Moving Forward!

Greetings all!

We welcome as always, our new members to the Fan Club...we hope you enjoy.

Several things to talk about today...for all of you who may not know & especially if you are in the SoCal (as we call it in Southern California) and especially if you are in the Los Angeles area, I want to turn you on to Richard Hatch's "Craft of Acting" classes which kick of December 3rd & then every Tuesday thereafter from 2pm-6pm.

The classes will be at Two Roads Theater, 4438 Tujunda Ave Studio City CA can visit the theatre's website  here

The classes are $40 per session & can be paid monthly, the 3rd & 10th classes are at no charge, so don't miss that special!

Please contact: with any questions you might have.

This is perfect for the aspiring actor & even someone who wants to be able to speak more effectively in front of groups...or just for the fun of it!


I also wanted to remind everyone that this coming weekend I will be appearing at The Long Beach ComicCon

along with Team L.A. so if you are in the area, come on down...the Con will feature Herbert Jefferson Jr. (Battlestar Galactica), Noel Guglielmi (The Walking Dead), Thomas Jane (The Punisher), Dean Haglund (The X-Files) & Lance Henrikson (Aliens).

The VERY same weekend, Cherry Oclima is going to be headlining with the Battlestar Raven at Austin Wizardworld

featuring Norman Reedus (The Walking Dead), William Shatner (Star Trek), Bruce Campbell (Army of Darkness), Jewel Staite (Firefly) & Robert Rodriguez (Director/Machete) among others.

We are going to be out there with you spreading the word!

The word of course...or words I should say consist of Battlestar and Galactica...the fans of this show are the most important thing bar none for us...this is what we do!

We want to create a place & a space for fans to congregate, talk story and become friends in a wider pantheon of people...we also strive to bring the fans together with the writers, producers, directors & actors of the various incarnations of would be astonished at what we can all do together!

An overarching theme at work here is also the fact that no matter what & no matter where people are...we can demonstrate, everyone of us just how easy it is for people to come together and cooperate with each really this is about building COMMUNITY.

We are also going to be on the road talking about Galacticon IV: Resurrection

We plan on an EVENT...not just a Convention...something that you will experience & walk away from that you will talk about for years.

As always the thrust of this will be Battlestar Galactica, but we also plan to bring in elements from other popular shows like Firefly.

All of the individual talent in attendance will bring a unique perspective to the fans while at the same time creating an equally unique & memorable feel for the particular show (or shows) that they have appeared in.

At the same time all of this will be tied into our event theme...not only of the unique connections that these folks have with each other in the acting profession...but the very tapestry of this gathering...which is the renewing (or if you prefer, The Resurrection) of what inspires all the fans...whether it be Battlestar Galactica, Firefly or Star Trek...

Our destination is Seattle Washington July 31st-August 2nd 2015 & we want to see you THERE!

I also need to mention that right now we have a way for you to participate early at Galacticon IV

If anybody is not familiar with Rockethub it is a crowdfunding site that allows events, shows or even movies to be financed.

This is one of the ways that we want to help finance Galacticon IV aside from simply ticket sales & it allows you not only to be a vital part of the campaign but you can get some really cool stuff in the process...go check out the site yourself  & can start with as little as 10 bucks & be a real part of the action!

We of course want to honor our Hero of Battlestar Galactica this week...

This native of Edmonton, Alberta Canada has appeared in shows as diverse as Stargate Atlantis, Supernatural to Fringe.

You will probably know him from those shows & you will most surely know him for his role as Lt. Coker Fasjovik in SyFy's Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome...

The Hero goes out to Ben Cotton!


So Say We All!

Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galctica Fan Club

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