leonidas and Tusker Pull Away the Boxes,revealing A Space Housing Five Women Huddled together in A Corner; They are also greeted with a foul Smell as A Bucket in Another Corner being their only Sanitary Facilities,Along with A Case of Water.

Leonidas Emerges and makes a Beeline for the Captain; He Grabs the Captain,and Nails him on the Wall;The Captain is Sweating Profusely.

Captain, I Don't Know which I Hate Worse,The Cylons,or SOMEONE WHO PROFITS FROM THE MISERY OF OTHERS!


The Crew are Handcuffed, and Placed under Guard;The Rest of the Containers are Searched;Three more are found to have bogus Cargo with Living Spaces For Women;Obviously,This Ship was Involved in Transporting 'Comfort Women',Better Known as 'Socialators';An Illegal Trade in the Colonies,Perpetrated in the Outpost Worlds .

A Total of 25 Women are Found;They are taken to A more comfortable Part of the Ship; Many are Nervous,others are Relieved.

Chief Cool Returns from the Engine Room: OK,Chief,Any chance This thing will Go? "Not much longer,Sir; The way the Frakkers have been Running this old Bucket,They've just About KILLED These Engines! We Might be Able to Nurse this Junk to Chaska Station,About A Day Away." Never Mind,Chief,We're Going to Call for A Tow.

"The Crap People will Stoop to" Says Faceman  There are some who will go Lower than that,Faceman;

Anyway, Contact the Raven: Request they Send Two Shuttles with Medics; Some of these Women need to be Checked out;Have them send Blindsword too;We have some New Customers for his Brig;Then call Chaska Station;Tell them there's A Derelict they need to come and Get Before it Contaminates the Spacelanes!

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[PODCAST] Frak Stars 28: "Epiphanies"

Frak Stars 28: "Epiphanies" has jumped on to Holosuite Media, you can download and stream it from:

FrakStars.png?width=300The episode 'Epiphanies' (season 2, episode 13) is reviewed by Frak Stars' hosts Colin, Steve, Drogyn and guest George.

In Epiphanies we see Roslin's health decline, a pro-Cylon "peace" group attempt to sow discontent and violence within the Fleet and questions are raised about if Valerii's pregnancy should be aborted.

So turn on your Colonial Wireless and find out what our very own nuggets think of this episode.


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Here are the Photos of my latest Completion: The Battlestar THEMISTOCLES; This Is Basically the BamBamm/Fantasic Plastic Kit I Bought some time Ago; This made it's debut at The Friday Night Meeting of the IPMS/Lafayette Scale Modelers;Photos by Mike Kloppenburg.

This was the Battlestar 'Leonidas' Served on Prior to the Raven;He Got his Nugget Training there after Graduating from the Academy,and Eventually Exceeded Expectations; Many Pilots and Crew still there Remember Him Well.



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Raven "Beast" Debut -Comicpalooza 2016


Hello Colonials,

As you all know, Battlestar Galactica Fan Club's Flagship Chapter has just recently celebrated it's 5th Chapter Anniversary as a group. The Battlestar Raven is truly humbled by all the blessings, accolades it has been receiving and continue to grow both in quantity and quality as a group. The group could not have done it without her loyal and talented members, friends and all her fans.  During its 5th Chapter Anniversary as a group, it was finally revealed to the public, the project that is being worked.  It is a personalize version of the Mercury Class Battlestar, RDM version of the Battlestar Pegasus.  It is personalize because it will bear the name Raven-BFC 002 right where the seal will be.  The model is a studio scale size that is at least 6 feet long and about 3-4 feet in width depending how far out the landing bay/launch pad will extend out on the side.  This model is unlike others  and  will be the first one of its kind built with such details. One of those details has already been revealed but not all,  at the Raven's FB fan page -  

This model came about as I was looking for a builder to build one for.  My passion for BSG led me to wanting to own my own model and was not settling for just the smaller model.  I wanted something BIG that will help inspire others about the show as it has inspired me. It is more effective when seen as they say.   I am a collector so I love owning unique things in my collection.  So a man by the name of Dan Joplin of D & L Fantasy Arms, came forward and presented himself to me and told me, he will build one for me.  He is the same person that I helped recruited to the combine convention of Galacticon 3 and Comicpalooza.  After talking with him, a contract was drawn during Comicpalooza 2015, to build this magnificent model for me that will be used representing the Battlestar Raven Battle Group at conventions.  This project means a lot to the person building this for me and my group.  Why you ask?  This will be his last BIG project because according to his opthamologest, he only has about 60% of his site and could be blind in 3 to 5 years and has advanced arthritis, and maybe retiring from doing what he is doing now.  He will just do some personal pieces to leave for his family and that I maybe receiving his last and best project of his life's work. That is why he is pouring his heart out making this model.   When he told me this over the phone, I did not know what to say but felt truly thankful for everything he has been doing to build this project for me.  And you know what they say about the end results from things made and built from is priceless and you will hold it dearly close to your heart because it is one of a kind.

