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Two for one Hero's!

Fellow Colonials!

For those who think they might have missed the Hero presentation last didn't...we decided to wait till this week to make a special double presentation!

(and an interesting story of how Hollywood and it's actors...well, mesh together).

First we want to honor a producer who was vital to bringing Battlestar Galactica to the the small screen...among other projects like: Magnum P.I., Airwolf, Quantum Leap, JAG & NCIS.

Of course I'm talking about none other than Don Bellasario!

A true Hero of Battlestar Galactica.



Now as for our second presentation, this goes out to a man who appeared in...well, a LOT..of film...the list is very long.

I will give you an example & maybe you can guess?

He appeared name a few...The Sword and the Sorcerer, Invasion USA, The Seven-Ups, Scarecrow, Little Nikita, Bad Dreams, God Told Me To, Puppet Master 3, Trancers 2 & Rob Zombie's reboot of Halloween.

Give up?

He also played Arctus Baran in Star Trek: The Next Generation in Gambit parts I & II...and held the distinction of playing THREE different roles in three different incarnations of Battlestar Galactica.

Wolfe in the TOS episode Gun on Ice Planet Zero, Xavier in Galactica 1980 & of course Count Iblis in Richard Hatch's Battlestar Galctica: The Second Coming...not to mention a role in Richard's Great War of Magellan.

The Hero honor goes to the late, great Richard Lynch!



OK, so now for the little Hollywood mesh story...or connection story if you will...bear in mind that actors and producers (as well as writers and directors) are ALL over the paths invariably cross.

I'll use the above mentioned Rob Zombie's Halloween as a perfect example (actually puts me in the story a little bit, but hey it's also from a personal perspective).

So I'm sure everyone knows who Brad Dourif is?

If not...he appeared in One Flew over the Cuckoo's nest, Dune, Lord of the Rings, The Exorcist III, The X-Files, Lon Suder on Star Trek: Voyager & the voice of Chucky from Child's Play...and really that is only naming a few!


Anyway, Sophie LaPorte (who co-produced The Second Coming with Richard was also an agent & she repped for Brad...I was at a Con in New York...Long Island to be more exact & Sophie wanted me to give a message to's been a while so I don't really recall what it was, but I chased him down & relayed the message...nice guy & not a bit scary! (yeah, he usually plays a wacked out stinker...but he's really, really good at it).

So obviously you can connect BSG there by association...Brad was in the Halloween remake.

Secondly, as mentioned Richard Lynch was also in Halloween...and obvious where the BSG tie-in comes through...and interestingly enough...(here is where I come in)...I was seated right next to Richard Lynch on stage while Richard Hatch was giving a monologue about The Second Coming (prior to screening) at DragonCon...gave me the chance to chit chat with Richard L.

Helluva nice guy btw.

Thirdly...Richard just appeared in Cowboys & Engines...alongside Malcom know him of course from A Clockwork Orange, Time After Time, Soran from Star Trek: Generations & of course...tie-in Dr. Loomis in Rob Zombie's Halloween (reprising the role made famous, of course by Donald Pleasence in the original Halloween franchise).


This of course is just a slice of the big picture....just shows that people "get around".

Again, a salute to our heroes!

So Say We All!


Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club

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Saturday Night CAP with the Flying Tiger’s, Ens. Bunny On Point:

The Raven has made several jumps since the destruction of the secret Cylon Lab on the dwarf planet. The Cylons are desperately searching for the Raven in every sector possible to make us pay for destroying their Lab and disrupting their experimentation. The Cylons will not stop until the Raven is eliminated.

Mission Briefing:

“Attention” Tiger’s “Attention”

Spartan squadron is about to complete their CAP. The Flying Tiger’s are up next!!!!

This CAP isn’t business as usual. The Cylons are searching the entire universe to make us pay for destroying their secret laboratory. Our whole squadron will be launching as soon as the Spartan squadron returns to the Raven.

