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Edward James Olmos- For Those In The Colorado Area

Colorado State University-Pueblo
Fellow Colonials, Friends especially those in the Colorado area:

We’re All in the Same Gang,” is the title of Olmos’ presentation at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 20 also in the OUC Ballroom. Named by Hispanic Magazine as the nation's most influential Hispanic-American, Olmos is a respected actor and a passionate community activist. An award-winner on Broadway (Zoot Suit), in film (Stand and Deliver, Selena, Blade Runner), and on television (Miami Vice, American Family), where he most recently starred on the critically-acclaimed hit show Battlestar Gallactica—which has won numerous awards and was named by TIME magazine and Rolling Stone as the best show of 2005. Olmos also directed HBO's Walkout, a drama that tells the true story of a group of Chicano students who staged a compelling 1968 walkout to protest the injustices of the public high school system in East Los Angeles.

Olmos emphasizes culture, diversity, and racial harmony as the American ideal. In his presentations, Olmos explains his heritage and how it relates to our need to reconcile history books with actual history as well as the importance of being an activist for the causes in which you believe.

The series is free and open to the public. Events are co-sponsored by the Office of Student Activities, the Student Fee Governing Board, the Associated Students’ Government, the Diversity Resource Center and the Library and Academic Resources Center. For more information, contact the Office of Student Activities, 719-549-2687
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Creative fan made clip - Classic BSG.

Apollo Launches his Vioer after Starbuck and Boomer, then something strange happens. Dig The "Turbo" Button lol

Richard I'm sure you'll get a kick out of this as well. Looks like the Outer Limits or Twilight Zone hit you and the Galactica buddy. Anyway Shawn and I thought it would be great to post it for a funny.


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Caprica prop to be auctioned at Fan Days Con


Purpose: To raise funds for tables at future conventions

The item for auction: A screen used Caprica Athena Academy uniform like the one worn by young Zoe. Comes with Certificate of Authenticity.

When: October 8th-9th at the Fan Days Convention in Irving, TX

How it works: The Battlestar Galactica Fanclub will have a table at the above convention where the prop will be on display. Bidders will fill out a contact card with the amount they wish to bid and drop the card in a sealed container. At 2:00 pm on the 9th the container will be opened and the prop will go to the highest bidder. The winner will be contacted by the phone number listed on the contact card. The prop may be picked-up at the convention or may be mailed for $11.00 flat rate box postage after payment is made. Bids will be accepted by email from now until 0900 am 10/7/11. To bid by email send your bid to and a card will be filled out and dropped in the box for you.

Stuff you need to know: Anyone may place a bid on the item. If you bid and default on payment the next highest bidder will be contacted. After close of auction we will attempt to contact the high bidder by the phone number given. If we can not get in contact with the winning bidder the next highest bidder will be contacted. This prop was worn by a background actor in the series Caprica and is not the Zoe costume.

Good Hunting !


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Hi Everyone -

 It's Ilana, director and producer of We Are All Cylons.  I wanted to reach out and say hi and to let you all know that the film will be showing at Dragon Con on Friday September 2nd at 530pm. I won't be there but I have a very trustworthy Cylon rep who will be. It will also be screened at the Arizona Underground Film Festival on the 18th in Tucson where I will be. Please go to the film's FB page for more  info and please "like" for updates.  you can also see the preview here:


I would love to hear your thoughts on the film and look forward to responses from DC.

All the best and So Say We All, Ilana

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During the run of Caprica the SyFy Channel started to map out Blood and the time they were considering 9 or 10 webisodes at about 10 minutes apiece filmed on greenscreen.

Doesn't sound very satisfying does it?

Then came the end of Caprica...and new thinking was put forward to instead make this...first a movie pilot...and of course as the formula goes then on to a series format.

Well, news has come that they are considering switching back to the original concept of having those 10 minute webisodes, which I for one think is a terrible idea...webisodes are merely meant to enhance a regulary televised show, not BE the show!

Please read here:

Airlock Alpha as well as


Really bad idea.

But there is something you can do about it...YOU can make your opinions on this be known in a big way.

Starting today, I want to ask you all to send two...2...count 'em....two letters every Saturday to a couple of gentlemen who have a LOT to do with this show.

