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Hello Everyone,

I thought I would share a little bit with everyone regarding the the filming that has been going on with our DVD presentation.

Of course the raw footage from Galacticruise has been sitting around for some time...a piece here, a piece there...which is basically how any film starts...a sum of all it's components.12578015668?profile=original

At any rate, this is no different.

Of course we had to weave in a narrative with all new footage had to be shot...not to mention adding in effects, soundtrack...etc. etc...but you get the "picture".

A dedicated team in Illinois has been plugging away at this for the last couple of months, headed up by Fred Allen (yep, he is right here on the Fan Club site as well!).

We shot some additional footage with Richard Hatch in Los Angeles to again all the pieces adding to the sum total.12578016074?profile=original

What I have always found interesting is to see the process of film look behind the camera and see how it's basically done.

I think that's why you see so many "makings of" attached to DVD'll find they go very in depth for instance with the "Star Wars" releases...and if you guys have not seen it or own it...Ridley Scott's directors cut of "Blade Runner" (which in my opinion is the superior film)...which also includes a very instructive & interesting "making of segment".

Bet you didn't know that Dustin Hoffman was the first choice for "Decker" before Harrison Ford, did'ya?

Basically it's the "warts & all" of the'll find that's it's the "norm" with newer releases, so it's expected...but even more interesting is to see updated releases of older films like "The Exorcist" or "Psycho" and look at both new commentary & archived footage.

It really adds a whole new dimension to things & puts everything in a different perspective.

Now I'm not about to compare what we've been doing with "Blade Runner" or anything like that...totally different animals...but, the process is still the same.





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It is with the greatest honor,...

As a founder of the Colonial Defense Forces, I have watched as our group went through growth and turmoil, good times and bad, fat and lean. Through the more than 6 years of our existence, we have faced many threats both internal and external and always come out stronger than when we were engaged.

Recently we underwent another such engagement, internal forces attempted to use a personal, yet serious, situation to their advantage to claim what we have built as their own and remake it in their image. We fought back, we did not surrender, and now we have emerged victorious. It is my honor and privilege to come before you today to announce an event that will secure the CDF's future now and for all time. Let us continue from here, victorious yet again in our latest battle, in an era of new growth and prosperity.

Many people have contributed mightily over the last few weeks, months and even years to bring us to our present situation. Without the hard work and dedication of so many of you, the CDF might have died a premature death from apathy or lack of interest.

Effective 12 JULY 2011 at 10:31 am PST, the Colonial Defense Forces is officially incorporated.

It is with the greatest honor that I present to you, the people of the fleet, the corporate charter of the Colonial Defense Forces Incorporated.

Over the next few months in accordance with time tables established by the Secretary of State of the state of Nevada and the Internal Revenue Service of the United States of America, we will be performing specific duties including,

  • Writing and filing corporate by laws by which the CDF will function legally.
  • Establish a clear and legally binding chain of command and succession for the leadership of the Colonial Defense Forces.
  • Establish our corporate identity so that the CDF can take advantage of certain programs and privileges reserved for corporations.

Our future is bright. Our partnerships with and associations to various people, organizations and activities within the BSG and greater SciFi community have and will continue to assist and carry us along our path. A period of new growth is just around the corner and we are poised on the brink to reap the rewards of persevering and remaining true to our beliefs and principals for so long.

Many things remain to be done, many things require attention please bear with us as we work our way through our new tasks to finish what has been started, as we always have.

Please join me in raising a tall glass of ambrosia to all of you that have supported, assisted, and guided us along our sometimes rocky path to our current position and may our future be as bright as a million suns.

So Say We All!
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Writing music for “Battlestar Galactica” and “Caprica,” I have set music to some incredible events in outer space.  I’ve accompanied spaceships and nebulae, black holes and supernovas.  However, these cosmic phenomena shared one thing in common:  they were all fiction.  But, this week, I am deeply honored that my music will now provide an emotional backdrop for a space event that is very real indeed: the final NASA Shuttle Launch in United States history.

Fanfare for STS-135

nasa02.pngMy original composition, “Fanfare for STS-135,” will premiere this Friday morning (July 8th) at the NASA launch Tweet Up event, and will also be heard by the crowds throughout the other locations at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.  If you aren’t among the lucky spectators, the fanfare may turn up on NASA TV and the official website as well.  A downloadable recording of “Fanfare for STS-135″ is planned for the fall.



