Blood and Chrome

Well, everyone...I know you are anticipating the advent of "Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome"...I will say that it is being filmed, it is being processed, it is being worked on.

Release date...up in the WILL be either late this year or I suspect in early 2012.

However, there ARE little hints of it here & there which I want to share with you visually.12578013694?profile=original

As you can see....Scyfy is quite willing to share out some "teasers" for we have a shot from the why not another one?


You will of course note the green screen!

Now something I wish to make a point on....there have been several renditions of Battlestar Galactica.

Simply put...different interpretations.

Not only the original series, but Galactica: 1980...Richard Hatch's "The Second Coming", the re-imagined series, Caprica & of course Blood & Chrome.

The commanality of everything is the basic of the's fight for survival & ultimate redemption.

However you must also understand that Battlestar Galactica is in fact, the END of a story.

It is explored more fully with the newer material of course...Battlestar Galactica is the end, Caprica is the beginning & Blood & Chrome is the middle...but however you want to cut it...there is an ultimate end that must of course (happily) lead to a new beginning.

There is more of course....12578014655?profile=original

Cylon's anyone...a modified version of the average Centurion....not quite as modern...but he..."it" will do.


A concept that was borrowed....well, they borrowed it as well....but, the evolution of a Cylon...or at least a 4D look!


Now this would be an example of six without any makeup at all...Tricia Helfer...if you are reading this...sorrrrrry!....I don't know if I'm looking at "Metropolis", "Blade Runner", "Terminator" or "The Borg" here....but I DO see where man's vanity can take him....and frankly speaking not to good ends....don't rely on those toasters so much!12578014874?profile=original

I believe this is a young William Adama fighting for his proverbial life!...."Husker" does seem to be in a snowy environment...Hoth? Ice Planet Zero? Hollywood? the judge, but he don't look anything like Eddie Olmos...I think.


Well, no doubt Cylon's will abound...we just can't seem to get away from them...but then without them, what's the point of the story?

My friends..if we had no Cylon's we would have perhaps...Galactichicken?


Well...maybe not.

But we would surely have a less interesting show, that's for sure...or maybe a more interesting one....I really don't know, that is one interesting rubber chicken.

One thing I DO know is that all of YOU count as the fan's of this franchise, you make it live & breathe, you in FACT brought it back to life & MAKE it continue.

So please, all of  you...keep up the fight, keep the faith!

So say we all!

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  • I agree TOS deserves a revisit.It is a great story that deserves to be retold. I love the reimaged series but have been a fan of the original since it aired. One thing about the original that sets it aside from the reimaged with me is I can watch the original with my kids, but very few episodes of the reimaged are kid friendly.
  • I noticed imdb went from showing it as a 2011 release to just question marks, but at least it still shows to be on the burner.

  • It was announced last year that Larson was planning a remake of TOS. imdb still shows it in pre-production but at one time a director was named and the production company was listed. Who knows where it will end up.
  • I had a hard time with the new series at first also, but I think it being so differant from the original is what kept me watching it. it if had just been the original with new actors it would have tanked. That is one concern with the on-again off-again remake of TOS thats in development. I agree though, I wish the second coming had worked out.
  • Everyone's opinions are welcome here, so no worries...this club is for ALL fans of Battlestar Galactica in whatever form it may take...
  • Actually, I threw in the chicken...
  • man, these are pretty slim pickins, indeed... hard to believe they give you a chicken smoking a cigar as a promo for the show...

    and surely they know they have to get this out before 2012, right?  omg!!

    the 'cyborg' cylon might be a precurser to the skin jobs, till the final 5 arrived the cylons were 'experimenting'

    yet another 'happy circumstance' that the '5' show up right when humanity is about to be destroyed... I'm sure the 'cylons' thought it was a sign from god... the colony cylons, not the kobol cylons

  • Galactichicken rules!
  • Cool chicken...
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