So folks, I would like to personally invite all of you, especially all the Ravens from all around, to join the Raven Houston Contingent crew led by Raven Marine NCOIC, Paul "Iceworm" Oakley, to the debut of the Raven "Beast" , this summer at Comicpalooza.  We will have some special guest with us.  They are the founders of our sister club from the UK-Battlestar Galactica Fan & Costuming Club.  The Raven "Beast" will be the pride of the Raven Fleet and will represent the mother club ( BFC) with honor anywhere it goes.  And we hope that the "Beast" will become your pride as well too.  It is as close as we are all going to get, to feeling being aboard a real Battlestar. ;-) :-) 

Thank you all for your time and patience!  Our next two events where we will have some representations will be as follows:

Wizard World- Madison, Wisconsin ( Led by Raven XO- Steve Tweed)

Traders Village Houston Comic Con- ( Led by Tim The Cylon )

In Service,


BFC Vice President

Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven-BFC 002

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Greetings All,


I was fortunate to be able to plan the spring op. This was a continuation of the November Op Where the Raven received Intel from our rescued hostage that the Cylons had occupied the nearby planet Zebulon.

A Raptor was dispatched to perform a recon mission and discovered that the Cylons had built a very large Raider manufacturing plant.


It was decided that the Raven Battle Group must take action and destroy the facility and take out as many Cylons along the way.


The Op was set to take place on Saturday the 2nd of April at 10:00pm but as always the Raven Battle Group is ready to take on the Cylons.


The op took place in the main chat room and for the next mission everyone is invited to attend.


We had a substantial turn out for this event. You are more than welcome to read what took place during the latest Op and I look forward to seeing more of our members for the next mission.


  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Sixty seconds


  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Hands on sticks, Seekers

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Joker, Remind me to have bayonet studs put on these arms.

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Coordinates feed into the jump drive as the clock ticks down.......


  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

3, 2, 1, Jump!!!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

3,2,1 JUMP!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Launch, launch, launch! All batteries open fire!

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

OK lets get this show going.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

All Raptors Launch ......

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

We're ready for anything Col.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

ready.....KICK IT!!!!!!!!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Raptors away, could use some viper cover

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Lets do this

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

250 away!

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

All Vipers set to launch when ready......

  • Me

Draidis shows basestar in the northern portion of the planet

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

They are launching raiders

  • Me

220m ready for launch

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

All Gun Turrets in Position

  • Me

launching in 3..2..1..

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Take em down Seekers!

  • Turbulence in 10....
  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Ready on your command Col.

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Spartan and Flying Tigers in the tubes begin to launch.....

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

You've got it Lt.

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Raven is beginning salvo fire on the basestar

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow


  • Me

220m entering the atomosphere... its bumpy

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Entering the atmosphere

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

OK Tigers lets get formed up and give it to em.....Over.....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Atmospheric turbulence...dradis below is clear

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Eta two mikes

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Proceed to drop zone

  • Me

copy that mik mo

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey


  • Rob "Joker" Crane

teams 2 and 4 2 mikes

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Trireme Guns Open Up)

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

El Cid stghten it to Dutchman.....

  • Roger that CAG Sir.....
  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Hard reverse in 5...

  • 4
  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Dradis shows multiple hangars... Firing missiles.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock
  • 3
  • 2
  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley


  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock1
  • BRAKE!!!!!!
  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Drop the CAG bit and hit the targets.....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Reversing!Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Yes Sir.....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Marines, ready to debark!

  • Me


  • Rob "Joker" Crane

2 + 4 ready

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Here's a bunch at our 3 O'clock.....I see me Reamer.....

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

MARDET one and three ready

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Skids down , go go go!

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

All ships down, hatches open...

  • Me

gunny there are some centurions in the area.. watch it when you disembark

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley


  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

turning to starboard guns blazing.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Prepare for immediate dust off

  • Me


  • Rob "Joker" Crane

MARDET 2 + 4 away

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow


  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

We'll give any company a nice exploding gift basket!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Joker move to the south to objective .

