Writing music for “Battlestar Galactica” and “Caprica,” I have set music to some incredible events in outer space.  I’ve accompanied spaceships and nebulae, black holes and supernovas.  However, these cosmic phenomena shared one thing in common:  they were all fiction.  But, this week, I am deeply honored that my music will now provide an emotional backdrop for a space event that is very real indeed: the final NASA Shuttle Launch in United States history.

Fanfare for STS-135

nasa02.pngMy original composition, “Fanfare for STS-135,” will premiere this Friday morning (July 8th) at the NASA launch Tweet Up event, and will also be heard by the crowds throughout the other locations at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.  If you aren’t among the lucky spectators, the fanfare may turn up on NASA TV and the official website as well.  A downloadable recording of “Fanfare for STS-135″ is planned for the fall.



Fanfare for STS-135 - Final Shuttle Mission

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  • This is just AMAZING! I am a NASA fan and the final shuttle mission filled me with great emotion and then combine it with Bear's music which also fills me with great emotion makes for a great combo. What a great honor for you Bear. I am only so sad I cannot get a full earful of this score (and listen to it while watching a recording of the launch.)  Thank you Herb!
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