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Happy Veterans Day 2015



Tomorrow, 11 November 2015, is Veterans Day! 

On behalf of the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club Leadership, we would just like to wish all the men and women in uniform, both past and current, that are members here at the BFC, HAPPY VETERANS DAY!  We would also like to remember those who lost their lives in the line of duty. You maybe gone, but you will never be forgotten. So if you see a veteran, please thank them for their service. A simple "THANK YOU" really comes a long way to those veterans. It warms their hearts. All those times away from home and their love ones, is priceless and cannot be replace but is a sacrifice each and everyone that puts on the uniform, have to do.

We would also like to wish all US Marines, both past and current, who are also members here at the BFC, a HAPPY 240th Birthday to the United States Marines Corps (10 November 1775)!  SEMPER FIDELIS to all of you!


In Service,

"Dragon Lady"

Battlestar Galactica Fan Club Vice President

Main Website:

Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven-BFC 002

Chapter Website:

(Proud USAF since 1993 and still currently serving. HOOAH!!!!)

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11/05/2015 "Bones" TV show (Ep. 6/Season 11), "The Senator in the Street Sweeper", has multiple references to Re-imagined BSG:

"Jessica and Aubrey say they were binge watching Battlestar Galactica, and I found that fracking awesome. They definitely make an offbeat couple."

And "Frak" ("Frack?) was used multiple times. 

Geek Power lives on.



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The GUNSTAR TRIREME Has  Completed her Shakedown Cruise around the Colonies,and Is Preparing Jump Co-ordinates to Rendezvous with the Battlestar Raven to Begin Her Escort Duties:


"We have Just passed Virgon,and are Prepping Jump Co-Ordinates to Join the Battlestar Raven; So far, Other than A couple of Minor Glitches,Ship and Crew have Performed well; Scored 87% Efficiency at the Fleet Gunnery Range; Not bad for A Rookie Crew;With time,It will Get Better....."

(Call From CIC)

"CIC to CO"    This is the CO,Go.   " Sir, We've come across A Civilian Freighter..There's A Interesting Development you should look at."   On My Way.

(Trireme CIC,2 Minutes later)

OK,Bunny,(Trireme XO)What we Got Here?   " Sir we have Colonial 5523-D,formerly registered with the Aerelon Transport Consortium, Fully Loaded."   OK,What's Strange About it?


"According to Colonial Shipping Registry,Their Shipping Permit Expired One Year Ago." Hmmmmmmm.....

"And, as Soon as we Entered their Contact Range,They Increased Speed."

How Far are They?    "20 Kilometers,now Moving at Half Flank Speed."

OK, Their Permit Is Dead,and, They're Still out here Running Cargo;  That IS Interesting!

Ens.Doyle,Increase Speed To Intercept Freighter; Tusker(MARDET NCIOC MSGT.Brian Allen), I Need two Raptors with Marines Ready to Launch in Ten Minutes.  "On it,Sir!"

DeeJay(Comm.Officer Rachel Fish), Hail the Freighter,Tell them to Stop and Prepare to Be Boarded. "Yes Sir."


  "No Response,Sir."      Have they Stopped,Faceman(Trireme Tac/Ops Officer Mike Ursiny)?  "Nope! Still Running at Half Flank."               Really? Patch Me Through,DeeJay.       "You're on,Sir."


"Sir,Tusker Reports MARDET Raptors Ready for Launch"      Very Well; Are they Stopping?

"No,Not only are they Not Stopping,They've increased to 3/4 Flank!"   Oooooookay!

Faceman,ARM MAIN FORWARD BATTERY,Target Their Engine Only!


How About Now?   "They are Slowing Down..........Aaaand They are now at dead Stop."


LAUNCH THE MARDET RAPTORS                    "Raptors Away,And En Route,Sir."

Faceman,Keep Their Ship Targeted.         "In the Bullseye!"


"Sir,Grizzly Bear(Platoon A Sergeant) Calling."  This is Actual,Grizzly Bear,What did you find?

" Not A Surprise,Sir: No Paperwork,and, All of their Holds Crammed With BUNK PHARMACEUTICALS!"