First is:


Dave Howe


NBC Universal-SyFi Channel

30 Rockefeller Plaza 21st Floor

New York, NY 10112


The next:


Mark Stern

President Original Programming

NBC Universal-SyFy Channel

100 Universal City Plaza

Bldg 1400 14th Floor

Universal City, CA 91608


We are talking two stamps a week on this is all!

On the front of the envelope (very important) write: BATTLESTAR GALACTICA: BLOOD AND CHROME TELEVISED NOT WEBISODED!

Be nice, be polite....but be to the point.

Photocopy duplicate letters if you like to send...but just say one thing & one thing only...that YOU want to see Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome on TELEVISION where it's meant to be.

Actual episodes...not 10 minute extened soundbites.

You are the consumer...make no mistake, YOU tell the networks what to air by your viewing habits, not the other way around...and this gives you the opportunity to say it directly.

Snail mail is much more effective in a case like can be deleted with the touch of a can't delete bags & bags of mail coming in every day.

At last count we have 828 members on the site with well over 500 on the CDF...lemme do some math....oh that's 2600 pieces of mal in one day! (well, approxmiately!).

That means if you all can take the time and write that letter (hey it can be two lines...doesn't matter) pop it in the mail...they will get nearly 11.000 pieces of mail over the coming month.

Please believe we WILL be making more people aware of I promise you a lot more mail than that will be on the way!

Draw the line & speak your mind!

So say we all!


Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club



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I'm new to the fleet

Hello one and all.

 I'm an old school fan of Battlestar Galactic. I was seven when the show first aired all those many yahrens ago.  I loved the show and it’s directly responsible for my loathing (American) Football.

Where I grew up we had one TV channel(all the 20 something’s read on in shock. “One channel?”)

Yes, one channel. It was an ABC affiliate.

So because there were no other networks stations close by they could show NBC and CBS sports(and boy’ did they).

I only remember seeing about 4 of the shows in the fall of that yahren because of fraking football! 

Football seemed to be on every time I wanted to watch anything.     

It was not until a few yahrens later that cable TV came through that I got the see all of Battlestar Galactica episodes on channel 39 out of Dallas TX.                                             

I remember watching Galactica 1980 with happiness then quickly followed by, where are Apollo and Starbuck? This is Boxee? Why call him Troy?  Even at age 8 I could tell this was felgercarb.  

It wasn’t until I found the whole series at best buy on DVD a few yahrens back that I had even seen the series sense I was 9. I remember passing when it aired on the “Sci-Fi Channel”. I bought it more or less because I now had all the

1978 Battlestar Galactic via the Cylon head DVD boxed set(great set by the way)and might as well get it if only because of the Starbuck episode.

Here is the funny thing, they are not as bad as I remember them being. They are at least watchable. As for the new Battlestar Galactic, if you ant got nothing nice to say, don’t say nothing at all. Or say it on twitter.

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I'm a new member to this NEW site...

But I think I was born to write and draw a LOT of Battlestar stories before I die.

On a sentimental note...I buried my father to a story I drew based on an old back in the day almost 10 years ago this upcoming November.  The original pages went into his suit pocket he was buried in. 

10 years later...I still have the passion to expand Battlestar. Both series are EXCELLENT.  My  new comic company only exists because of a passion for both.  If I get the chance to get a license....I have the perfect story to bridge seires together  (Evil John Colicos Laughter kicks in)....

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Celebrating 14 years of service to communities in the Sierra Madre


The Sexto Sol Center for Community Action( A non profit organization very dear and near to Edward James Olmos)  contributes to the elimination of poverty and the restoration of the damaged environment by promoting cooperative enterprise, environmentally sound agriculture, appropriate technology and conservation. We work in the Sierra Madre region of Chiapas, Mexico and with repatriated refugee communities in Guatemala. We collaborate with others to bring the message of respect for all life into policy discussions. Through our internship program we train others to do this work elsewhere. 


