Gunstar Trireme - Cargo of Shame

One Week after the Mission at Zebulon; Ens. 'Freya' Willis is In Trireme CIC after Shuttling Parts and Supplies from the Raven ,And Talking with Trireme CO Leonidas.

"Well, that should be it Sir;They're Probably Finished offloading Now;Anything you need me to Take Back?"

A Couple of things;A Few Smaller Items That have been Boxed up,Checked,and Should have already been delivered to your Raptor by Now;And This(Pulls out A bottle of Honey Ambrosia) Hand this to Lt. Red Dog of my Old Squadron;Tell Him I Said He did a Superb Job of Leading the Spartans;And, Hopefully, He'll get A Squadron of his Own,Soon.

" Very Nice! I Concur with you Sir; He Actually Saved My Butt out there;I'll see He gets this And the Message!" (Salutes)

Leonidas Returns Salute,Freya Departs.

 Two Hours Later; Trireme is Maintaining Escort Position with the Raven:

"DRADIS Contact,Sir." Says XO 'Bunny' Nonemaker; What We Got? " Civilian Cargo Ship,Just Sitting there"

Any ID? "Stand By"       " A Very Old Ship; Colonial 3306-L, Registered with Wayne Enterprises of Leonis."

Sitting there,You Say? "According to Sensors..." Adds Tac/Ops Officer 'Faceman' Ursiny ".. The Only thing that's Running is it's RCS System; It Hasn't Moved for the Last Three Hours."


Any Transmissions? " None Sir; If they were Sending out an SOS,We Would have Heard it by Now."

Well, They have to get Help Sometime,From Somewhere; Any Radiologicals? "None Sir; Sensors show it's Clean;Except for the Fact it looks like A Rust Bucket." Adds Bunny.

DJ(Comm Officer Rachel Fish), Patch Me Through;   "I've got them Sir,But There's Some Static Also."

Colonial 3306, This is the Gunstar Trireme, Are you in need of Assistance?

"(Skrreeeek) This is 3306(Bluuurrrt), We're Fine(Saaaact) just some Engine Trouble(Skreeerk) We'll be on our Way Soon;Thanks for Asking(Scrrretch)"

"That's It Sir,Obviously,They're Trying to Blow us Off."

Really? Not THAT Easy! We're Going to take A Look see;DJ, Contact the Raven and Advise them of the SITREP; Let them Know We are Investigating." Yes Sir."

Faceman, We're going to Pay them A Visit; Contact Tusker;Tell him I Want Him and Platoon B Ready to Load into Raptors;Alert the Flight Deck,Tell them to have Raptors 360,362 and 365 Ready in Five Minutes; Bunny,You've got the Store; Alert the Raven CAP to Stand By in Case,Even though chances are, they're not Going Anywhere; Have Chief Cool and one of his Techs Meet us in the Hangar,Also.

"Got it,Sir; Be Careful."

90 Minutes Later,the Trireme Raptors Land on 3306;The Captain and Crew are Obviously Cooperative,But, A Little Apprehensive:

Let me Get this Straight,Your Company is A week Away from Bankruptcy,Yet, You're Still Operating?

"Why Yes Sir; We've got to Make Money Somehow until the Courts tell us to Stop."

Yes, Interesting; And, you're still Running this Ancient Ship,Without hope of Spares?

"We have to use what's Available,Sir."

 Ah-ha, Well, You Certainly won't Mind a Safety Inspection while you're trying to get your Engines running Again?

"No Sir, we should be on Our Way Soon;We have Time Sensitive Cargo;We need to get to Picon ASAP;Everything's in Order I assure you."

Won't Take Long

In the Next hour,several Containers are Opened,Empty; Now, they Approach A Particular Group of Containers:

"Sir, Seriously,We Need to Finish this so we can Go." "What's your Hurry?" Asks Faceman

"This is the Sensitive Cargo I was Telling you About;We have to get it there On Time,or We'll be in Trouble!"

Leonidas Hears Something;He puts his Ear to the Container; He hears Muffled Voices and several "Shh!'

Captain,Open that Container! "But Sir, Our Client will be VERY UNHAPPY if that Cargo is Damaged."

Well,He's Going to be REAL Unhappy,If we have to open it with a GRENADE! Easy way or Hard,Your Choice!

The Captain Nervously Opens the Container,Revealing Cardboard Boxes;"See, Nothing Wrong Here!"

FELDGERCARB! The Last time I Checked,Cardboard Doesn't say "Shh!"

 Leonidas and Tusker Pull Away the Boxes,revealing A Space Housing Five Women Huddled together in A Corner; They are also greeted with a foul Smell as A Bucket in Another Corner being their only Sanitary Facilities,Along with A Case of Water.

Leonidas Emerges and makes a Beeline for the Captain; He Grabs the Captain,and Nails him on the Wall;The Captain is Sweating Profusely.

Captain, I Don't Know which I Hate Worse,The Cylons,or SOMEONE WHO PROFITS FROM THE MISERY OF OTHERS!


The Crew are Handcuffed, and Placed under Guard;The Rest of the Containers are Searched;Three more are found to have bogus Cargo with Living Spaces For Women;Obviously,This Ship was Involved in Transporting 'Comfort Women',Better Known as 'Socialators';An Illegal Trade in the Colonies,Perpetrated in the Outpost Worlds .

A Total of 25 Women are Found;They are taken to A more comfortable Part of the Ship; Many are Nervous,others are Relieved.

Chief Cool Returns from the Engine Room: OK,Chief,Any chance This thing will Go? "Not much longer,Sir; The way the Frakkers have been Running this old Bucket,They've just About KILLED These Engines! We Might be Able to Nurse this Junk to Chaska Station,About A Day Away." Never Mind,Chief,We're Going to Call for A Tow.

"The Crap People will Stoop to" Says Faceman  There are some who will go Lower than that,Faceman;

Anyway, Contact the Raven: Request they Send Two Shuttles with Medics; Some of these Women need to be Checked out;Have them send Blindsword too;We have some New Customers for his Brig;Then call Chaska Station;Tell them there's A Derelict they need to come and Get Before it Contaminates the Spacelanes!

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