There is no telling what we will encounter out there today. It could be Basestar’s, a hand full of Raiders, or possibly nothing at all. We’re not taking any chances, so along with our standard munitions; each of us will be packing two nukes.

Ensign Bunny will be on point!!!!!

Any questions? Prepare to launch on the Port Flight Deck!!!!!

Good Hunting!!!!!

SO SAY WE ALL! ! ! ! !

The Mission Begins:

  • Me

CAG to Raven over……Spartan squadron Bingo Fuel…….we’re coming in for a landing….Roger that CAG you’re clear to land over……XO to Reamer over……Flying Tiger’s prepare to launch……Roger that XO….we’re ready to launch over…..

· have point!!!!

  • 9:57 PM
  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Roger that! Completing pre-flight checklist now.

  • 10:00 PM
  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Prefilght check complete...

  • Me

OK Tiger's launch when ready!!!!!

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Roger that Lt. launching in 3.. 2.. 1..

  • Me

I'm all set, pre-filght's are a go......

·         I'm right behind you Bunny....Launching NOW!!!

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Let's form up!

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Launching in 3.. 2..1.....go!

  • Me

Dutchman you're on Bunny's wing.....El Cid I have your six.....

·         Roger that LT.....I feel safe tonight!!!

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

OK guys, once we're all in formation we're going to get some space from the Raven and do a sweep of the area. Sound good Lt?

  • Me

OK El Cid....don't get cockie on me....

·         Copy that Bunny....over...

·         Reamer to HotWire over.......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I'm clear of the Raven. Activating FireFox.

  • Me

Get your flight in formation.......CAG reported on Cylons........

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Flight 2 let's get tight.

  • Me

Lets hope we have a boring CAP for a change.........FireFox switched to auto everyone.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

FireFox activated

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Roger that

  • Me

OK Tiger's....Arm Nukes we're far enough away from the Raven.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Roger that

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli


  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Let's do an offensive patrol, flight 1

  • Me

It seems too quiet for my liking.......what about the rest of you......

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

It does seem quiet Lt.

·         Nothing on Dradis yet!

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Quiet is a good thing Lt.

  • Me

Roger that Bunny....we're right behind you.....

·         Roger that Hitman.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Lt. I think I'm picking something up now

·         Hitman, do you see anything on your Dradis?

  • Me

Yeah....I think I see it....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Not yet....... wait

·         Yes

·         What the. ......

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

I see 4 raiders, 2 o'clock

  • Me

OH Yeah we're not going to be lonly anymore.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

More seem to be jumping in but I'm not sure how many

  • Parker Gabriel

Archon to all vipers--come in...what is going on here?

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Flight 1 let's break formation and engage targets

  • Me

OK Tiger's lets go to work.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Dutchman, you're with me

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Frak! They are coming out of nowhere!

  • Me

El Cid break right lets get those toasters....

·         Yeah LT woohoo........scrap metal in my sight's.....

  • Parker Gabriel

CYLONS?!? HERE--in proximity to EARTH??? Lords Of Kobol help us...

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

I'm lining up a shot! Let's do some recycling!

  • Me

Firing....spalsh one toaster....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Trek stay with me we got some recycling to do..

  • Me

Great shooting El Cid....I got this one.....whoosh.....HD-70 away.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Splash one, Dutchman you've got one at 9 o'clock

·         great shooting Dutchman!

  • Me

Another one bites the dust.....Yeah....

  • Parker Gabriel

:-O I cannot leave my own base to assist viper is still out of commission.

  • Me

Oh well Parker!!!!

·         You can borrow one of ours, what is your location!!!!

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Firing on another, splash another toaster!

  • Me

There's another bunch....12 O'clock low.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

I see them! Let's do this!

  • Me

Lets dive on those suckers.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Roger that!

  • Me

And litter space.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I got you now chrome for brains... fire!