Fanfare for STS-135 - Final Shuttle Mission

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Here is a cool find on Evil-bay. The Tucana Singers on Carillon. This art is from the Marvel's Battlestar Galactica Super Special #8 comic.




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This write up was done by follow Tombs of Kobol member Peter Noble. In June 2011, while looking at eBay listings centered around all-things Galactica, he came across a number of listings for storyboards from a Battlestar project that was neither the classic, original series, the newest one, the Bryan Singer/Tom DeSanto project, Richard Hatch’s “The Second Coming”, or even the Glen A. Larson/Todd Moyer movie proposal. Here is that article.



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THE Bear Mc Creary Interview

THE Bear Mc Creary Interview

A Battlestar Galactica Fan Club Exclusive


Hear first hand Bear's experiences and his passion to insure his scores deliver a memorable, as well as an emotional connection to the movie content.  Bear's music truly sets the stage for perception and brings viewers into memorable relationships of the characters lives, and enhances the dynamics of all areas of the movie and script.  Even the special effects wouldn't be the same without his signature and unique approach.  Bear also elaborated on those musicians of the Battlestar Galactica Orchestra, and their passion in performing the Battlestar Galactica music as well.  Bear Mc Creary also shared some of his latest and upcoming projects including the series Caprica, and graciously discussed the content of my questions with a passion. We already know he's a true a professional and is at the top of his game. I would like to add that Bears a down to earth guy that's easy to talk and relate to, and also has a passion to keep the fans of Battlestar Galactica informed.  We're thankful of the opportunity here at the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club for this interview. I’m sure Shawn, Cliff and Chris would all agree that it was a great experience. We look forward to more of Bear's work and even greater success in the future. Enjoy!


Herb Brunner

Thanks to: Bear Mc Creary, Kevin Porter, Shawn O' Donnell, Cliff Gardner, Chris Loomis,Daniel Allan for his support


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Need Help with newsletter

Greetings everyone,

I'm in the process of developing a newsletter for us. This newsletter is being called the Colonial News Network (CNN). This newsletter is for everyone and is not exculsive to just the Battlestar Galatica Fan Club, Colonial Defense Force, or to the Quorum of Twelve. It is for the fans written by the fans of Battlestar Galatica.


The software that I'm using to create the Colonial News Network newsletter is an open source software called Scribus maybe you have heard of it and then again maybe not. To me Scribus is an alternate to Mircosoft Publisher and or Adobe Indesign desktop publishing. Yes I do have MS Publisher here on my laptop and would rather much prefer to use it. However, Microsoft is no longer supporting any of it's older versions of MS Publisher and since I've all ready went through a trail period of the newer version of MS Publisher nor do not have the extra cash on hand to upgrade to the full version of MS Publisher, Scribus is the software that I'll use until such time that I can aquire the nesscary resources to purchase the latest version of MS Publisher.


I'm looking for those individuals who are interested in helping me with the development of the Colonial News Network newsletter. I'm looking for a team of Copy Editors, Poof Readers,Cartoonist, and Staff Photographers. If your interested in doing any one of these please by all means let me know at .


Copy Editors - These individuals read over what is sent in by the membership and make spelling and grammical corrections to articles that have been submitted to the Colonial News Network.


Proof Readers - These individuals get to read over the entire Colonial News Network newsletter prior to it being uploaded to the net for membership viewing.


Cartoonist - These individuals work on the creation of Battlestar Galatica related cartoons for the Coloinal News Network newsletter.


Staff Photographers - These individuals provide to the Coloinal News Network photographs of events that the membership have been involved in with their chapters.


Where do you send your article submissions to? Why to for now. I'll be contacting our leadership about getting an e-mail address setup soley for article submissions for the Coloinal News Network here shortly. Just besure to put in your subject line Colonial News Network: Your Article Title. And if you have any photoes that go with the article that your submitting please include them. If you have any questions about this please sedn them to me to the e-mail address I just mentioned here.