You don't Say?     "Yes Sir! Right Now,I'm standing In a Hold FULL of  FAKE Chamala Extract! How do I Know? I had A Good Friend who Took The Real Thing;It Looks NOTHING Like This!"

Any Word out of the Captain or the Crew?   "No Sir;Just Sitting here like Temple Mice;Awaiting Orders,Sir."

Stand By,Grizzly Bear.                  DeeJay,Contact The Virgon Patrol Authority; Let them Know we have Customers for them,and Are Holding them in place Until They arrive.              "Roger that,Sir."

Faceman Says "There it Is: Our First Catch!"

Not Exactly what we were looking For,But it Qualifies!

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I just wanted to take my time to congratulate four of our young Raven members on the Raven Battle Group,  for achieving excellence in school.  We may do what do here on the Raven Battle Group on the side for fun but what matters the most, is what we really accomplished in real life.  Well, four of our young Raven members have achieved excellence in school by making it on the honor roll list in their respective school ( A's and B's on ) on their first 9 week grading period.  These four young Raven members are certainly off to a good start for this school year.

1.  Ensign David "Wedge" Sangrey- Youngest Raven Raptor Pilot ( Seekers Assist. Squadron Leader )

2.  Lance Corporal  Jr "Scorpion"- Young Raven Colonial Marine

3.  Private Abraham " Menace" - Young Raven Colonial Marine

3.  Raven Honorary Member - Eddie " Marine Enforcer Jr." - The youngest Raven of all

Please JOIN me in congratulating these young Ravens for a job well done in school.  Scorpion, Menace and Marine Enforcer Jr, have all been rewarded already for a job well done in school.  "Wedge", as my promise to you for getting good grades, you have earned yourself a Raven patch and lanyard. Thanks for the screen shot of your grades in school. Your Raven patch and lanyard, will be mailed out here shortly. 

In Service,

~Raven Actual

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all new members


 I'm Ernie Miller and as the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club Adminstrator of Colonial Affairs,
 I welcome you on behalf of the leadership of the BFC.

 Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you on the site"

So Say We All !!!!!!

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Last Night with the Ravens


Last Night with the Ravens (Part 1)

Read on and see what happens when a Flock of Ravens get together. The questions fly about anything and everything. Then just when you think it’s coming to an end, The Cylons decide to spring a sneak attack to neutralize the Ravens.

Don’t skip a word of this very interesting chat session and make sure you follow it to the very end to see how it all works out with, “Last Night with the Ravens.”

  • DragonLady4732

I don't believe my eyes and ears! Everybody is being a chatter box right now in the chat room :-)

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Good Evening, Dragonlady Ma'am.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Good evening, Admiral!

  • DragonLady4732

Hello Wedge! How are you this evening?

  • Good Evening Mik Mo! How are you this evening as well?
  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

The Seekers are eating chatroom bandwidth. MIK MO is creating a stable full of thoroughbreds. Drive on seekers!

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

My boots are shined, bird is at the ready!

  • Thank you, Gunny!
  • DragonLady4732


  • I am just making graphics for the Raven that I will soon reveal.
  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

New Graphics? how exciting!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Actual is the Queen of BFC and world class graphics. Check out our banners.

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

I've seen them, they are Really cool!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Also designed our patches.

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

That I didn't know, that's cool!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

And challenge coins, they make good incentives.

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

so... Like anything raven affiliated, it's actual?

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley


  • DragonLady4732

I do my own graphics for the Raven so it is our own property. Other groups have been trying to copy what we do here on the Raven which is flattering but can be annoying though.

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

AND most BFC items.

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

I can see how it'd be annoying. immitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but it's annoying.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Those membership and Command coins look great!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

"Don't forget to visit our gift shop before you leave."

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey


  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

is that gift shop located in the flight pod?

  • DragonLady4732

The Command coin is given out to all Raven Command members. When you have put in your time Mik Mo and Wedge, I will personally give them to you.

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Yes, the launch tubes of the starboard one.

  • Rodger, Actual!
  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

All but the Leadership coin. Including Planet Colony Patches.