  • Parker Gabriel

That is Colonel ARCHON to you, Lieutenant. And I do not happen to like the idea of borrowing vipers from other Warriors.

  • Me

Why don't you add your rank and call sign to your mane so everyone knows who you are?

·         It's a very simple thing to do!!!!

  • Parker Gabriel

Moreover, I engaged in too many flights for my own liking in repeated raids on Gamorray.

  • Me

Diving and lining up a shot......

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Dutchman, I've got one I can't shake. You got him! Thanks Dutchman!

  • Parker Gabriel

That was when I was under Commander Cain aboard the "Pegasus."

  • Me

Let's launch a few missiles on them....Yeah....

·         OH well.

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Roger that Lt. Launching two missiles..

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Pay attention out there we can't get soft!

  • Parker Gabriel

What assistance CAN I give from planet-side?

  • Me

Whoosh.....multiple missile launches.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

The scrap is really piling up!

  • Me

Yeah El Cid you got him....I got one too....

·         Bunny how are you and Dutchman holding up....over...

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

We're doing good Lt.!

  • Me

Great job Tiger's.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Got another one!

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Trek take this one I'll get your six.

  • Me

We have our work cut out for us tonight....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Nice shooting Trek!

  • Parker Gabriel

Archon to "Galactica" on Fleet ComLine Alpha: Is the recycler ship able to launch shuttles?

·         Yes?

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

I see one trying to get away, going after him before he can run away!

  • Me

Lets come around.....and make another pass....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Splash another toaster, he's not going anywhere now.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Do not let them get away!

  • Me

I see a few more jumping in at 3 O'clock high....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

I see them

  • Parker Gabriel

Wonderful news, Commander. Could you have those shuttles launch when ready?

  • Me

OH Yeah..... I see something Gold in the distance....

  • Parker Gabriel

Thank you, Commander. Archon out.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Hey Bunny yes do you see that!

  • Me

Some Goldies coming to the party....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Let's show them a good time!

  • Me

Lets do an Immelman turn and get on top of them....

  • Parker Gabriel

Ground probes show debris field over two hundred maxims in diameter now forming in your vicinity.

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Roger that

  • Me

Climbing and leveling off.......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I need some more cubits. Let's get em!

  • Me

There they are ....

·         just ahead of us at 3 o'clock still....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Roger that Lt. Let's get them!

  • Me

Lining up the shot.....guns blazing......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Be careful out here there the debris is everywhere.

  • Me

Oh missed him....

  • Parker Gabriel

Archon to recycler-shuttle convoy: Hold your positions till all-clear is sounded. I say again: Hold your positions till all-clear is sounded!

  • Me

El Cid hit em with an HD-70....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Dutchman got one! Good shooting!

  • Me

Roger that Lt....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Great job El Cid

  • Me

Firing.....whoosh.... missile away....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

These goldies are good. ... but not that good! Take that gold member !

  • Me

Yeah....El Cid got a Goldie.....

·         Great shooting El Cid....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Lining up a shot, firing... got a goldie! Yes!

  • Me

I see a couple more....turning to starboard....

·         firing two HD-70's.....whoosh.....

·         Eat that Goldie.....LOL....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

There is a lot of scrap around here!

·         Just piling up!

  • Me

Woohoo.....nothing but Gold Dust in the wind.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Hotwire, one at your 3 o'clock, oh you got him!

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Nice shooting!

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Part 2 CAP Ens. Bunny on Point

  • Me

Watch out everyone.....stay clear of the scrap....

  • Parker Gabriel

Watch yourselves, all of you--suspect those craft may be carrying Pluton radiation bombs, and those may contaminate our food supply unless we use caution.

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Do you see anymore incoming?

  • Parker Gabriel

Archon to recycler shuttles: Prepare to initiate Pluton decontamination protocols.

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

We can't let any get away!

  • Me

What's that on our 10 O'clock.....

·         It looks bigger than a Raider....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Uh oh!