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Units clear, goimg!

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

There goes tow toasters.....Yeah.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Works Fine!

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

MARDET 2 + 4 oscar mike

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Way to go Bunny

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Hit em hard, Gunny!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

MARDET landed and enroute

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Great's one for me.....

  • Me

marines unloaded.. hatch closed.....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

318, take station

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Missile away.....Boom.....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Returning to the barn

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Pop goes the Cylon!!!

  • Me

seekers lets make sure we get the suppression fire for them to get into the building

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Seekers, head for targets

  • Me

then we need to move onto to the hangers

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Nothing like flaming confetti

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Weapons actice

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

OK 12 O'clock high.......

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock


  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Copy that, lighting em up!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Me

we need to make sure they dont launch those new raiders any more than they have

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

FLAS FLASH, Centurions ahead. Sentries. Watch for ambushes.

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Minor col.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock


  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Immelman turn.....break.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Watch it! Missile lock!

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Let's get them back!

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Climbing and rolling.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

there in my sights.....

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Perimeter North breached, into the tunnels, contact light.

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

let em have it Flight 1.....

  • Me

Dune draidis check....

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Missiles loaded and ready at your command

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Guns blazing.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

SPARROWS 300 PLUS,Fire Cluster Missiles!

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

multiple explosions.....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Distance to target 1

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Tririme watch it, four heavy raiders CBDR at five o'clock

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Yeah..... four bite the dust.....

  • Me

Draidis shows multiple contacts in nearby.. they are luanching the raiders

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Moving fire fight, not much security here, moving to objective.

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

MARDET 2 + 4 entering south now

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Great Gods.....

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Roger that Wedge

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Got them,Wedge

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Right up their exhaust with a lot of bang

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Hit as they go....Seekers, weapons free

  • FIRE!!!!
  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

There's another bunch.....give it to em.....

  • Me

Roger that.. weapons free

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Copy that Reamer Sir.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Rob "Joker" Crane

MARDET 2 + 4 hit security door. preparing to blow

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

I got one......great shooting Dutchman.....Over....

  • Me

*Sir* i am receiving a message from the Raven... Standby.....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Wedge, you and I will concentrate on the raiders, Freya, take out the hangar

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Tririme it appears they are trying to board you. Got another squad heading to your starboard landing bay

  • Me

*Sir we have another draidis contact.. a second basestar has jumped in*

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

door gone entering now

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

OK lets form up again and come around.....

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Freya, heavy weapons from above ground, pre registered target Alpha One One, please engage.

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Me

Copy that iceworm.. in route to alpha one

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Iceworm I'm closer engaging... Fox two.

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

turning to port, there's another group of sparrows, 10 O'clock low....

 Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

I don't think they'd like the welcome party we'd send them

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  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

I see em Reamer.....

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Let's vaporize them

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Good shot, target destroyed, moving.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Alpha one engaging

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

OK flight one Dive on them....copy that Reamer.....

  • Me

Iceworm at alpha one.. destroyd

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Aa guns! Break break break!

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

MARDET 2 + 4 some sort of ops room, seems to be deserted

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Freya...targets remaining

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Missile lock..... two HD-70's away......whooosh.....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

I'm hit!Me

Proceeding to the hanger deck to commence bombing run

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Breaching Enemy CIC and Labs now.

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Guns blazing.......

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Forming up

  • Me

Time to target less than 1

  • how bad are you hit wedge?
  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Lets flatten it out

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Multiple explosions....splash three chrome men.....yeah....

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

Iceworm can see you on monitors here. seems 2 toasters headed up your 6

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Krypter krypter krypter I'm going down. Multiple missile hits to cabin!

  • Me

Commencing bombing run now

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Wedge, respond!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

FIRE IN THE HOLE....three two one BOOOOOOM ! (security vault door blown).

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Dust or should I say scrap in the wnd.....

  • Me

Bombs away..

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Me

Target hit..

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey


  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Did you get a sight on wedge?

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

You said it Reamer.....look out one's on your port wing sir.....

  • Me


  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Team One is engaged. They fight well for scientists.

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

*wedge and his eco ejwvt as their raptor blows, shining the sky orange with flame*

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Reamer rolls to starboard and shakes him off.....

  • · Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

PULL THEIR PLUG,TUSKER! Don't Let them Inside the Hangar!

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Raptor 319 come in...pilot down, I repeat...pilot down!

