Raven October 2015 Promotions

Here are your promotees for the month of October 2015.  I look forward to seeing more names recommended for promotion the nex time around.  I want to see a whole page on the Raven site filled up with members names being promoted.  I know there are more of you capable of being promoted. :-)  There is nothing more that pleases me than being able to promote people that deserves to be promoted :-)

So Say We All!!!!

Battlestar Raven October 2015 Promotions

If the link does not work, just go the Raven Main website at   http://www.battlestarraven-bfc-002.com

Once you are there, click on the gallery menu button and then select October Raven 2015 Promotions.  The Raven website links seems to be having problems working right now.

Very Respectfully,

RADM Cherry "DragonLady"

Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven-BFC 002

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