Leave of Abscense

Squad Members, It is with much regret that I must take a Leave Of Abscense. I have just returned from UNC Chapel Hill Medical Center after consulting with the Liver Transplant Team there. With not knowing my schedule in the coming weeks or months, much of my time will be spent traveling back and forth from home to UNC. Seeing different Dr.s and spending time with family and friends. Although a transplant may be months or years away, depending on futher testing and prognosis, I will not have a lot of free time for a while. Please keep my family and I in your thoughts and prayers until we can see a light at the end of the tunnel. I will keep you updated as much as possible. Thank you again my "EXTENDED FAMILY" for always making me feel welcome in the short time I have been here. Sometimes life puts obstacles in front of us that we must do whatever it takes to overcome them. I hope to return ASAP back to sharing again in this SCI-FY world we all know and love. 

                                                            Thank You,

                                       Ens. Bryan "GreyWolf' McMinn 


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  • As you may know GreyWolf, I'm out of action as well. I will be praying for you and your family. Take care of yourself and know that you're never alone.

    LT Reamer

  • Take All The Time You Need,Greywolf; We Will Be Here When You Get Back; So Say we All!


  • I hope everything goes ok and my prayers are with you.
  • Our thoughts are with you, Greywolf.

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