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

wow... that's a lot of stuff.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock


  • DragonLady4732

I have other items I have not put at the store yet. Squadron patches are finally in the process of being submitted to be made. But I will not make them available until early next year for all.

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Nice! Sometime my broke self will find some time and money to make a BDU set and have Raven's patch high and mighty on it.

  • DragonLady4732

I have a big project I am focusing that will be revealed to the public during All Con Dallas 2016

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Leslie seems to have a good uniform set, right?

  • Has Leslie started working on a call sign?
  • DragonLady4732

Depending on how motivated and hard working you are Wedge, I will help you out by giving you a Raven patch as my of saying Thank You!

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

I let her know that's the next thing she needs to do...hopefully soon!

  • 10:31 PM
  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Well then, best get cracking when opportunities arise! I'm hoping to get everything together by this time next year, provided school doesn't throw up any unexpected obsitcles

  • DragonLady4732

Ahhh school comes first. That is far more important. I tell you what, what grade are you in?

  • Or are you in college?
  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Sophmore, High School (10th)

  • DragonLady4732

Tell you what, show me good grades and that will earn you a Raven patch? Fair enough?

  • That should make your parents happy too
  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Fair enough here. That will make them very happy.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Wow Wedge! You"re not old enough to drive a car, but you drive a million cubit Raptor!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Well, I've got my temps...

  • Me

That's what the BFC is all about!!!!!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

As the lead Assault Raptor driver having to put up with a load of socially unacceptable Devil Dogs, Leslie's call-sign should reflect the positive attitude, strong will and sense of adventure.

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

close enough right?

  • DragonLady4732

Alright, then it is a deal! Wedge! Keep up the great work so far I have you seen you do here with Mik Mo!

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

As long as you don't ding up the flight deck, youre OK!

  • Me

I haven't seen this many members signed in since our last mission here.

  • OH yeah, watch out for the Chief's decks!!!
  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

You're doing a great job CAG AND MIK MO, this is the proof.

  • Me

He will have you fix them to his perfection.

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Copy that, Actual. Mik Mo, Don't you worry, the precious flighe deck isn't gonna be getting any dings from me. I don't want to incur the wrath of the Chief

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

You know the knuckle draggers will have our hides!

  • Me

Thanks Iceworm, You have always had the MARDET covered my friend!!!!!!!

  • DragonLady4732

Chief's job is not that easy trust me! I have done his job before!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

"Cueball", King of the flight deck, doesn't like pilots. He's gonna gripe no matter what.

  • Me

You might not, but I have done it several times.

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Truth there, MARDET's gotten some people reciently too, that shows that you're doing your job well too.

  • And as long as chief's happy, our planes are happy, our pilots are happy, and our boss is happy.
  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

And happy birds make for unhappy toasters!

  • Me

Cueball's a great guy and I've always loved his personality when it comes to his job aboard the Raven.

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey


  • Me

He's the perfect Chief in my book.

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Don't think I've seen cueball on. He's the chief?

  • Colonel. Eduardo "Enforcer"

Good Evening! I was wondering what was going on in here.

  • Me

Yeah, he's from the UK. The time difference is a killer for him.

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Good Evening, Colonel. That would explain why I havn't seen him.

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Let's see......I'm new and I want to be a Mud Marine standing guard and saluting youngsters, or do I want to fly a shiny Viperor Raptor, be on my own away from the ship, and draw an Officer's pay and berth?.....let me think......

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Good evening, Colonel!

  • Me

This is the busiest time in recent memory since some of our top missions here.

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley


  • Colonel. Eduardo "Enforcer"

Good Evening!

  • Me

Have a good one Iceworm.

  • DragonLady4732

May I introduce you all "THE TROUBLEMAKER" the KIngof the Mardets here on the Raven!

  • Me

When are you going to join us for a Mission Colonel Enforcer?

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Forumula for the club: X+1 members, where X is the current number of members we have.

  • Me

What's your opinion about snakes Sir?

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

7 people in chat... THat's a record for me to see on.

  • Colonel. Eduardo "Enforcer"

It is depends on my real life schedule Major Barstow! The goes the same with Raven Actual!

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

That's a record since I've been onboard!

  • Me

I understand Sir, your family and job come first.