  • Me

319 proceed with SAR

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Open comm for homing beacon

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

slides around and opens fire.....take that toaster.....

  • Me

Hanger bay destoryed...

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Pow....splash one toaster.....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Raptor 318 fly to my mark

  • Me

i have a raider on my tail....

  • trying to shake it...
  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

318 acknowledge

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

Team 4 1 x kia

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

SPARROWS,100 Three High.

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Objective cleared, got some weird techie toys for the intel kids. Moving out.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock


  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Raven, wedge in the blind respond, requesting sar or to link up with the marines.

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Form up Tiger's here come another set of sparrows to feed!!!LOL

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

318 took it out, Freya!

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Col. minor repairs finished, ready for anything

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

We see them Sir....Over....

  • Me

whew thanks

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Copy that lets take em out.....

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Let's light up the sky Major

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Rob "Joker" Crane

MARDET 2 any location on wedge?

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Bring him home. Mission status?

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Hit your beacon Wedge

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

*loads five seven and prepares.*

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Feed em lead Tiger's.....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

SAR 319 is inbound to you

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Guns blazing.....missiles locked.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

TUSKER,THEY'RE ALL DONE,Ready to Throw their Carcasses Out the Door.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Target status Freya

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

wedge MARDET 2 + 4 nearest to your last know position

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Beacon active, clankers inbound.

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

There goes another four Sir...

  • Me

Mik Mo we need to proceed to the main plant

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Good Job,Hoplites!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Be aware lz is HOT

  • Me

hanger bay is toast

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

wedge we have you 500m away stand by

  • Me

MARDET status check

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

It's like shooting fish in a barrel out here tonight.....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

318 form up on us...lets get it

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

They're taking out the trash Col.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

On our way

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

CONTACTS, I've been engaged.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

ETA to target?

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

MARDET 2 + 4 hauling ass

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

There's more comming....they don't seem to be letting up.....

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Approaching LZ, beacons in place. LZ is cold.

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Flight Deck Crew,Push that Cylon Junk Off My Ship! "On It Sir!

  • Me

3 miks

  • draidis contacts..... we have incoming mike mo
  • 5 raiders headed our way
  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Joker status

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Watch your ammo.....only take short bursts on locked on targets...

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

319 reports your beacon active wedge..ETA 3 minutes

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

MARDET 2 + 4 engaging toasters converging on wedge

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

My Eco's hit!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Make it quick.

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

They are trying to out number us to use up our ammo....

  • Me

Break Break...

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Joker hope you have a corpsman

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

MARDET 2 + 4 linked up with wedge. medic patchin up eco

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Copy that Sir.....I never thought a thing like this could happen.....

  • Me

I have lock on raider... fire

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Grab him and come to the going away party

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Stay sharp!

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

OK cut the chatter and kill the stinking toasters.....

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

MARDET 2 eco stableised

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Put the pedal to the floor Freya

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Roger that Sir...

  • Me

raider is destroyed..

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Prepare HE Warheads,Stand By Nuke One!

  • Me

still have 4 contacts closing in mik mo

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Missile lock.....away....

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

We'll show them what the Trireme can do, too bad they won't be around to tell anyone about it!

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

MARDET 2 + 4 oscar mike to LZ

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Boom another toaster bites the dust

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

We need some cover down here!

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Pow.....there he goes....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Sar in visual contact, returning to base.

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

scrap in the wind.....

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Make it in half

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Yeah that's it.....

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Nukes armed a ready to go

  • Me

lock on....

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

MARDET 2 + 4 hauling ass

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Target ahead

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Here's more.....

  • Me


  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Lock on

  • Me

3 raiders left...

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Me

Plant in site....

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Diving and waiting till they're in range......

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

MARDET 2 + 4 hit the dirt raider coming infor straife

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker


  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Missiles away

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

OK hit them.....short multiple bursts.....

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

MARDET 2 + 4 arriving LZ

  • Me

Lock on... fire...

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

It was a hit Col,

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Sar home, switching to Viper. Requesting launch clearance.

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

We can't miss tonight Reamer Sir.....

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Be careful its rain metal by me

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Continue Supression Fire,Fire At Will.

  • Me

Mik mo that didnt do much damage... we need to hit it again

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

LZ green for extract

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Command, MARDET ready for extraction

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Swing around for second run

  • Me

copy that joker

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Copy that.....just don't miss or it may be your last flight....

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Crew, you heard, give them hell!

  • Me

On it mik mo....