  • Parker Gabriel

Ground probes have localized base star in your vicinity.

  • Me

Yeah.....I see a few Turkeys......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

OK Tigers this just interesting.

  • Me

They we're going to set up a listening post on us....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Let's go hunting.

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Copy that Hitman!

  • Me

Watch out everyone....there's bound to be more Raiders as their cover....

·         I love Turkey Hunting.....LOL.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Trek and I got your six Bunny ...

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Roger that, staying alert!

  • Parker Gabriel

But I do not understand. Why would the Cylons wish to establish a "listening post" here? Earth has not advanced far enough to help us in our struggle against the Cylons.

  • Me

Make every shot count....

·         We don't want the Turkeys to fly the coop....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Ok, Dutchman, let's collect some scrap for the junk yard!

·         We'll have to clip their wings lol

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Make sure we account for all turkeys

  • Me

They're receiving messages from a spy aboard the Raven....lets scrap them…….

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Oh no! That's not good at all!

  • Me

I got a fat one in my sights.....launching my last HD-70.....

·         Whoosh.....missile away....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Dutchman and I are taking one at 2 o' clock high

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I got one now. Take that!!!!

·         Got ya!

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Missiles away, boom!

  • Me

Sparks flying....WOW what a sight....splash one Turkey....Gobble Gobble.....

  • Parker Gabriel

Ground probes are showing all your laser cannons running low on mega-ergons. And go easy on your solonite torpedo usage; they could employ that to set up a similar minefield to Madagon.

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Engaging a raider, lining up the shot... firing, got him!

  • Me

Here comes a few more Raiders....just as I expected....on our 9 O'clock....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Did we get all the Turkeys?

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I see them ! Go! We'll cover you!

  • Me

I think the Turkies are done for....Bunny over....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Copy that Lt. now to clean up the rest of the toasters!

  • Me

Lets finish off the raiders before they jump away....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Roger that, splash one toaster!

  • Me

El Cid lets get those two......

  • Parker Gabriel

No signs of any lightspeed-capable mega-raiders on any ground probe. But again, watch for Pluton radiation.

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Hotwire got another, nice shot!

  • Me

Guns Blazing..... I got one LT.....

·         I got one too El Cid....great shooting....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Splash another!

  • Me

Great shooting's your ammo holding up?

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Starting to run a little low, but making each shot count!

  • Me

I got plenty of 30mm and two Nukes....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I'm good too.

  • Me

OK lets make sure we got them all......

  • Parker Gabriel

I just received word from Core Command--it cannot dispatch a single combat tanker to your locations. You are on your own.

  • Me

Roger that Colonel...our fuel is good....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

I've got on in my sights, got him! Splash another toaster!

  • Me

I wish I had a few more missiles....

  • Parker Gabriel

Have any of our Warriors become casualties of this skirmish?

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Trek and I will go ahead and look for more...maybe stragglers.

  • Me

No reports of any casualties Sir ....

  • Parker Gabriel

Ground probes do not indicate a single destroyed viper in this area.

  • Me

OK everyone form up and look sharpe.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Roger that Lt.

  • Me

Lets make another sweep around the Fleet before we head back....

  • Parker Gabriel

Keep fix on my ground station so you can broaden your range.

  • Me

Roger that...

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Hitman to Lt. All clear here... full sweep performed.

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Nothing on Dradis

  • Parker Gabriel

Have you detected any Pluton radiation?

  • Me

Roger that Hitman.....looks clear here as well....

·         None....just Tons of scrap metal....LOL....

·         They don't make them like they used to.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Flight 1 let's form up and get back to the Raven

  • Parker Gabriel

Archon to recycler shuttles: All-clear has been sounded. I say again: All-clear has been sounded. You may commence scavenging operations.

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

They're like tin cans

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

We're returning to you now Bunny.

  • Parker Gabriel

Initiate Pluton decontamination protocols as a precaution.