  • DragonLady4732

Well that is a first time for everything! Wait until we get more.

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Can't keep a good fleet down!

  • Me

You said it Actual, more is better sometimes!!!LOL

  • Colonel. Eduardo "Enforcer"

And who are you calling trouble Raven Actual? :D

  • DragonLady4732

YOU Enforcer!

  • Me

Jump in Leonidas, you know you want to!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

NINE People!

  • Me

That's quite a few Wedge, this doesn't happen very often.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Raven Chat is getting ready to break the internet!

  • DragonLady4732

If trouble can join in Leonidas, you can too!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Jump in, sir!

  • Colonel. Eduardo "Enforcer"

This is a first I have seen this chat room this busy myself

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

down to eight... but that's still a lot! Colonial Cable Company says to warn them next time :)

  • Me

Raiders jumping in at 12 O'clock high.....Flight 1, lets get em.

  • Copy that Reamer....
  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Oh Frak!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Raptor 352, requesting launch clearance for DRADIS picket.

  • Me

Execute an Immelman turn to get some altitude on them.....over

  • Launch when ready Ensign!!!!
  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Launching, DRADIS feed locked in, coordinating through CIC

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

343 request clearance...

  • Me

Missiles away.....whoosh....

  • Splash one taoster!!!
  • Come around and lets give it to them again.....copy that Major...
  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Three heavy raiders inbound, course 564 mark 2,

  • Me

Guns blazing.....I got one Reamer.....great shooting Dutchman.....

  • There's a few more at 3 O'clock....
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Part 2 Last Night with the Ravens

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

343, bring her on! we can always use you up here

  • Me

turning to starboard.....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Wedge, set up to their 4 o'clock...i'll take the 8

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Watch it, reamer, you got a stray sniffing your tail.

  • Copy that, Lt.
  • Me

Multiple missile launches......whoosh.....

  • OH Yeah.....FireFox got those suckers.....
  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

New contacts, designation Orange, raiders on an intercept course...

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

MARDET Fast Reaction Force and Damage Control Teams on standby.

  • Me

Firefox got em Wedge....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Copy that.

  • Me

I guess you wouldn't know about Firefox being a new Raprot pilot.

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Sentry Posts manned at Level Two.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

clear dradis 6-12....activity confined to conbat zone

  • Ens. Leslie Willis

350m on standby.sorry im late i was out on my PT run for the evening

  • Me

It's the Top Secret Weapons system I invented a while back.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Clear to launch, Ens. Willis

  • Ens. Leslie Willis

roger that

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Assault Team on standby in Raptor hanger.

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Unknown contact on dradis, directly ahead

  • Me

Reamer is coming about to dive on a few more toasters along with flight 1.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Willis, move to six, Wedge 3, I'm on 9

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey


  • Me


  • Ens. Leslie Willis

im on it

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Noncombatant ships approaching from starboard, civvie transport

  • Me

Guns blazing toasters lighting up.....Pow....

  • There goes another Tim man.....
  • Don't worry sir, They'll make more for us......
  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Willis, keep dradis on the combat zone, Wedge and I will focus outward

  • Me

Dumb toasters!!!!!LOL

  • Ens. Leslie Willis

copy that

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Following your lead, sir.

  • Me

They're jumping away.....they can't take advantage of the Raven tonight....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Willis, look for missile lock on any strays, wedge prep a comm drone

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Damned toasters, tried to catch us with our pants down/

  • Me

Well, I'm low on ammo... and i'm out of HD-70's as well.

  • Ens. Leslie Willis

draidis contact clear sir

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Comm drone prepped and ready

  • MARDET, you have anyone pay you a visit?
  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

All clear 6-12

  • Me

I'm heading back to re-arm and refuel.

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

DRADIS clear.

    Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

The preceding was a "Viper Lite" conflict.

  Me

I'll catch everyone later, my CEO says that's it for the night!!!!!LOL

  Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Negative on intruders.

  Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Goodnight, sir!

  Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Well, thats the CEO that matters!

  Me

You to Wedge!!!

  Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Chief Everything Officer

  Ens. Leslie Willis

Goodnight sir, give our regards to your CEO

  Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Goodnight Major and good hunting!