James Cecil

Caprica Delegate

Quorum of Twelve

Public Realtions Contact

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Today at zero eight thirty five PM the Battlestar Council ended voting on Information Technology Guidelines with a vote of 7 (77.8%) Yes to 2 (22.2%) No. The Information Technology Guidelines is a document which states how members of the BFC, CDF, and Quorum of Twelve should conduct themselves while conducting business on the bettlestarcouncil forums. I'm providing to you all the extact wording of this document below so that you will have a well informed understanding of what the Information Technology Guidelines are.

"Aggression in the form of comments (both pms and public), flaming, trolling, baiting, and any form or socially unaccepted behavior to another member of this group, the fans that comprise this community, or the fan-club as a whole will not be tolerated. This includes responding to the aggression in the same manner in a public forum.

Any type of aggressive outburst or offering comments should be addressed to a moderator or administrator so they can settle the issue in a private manner with the offending parties."



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06.24.11 - Katee Goes to Comic-Con in San Diego.
Katee just announced today via Twitter that she is going to be at this year's Comic-Con in San Diego, CA.
She's going to be there 2 days, Friday July 22nd and Saturday July 23rd for two panels she will be a part of; Batman: Year One and a Spiderman video game she is also doing.

Katee will only be on the panels and will not be signing during her time at Comic Con. :-(

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Greetings Fellow Colonials,

It brings me great pleasure to welocme James Michael Katsouils as your Virgon delegate to the Quorum of Twelve. Mister Katsouils recieved 8 Yes (100%) to 0 No (0%) votes to confirm his place amongst the other Quorum of Twelve members.


James Cecil

Caprica Delegate

Quorum of Twelve

Public Relations Contact


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OK, this is a year old now, but I just found it and HAD to share it with everyone!



Some guy went and made a Colonial Viper Starfighter from Battlestar Galactica out of an old Postal Service Jeep, a bunch of other crap, and a small-block Chevy V-8.


Read more and VIEW MORE PICS at


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I know alot of you don't know that I have a play by e-mail game called Battlestar Cruiser Yatleau out there in Yhaoo Groups land. Well I do. Course it has done much in the past year or so and that is mainly due to real life. But is that and issue now you ask? No it isn't however I will say that I can not predict when real life issues won't poke it's nasty head up and force me to have to deal with them it is something we all face.


Battlestar Cruiser Yatleau (http://www, is set right after the cylons have attacked the colonies and is returning from a five year deep space exploration mission. I'd like to revive the Battlestar Cruiser Yatleau with a new crew and restart the story line. If anyone out there is interested give me yell. Oh and if you want to play a cylon even those who don't know they're a cylon that's cool too. Heck I'll even allow Commander Adama and company to be played in the game.



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Hello everyone,

It is with great pleasure that we present this little sit down discussion with Rick Worthy...thank you Rick for taking the time to answer the questions I threw at you!

Listen everyone, Rick is a super cool guy and a lot of fun to talk to and on top of that he's a member of this very go say hi!

Anyway without further ado, I present Mr. Rick Worthy...


Shawn: You grew up in Detroit and I also understand your Dad worked in the auto what turned your mind to acting?


Rick: Yes, I grew up in Detroit, a child of Motown and automobiles.

Almost everyone in my family worked for GM, Ford or Chrysler or in a business that was somehow connected to the Big 3 auto manufactuars.

My Mom and Dad saw the birth of Motown music...The Supremes, The Four Tops, etc...and my Mom once told me, "Honey, there were many,many singing groups from that time that didn't 'make it'."

My Dad knew a couple of the Four Tops.

I knew I didn't want to go into the automobile industry and I knew I couldn't sing either, but I had an itch to be on stage.

My Mom taught me and my brother how to dance and she made brilliant costumes for us and started entering us in school talent shows.

Hey man, we were moonwalking long before Michael Jackson!

It's true!

Ask my Mom!

Anyway, I suppose that's how my career started, as a dancer.

I eventually found my way into the theatre in high school and in college and that's when I really knew that I was an actor.


Shawn:  So you actually started acting in high school then?


Rick: Yes, first in high school, I did a production of "The Wiz" and then I got very involved in theatre and film at the University of Michigan.

During that time I was in a brilliant production of "The Meeting"  by Jeff Stetson.

"The Meeting" is a play about the fictional meeting of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King a week before Malcom X's assassination.

