Dec. 3, 2012

Well, here it is, blog entry #2, and so far it seems my limited input is pretty well received. I'd like to be able to input more about ALL things BSG, but I'm not sure who might need what... or where to look first. Hmmm...


Also thought of the possibility of adding a custom signature to my posts... but not sure how.


Seems I've been hit up to join 2 Battlestars so far... Atlantia and Raven.  All three of the officers who've contacted me have been very gracious, but my curiosity is up as to which group has "more to offer".  I'm a bit of a techie, but first and foremost I'm a Viper pilot... My callsign is "Warrior", and I fly a Scarlet Viper MkXII (Registry number N-1971-A). I was a previous CAG for "Galactica" on a couple of older BSG boards, as well as "Red Squadron" Strike Leader. I wonder if any of these qualifications will be attractive to these ships... We shall see.

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