  Ok Seekers, back to the barn!

  Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Next time I'm sneeking into 350 before she leaves.

  Yesterday

  Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

That's neat!

  Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Wedge is too quick on the draw for this late at night!

  Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

A Goddess hauling Marines......I LOVE IT!

  Ens. Leslie Willis

I wouldnt have it any other way

  Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Awww, it's not that late.... wait yes it is. Rise and shine in 7 hrs... not that bad. And that's awesome!

  great choice.

  Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Sounds great....make sure to update your profile to that.

  Ens. Leslie Willis

will do

  oh wedge 7 hours.. come on thats a vacation

  Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

For retired people, EVERY day is Saturday, but you ARE young and strong I guess.

  Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

I can go for a few more hours. Are you challenging me?

  Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Heck Wedge, youngins like yourself don't need that much sleep

  DragonLady4732

Ah Wedge, don't you have school ? :-)

  Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Yes, Ma'am.

  Ens. Leslie Willis

wedge possibly but it will have to wait for another night

  Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

I guess you heard the word from above!

  Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

darn, we'll see some night. Orders from actual, guess it's time for me to call it a night.

  Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Joe's will have to wait for another night!

  Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Goodnight, all.

  Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Next time we can bring "Blindsword's" CIC to bring the Raven's main guns to bear on targets and for clearing flight paths.

  Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Take care, Wedge

  Colonel. Eduardo "Enforcer"

:D Let me tell you something about Raven Actual, she has three boys and a big boy to deal with as well. So she knows how to handle youngens.

  Ens. Leslie Willis

Good night Wedge

  Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

AND oldn's.

  Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Aye, sir. I won't make her practice on me.

  Colonel. Eduardo "Enforcer"

Trust me! You don't want too :D

  Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Marine Night Watch: "...eight bells and alls well....."

  Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Alright. Cya all around. Take care.

  Colonel. Eduardo "Enforcer"

Semper Fi Iceworm! We have to be on duty early

  Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Ooh-rah Marines!

  Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Night Boss. Post and orders remain the same, the Watch is posted.

  DragonLady4732

Good night everyone.

  Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Good night Admiral

  Ens. Leslie Willis

Goodnight ma'am

  DragonLady4732

Keep up the good job Seekers!

  Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock


  DragonLady4732


  Colonel. Eduardo "Enforcer"

I left you a message concerning Raven Marine coin Iceworm!

  Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Copy Boss.

  Yesterday

  DragonLady4732

Well, I cannot believe he was actually in the Chat Room today Iceworm. ;-)

  Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

It has been a day of GOOD milestones.

  DragonLady4732

Maybe there is still hope I can get him to attend a scifi convention with me one of these days. :-)

  Good night!

  Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Well, time for Leonis' finest to bolt up ol' 343 and hit the rack....good night all!

  Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

That I would thoroughly enjoy, talk about a colorful and exciting event.

  (Salutes):'Night LT.

  Ens. Leslie Willis

Good night sir

  Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Night Boss.

  Night ENSIGN>

  Yesterday

  Ens. Leslie Willis

Good night

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Dock 37


Inside the Main Hangar Deck of the Gunstar Trireme, The Official Launch Ceremony is underway; Admiral Rivera has Just Read the Orders,and Presented Command to 'Leonidas' Ranson; Now, Leonidas Takes the Podium Before the Assembled Crew and Guests:

   There are Those who have Read About me,and Those who Know About Me;I Joined the Fleet to Destroy Cylons; I helped Build an Air Wing; I have led Men and Women in Combat; In the Process,We have destroyed many Enemy Base Ships, Support Vessels,and Facilities in Space, and on the Ground; We have destroyed Legions of Cylon Raiders;I Have 45 Confirmed Kills;Whenever A major Cylon Threat was Found,It was turned back in A Decisive Manner.

  We have done our Part to Assure that the Colonies remain Safe and Free from the Very Enemy that We have created,and that wishes to send the Human Race into Extinction.