I played Rashad, Malcolm X's bodyguard and my acting professor played Malcolm X.

I learned a grat deal during that time.

It was as great, great experience.


Shawn:  So your first experience was acting on the did that impact your outlook on the craft?...did it change any pre-conceived notions you might have had about acting in general?


Rick: After "The Meeting" I was asked to be the lead in the play "The Mighty Gents" by Richard Wesley.

"The Mighty Gents" is a great play about gangbangers from New Jersey who are approaching the 30 year old mark...they're not young kids anymore with dreams of a better tomorrow...that tomorrow has arrived and they find that they haven't really grown or gone anywhere better.

I played the leader of the Mighty Gents, "Frankie" and it was one of the best experiences I could have ever had.

A great deal of work was set before me and I happily dove in and soaked up as much as I could of Frankie and his world.

I learned a lot about stage acting, what it takes to carry a play and how to work effectively with a rather large ensemble of actors and crew.

But at this time, I still had a lot to learn about on-camera acting.

I had worked on-camera a couple of  years prior to "The Mighy Gents" and I had no idea what I was doing...I was completely new and had no solid idea of the craft or skills of film acting.

But I was grateful for the opportunity and it defintely got my career started.

Film/TV acting and stage acting are different.

They say that if you can act on stage, you can act on film...I think that's true.

But what is also true is that if you can act on film, that doesn't necessarily mean you can act on stage.

Julia Roberts was in a Broadway play a few years ago and although I didn't see it, I heard her reviews weren't very strong.


Shawn: You left Detroit to pursue your career...where did you go first & what landed you in Los Angeles?


Rick: I went to many actors think that they have to go to New York or L.A., but thank God my brother was living in Chicago at this time of my life and I visited him after spending a couple of weeks in New York and I went to see a couple of plays when I was there.

I quickly realized that there were a lot of actors living and working in Chicago, NOT L.A. or New York.

Chicago seemed more affordable than New York and it seemed less hectic, so I gave it a shot.

It was was one of the best decisions I ever made.

I started working almost immediately after getting to Chicago and I developed a solid working life as an actor and made some great friends.

But at some point the idea of moving to L.A. started bugging me, because I knew that if I wanted a shot at bigger roles on TV and in film, I had to go to L.A.

So after developing a solid theatre resume and a solid on-camera reel, I moved to L.A.

I've been in L.A. for 17 years now.


Shawn: Talk about your first big break on Television..."Star Trek" has played a very big role in your career thus far...


Rick: My first break was a video game called "Kingon Warrior"...I had auditioned for a few different TV shows when I first arrived in L.A., but I didn't book any of them.

My agent told me that there was a video game being produced by the folks at "Star Trek", and that I hsould go audition for it.

I did and I remember walking in to meet Ron Surma, the Casting Director of all the "Star Trek" series and Jonathan Frakes, "Number One", as I'm sure you guys all know :)

Jonathan liked what I was doing and he offered me a job.

I happily took it, even though I had no car at the time.

It was a 2 week shoot and I played a Klingon and I had so much fun and felt like this was a brilliant first job for me to have in L.A.

This job led to a nice role in "Star Trek: Voyager", where I played Automated Personanel Unit 3947, a robot that B'Lanna Torrez finds adrift in space.

She resurrects him and he eventually kidnaps her and forces her to make more copies of his kind.

That experience put me solidly in the Star Trek world, so to speak and I subsequently worked on Star Trek a few more times after that.


Shawn: Speaking of Star appeared in "Star Trek: Insurrection"...what was that like?


Rick: Yes, I appeared in "Insurrection" was fun, they made me up to look like a half-man/half-salamander...My Grandma called me from Detroit to tell me she had seen "Insurrection" and she saw me in it...I said "Grandma, how'd you know it was me??"

She laughed and said, "I know your eyes"...Awww, Gotta love Grandma's.


Shawn: I have to throw in on this played a Klingon on "Deep Space Nine"...yes, still "Star Trek" related...was that a process to get into character?


Rick: Playing a Klingon was so much freakin' fun...the hair, the face, the Klingon teeth, the way they speak and walk and their wardrobe..I always saw the Klingon's as a combination of Japanese Samurai who haven't had their morning coffee (or tea!) and African Zulu warriors.

Simply put: Bad-Ass Motherfuckers.


