Greetings from Venezuela!

Thanks everybody for the welcome and comments. I'm not too fluent with english, but will try to do my best.
I saw the BSG movies and some episodes of the original series long time ago, but became a big fan with the new version of BSG.
I'll be looking around of BSG fan club page and hope to be able to participate actively very soon. Thanks again for your kind welcoming.

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  • Hello Jose! Welcome to Battlestar Galactica Fan Club and aboard Battlestar Raven! Thank you for joining us! It is great to have you as a member. Dont worry about your English! I think it is just fine. Plus we understand! We have members from all around the world that has English as their second language. The most important thing is you are amongst fellow fans of BSG. Don't hesitate to let one of us know if you ever need anything!

    Battlestar Galactica Fan Club Vice President
    Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven-BFC-002
  • Hi Jose,

    We are very happy to help out with what ever you need. It is great to have you join the crew of the Battlestar Raven!!!!!!!

    SO SAY WE ALL! ! ! ! !

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