  However,The Job is Far from Over; The Cylons still Remain; And Now, I have been Given A New Task: To Command the Newest Addition to the Fleet;And, that Ship will be the First Part of the New Raven Battle Group; We will add Our Guns and Missiles to an Already Powerful Strike Force; My Mandate will be to Have the Back of the Battlestar Raven,The Flagship of the Fleet; Together,We will Deliver more serious Blows to the Cylon Menace,and Pave the Way for the Rest of the Fleet.      SO SAY WE ALL!

                                                ("SO SAY WE ALL!")


(Admiral Rivera Shakes Leonidas' Hand and says "  Good Hunting!Give them Hell! " ) Thank you Sir!

( Adm. 'Dragonlady' Says "We'll see you Soon!") Yes Ma'am! Safe trip back to the Raven!

                                   (TRIREME CIC 10 Minutes Later)

"ATTENTION ON DECK!"     As you were! (Leonidas looks Around)   Okay Folks, This is what We've Waited for; Let's Do it Right!     XO, Begin Pre-Launch Checklist.    ('Bunny' Nonemaker Begins:

"  Engineering: Energizers - GO!    FTL- GO!   Sub Lights - GO!   RCS - GO!  Fuel - GO!   Auxiliary Control - Standing by!   Damage Control - READY!

TACTICAL: WEAPONS - Railguns - GO!  Point Defense Guns - GO!  Missiles - GO!    Countermeasures - GO!    DRADIS - GO!

Communications - GO!   Scrambler - GO!   Computers - GO!   Firewalls - GO!   Helm - READY!  Navigation -READY!

FLIGHT OPERATIONS : Flight Deck - SECURE   Raptors and Shuttles - SECURE   Cargo - SECURE

Marine Detachment - READY    All Hatches and Airlocks - CLOSED AND SECURE  "

   (' Bunny' Nonemaker Turns to Leonidas and Reports: "Checklist Complete...all Stations Checkers Green for Departure")    Ensign Geiken, Confirm Nav Coordinates to our first Destination have Been Uploaded.

( Chief Navigation Officer Deane Geiken Reports " Nav Coordinates to Ragnar Station Confirmed,Sir.")

 (Leonidas turns to Communications officer Ens. Rachel 'DJ' Fish) DJ,Connect me with the Dockmaster.

"Dockmaster on the Speakers,Sir"   Scorpia Dock,This is the GUNSTAR TRIREME,Requesting Permission to Depart.


Thank you,Scorpia Dock, and So Say We All, Trireme Out!

Disconnect all Umbilical Support Systems ------- CLEAR ALL MOORINGS

"All Moorings Cleared,Sir!"

Helm.....Back us Out Slowly




( Trireme Clears Dock as Dock Raptors Depart)

" We have Cleared the Dock Sir!"

Very Good! Take us to Ragnar Station at Sub Light Speed.

(Trireme Gets Underway)

 (Leonidas Turns to the XO) I'm going to Finish Unpacking; Bunny, you have the Watch; I want first ACTION STATIONS Drill in 90 Minutes.......Mark!

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Raven October 2015 Promotions

Here are your promotees for the month of October 2015.  I look forward to seeing more names recommended for promotion the nex time around.  I want to see a whole page on the Raven site filled up with members names being promoted.  I know there are more of you capable of being promoted. :-)  There is nothing more that pleases me than being able to promote people that deserves to be promoted :-)

So Say We All!!!!

Battlestar Raven October 2015 Promotions

If the link does not work, just go the Raven Main website at

Once you are there, click on the gallery menu button and then select October Raven 2015 Promotions.  The Raven website links seems to be having problems working right now.

Very Respectfully,

RADM Cherry "DragonLady"

Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven-BFC 002

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I am a firm believer in giving people chances to grow and be successful especially by wanting to take on a bigger responsibility just as long as they understand that by doing so, they have to be able to do the job what is required of them for that position.   Raven Command will always be there to help people out if they need guidance.  If people only want the rank and position and not wanting to do the job, then I have no problem relieving people from that position.

So with that said, it is with great pleasure that I announce, the new Seekers Raptor Squadron Commander- Ensign Michael " Mik Mo" Morelock!  With the new position, he is also hereby promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade, with all the rights and priviledges that comes with that rank and position, effective immediately on this day of 16th of October 2015.