  • Me

OK Tiger's another successful Extermination Procedure.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Great job guys! We didn't lose anyone thank gods!

  • Me

Let’s head for the Raven....and a cool one in the lounge....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Copy that Reamer

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Roger that Lt.

  • Parker Gabriel

My prayers...go with you...and with all who serve alongside you.

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

It's nice to see the Raven after a scrapping session!

  • Me

My paint got scratched by the Turkey that exploded that's about it....

·         Roger that....

·         Raven in sight....I'll pick up the rear....

  • Parker Gabriel

The "Galactica" will be very pleased to hear that we came through this without losing a single viper or Warrior.

  • Me

Reamer to Raven over....

·         We're coming in for a landing....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I'm gonna need a little work on my Viper.

  • Me

Chief Beaton will fix you up Hitman....

  • 10:51 PM
  • Me

OK Tiger's we're clear to land....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Roger that Reamer

  • 10:52 PM
  • Me

I got the ball......I'm coming in on the Prot flight pod.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Smooth landing, thankfully!

  • Me

Yeah....didn't scratch the chiefs deck....

·         He'll be a happy knuckle dragger....LOL

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Copy that Reamer!

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Hitman to Raven I am calling the ball come in ball......(This is the Ball , Hitman you are clear to land). Roger that ball I'm coming in. Reducing speed to 1. . Skids down thrusters off. I'm down ... maglock on!

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Let's all get a drink! On me this time!

  • Me

Climbing out of the cockpit....checking for damage to my bird....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Not too bad, compared to the condition we left them in!

  • Me

Sound good to me Bunny!!!!!

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Meet you there!

  • Parker Gabriel

Recycler shuttles are now collecting the remains of the debris field. Decontaminations are in progress. Main recycler ship is on its way to collect what remains and exceeds shuttles's capacities.

  • Me

Roger that Bunny.

  • Parker Gabriel

We may be able to artifice an entirely new series of vipers with the debris from that skirmish.

  • Me

El Cid, Dutchman....How’s your Vipers looking?

·         That's a great Idea Parker.

·         The Cylons wouldn't know what hit them next time.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Climbing out. Chief, she is gonna need a little love. It got a little hot and heavy out there today.

  • Parker Gabriel

It is an idea almost as old as the Colonies themselves. We simply have not had the resources to act upon it since we lost the war.

  • Me

It looks OK to me Hitman!!!!!

·         The Chief will have it looking new before our next mission.

·         Mine needs some work and a new paint job as well.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Look at this side though Lt

  • Me

I'm heading for the ships lounge....Bunny's buying....

·         Oh, I see what you mean Hitman, that's a real mess.

  • Parker Gabriel

The ground probe beams from the base I maintain on Earth had encountered some interference, and they too sustained damage from the skirmish. But nothing I cannot repair myself.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Nothing the Chief can't fix.

  • Me

Chief Beaton and his men will fix it.

·         OK...lets have a drink!!!!

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Roger that

  • Parker Gabriel

When I served under Commander Cain, I learned to conduct many of my own repairs, since Cain did not have a full technical or engineering complement aboard the "Pegasus."

·         He simply could not recruit enough fully-qualified personnel.

  • 11:03 PM
  • Parker Gabriel

And as for myself, it is too late for any sort of repast, and I do not like intoxicants. I will be reporting to the makeshift Life Station we maintain on the surface of Earth.

  • 11:04 PM


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Flying Tigers Viper Mk II Model

Fellow BFC Members!

          For the last couple of weeks I have been working on putting together my very own “Flying Tiger’s” Viper Mk II model (FTV Mk II).  Thankfully, I’ve had a lot of support from Lt. Reamer with the project.  He suggested that I write a blog and post it here to share it with all of you.   I'm re-posting it now onto the main site, in addition to the Flying Tiger's page, so everyone can view it.