What they do:  


The Sexto Sol Center for Community Action serves impoverished communities in Chiapas and Guatemala where a change of vision and technical assistance can help them create a better life. Since 1997 we have assisted people to create success with cooperative businesses, grow healthful food, improve neglected schools for their children, regain cultural pride, protect the watershed, create eco-villages and heal from the trauma of disaster and war. We advocate internationally for the respect of indigenous human rights and environmental and economic justice. We hope to inspire others to exercise their own compassion be they our supporters, volunteers or interns. We work in one corner of the world in a way we hope ripples out beyond.  


According to the Mayan calendar, the world is entering the Sixth Sun, El Sexto Sol, the time of Justice and of the emancipation of indigenous peoples. We promote the ethic of "community action" whereby community members work together to solve common problems and to reach common goals.  Edward James Olmos had been a friend of the non-profit Sexto Sol Center since 1997. 


On a planet with abundant life, water and resources, poverty should be viewed by everyone as an aberration. But we have yet to figure out how to live in a way that affords every member of the human family with the necessities for a healthful life. Therefore most people accept the existence of poverty, of the loss of 35,000 children to starvation every day, as "unavoidable."








Sustainable Livelihoods Program: In a region with few opportunities to earn a living, Sexto Sol helps grassroots organizations to sell their products internationally. We work with emerging cooperatives and associations since collective effort builds social support among members, forms leaders and encourages people taking ownership of the development of their community. 

We help groups learn what they need to independently managing of their own business. Sexto Sol facilitates partnerships between the cooperative and companies interested in importing their products. For cooperatives of coffee growers this means helping them to export to buyers in the Specialty Coffee market who pay more for fair trade and organic coffee. (Help Sexto Sol by buying Higher Grounds Coffee, see bottom of this page.) Environmental Justice: Empowering indigenous people to defend their rights, the health of their communities and their territories. Recycling, Upcycling: Tons of plastic trash washes into the Canyon de Sumidero each year. Sexto Sol is working to give this refuse a second life by tranforming it into saleable household items that can be produced by people working from their homes. Eco-village/Permaculture: Building on the sucess of helping Nuevo Bullaj cooperative export their Fair Trade coffee, we are helping these repatriated refugees in Gautemala to create an Eco-hotel and guiding them to trasform their community into an eco-village. Helping people heal from the trauma of war and disaster: As a response to Hurricane Stan, Sexto Sol sponsored training for 50 local doctors and healers in a unique technique to heal Post Traumatic Stress for the large numbers of people affected by the tragedy. Mr. Olmos and his fans provided significant support to make this possible. This work is evolving as we continue to help




people cope with traumatic life events. Improving the Quality of Education for Indigenous Children.  Education is an essential tool for constructing a way out of poverty. Ideally communities should be involved in assuring the quality of education for their children as part of the process of regaining self-determination. However, the schools serving indigenous children in the Sierra are terribly neglected and teachers must work with very inadequate facilities and materials. Sexto Sol works with parent organizations to improve the buildings and grounds and assists teachers to find ways to make the original culture and language more central to instruction. We provide books to build school libraries and encourage children to read both in Chiapas and Guatemala. By helping parents and teachers to improve the schools, the community is enriched by the pride that comes from giving their children a better education.


A Special Request for Help from Edward James Olmos:

The Sexto Sol Center for Community Action has informed me that they were very grateful for your significant support in 2008 for their relief efforts for survivors of Hurricane Stan in Chiapas, Mexico. The non-profit is now in its 12th year of helping people to address poverty in the remote mountain communities in the Sierra Madre. They do this by working with small-scale coffee growers and by teaching people to grow their own food with permaculture, among other strategies.


An important part of their work to confront poverty is to provide assistance to schools that serve indigenous children. These schools are unique because they are the only places where indigenous children can receive some teaching in their own language in a region where local cultures are under pressure. But as bilingual schools, they receive only a fraction of the funding that other schools do. The buildings are in terrible shape and teachers do not have adequate materials for teaching. Sexto Sol works with schools that don't have proper buildings including one that is located in the flood zone.  Sexto Sol organizes the parents and teachers to make improvements to the buildings and to create attractive play areas for the children. They provide the paint, landscaping materials and training needed to get the job done. They also provide a significant amount of books to schools for libraries to encourage children to read.  