  • coming around for second run...
  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock


  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Heavy Damage to Base Star)

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Assault viper ready, armed with he's. Launching!

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Frak....a bunch just jumped on our six.....

  • Me

Target Destroyed sir

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Book it back to the LZ!!!!!!!!!!

  • Me

copy that..

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Multiple missile launches.....whoosh, whooosh,whooosh.......

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Reamer try and shake em, one mike to intercept

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

OPen Silo One,Insert your Code,XO

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

LZ is cold, come back, all is forgiven

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Roger that Col.

  • (inserting code now)
  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Yeah.....FireFox is getting into the game tonight!!! Yeah, I love that weapons system......

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Target Locked

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

MARDET 4 make use of that M60 anything flies not ours give it hell

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow


  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

ETA 2 minutes Gunny, take cover, we're coming in hot!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

*soars past, destroying two* whohoooo!

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Take that Suckers.....I mean toastersd.....

  • Me

Draidis contacts... show 2 raiders inbound Mik Mo

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Turn Your Key in 3...2...1...MARK!

  • Me

we need to pick up in a hurry

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

MARDET fire final protection outward for LZ clearance

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

OK get back in formation.....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Freya want viper cover?

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Copy that

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Copy that sir....

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

(key clicks)

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Roger Major

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

Copy iceworm

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Nuke Away

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

YES Wedge!!!!

  • Me

copy wedge

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

LZ in sight

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

On my way! Coming in firing!

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

OK.....lets take care of business....Over.....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

*hits afterburners*

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Me

220m skids down... hatch open...

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Open hatch, ready to receive troops

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker


  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Annd, More Junk In Space!

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Lets make a few passes over the Cover the Raptor's.....

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley


  • Rob "Joker" Crane

MARDET 2 + 4 boarded and secure

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock


  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

All MARDET Loaded

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Got you covered, load up the leathernecks

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Copy that Reamer Sir.....

  • Me

hatch closing...

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

It's always nice to recycle!

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Hot takeoff

  • Hold on to your lunches!!!!
  • Me

and 220m away... Headed for home

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Scratch two more, let's get the hell outta dodge

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

there come a few more toasters from the surface.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Me

its gonna be alittle bumpy hold tight MARDET

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Sorry guys, no snakes this time, just hydraulic fluid and motor oil.

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

I see them....don't let any get away....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Firing, get back to base you two!

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Copy that Reamer Sir...

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Short bursts....

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Joker, casualty report

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Raven, whats the situation?

  • Me

entering outer atomsphere...

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Looks like we have some more toaster shopping to do crew, be on your toes!

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

That's it everyone..... we got them.....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Raven's been rammed!

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

1 kia 2 Wia

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Keep your heads on a swivel.....

  • Me

Iceworm where you able to leave a present for the toasters?

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Transferring detonation command to CIC in 3...2...1...transferred. You have the football.

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Missiles away, engaging the basestar!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

There may be a Basestar or two jump in to the mix.....

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Missiles and guns all ready to go

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Copy that Reamer....On the look out....

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Main forward armed and ready sir!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Trireme's Main Forward Battery Opens Up)

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

No one needs to be in that neighborhood when you flip the switch.

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

I spoke to soon I guess.....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Check your fire, if that baseatar ows so does raven!

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Incoming toasters....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Me

approaching the raven for landing....

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

All around us....

  • Me

*220m call the ball***

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Direct hit!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey


  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

All raptors, to landing bays

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Me

LSO i have the ball..... touchdown.. maglock secure

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Take careful aim and save ammo as much as possible......Over..

  • copy that sir...
  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

*giant explosions*

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


Need Medical here ASAP for the wounded

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

boom one less toaster

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Trireme, Gunny. Placed a target transponder on facility fuel and munitions stores on the way out, Target Transponder Number 343. Acknowledge?

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Raven preparing for combat jump!

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Look....there's a few Goldies comming straight at us....

  • Oh yeah I see em sir....
  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Hard six is down, maglocks secure...down to hangar bay

Read more…
  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Raven Turns About to Also Face the Base Star)

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

*fires* less Goldie's.

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Missile Lock.....whooosh.....

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Joker, say again casualty and intel status.

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

Goldies? Jeez they are throwing everything at us

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Splash one Glodie.....

  • Me

Sir all raptors have returned....

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

1 Kia 2 Wia intel secure

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Raven Security...have borders been repelled?

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Gold dust.....there's nothing like it....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

I'm at bingo duel, returning to base.

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Yeah.....get the other one.....

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Nuke away!

