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The Night Before Christmas In The Colonies

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the Colonies,

Not a creature was worried, with signed armistice and treaties.

The Colonial merchants and politicians and corrupt leaders of all sorts,

Schemed and plotted and conspired to line their pockets with Colonial Cubits.

Mankind grew lazy greedy and corrupt with thoughts of vice and ambrosia filling their heads.

The Cylons took heed of the Colonists debaucherous vice and greed,

Infiltrated their defenses, while key leaders they turned and deceived.

The Colonies rested saying peace and safety, surely all's well and nothing the matter,

Then came the sudden Cylon attack that broke the Colonies back in utter disaster.

The Colonial fleet was completely destroyed, the planets were all burning,

Gone the dreams and hopes of all, now for the old days they were yearning.

Was this the end, the demise of all of the colonies of man?

We must survive and thrive, somehow surely we can!

So a motley ragtag fugitive fleet,

Hasted away in desperate retreat.

Gone were the days of happiness, prosperity, plenty and mirth,

So began the long dangerous journey for a planet called Earth!

The Cylons attacked and pursued and fought with all of their might,

While the Galactica and Pegasus surely fought the good fight!

And finally when all fighting was done, they found the planet Earth,

Mankind could begin anew, a fresh start, a civilization's rebirth.

So take great heed to the story of man...

All of this has happened before and will happen again.

So Commander Adama stepped down and said with all of his might,

Good hunting to all, and to all a good fight!

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Happy Birthday Mr. Terry Carter



I just wanted to quickly take my time to wish Mr. Terry Carter, a very Happy Birthday here at Battlestar Galactica Fan Club.  The Crew of Battlestar Raven wishes you the best on your birthday.  May you have many more to come!  

On personal note, I very much look forward to meeting you in person at Galacticon 3.  I think it is really awesome that we will have both Tigh's from both series together at Galacticon 3. :-)  Although I was very young maybe no more than 5 years of age  to really remember the original series, I did however had the chance to see some of the reruns when they still use to air it.  What fascinated me the most about the show was the Cylons and their famous phrase "By Your Command!'  I thought that was the coolest thing I have heard at that age. I have some memorabilia from the original show as well, that I keep in s safe place amongst my other BSG collections.  

Be safe Sir!  And once again, Happy Birthday Mr. Terry Carter from all of us here at Battlestar Raven!

Terry Carter:

So Say We All!

In Service,

Cherry "DragonLady"

BFC Deputy Vice President

Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven


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Perry Rhodan Vs Topsiders

I'm a fan of this game - Star Trek Armada 2 and 1 year ago I started to modding the game, creating some ships from the Perry Rhodan Universe.

Of course, this one could be a new MOD for the Fleet Operations:  Perry Rhodan Vs Topsiders.  Perry Rhodan is a man from Earth and the Topsiders is an alien race, a cross between a velociraptor and a human.

Perry Rhodan is a German sci-fi character like Flash Gordon for example.  In the Perry Rhodan sci-fi action, you can find many great starships and space battles, some kind of Stargate for example. The most important ship is the SOL starship, which looks like two balls joined in the middle.  And there are big starships like the Death Star from the Star Wars movie.  In my opinion the Death Star originates from the Perry Rhodan novels which is published in the year 1961 in Germany. More info about Perry Rhodan Perry Rhodan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Perry Rhodan is the name of a science fiction series published since 1961 in Germany, as well as the name of the main character. It is a space opera, dealing with several themes of science fiction. Having sold over one billion copies (in pulp booklet format) worldwide, it is the most successful science fiction book series ever written. The series and its spin-offs have captured a substantial fraction of the original German science fiction output and exert influence on many German writers in the field. The series is told in an arc storyline structure. An arc—called a "cycle"—would have anywhere from 25 to 100 issues devoted to it, similar subsequent cycles are referred to as a "grand-cycle".

I'm working on a new Perry Rhodan Mod for the Fleet Operations space strategy game, with three races in one game, the Terrans, the Akvons and the Topsiders.