Francisco and Tamara, the field team of the Sexto Sol Center, ask for your collaboration to improve the education these children receive by making a contribution to this effort. For more information on the work of the Sexto Sol Center, please see They asked me to tell you that "Changing the world is a team effort". They'd appreciate having you as part of the team. I encourage you to consider making a contribution.

Thank you,

Edward James Olmos



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LATINO PUBLIC BROADCASTING wins Imagen’s Norman Lear Award
(Los Angeles, CA) August 9, 2011
Latino Public Broadcasting (LPB), a non-profit organization funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, is pleased to announce that it will be honored with the prestigious Norman Lear Award at the 26th Annual Imagen Awards gala on Friday, August 12th, 2011 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, CA. The Norman Lear Award is given each year to a Latino writer or entity that has excelled creatively to dispel negative stereotypes and perceptions of the Latino community. Latino Pubic Broadcasting Executive Director Sandie Viquez Pedlow and LPB founder and Chairman of the Board Edward James Olmos, will be on hand to accept the award.
The Imagen Awards were created 26 years ago by The National Conference for Community and Justice (formerly The National Conference of Christians and Jews), based on a suggestion by television producer Norman Lear to improve media portrayals of the Latino community in feature films and television. Called “the Golden Globes of the Latino community,” the Imagen Awards are one of the most prestigious awards of its kind in the entertainment industry.
An excerpt of the award announcement follows:
“Through the funding and supporting of Latino oriented programming for public television, Latino Public Broadcasting has made a significant contribution in creating a better understanding of Latinos and Latino cultures in the United States. LPB’s noncommercial educational and cultural programming has given a voice to our community and shared with the nation the beauty of our traditions and our contributions to the arts, culture and the humanities. In addition, LPB has provided numerous opportunities for Latino producers through their support and promotion of television projects as well as independent films. As Mr. Lear impacted the thoughts and perceptions of television viewers so has LPB. There is no one more deserving of this Norman Lear legacy award than Latino Public Broadcasting.”
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The Quorum Chambers have become silent so slient that yoiu can hear the lonely foot step echoes of the janitor as he makes his way down the walkway of the Quorum chamber floors. On July 31, 2011 the Quorum members votes to take a very much needed break from all the work that they have done and to go out and have some fun with you the fans.


That's right we're out amongst you enjoying everything that you do regarding your Battlestar Galatica Fandom. Also were out here to hear what you have to say too. So should you just happen to find one of us out there by all means approach us and strike up a conversation with us about anything even if it is just the weather or how much you think Grace Lee Park is a total 10 and bets Starbuck hands down in look and sexapeal.


So what have I been upto since I've been away? I just finished working and getting a video loaded and setup for viewing on another website for a different fan base community. That community is STARFLEET The International Star Trek Fan Club Assoication Inc. and I'm the webmaster for the IC2012 Team, IC2012 stands for International Conference It's the big event that STARFLEET has where all the leaders of the orginazation meet and discuss items that affect the organization.


If you would like to know more about IC2012 you can access it by going to And if you want to know more about STARFLEET you can go to and find out more about STARFLEET.

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Blood and Chrome

Well, everyone...I know you are anticipating the advent of "Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome"...I will say that it is being filmed, it is being processed, it is being worked on.

Release date...up in the WILL be either late this year or I suspect in early 2012.

However, there ARE little hints of it here & there which I want to share with you visually.12578013694?profile=original

As you can see....Scyfy is quite willing to share out some "teasers" for we have a shot from the why not another one?


You will of course note the green screen!

Now something I wish to make a point on....there have been several renditions of Battlestar Galactica.

Simply put...different interpretations.

Not only the original series, but Galactica: 1980...Richard Hatch's "The Second Coming", the re-imagined series, Caprica & of course Blood & Chrome.

The commanality of everything is the basic of the's fight for survival & ultimate redemption.

However you must also understand that Battlestar Galactica is in fact, the END of a story.

It is explored more fully with the newer material of course...Battlestar Galactica is the end, Caprica is the beginning & Blood & Chrome is the middle...but however you want to cut it...there is an ultimate end that must of course (happily) lead to a new beginning.

There is more of course....12578014655?profile=original

Cylon's anyone...a modified version of the average Centurion....not quite as modern...but he..."it" will do.