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

MARDET 2 oscar mike to nearest check point

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Nuke Almost Takes Top of Base Star Off)

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Contacts, cylon war era baseatar.

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

one more down

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Coming about.....there he is....OK I got him....missile away.......Whooosh.....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

They're desperate

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Pow....Gold dust in the wind....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Freya, grab a rifle and follow the Marines to sweep for possible borders

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Raven forward guns coming to bear... Firing!

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

watch the scrap....its getting thick out here.....

  • Me

copy that

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Skids down... I'm home.

  • Me

headed to the firearms locker...

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Dutchman to Reamer over......Go ahead Dutchman.....over....

  • Me

retrieved rifle and amo

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Marines reporting landing bays port and starboard secure

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Its wabbit hunting season.

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

I'm out of ammo Sir.....

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

MARDET 4 is 3 WIA off to medical

  • MARDET 2 sweep and clear
  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Oh Frak, I was afraid of that.....

  • Me

Sir all clear so far

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Stay close to me, you still have a few FireFox missiles.....

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

Freya got your siz

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

All clear here too

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Helm, Bring us Back into Cover Position

  • Rob "Joker" Crane


  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

OK Reamer Sir...

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

FTL spolling

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

I'm with you sir.....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

But no response from Security

  • Me

Joker contact.....

  • we have 1 centaurion...
  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Mik mo I'm on your tail

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

MARDET 2 clanker spotted near Enviro controls.

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Sir, now back into cover position

  • Rob "Joker" Crane


  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Meet at aft Damage Control

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

There's another bunch of toasters....3 O'clock...lox...

  • Me


  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Good,Keep DRADIS Sweeping

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Heading to aux fire control.

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

MARDET one and three has two walking wounded to sick bay. Total five wia. Have goodies from our metal friends secret lockers. who knew they like old election statistics.

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Lets dive on them, but we'll pass by them and then manually launch your FireFox missiles....

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Ok crew, keep those sweeps up, always better if we can spot them before they see us!


Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Crossbow to CIC, Flight Deck Secure,Toaster have been Evicted.

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

MARDET 2 toaster down

  • Me

MARDET 2 toaster is taken care of...

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Copy that Sir.....but will we get them.....

  • Me

headed to damage control Mik Mo

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

CIC, MARDET Assault Teams request permission to stand down.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

CIC, Freya has encountered borders, send reinforcements

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Oh you bet...they're tuned into their exhaust signature...

  • Me

copy that.. Joker lets head to CIC

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

*tririme, raven. Ready to get the hell outta here?*

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Sparrows Retreating...

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Diving hard and fast.....

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

MARDET 2 on Freya six moving to secure CIC

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Trireme to Raven On Your Signal

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

ADC reports all clear, heading for CIC

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

passing sparows.....Launch missiles Now!!!!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

*raven to all birds,come on home!*

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Forget the stand down, can't have a party withot us.

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Whoosh, whoosh, whooosh.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Spool up FTL,Prepare to Jump after Raven does

  • Me

we have 4 toasters nearing CIC...

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Yeah....that's it.....

  • Me

Engage and weapons free

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Multiple explosions.....

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

MARDET 2 moving to engage

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Copy that Trireme actual

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Clock is running, three minutes to jump. Get home!

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Great work got three more toasters....and you're out of ammo......

  • Me

1 toaster down...

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

One corridor away Freya, almost to your location

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow


  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

MARDET One closing Breach.

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

All crew prepare to jump!

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

You said it my friend....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Marines open fire!!!!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Contacts at aux fire, four boarders! HE needed!

  • Me

im getting low on amo...

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Two more for the recycle bin

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

MARDET 2 another toaster recycled

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Ceae Fire, Secure Stations...

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Tosses magazine

  • Me

2 tosters left

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

You got it Stargazer.....let them have it.....over.....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Reamer, raven. Withdraw and get home!

  • Me

thanks mik mo

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Team One covering Back door CIC.

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Copy that....over.....

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Stations secure, we're locked down and ready to jump.

  • Me

1 left....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Boarders repelled.

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

OK Tiger's back to the Raven.....Combat Landings.....Over....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Aux damage secure

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Last Cylon border is down

  • Me

im hit........ its just my shoulder

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Copy that Sir.....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

One Mike to jump!

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

I repeat last toaster is down

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Make that Boarders terminated. Nice night Joker, good work.

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Raven in sight.....

