Noah Hathaway Battlestar Galactica Hero!


Greetings Colonials!

Welcome to the slightly belated Hero of Battlestar Galactica awards!

Normally, I try and get that done on Friday so hence the belated part of any rate, I want to take a moment to welcome our new members, thank all of you for joining and of course a note of gratitude for being here to everyone else.

Everyone, please keep an eye on the Emissaries: Galacticon III site and our Facebook page today for a major guest announcement...and nope you gotta wait!

Of course, it IS time for the Hero award...this goes out to someone who was very young when BSG premiered back in the day...quite young...but who made a big impact on the show, him and a certain Daggit.

Besides that and other tv appearances along with starring roles in both "Troll" and "The Neverending Story" and now the just premiered (this week at Grahman's!) film "Sushi Girl"...I am pleased to pass along the Hero of Battlestar Galactica to one very cool dude...Mr. Noah Hathaway!

So Say We All!


Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club




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