Terrans have become one of the most important races in the known galaxy second only to their close genetic relatives, the A(r)konides. Much of terran technology was adapted from arkonide technology. They have, however, continually added alien technology and their own inventions to create a technology that is rivaled only by the Akonide Coalition. Terra built up its home fleet, established economic and political ties with inhabited planets near Terra, and infiltrated agents throughout the Arkon Empire.

The Akvons are seal-like in general shape with a fleshy "skirt" where the rearlimbs would normally be and two slender arms ending in a four-fingered hand (two fingers opposed to two fingers). The "skirt" is actually their primary means of locomotion. 
The Akvons have an advanced biological technology and, with access to genetic developments from the Terrans and the Aras, have greatly advanced their bio-engineering abilities. They are not, however, very good with advanced electronic technology. As a result their ships, communications gear, computer technology, etc. are all terran/arkonide.

Topsiders can be describe very simply: as a cross between a velociraptor and a human. Still possessing a bird-like posture they are stockier and more compact than velociraptors. The Topsiders spaceships look much like an arkonide sphere ship with a rocket shoved through the center of it. They use a central command and habitation sphere with a posterior propulsion and power system and an anterior weapons system.

Perry Rhodan is a German sci-fi character like Flash Gordon for example. In the Perry Rhodan sci-fi action, you can find many great starships and space battles, some kind of Stargate for example. The most important ship is the SOL starship, which looks like two balls joined in the middle.

Races of the Perry Rhodan Universe:

I finished with the update for my Perry Rhodan for Star Trek Armada 2 and is available here for download:

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Wing Commander for ST Armada 2

I finished working on the Wing Commander Mod for Fleet Operations. I have decided to release what i have done :-)

Wing Commander Mod with three races in one game. The Terran Confederation, the Kilrathi Empire and the Nephilim

The Terran Confederation, the primary human government in the 
Wing Commander series. The Terran Confederation is an alliance of systems 
and regional governments which provide unified protection and economic growth.

The Kilrathi are a race of warlike, feline extraterrestrials in the popular 
computer game series Wing Commander by Origin Systems. 
The Kilrathi are native to the planet Kilrah with their society depicted 
as an empire. Physically they are bipeds who strongly resemble big cats: 
they have leonine manes, but also have markings which distinguish their 
clan of origin. 

The Nephilim are an insectoid race that appear in the Wing Commander universe. 
They were first introduced in Wing Commander: Prophecy and its online sequel, 
Wing Commander: Secret Ops. They are the primary antagonistic race of 
these two final installments in the original trilogy.

If you are interested for the Wing Commander for ST Armada 2, please click here:

 if you have Empire at War, you can play a nice WC Mod there: 
Have fun.

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Battlestar Galactica for ST Armada 2.

Under development is a Battlestar Galactica MOD - Galactica Vs Cylons for ST Armada 2.
I found some other MODS made for Armada 2, but I need more options and a working game, so I started to made my own mod.

It will be a Cylon Race Vs Colonies Mod, or you can play Colonies Vs Cylon.

Ships - Colonies:

New Viper MK VII Fighter
Viper mk2 Fighter 
Raptor fighter

Capital ships:
The Mercury Class Battlestar - Pegasus
Valhalla class Battlestar - Valkyrie
Battlestar Class Battleship - - Galactica
Cygnus Defender


Ships - Cylon:

OLD Cylon Raider
NEW Cylon Raider
Cylon Heavy Raider

Capital ships:
Y-shaped Basestars
Hades Class Basestar (Starbase)

If anybody is interested, you can transform your Battlestar Galactica into a space carrier, transporting on-board some fighters. I read about this idea on this forum and I made a try and this work. 
First you need to adapt the assembler ship technology to your space carrier. Then, when you arrive to your destination, you can launch into space your fighters. The process is that you assemble your fighters in the space and then launch them into the action to fight with the enemy. In the "Star Wars Empire at War" your space carrier launch instantly the fighters. In the Fleet Ops, you need to build them. So, the other of my mods for Fleet Ops, will contain "real" space carriers with fighters on-board :-) 


I finished working on the Battlestar Galactica Mod for ST Armada 2. I have decided to release what i have done :-)

For Download link, please click on my website: 

Battlestar Galactica Mod for Fleet Operations.