          The Viper model kit is made by a company called Moebius Models.  They offer many different BSG models and I’ve been very happy with the quality of this model kit.  In addition, I also purchased a Revell P-40B Tiger Shark model kit to use a few of the decals for my FTV.  I used the P-40’s instructions to help me layout and design the camouflage pattern that reflects the image of our squadron’s emblem.12578044863?profile=original



          First the cockpit is painted then the Dradius and gauge decals are applied to the control panels. Extra details were added by painting various switches and controls in the cockpit. Then it’s set aside until the fuselage is ready for assembly. It’s pretty basic, adding more colors and details would be a good idea for models I plan on building for anyone from our squadron that’s interested. 12578044481?profile=original


          Next wires were added to the engines to make them look more detailed.  A heated sewing needle was very carefully used to make holes and then “craft wire” was strung through the holes.  Mostly, 26 gauge wire was used, and then once it was all in place, the engines and wire details were painted a steel color.  It took me a little while to get used to installing the wire because it was something I had never done before.  I used a picture of what it should look like as a guide and was happy with the results.  12578045279?profile=original


          After cementing the model together, putty was used to fill in a few of the seams on the fuselage and then it was sanded.  Mostly the putty was used on both sides of the cockpit and some of the other seams to smooth it out so they are no longer visible.  Then the first coat of sandy-tan paint was applied as the base coat.  The bottom was painted flat gray.  Next I laid out the camo design on paper, roughly in line with the P-40 instructions but it was adapted to the Viper’s shape.  Olive green paint was used to make the outlines of the camo pattern, and then the green stripes were filled in.  Along the way I made a few adjustments to the width of the stripes with Lt. Reamer’s suggestions.  I’m really happy with how the paint job came out!  12578045061?profile=original

          Once I was satisfied with the paint job, it was sprayed with a clear coat to prepare for the decals.  Personally, I enjoy putting on the decals, so that was a fun step.  I used most of the decals that come with the Viper kit, leaving out the name plate, tail number, “Galactica” and decals that would interfere with the Shark Mouth and Flying Tiger decals from the P-40 model kit. The Flying Tiger decals were applied on the side engine intakes tilted up like they’re ready to pounce! The center section of the Shark Mouth decal is removed so the decal fits onto the nose of the Viper correctly.  12578045082?profile=original


          Creating the custom decals was the most challenging aspect of the project for me; at times it was downright frustrating!  Testor’s decal paper and decal bonder were used for the custom decals.  I fiddled around with the designs on my computer with Lt. Reamer’s help, and then printed them with my inkjet printer.  The custom decals consisted of “Raven’” my very own Viper Name plate and Tail Number assigned by Admiral Rivera.

          The Viper name plate otherwise known as the VNP was the most difficult because the letters are just so small.  After the custom decals are printed, they must be sprayed with a few coats of decal bonder letting them dry in between each coat.  It took quite a few tries to get them to come out just right; it was difficult to arrive at the correct size, color, and print settings. The custom decals ended up being black instead of gray; I think the black looks really nice so it was worth the fuss.     12578045661?profile=original

12578045853?profile=original 12578046252?profile=original

          I did some weathering on my first Viper model built as Starbuck’s Mk-II, but I decided against weathering this one.  Mostly because I think it turned out really well, so it looks nice without weathering but it’s always an option.  Anyway, I hope this Blog been interesting for everyone!  I’m open to your feedback whether positive or negative, because I’m always looking to improve!


If anyone is interested, I am willing to build you your very own personalized Flying Tiger’s Viper. The choice is yours, either the Mk-II or Mk-VII.

If you would like me to build one for you, I need to know which of the following option you prefer:


Name, Call Sign, Tail Number

Skids up or down

Pilot/Canopy glued or loose

Also design preference for pilot outfit?

Viper Glued to base or loose


-Ens. Grace “Bunny” Nonemaker

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Just A Few Changes



I just have a few things to announce....