Shawn: Ok, I'm going to move into BSG territory here...your character of did you construct him?


Rick: Well, for Simon, I wanted to play him with a simpole and direct objective.

Cylon self-determination.

Whether or not you view the Cylon character as evil or good depends on which side your are on.

From Adama's point of view, the Cylon's represent the unltimate evil (ironically created by Man)...From Cavil's and the other 11 models, the humans represent the greatest obstacle to Cylon existance and freedom.

Yes, Simon has a function, being that of a scientist and doctor, but "The Plan" is his super-objective.

But we discover in "The Plan", the Cylon plan didn't frakking work!


They fell in love.


Shawn: In "The Plan" you had to create a dichotomy between the Simon on the Galactica & the Simon on Caprica..did

this create a conflict in your acting method?


Rick: Fun and challenging to play two different versions of "the same guy".

I don't think I've had to do that until "The Plan".

I loved the "softer" Simon, having a wife and daughter...maybe it resonated with something deep inside myself, a longing to have that kind of love in my life..I was very touched when I read the script for "The Plan", brilliantly written by my friend, Jane Espensen.

I love you Jane!


Shawn: Talk to me about what you have got going now...what projects are you working on post-Galactica?


Rick: Right now I'm playing the Alpha Vampire on the show "Supernatural", a wonderful character to play and I must say I love the cast and crew of this show.

They are all great and I think they appreciate being on a super-succesful show.

There are no ego-maniacs on "Supernatural", I can't say that that about 95% of the other shows I've worked on.


Shawn: Hey, if the offered you a part in "Blood & Chrome"...silly question, would you go for it?


Rick: Hell Yes I would take it!!!!!!!


You're funny Shawn!!!! ;)


Shawn: I always ask this of actors...but really, what advice do you have for those aspiring to be one?


Rick: Get on stage.

Learn your craft.

Go see theatre, go see films, go see international films, especially with sub-titles, see actors acting.

A long time ago when I was studying theatre in college, I was an extra on a commerical in Michigan.

Someone handed me a book: "How To Be A Working Actor" by Marly Lyn Henry and Lynne Rogers.

That book pointed the way for me and a lot of others.

Buy it.

Read it.

It will help you tremendously.


God Bless Everyone and of course, So Say We ALL!!!!




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More tid bits on the Bear Mc Creary Interview

Battlestar Fan Club



The Bear Mc Creary Interview

By Herbert Brunner

Cliff Gardner

Shawn O’Donnell


The video that's coming soon

Hello fans, Herb Brunner here. I wanted to share some more about the interview before I get the video out soon.  One thing you’ll notice when we post the video, is that we didn’t do a formal introduction of ourselves at the beginning.  Why?  Well, this is how it went down.


The set up


12578010497?profile=originalCliff and I had arrived early.  It was a casual setting and we began setting up the cameras while waiting for Shawn and Chris. Chris Loomis is the photographer that did Richard Hatch’s photo shoot later that afternoon right before our R. Hatch interview. In the mean time Bear Cliff and I had begun a casual conversation about BSG, the music, and the concert in 2009 at the house of Blues. That night the crowd went wild when the BSG Orchestra performed the track ‘Apocalypse’ that's featured on the stand alone DVD episode called ‘Battlestar Galactica THE – PLAN’. Of course I mentioned Tina Guo - Classical & Electric Cellist. You'll see her do a solo during the 'Apocalypse' performance in the video below. Bear propped his feet up for a moment in response to my joking to Cliff about not getting our socks on film. So bear was  having a little fun too.


If you haven’t finished all season’s one through four of the BSG series on DVD yet, I urge you to not watch THE PLAN until you do.  It will ruin the series, well maybe not ruin it; however there are things that you should not know, and if you do, you won’t have the same fascinating experience of the series. When seen in the it's intended order  - after all seasons have been viewed - THE PLAN is an absolutely incredible addition, the true icing on the cake; yes it’s that good. That’s how important it is to let it rest until the end of season four after the last episode. Trust me don’t do it, or you’ll suffer at the hands - or steel claws rather - of a group of Cylon Centurions.