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

moving to secure freya to medical

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Medic...Freya is down!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey


  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

This is it everyone land as fast as possible.....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Wedge, lets get her to Sickbay

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Jump countdown underway

  • way
  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Aye, on you... Up ya go Freya

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

ignore the ball get in the landing pod any way possible.....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Reamer anytime now....

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

OK Reamer Sir.....

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

MARDET 2 on station outside CIC

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Tiger's landing scraping along the decks.....

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Joker, where are the sentries for that post?

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

As soon aa all birds are recalled...

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Sparks flying....Vipers piling up against each other......

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Whew, that was hairy....we need to let the Marines handle the rough stuff next time and stick to flying!

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

moved away to engage toasters and en routa back

  • Me

Couldnt help it mik mo

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Yeah....we're all aboard......

  • Me

you know im a marine at heart

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Jumping in 5

  • 4
  • 3
  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley


  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey


  • 1
  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Did we loose anyone.....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey


  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

It's hard to tell Reamer Sir.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

JUMP IN #....@>>>1....JUMP!

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

We'll have to sort it out later.....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Either way, you have some light duty coming your way!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Stand down to condition two.

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto


  • Rob "Joker" Crane

only saw 1 raptor go down and crew were Evac'ed

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Jump successful, we've got the Raven in our sights

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Damage Control Teams,Procede with Repairs

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Reamer climbs out of his damaged Viper.....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

DAMCON reports nothing they can't fix

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

what a mess.....the Chief isn't going to like this at all.....

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

I've dispatched teams to the damage, repairs should be quick sir. We held up quite well!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Wedge holsters pistol and greets the CAG

  • Me

well we do have some scrap metal we can make some new stuff out of....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Yep, Didn't Need those Uninvited Guests

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Well, the knuckle draggers will be busy for a while fixing up our birds and the landing decks.....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

You lost your bird, know what that means...drinks are on you for the next month!

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

It's a job Sir!!!

 Is everyone aboard?

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Awww cmon!

  • Me

Copy that Reamer all accounted for

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

Aye sir

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

*hauls out crate of ambrosia* this work?

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

It looks like we all made it back! Sir!

  • Me

banged up... but we are all here

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Running a full diagnostic for any missed damage

  • Uninvited guests are the worst!
  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Great work everyone.....

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

All MARDET home and accunted for, Sir.

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Anyone seriously injured?

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Tusker Walks into CIC) Sir,Crossbow Sent you this as A Trophy! A Centurion's Head!

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Thanks Major

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

MARDET 2 + 4 sweeping for stragglers

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Well, we dragged your butt back to the shack, that's the important thing

  • Freya got winged, but that's about it
  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Tririme, you're all welcome aboard for a party. *tosses out bottles*

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Dammit! It's Still Got It's 'Brains' In It!

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Jockey has a broken foot Sir.

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Nice one Tusker! He'll add it to his collection!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Five walking wounded MARDET. Thought we lost one but he just wandered off. Young folks.

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

End Wedge, Our crew is always up for a party!

  • ens.
  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Thanks for the Invite,Raven, We'll be over Shortly!

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Other than that just some bruises from the landing we were forced to make.

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Our deck is ready for your arrival.

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

OK then,

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

Freya you patched up?

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Thanks for the ride and the fire power Seekers.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

250...a few scuffs and scrapes, but nothing the Chief can't knock out

  • Me

Yeah... no ambrosia for me though.. doc gave me some good meds

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Chiefs gonna have my ass.

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Lets head for the lounge AND tip a few shots of Ambrosia...

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Great Job,Faceman! You Have the Ship; I'll Bring you back some Ambrosia

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

Freya you kill toasters good

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

First round is on WEDGE!

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

That ought to smooth out the bumps and bruises....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Have Raptor 361 Ready to Launch

  • Me

Thanks for having my back Joker

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Save some for me Reamer!

  • Rob "Joker" Crane


  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Haha you bet! *indicates box*

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

You know it Bunny!!!

  • Drinks are on me everyone.....
  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Raptor 361 EnRoute to Raven)

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Ambrosia for everyone......

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Negative reamer, drinks on me. I lostnmy bird today!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Ah, Joe's, my second bunk and official listed home of record.

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Hope you have some deep pockets tonight Reamer!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Raptor 361 to Raven,Requesting Hands on for Landing

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

I even have some Snacon stashed away for the occasion, if anyone wants some that is!!!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Raptor 361 granted.

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

MARDET 2 on stand by to secure landing bay for Trireme Actual

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Speed 109,I Have the Ball

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Ambrosia and Snacon, what a combination!!!!!