Have fun :-)

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I know this is none BSG related topic but I just have to say, my heart just goes out to those families that lost their precious children to that senseless and just plain sick mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. You can only imagine what those families must be feeling at the lost of their child.  You just never know when and where this kind of senseless shooting is going to happen again. 

The gunman, who was believed to be in his 20s, walked into a classroom where his mother was a teacher. He shot and killed her and then shot 18 students in the classroom. He also shot seven other adults, and then killed himself inside the school.

May the Lords of Kobol help them get through this rough times in their lives. The holidays is suppose to each and everyone of us time to be with love ones.   So if you are a parent, hug your children when you see them today, and just be thankful that they came home safe to you.  I know I will because I do what I do in  real life right now because of them.  For their future.  Thinking about myself only ended the day I became a parent.  From then on, I was not only working to better my future, but for my kids future.  And I have three precious boys (Turning my hair gray in a good way and I am not even that old! But I would not have it any other way.  Boys will be boys! ) :-)


So Say We All!


In Service,

Cherry "DragonLady"


Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven

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Dec. 10, 2012

Been out of action here for a bit... shift changes at work... Longer hours (12/day), same pay rate.  My spare time is getting limited, not sure how often I'll be on during the next week or so... will attempt my Battlestar posting by Friday, no later.

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Welcome New Raven Member Doctor Sally Mounts



I just wanted to officially welcome the newest member on Battlestar Raven here at Battlestar Galactica Fan Club, Doc. Sally Mounts.  Thank you for choosing to join our little band of bandits here at Battlestar Raven ;-)  We hope you enjoy your stay with us.  If there is anything you might need to help yourself settled aboard the Raven, please do not hesitate to let anyone of the Command Staff know or anyone of the fact on the Raven.  I also have an open door policy so if you ever had the need to speak to me directly, please by all means, drop me a note here on the site.  And I will try to answer you back as soon as possible.

Once again, thanks for joining the Raven and welcome aboard.

In Service,

Cherry "DragonLady"


Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven

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Eric Chu Battlestar Galactica Hero!


Greetings Colonials!

Happy start to the weekend to you all...four things to talk about tonight....the first is that we have the wrap up to the webisodes of Blood & please take the time to watch the finale on the Fan Club site.

Bear in mind that the film will be shown on Sy-Fy in February follwed by the DVD & Blu-Ray release.

Show your support so we can get this to series!

All things being equal...because my four things to talk about are indeed equally (just in case you missed it) this past weekend we announced Terry Carter for Galacticon 3.

I really don't think this has ever happened before...we will have two Apollo's AND two Tigh's at the Con...I would say that is really frakkin' awesome, wouldn't you?

My third point...and this is a combination that I want to welcome our newest members to the are all in good company & for the combination, I want to again thank you all for your support!

I have said this many times before and intend to keep repeating it, that Battlestar Galactica fans ARE THE BEST!

You all ROCK!

My final bit of commentary tonight...not the least of of course talking about our Hero of the week...for all who don't know (and there might be some who don't) every week we honor somebody who has in some way, shape or form impacted the BSG they a writer, producer, actor, musician, director or fan...this also includes graphic art and don't be fooled, we are not leaving out artists.

When the re-imagined series went into production....Ron Moore & Co knew they wanted something a little different but not HUGELY different...and they needed someone with a keen eye to give certain aspects of the show a bit of a tweek....or a lot of a some cases a total redesign.

We are tonight honoring the man who gave you the updated Battlestar Galactica, Vipers, Cylon Raiders, Basestar's & of course the Cylon's themselves (not Tricia Helfer, that's natural!)...but for the toaster's he did a keenly different look.

In some circles he is known as they Cylon God...and in every circle everyone know's that he's brilliant...tonight we honor him: Mr. Eric Chu!

So Say We All!


Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club



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Noah Hathaway Battlestar Galactica Hero!


Greetings Colonials!

Welcome to the slightly belated Hero of Battlestar Galactica awards!

Normally, I try and get that done on Friday so hence the belated part of any rate, I want to take a moment to welcome our new members, thank all of you for joining and of course a note of gratitude for being here to everyone else.