The interview

The interview with Bear Mc Creary was great. We began filming after a short conversation about the Battlestar Galactica Orchestra performance at House of Blues. Eventually, it suddenly dawned on me - We should be filming! It was off the record but our conversation may as well be part of the interview.  Shawn and Chris were close to the location anyway, I suggested to Cliff that he go ahead and start shooting. This is why the video just cuts into the middle of a conversation. That’s one long explanation Uh? Well I’ve been known to be complicated. Of all the questions I asked Bear, one was about his vividness of BSG scenes and their corresponding scores. Many moons have passed the work has been done, the series is long over, other projects have been on the table and more on the rise.I was curious if even to this day when he performs BSG music if he's has a strong vividness of every detail of a scene while performing it's corresponding score. 

For example, while casually performing a simple piano version of ‘Prelude to War’, but perhaps in the comfort of his own home or studio. Is it only the music or both?





We certainly think you’ll enjoy the video. It will be available soon, and you'll hear first hand Bear's personal experience, and input about it, and he did actually have much  to say about that question; including the musicians that perform his scores and the emotional aspect. Bear Mc Creary graciously went on to answer  and discuss more of my questions. He was very open expressive, and flowed though every detail. I’m sure Shawn, Cliff and Chris would all agree that it was a great experience!


What about you fan club members? When you hear the music by itself, long after having completed an episode or the entire series of BSG; do you remember, visualize specific details vividly?  I know I do.




How ironic that through Bear's music of Battlestar Galactica, I've learned to appreciate a new genre, and that would be classical.  I've always listened to the genre of soundtracks for years. Not all of the music throughout the Battlestar Galactica series is is what I would expect to hear in a typical classical concert setting, it is what it is for a purpose.

Some Battlestar Galactica scores I assume do fit right into the classical genre right? In any case, when it comes to the classical genre, I now see beyond my personal likes or dislikes of a piece of music in itself, I have a greater appreciation for the talent, skills, true art, and passions of the musicians behind the language of the piece of music. 

I'll be attending a classical music concert April 10th 2011. The Concert by Pantoum Trio includes Cecilia Tsan - Cellist, and friend of many years. Cecillia Tsan has recorded several times with Bear Mc Creary throughout this year.

BSG music in the real life of fans

According to Bear, there have been many testimonies from fans that have used the BSG music in their weddings and other personal events. Apparently people have also related to their parent(s)when hearing the Wonder My Friends theme or Adama Family theme. Personally, I can relate to that, it reminds me of my own life interaction with my father as well.

BSG as a SciFi Drama

In the end Battlestar Galactica set a new standard for SciFi and is considered a SciFi Drama and rightly so. I have no doubt that BSG would have made it into the drama category, but without Bears music behind the feel of every moment, that "drama" category would have been more difficult to reach.



Bear says hello to a couple of friends of mine, and that was really cool for him to do.  We greatly appreciate Bear Mc Creary for giving us the opportunity to for this interview for our fan club.  We appreciate his talents, his art in music, the talented musicians in his BSG Orchestra, and all who record with him on other projects as well.


Thank you Bear Mc Creary for all that you do.


BSG Orchestra HOB Concerts – Highlights



'The Shape of Things to Come'


My Personal Favorites

'Roslyn and Adama'


'The Shape of Things to Come'

'Prelude to War'

'Worthy of Survival'- (music and fan made video)

'Dark Unions'

'Someone to Trust'

'All Along the Watch Tower' - (Music and fan made video)

'Kara's Last Moments' - (Music and fan made video)


'A Promise to Return'

'The Line'

'Admiral and Commander'


'Storming New Caprica' - (Music and fan made video)

'Colonial Anthem' - Bear's remake of Stu Phillips original BSG theme.




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Ah Yes.. I am not what most would call a "typical" Syfi fanboy, but after an acquaintance of mine talked me into watching the three hour pilot of BSG i was forever a changed man. I've now watched the entire series 3 full times. (each time inviting a new atypical viewer to watch it with me.) The only negative i have found in this brilliantly put together goldmine of artistic beauty, is that i become so immersed in it, that i find myself deeply depressed with the inadequacy of every day life. I have been blessed with a more than fantastic family. My childhood was completely fulfilling and trauma-free. But in retrospect, i feel i missed a tons of life lessons in said growin' up years. I've seen Battlestar reach a crowd of folks so diverse in nature. Reach them into the core of who they really are. from questions about their god or gods, to how far someone would go for those they love. Battlestar galactica showed me a different way to look at many of lifes journeys, lessons imperative that we face, sooner or later. I am here to show my appreciation to all involved, including you all, my kind of FRAKIN' people!! Thank you making this an actual working flowing avenue for fans all over the world.