A concept that was borrowed....well, they borrowed it as well....but, the evolution of a Cylon...or at least a 4D look!


Now this would be an example of six without any makeup at all...Tricia Helfer...if you are reading this...sorrrrrry!....I don't know if I'm looking at "Metropolis", "Blade Runner", "Terminator" or "The Borg" here....but I DO see where man's vanity can take him....and frankly speaking not to good ends....don't rely on those toasters so much!12578014874?profile=original

I believe this is a young William Adama fighting for his proverbial life!...."Husker" does seem to be in a snowy environment...Hoth? Ice Planet Zero? Hollywood? the judge, but he don't look anything like Eddie Olmos...I think.


Well, no doubt Cylon's will abound...we just can't seem to get away from them...but then without them, what's the point of the story?

My friends..if we had no Cylon's we would have perhaps...Galactichicken?


Well...maybe not.

But we would surely have a less interesting show, that's for sure...or maybe a more interesting one....I really don't know, that is one interesting rubber chicken.

One thing I DO know is that all of YOU count as the fan's of this franchise, you make it live & breathe, you in FACT brought it back to life & MAKE it continue.

So please, all of  you...keep up the fight, keep the faith!

So say we all!

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Cylon Ornament

12578013654?profile=originalHello everyone!!.

Thought you all might like to know that Hallmark is offering this Battlestar Galactica ornament this year.  It is a cylon from the original series. The name of this ornament is CYLON CENTURION and was created by Nello Williams.  It stands approximately 4 inches to 5 inches tall.  It is was Hallmark calls a "magic" ornament, that meaning it makes sound.  Insert batteries and hear our cylon friend say "By Your Command"..  This ornament will become available in October.  Perhaps to coincide with the new series Blood and Chrome of which I understand the pilot will be airing in October.  This ornament is not available on line.  You must go to Hallmark to pick it up!   Cost is $19.95.  You can call your local store and ask them to put one on hold for you . This would make a great Christmas present or a neat addition to any Battlestar Galactica collection.  

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With the conclusion of the voting at midnight this morning, and a final vote of 66-3 in favor of the ‘Task Force’, it is hereby ordered that the ‘Joint Task Force’ shall proceed unhindered. The whole poll can be viewed here. Now begins the task of working out the details between the two groups. As these details are worked out we will report them to you so that you can take advantage of the services and opportunities they will provide.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote, and more importantly to ask questions. Your questions helped to clarify the situation for others and gave us direction as to which areas we need to work on clarifying further.

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Dragon Con Fan Table for 2011

Good day to all Colonials.
Dragon con is approaching rapidly. Last year we were awarded a fan table under the CDF flag and it was great. This year dragon con has been gracious enough to provide us with a table again. But this time it will be a combined effort of 3 groups The Battlestar Fan Club the CDF and the Colonial Cylon Alliance. Last year we had a great turn out and signed up more than 50 new members.
In all the years I have operated a booth/table this was the most fun I have ever had. This year I believe working together we can more than double the 50 new members.
But there is always a down side We have the banners, give always and the swag but do not have the manpower . I am reaching out to all of our members to come and spend just an hour or so handing out give always and swag. We are also having a contest. Who ever signs up the most new members wins a $40.00 JoAnn’s gift certificate.
If you are interested contact me for a copy of the table schedule and we will get you signed up at

Regards to all and see you at Dragon Con.
Gene “Toaster Haggerty 12578012483?profile=original



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Colonial News Network Newsletter Reminder

A week ago I mentioned that I'm in the process of developing the Colonial News Network Newsletter (CNN). I want to remind everyone that I'm still doing this and I would very much like help with this endavor. I all ready have one Copy Editor however I'm still looking for a at least three more as well as for Proof Readers, Cartoonest, and Staff Photographers.

To help those of you who just might be interested in these positions I'm providing you with a description and requirments on these post that I've all ready mentioned.

Copy Editors - These individuals read over what is sent in by the membership and make spelling and grammical corrections to articles that have been submitted to the Colonial News Network.

Must be a member in good standing of either the Battlestar Galatica Fan Club or ColonialDefense Force.

Must be 18 years of age or older.

Must have internet access and e-mail account.

Must be able to 5 hours or more on a bi-monthly basis.

