Congratulations to all the new Ensign Pilots (salutes). It is tradition for newly commissioned officers attaining flight status to pay a cubit to the enlisted person rendering a first salute to them. Payments will be received in Joe's Bar, preferably before you get shot up by the Toasters. Also congratulations those attaining "Top Gun" status. And a special OORAH to the Pointy Nosed Viper Jocks and Rabid Raptor Drivers of the Raven Battle Group, you rock.  - Paul "Iceworm" Oakley, 1ST SERGEANT, NCOIC, Battlestar Raven Marine Detachment.


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  • Well said 1SGT Iceworm!!! It makes me wish I was temporarily an enlisted person to be on the receiving end of all those shots of Ambrosia!!!LOL (Reamer stops day dreaming about Joe's Bar and comes back to reality......)

    SO SAY WE ALL!!!!!

  • Thanks Iceworm!


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