I have ask and appointed Lt. Jg. Steve Tweed , as the interim-XO of Battlestar Raven-BFC 002 and will be helping me to take care of day to day business on the Raven. I expect each and everyone of you to give him the same courtesy and respect as you would give me and the XO or the same respect you would want to be shown and given. "Old Hickory" Kreios will keep your chair warm for you during your absense. Be safe and we will all be here when you return.

Second, it is with great pleasure that I announce your new Chief Engineering Officer: Lt.Jg Jeff Phillips He has accepted to take on the role of keeping the legacy of the CEO Position, as the caretaker of the this mighty "Beast" of a Battlestar. This position also means a lot to both myself and XO for we have been both Engineering Officers. This is the position we both started out from. It is a lot of hard work keeping a battlestar going. With this position comes his promotion to Lieutenant. All the privileges that comes with the rank and position of Chief Engineering, is so duely noted on this day of 24th of September 2013 and will be effective midnight of 25th of September 2013. The Chief Engineering Officer is also 4th in Command of the Raven.

Please join me in congratulating the both of them in their new responsibilities...

Jeff "Gambit" Phillips Promotion Certificate:

Cherry "DragonLady"
BFC Vice President
Commanding Officer-Battletar Raven-002

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35 years & still going...

Fellow Colonials!

Today is a very special day indeed...television history was made and a new legend was born.

When the series ended, I don't think anybody could have even have dreamt the road that was to be followed, the path this franchise has taken.

I think all the fans really owe a debt of gratitude not only to Glenn Larson for creating Battlestar Galactica...but an equally large thanks to Richard Hatch for his unswerving dedication to the revival.

Not to be forgotten are the scores of actors, actresses, writers, directors, producers, production people & all those involved in the making of the legend as well.

In turn, all those folks have all of you...the loyal fans who supported, watched, cheered and were the real fire that powered & continues to power the engines of that grand old lady of space...the Galactica.

For the past 13 years the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club has also been in the fight since it's inception and we look forward to the NEXT 35 years of this marvel.

This event is all that much sweeter because this past Sunday, the ever so talented Bear McCreary received an Emmy for his score...not for Battlestar Galactica...but for DaVinci's Demon's.

Regardless of what the victory was is richly deserved...and we are very proud of Bear & I am very happy for my friend.

The legendary Stu Phillips introduced me to Bear a couple of years back & frankly to be in the combined presence of such two profound musical geniuses is frankly intimidating...however, both of them are friendly & humble...which makes the knowing that much better.

Right now, all I can say is "Go Bear Go!"...keep making Emmy award caliber music & the fans of that music will always be there.


Now just a little side note in preparation for our Hero of Battlestar Galactica announcement....5 years ago today, Richard Hatch, Terry Carter & many other cast members and a full compliment of fans were celebrating the 30th annniversary of BSG aboard the Carnival Paradise...lovingly dubbed Battlestar Paradise for the duration of our voyage....we were moored in the harbor of Ensanada Mexico & viewed the original "Saga of a Star World" aboard ship.

As they say....good times!

One of our guests on that voyage happens to be the recipient of tonights honor...a writer from the original series...a man whose vision shaped what we all saw on the screen & became part of the enduring legend.

Tonight Colonials, we honor Terrence McDonnell....Hero of Battlestar Galactica!

So Say We All!


Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club




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 On this Day,Thirty-Five Years Ago, A Little Sci-fi Show About Some Humans being Chased By Killer Robots Made It's Debut On ABC; This Was The Creation Of a TV Producer Named Glen Larson; He Began Developing This Idea In the 1960's; At The time, There was really No Market For Space Drama On TV,Because,After All, A Show called 'Star Trek' Only lasted Three Seasons; However, That Show Appealed To The Intellectuals, And Gained A Following That grew Bigger And Stronger as The Years Went by; Then, People saw A Film Called 'Star Wars', Written And Directed by a Upstart Named George Lucas, Which In Many Ways,opened the Flood Gates For Adventures in The Stars.

