Series (2)

A mission statement for Checkers Green

The concept of Checkers Green came about after observing the amount of charity work in which the stars of the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica are involved. Their devotion to social, civic, humanitarian, and environmental issues is impressive and admirable -- and inspirational. 

Inspiration is ultimately what Checkers Green has been created to provide, or at least to be a venue for it.

If asked, most of us would probably agree that it’s all too easy to get wrapped up in the whirlwind of daily life and forget to give back. Or to be left with your head spinning when you think about all the places you could make your contribution and not being able to decide, or knowing which is even legitimate. 

This is where Checkers Green comes in for BSG fans. 

The aim of the site is to turn the spotlight on the activism and charitable works of the stars, gathering as much information as possible and putting it in one location, offering it up to fans as potential opportunities to give.

Bodie Olmos’ (Brendan “Hot Dog” Constanza) recent fund-raising in conjunction with his run in the L.A. Marathon provided me such an opportunity. It felt good to give. It felt great to cheerlead his fundraising, but it felt absolutely amazing to watch that total climb to more than $10,000 by the end of the race and know it was going to fight cancer, a disease that robbed me of two of the most important men in my life at young ages.

The joy of giving is what I hope to spread to other Battlestar Galactica fans with Checkers Green

It is my wish that it will help circumvent some of the “obstacles” to giving that daily life tosses at us and provide inspiration for people to step up and help in whatever way moves them.
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