Welcome New Raven Member Doctor Sally Mounts



I just wanted to officially welcome the newest member on Battlestar Raven here at Battlestar Galactica Fan Club, Doc. Sally Mounts.  Thank you for choosing to join our little band of bandits here at Battlestar Raven ;-)  We hope you enjoy your stay with us.  If there is anything you might need to help yourself settled aboard the Raven, please do not hesitate to let anyone of the Command Staff know or anyone of the fact on the Raven.  I also have an open door policy so if you ever had the need to speak to me directly, please by all means, drop me a note here on the site.  And I will try to answer you back as soon as possible.

Once again, thanks for joining the Raven and welcome aboard.

In Service,

Cherry "DragonLady"


Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven

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