Congratulations to you Lieutenant Junior Grade Morelock, not only on your new position, but on your promotion.  May the Lords of Kobol guide you as you start on your journey as the new Seekers Squadron Commander.  May he impart on you wisdom, courage, and integrity as you execute the new position.

In Service

"RADM Cherry "DragonLady"

-Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven-BFC 002

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Gunstar Trireme Commissioning


Good Morning,

It is finally Friday!  HOOAH!!!!!!!!!!! First order of business today is to let people know, if they do not already know, the Gunstar Trireme, Battlestar Raven's 1st Gunstar Escort, has been OFFICIALLY commissioned this past August 2,2015.  We did a pre-commissioning ceremony which was officiated by none other than Luciana Carro herself. She was so sweet for doing that.  

Good hunting to the crew of Trireme, who is taking her place alongside the Raven as her protector, OFFCIALLY forming the Raven Battle Group.  More ships will be commissioned as part of the Raven Battle Group!


In Service,

~Raven Actual



***The second round of promotion will be posted here shortly!!!!!!  I finally got my new graphics software loaded to my laptop!

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People Of the Fleet,

Here in My Delightful Home Port of Fayettenam,NC, We Are Finally Getting A Comic-Con!

After Years of Having to Go to Places Like Raliegh,Charlotte,or,even outside the State of North Carolina to Experience the Wonders of A Convention; We Geeks of Fayetteville are finally getting A event to Celebrate our Geekdom.

The Inaugural Fayetteville Comic-Con will be at the Crown Coliseum Complex this Saturday; The Crown is located off of Hwy 301,just Southeast of Downtown Fayetteville.

Yours Truly,Leonidas, Will undertake A Solo Recon Mission to Gather Intel,and Possibly Pave the Way for A BFC Presence in 2016!

I Intend to seek First(Face to Face)Contact with the Operators of the Show,and Discuss with them the Advantages of Having a BSG Fan Presence in Future Shows;In Addition to StormTroopers,A Major Writer for Batman is Touted to Be There,Along with Former NFL QB Roman Gabriel.

Even Though this will be a One Day Show, all the Trappings of a Major Convention will Be Present, Including Panel Discussions,Photo Ops,and, a few Surprises! Of Course, Displays,Demonstrations,and Vendors will be there too.

If Anybody Happens to be in the Fayetteville,NC Area This Saturday,Check it Out! More info can be Had At

                               K.A. 'LEONIDAS' RANSON


                               GUNSTAR TRIREME,GSR-0201

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The Return of Bojay

12578077659?profile=originalJack Stauffer returns to the convention circuit!

Yes, the original (and one and only) Bojay from Battlestar Pegasus...and then Galactica is going to be meeting & greeting the fans.

First at Crystal Coast Con at Mac Daddy's Entertainment Center, Cape Carteret North Carolina on Saturday October 17th!

Then it's on to Daytona Beach Florida for 2050 EventsOctober 30th-November 1st!

Tell him the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club sent you...So say we all!


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The Hybrid awakens and begins to speak:

The final of four crimson harbingers has arrived heralding the end of mankind.

Four grim equestrians are sent forth. The harvest begins.

Anarchy and chaos precede the pretender who proceeds into perdition with many.

Wheat harvested, chaff burned in the flames.

The lion shepherd returns for his flock.

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12578072865?profile=original12578073686?profile=original12578074098?profile=originalJUST IN TO FLEET SCUTTLEBUTT CENTRAL: Anonymous Fleet sources report that Battlestar Raven Battle Group now has two Classic and one "Humanoid" Cylon Models serving the Fleet: Tim the Cylon, Captain and Classic Gold Centurion Commander; Kaizer, Wing Commander and Classic Silver Centurion; and Caprica Six, Cylon Humanoid Prototype, Combat Warrior and Pilot. "Fleet Scuttlebutt Central" (FSC) exclusive reports a "Rebel" Cylon Vessel (Colonial Friendly) MAY be in the works to join the Battle Group. Asked about the rumors, PR Rep Martok said: "A vital mission, impossible odds, and a ruthless enemy, what more could we ask for?" Stay tuned for more news and MUCH more scuttlebutt. FSC out.

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