  Glen Larson took His Concept,refined it, And Pitched it To ABC; With The Success Of Star Wars Still Fresh in their Minds, They Jumped At The opportunity, And Greenlit a full season.

  At First, The Ratings Were Great; Later,however,They Began To Slip; And, The Network Rethought About This Space series,Which Was Costing them an Astounding One Million Dollars An Episode To Produce; There Were Plans For A Second Season, which Included Legendary Writer Issac Asimov as Science Consultant; Unfortunately,It was Not To Be; Due To The rising Cost of FX ,And A Court Battle Between Universal And 20th Century Fox Over Alleged Plagiarism, The Series Was Cancelled.

 A Year Later,STAR TREK,The Show It's Fans Would Not let Die,Hit The Big Screen,And Confirmed It's Becoming A Franchise. In The Meantime,The Loyal Following The Glen Larson series Had cultivated,was Beginning To Grow,And Mature;Biding It's Time in wait For The Day That Their Saga Would return.

  Fast Forward 14 years Later: The First Three chapters Of the Star Wars saga Are rolling out; The Trek Franchise,After 10 Films,And Four more TV Series,Was For the Moment,Running out of steam.  A Writer Named Ronald D. Moore,Who Had Written For The Trek Franchise, Took The Larson saga,And Updated It For The Next Generation Of Fans; He Radically changed Many of the details,Including Genders of  Some of The Main Characters; He Made The New version Of The saga Much more Darker,And Grittier, In keeping With the New Realities Of Life Today. Many Who remember the old,did Not Accept The New,Until They Took a Second look; The Story Was Still the Same: A Race Of Humans,Engaged In A War With Human-like Machines,having lost the war,Are now on The run To Find A Haven - A Planet Called EARTH.

  Looking Back on this wonderful Thing we Call BATTLESTAR GALACTICA, There is No Doubt,It Has Gained A Following Equal To Star Wars,And Star Trek; And, even though There Are Many More Sci-Fi sagas, Such as Stargate,And Walking Dead, No One Will Doubt That 'BSG' Will Continue To thrive,As long as All generations Will Have access To These Stories,And Make their own.

  With that Being said,Who Else is going To Watch The Original Pilot On DVD Tonight?


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Raven Black Marine shirt project

I've completed the first version of the Raven Marine black tactical short sleeve shirt. Please have a look and let me know what you think. This is a different shirt than the Razor black uniform shirt. This one is cotton and has the tactical type sleeve pockets with velcro on them. I've designed colony patches for the upper portion of the pockets and sized the Raven top gun patch to fit on the lower pocket velcro. The shirt has the traditional CDF type logo on the chest just like the Razor shirts. 


If you're interested in getting some of these made let me know. The more people interested the better pricing on the patches and shirts. 



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Raven New Recruiting Poster/Card For BFC

Ravens and Fellow Colonials,

We just wanted to share with all of you our NEW recruitment poster/card for BFC that we will be using for any upcoming conventions we plan on attending.  We have two versions:

Version 1:


Version 2


Which out of the two version do you like the best?


DragonLady "Raven Actual"

BFC Vice President

Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven-BFC 002

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Montreal Comiccon begins tomorrow!


Fellow Colonials of the BFC,

Yes it is, tomorrow the celebration of the 10Th anniversary of Reimagined BSG starts in Montreal.  Edward James Olmos, Michael Hogan, James Callis and Tamoh Penickett will be there as special guests to the Comiccon. As you can see Michael Hogan and Tamoh Penikett will replace Jamie Bambers, Trica Helfer and Katee Sakhoff that unfortunately had to cancel their participation.


For members of the crew of the Excalibur, the Canadian chapter of Colonial Defense Forces, It will be an occasion to gather , celebrate BSG  and have a lot of fun.   

I will then share our pics from the Con. 


Colonel Fred Landry, Commanding officer of the  BSR-05 Excalibur


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