Proof Readers - These individuals get to read over the entire Colonial News Network newsletter prior to it being

uploaded to the net for membership viewing.

Must be a member in good standing of either the Battlestar Galatica Fan Club or ColonialDefense Force.

Must be 18 years of age or older.

Must have internet access and e-mail account.

Must be able to 5 hours or more on a bi-monthly basis.

Cartoonist - These individuals work on the creation of Battlestar Galatica related cartoons for the Coloinal News Network newsletter.

Must be a member in good standing of either the Battlestar Galatica Fan Club or ColonialDefense Force.

Must be 18 years of age or older.

Must Have your own digital grpahic software to draw your cartoons with.

Must have internet access and e-mail account.

Must be able to 5 hours or more on a bi-monthly basis.

Staff Photographers - These individuals provide to the Coloinal News Network photographs of events that the membership have been involved in with their chapters.

Must be a member in good standing of either the Battlestar Galatica Fan Club or ColonialDefense Force.

Must be 18 years of age or older.

Must have your own digital camera equiptment.

Must Have your own ditial editing software.

Must have internet access and e-mail account.

Must be able to 5 hours or more on a bi-monthly basis.

submit your application to:

If you would like to submit an article for publication in the Coloinal News Network Newsletter you can send it to the same address all ready mentioned here.

James Cecil
Caprica Delegate
Quorum of The Twelve
Public Relations Contact

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Quorum of the Twelve Votes On Several Issues

Several issues have recently passed in the Quorum of the Twelve chambers. The issues are to accept The Unification Name Bill as written and selection of a name. The Unification Name Bill passed with 6 votes yes (33.3%) to 0 votes no (0%). The names voted on are:

Battlestar Galactica Colonial Union 0 votes (0%)
Allied Colonial Forces 0 votes (0%)
Colonial Fleet Experience 0 votes (0%)
Battlestar Colonial Alliance 0 votes (0%)
Battlestar Colonial Confederation 0 votes (0%)
Unified Fleet Forces 0 votes (0%)
Unified Battlestar Experience 0 votes (0%)
Unified Battlestar Alliance 2 votes (11.1%)
Colonial Coalition 1 votes (5.6%)
Colonial Confederacy 0 votes (0%)
Colonial Union 2 votes (11.1%)
Galactica Experience 0 votes (0%)
Colonial Alliance 1 votes (5.6%)
BSG Allied Forces 0 votes (0%)
Galactica Alliance 3 votes (16.7%)
Unified CDF/BFC 1 votes (5.6%)
Battlestar Group 75 1 votes (5.6%)
Colonial Union 0 votes (0%)
The Colonial Union 0 votes (0%)
The Colonies 0 votes (0%)
Quorum of the Union 1 votes (5.6%)
The Colonial Union of Kobol 0 votes (0%)

Galactica Alliance is the name chosen.

Another issue that was presented to the Quorum of the Twelve was to Accept the First Contact Bill as it is written the vote for this bill was 12 votes (100%) to 0 votes No (0%) The bill passed.

The third issue is to confirm the Executive Authority's nomination of Sherry Jo Crandall as the Designated Official Representative for First Contact with Groups not aligned with the Galactica Alliance. The vote was 11 votes yes to 0 votes no thus confirming Sherry Jo Crandall as the EA's designated Official Representative for First Contact of the Galactica Alliance.


James Cecil

Caprica Delegate

Quorum of the Twelve

Public Relations Contact

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Being a part of of the NASA Shuttle history

Today marks the end of an erra for the NASA Space shuttle program and with that I was able to be aprt of it by partaking in  NASA's Face In Space. Basically waht I did was uploaded a digital image of my face to NASA and that digital image was sent up in space on board the Space Shuttle Atlantis mission STS-135. I got the certificate that NASA created and let you print out I even saved the PDF of that certificate and hit the print screen key here on the key board, then opened up paste as a new image, croped the image down to what I have here in my photoes below.


Even though I wasn't physically on board the Atlantis Space Shuttle I still feel that I am a part of history of the last space shuttle flight. The Face In Space certificate says that my face flew at an altitude of 220 miles above the Earth at more than 17,400 mile per hour as Atlantis obited our planet.

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