So say we all..

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Ok family, here's my feedback on the BG-Online beta and it's not a good one, be warned:

I've been playing the BG-online game for a few days now and the more I play it the more I like it (I didn't really liked it at first... not very user friendly at first)... or used to like it is a more true way to explain teh situation. The issues I have is the difficulty of the starting missions in contrast to the level of the player and the ship's maneuverability (or lack of it to be honest). 

As and example of this one mission in particular get's you into the task of defending a raptor on your own with a Mark II viper (ship of choice) and the Viper's armaments are NOTHING in comparison to the Cylon Raider's in terms of targeting. I can shoot 2000 bullets per minute and not leaving the Cylon raider's six for a second and still I miss 80% of the shots AND IN THIS GAME YOU CAN'T TURN YOUR SIX AND SHOOT THEM INTO OBLIVION LIKE IN THE SERIES, as a matter of fact there are NO, silch, nada evasive maneuvers in this game and once some get's on your ass you're done for unless you can shoot out your butt. SO... While i'm trying to concentrate into shooting the Cylon Raider in my front 2 more raiders are locked on my six and the ARE hitting 80% of their shots dropping my hull to 0. Sure I can destroy the first and get to half of the second raider but still I am so full of holes by that time that I just can't finish the damned mission.

I've done that mission 5 times now to no avail and I'm getting frustrated because it's not a thing of ability, I can keep myself glued to that Cylon Raider's Six like there's not tomorrow so it's not ability, it's the way the game is made.
The game is either demanding me to invest time in mining asteroids (the most BORING part of the game) to be able to upgrade AND then have a ship that can fight 3 raiders and win the fight or to PAY REAL CASH (in a free game? C'mon!) to buy for the materials needed to upgrade and then have a ship fit to fight 1 vs 3...
Told you it wasn't an ability thing...  this is just like a Facebook game, you pay the dime you get the best upgrades to smash your opponents. I stopped playing FB games because of that issue, the guys winning are the guys willing to pay REAL money to win.

Games are supposed to be fun... you play to have fun! and when a game becomes a hassle it stops being fun. BG-Online is becoming a hassle in the very first stages of it and that is NOT a good thing. Shame really as I was starting to like it.

What's that? Don't like it then don't play you say?

oh absolutely! I'm just giving my feedback on it, thank you very much!

you have to see it my way: I have a job and a life and very little free time to pursue hours of online gameplay. I've been a World of Warcraft (the mother of all MMOs) gamer for years and never in the most hard quests did I ever felt frustrated to the point of not playing anymore but the lack of realism in the flight simulation feeling, the lack of balance (yes, again I mean the "you pay it, you get it" thing) in it and the absolute lack of maneuverability makes this game a slow and painful experience to beat. I'll keep visiting it to check new changes that will hopefully make this experience a fun one but until then, bye bye online fleet i wish I could say it was fun but it was sadly not.

I'll stick to WoW for the time being.

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Bear Mc Creary Interview Day

Hello Everyone,


Just a note. I will be getting the Bear Mc Creary interview out soon. The interview went well. Bear was great, even said hello to a couple of friends for me at the end. I had asked Bear a few questions. One question was about the BSG music scores and visual memories of every moment of a scene that goes along with it. Another was in regards to his decision to compose scores. It's a cool interview, It was nice to meet  and talk to the man behind the music of BSG. I'll type up more about that interesting day soon when I get the video squared away.




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The Wedding Cake is Not a Lie!

Funny thing I always talk about is what action figures would stand in for me and my unknown future husband. One ex identified as a Jedi and the last identified with John Crichton from Farscape. I have a have a feeling my Starbuck action figure would have thought the Jedi was a wuss and would have punched out Crichton and told him to "Get the frak off my cake!" Yeah an "Sam Anders" on my cake would be nice but I have no problem with a Chief Tyrol or a Captain Kelly on my cake. Just some fangirl musings.
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