I just wanted to quickly post this to welcome three new members to Battlestar Raven:
Heath Goodman
Nicholas Davis
Robert Brooks
Thank you for joining Battlestar Galactica Fan Club and for joining Battlestar Raven. I have an open door policy so please do not hesitate to let me know if you need anything to help you get settled in as part of the crew if you cannot get hold of any of the other Command Staff Members. But you should not have a problem with that. Also, we have a lot of good people here on the Raven that will be more than happy to assist you guys if you need any help on anything.
Once again, thank you for choosing to join the Raven. We can only hope to keep making things better for our members as we continue to grow in quantity and quality on the Raven. Be safe out there!
So Say We All!
In Service,
Cherry "DragonLady"
Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven
PS: Now back to my regular scheduled program which is finishing a late lunch! :-) CHAO!!!!!!!!!