Everyone, please keep an eye on the Emissaries: Galacticon III site and our Facebook page today for a major guest announcement...and nope you gotta wait!

Of course, it IS time for the Hero award...this goes out to someone who was very young when BSG premiered back in the day...quite young...but who made a big impact on the show, him and a certain Daggit.

Besides that and other tv appearances along with starring roles in both "Troll" and "The Neverending Story" and now the just premiered (this week at Grahman's!) film "Sushi Girl"...I am pleased to pass along the Hero of Battlestar Galactica to one very cool dude...Mr. Noah Hathaway!

So Say We All!


Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club




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I just wanted to quickly post this to welcome three new members to Battlestar Raven:


Heath Goodman

Nicholas Davis

Robert Brooks


Thank you for joining Battlestar Galactica Fan Club and for joining Battlestar Raven. I have an open door policy so please do not hesitate to let me know if you need anything to help you get settled in as part of the crew if you cannot get hold of any of the other Command Staff Members. But you should not have a problem with that.  Also, we have a lot of good people here on the Raven that will be more than happy to assist you guys if you need any help on anything.

Once again, thank you for choosing to join the Raven.  We can only hope to keep making things better for our members as we continue to grow in quantity and quality on the Raven.  Be safe out there!


So Say We All!


In Service,

Cherry "DragonLady"


Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven


PS:  Now back to my regular scheduled program which is finishing a late lunch! :-) CHAO!!!!!!!!!

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Dec. 4, 2012

Had my eyes opened quite early this morning... by someone I'm coming to highly respect.  I won't mention names, but if she's reading this, I hope she accepts my apologies.  I may have been a bit presumptuous in my entry from yesterday, so I apologize now if anyone took any offense - I'm not a rabble rouser or a troublemaker, and have no wish to be seen as one.  On a lighter note, I'm hoping I'll be able to make my decision on my Battlestar assignation by the end of next week, but for now I'll just keep nosing around.

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All Con Convention-Dallas, Texas



We just wanted to share some news with you.  Battlestar Raven was the All-Con Facebook feature today and added on their website.  The Raven is also on their news blog:

Todd Carlton( Promoter of All Con) has known me and the crew that will be with me, through attending All Con and representing Battlestar Aries of the CDF.  

We will have a table there located at the main gallery.  For those that have been at All Con Convention before, then you know what the convention is like.  I will have some people with me to help man the table including my three children.  They have been asking me when we are going back to that convention.  And now they are all happy and excited when I told them about the news.  The last time we were there, my youngest child was only three months old.  And now, he will be four in just about a month.  He was the lucky out of the three boys to be held and carried by the Chief himself of the Galactica, Aaron Douglas.My middle son was the lucky one that was nearly squeeze to death by the OLD MAN himself, back in 2007 when he gave a speech at the San Antonio College.  As far as my oldest son, well he is the shy one. :-)

So, all Raven members that can make it to the the All Con Convention, hopefully you guys can make it to the convention. It will be so nice to meet face to face.  Don't forget to stop by and say hello at the table.  And everyone is more than welcome to come and join us there.  Our very own DVP here at BFC will be there as well.  Mr. Paul. Nix!

All Con Convention Website:

All Con Facebook:

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Dec. 3, 2012

Well, here it is, blog entry #2, and so far it seems my limited input is pretty well received. I'd like to be able to input more about ALL things BSG, but I'm not sure who might need what... or where to look first. Hmmm...


Also thought of the possibility of adding a custom signature to my posts... but not sure how.


Seems I've been hit up to join 2 Battlestars so far... Atlantia and Raven.  All three of the officers who've contacted me have been very gracious, but my curiosity is up as to which group has "more to offer".  I'm a bit of a techie, but first and foremost I'm a Viper pilot... My callsign is "Warrior", and I fly a Scarlet Viper MkXII (Registry number N-1971-A). I was a previous CAG for "Galactica" on a couple of older BSG boards, as well as "Red Squadron" Strike Leader. I wonder if any of these qualifications will be attractive to these ships... We shall see.

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