It is with the greatest honor,...

As a founder of the Colonial Defense Forces, I have watched as our group went through growth and turmoil, good times and bad, fat and lean. Through the more than 6 years of our existence, we have faced many threats both internal and external and always come out stronger than when we were engaged.

Recently we underwent another such engagement, internal forces attempted to use a personal, yet serious, situation to their advantage to claim what we have built as their own and remake it in their image. We fought back, we did not surrender, and now we have emerged victorious. It is my honor and privilege to come before you today to announce an event that will secure the CDF's future now and for all time. Let us continue from here, victorious yet again in our latest battle, in an era of new growth and prosperity.

Many people have contributed mightily over the last few weeks, months and even years to bring us to our present situation. Without the hard work and dedication of so many of you, the CDF might have died a premature death from apathy or lack of interest.

Effective 12 JULY 2011 at 10:31 am PST, the Colonial Defense Forces is officially incorporated.

It is with the greatest honor that I present to you, the people of the fleet, the corporate charter of the Colonial Defense Forces Incorporated.

Over the next few months in accordance with time tables established by the Secretary of State of the state of Nevada and the Internal Revenue Service of the United States of America, we will be performing specific duties including,

  • Writing and filing corporate by laws by which the CDF will function legally.
  • Establish a clear and legally binding chain of command and succession for the leadership of the Colonial Defense Forces.
  • Establish our corporate identity so that the CDF can take advantage of certain programs and privileges reserved for corporations.

Our future is bright. Our partnerships with and associations to various people, organizations and activities within the BSG and greater SciFi community have and will continue to assist and carry us along our path. A period of new growth is just around the corner and we are poised on the brink to reap the rewards of persevering and remaining true to our beliefs and principals for so long.

Many things remain to be done, many things require attention please bear with us as we work our way through our new tasks to finish what has been started, as we always have.

Please join me in raising a tall glass of ambrosia to all of you that have supported, assisted, and guided us along our sometimes rocky path to our current position and may our future be as bright as a million suns.

So Say We All!
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  • Great job!!
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