  • Woohoo.......yeah.......
  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Oh yeah reamer

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

It's always nice to take a walk on the Raven!

  • Me

Mik Mo hows my bird? Doc is gonna make me stay in Med bay a while

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

I thought you'd like that Wedge.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Raptor Towed into Hangar Deck

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

I donlovenme some snacon.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Took a bang to the port wing, it got you home...nothing major

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Cripes, Joker, politicing already (lol)..

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Chief says 2 days she'll be back in the air

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Great.....Snacon for everyone that wants it!!!

  • Bartender.....get the bottles lined up son.....
  • Me

I think it will be more than that for me to be back in the air... that hit shredded my shoulder

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Trireme Actual and XO on our way to join the party!

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

MARDET 2 ' Present arms'

  • *Salutes*
  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Hatch Opens) My Old Stomping Grounds! (Lt. Batman: It's Leonidas! He's Back OUU! OUU! OUU!

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

We're a thirsty rowdy bunch tonight!!!!!

  • OUU! OUU! OUU! Welcome aboard Col. Leonidas.....
  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Freya's already gone, we have to catch up!

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Here's a bottle for you Sir!!!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Well I've got paperwork to so. Have ye any idea how much it is ton requisition a multiple tonne flying contraption with guns?

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Snacon is at the Bar as well.

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Say What? look at that Pile(Centurion Heads) Sure you got your Limit?

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

(Salutes) Returning to scene of the victories COL?

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

I'm sure there's a bird with your name on it somewhere, Wedge

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Ah, There's No Place like the Raven,Iceworm;You Know That!

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

The paperwork can wait Wedge!!! Have a drink you earned it tonight.

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

I agree Col.

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

*takes a swig* to victory!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Welcome aboard COL, let me know if you want o get out of Officer's Country for a break in the lower decks.

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Yeah, that's the way to do it Wedge!!!

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Raptor Pilots flying high!!!

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Here's another for ya.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

To the Raven Battle Group;Nowhere to Go But Up!(Drinks)

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Reamer passes the bottle.....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Trying tondrinknme unconscious boss?

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker


  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey


  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Yes Colonel, you said it Sir!!! (Reame chugs from his bottle.....)

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

looks like it might not take too much more wedge

  • lol
  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Oooops, there something wrong here.....the bottle is empty.....

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

(passes Reamer another)

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

*tipsily* ya don't say there joker... You're a funny guy.

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Yeah, Bartender another bottle.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Lt.Jester: TO LEONIDAS! OUU! OUU! OUU! Hey, You Guys are the Best in the Fleet! That's what Counts!

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

thats why they call me joker :)

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Reamer pops the cork and drinks away.....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Hate to cut out of the party so soon, but my boys are hassling me to hit up some monopoly...from one battle to another! Thanks for coming everyone, great job Seekers, and everyone have a good night!!!

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

There's more snacon if anyone wants it.Me

Good Night Mik Mo

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

*drunks more* let's kill my gut by the time I'm thirty.

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Reamer, I Knew Well the Air Wing was In good Hands; Keep It Up!

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Frak Stars 27: "Resurrection Ship" has jumped on to Holosuite Media, you can download and stream it from:


In this episode of Frak Stars, Colin, Steve and Drogyn discuss the episodes Resurrection Ship parts 1 and 2 (season 2, epsiodes 11 and 12).

In this episode of Battlestar Galactica we have the Battlestars Galactica and Pegasus nearly come to blows, but instead call a truce after Starbuck returns in the Blackbird and then they engage in a huge battle to destroy the massive Cylon Resurrection Ship.

So turn on your Colonial Wireless and find out what our very own nuggets think of these episodes.


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If your idea of a fashion statement is combat boots, basic black and a bad attitude,

………….you just might be a Colonial Marine.

 If you think negotiating with killer toasters involves cold steel, hot lead and C4,

………….you just might be a Colonial Marine.

 If your home is a small bunk on a fast ship going in harm’s way,

………….you just might be a Colonial Marine.

 If your office is any piece of deck or alien dirt that the Fleet tells you to take and hold,

………….you just might be a Colonial Marine.

 If your secret for success is careful planning and violent execution,

………….you just might be a Colonial Marine.

If you think Fleet is Family, and a Group should be about fun and Friendship, SHOULD be a Colonial Marine.


Contact Paul "Iceworm" Oakley, Gunnery Sergeant, NCOIC, Battlestar Raven Colonial Marine Detachment


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