Eric Chu Battlestar Galactica Hero!


Greetings Colonials!

Happy start to the weekend to you all...four things to talk about tonight....the first is that we have the wrap up to the webisodes of Blood & please take the time to watch the finale on the Fan Club site.

Bear in mind that the film will be shown on Sy-Fy in February follwed by the DVD & Blu-Ray release.

Show your support so we can get this to series!

All things being equal...because my four things to talk about are indeed equally (just in case you missed it) this past weekend we announced Terry Carter for Galacticon 3.

I really don't think this has ever happened before...we will have two Apollo's AND two Tigh's at the Con...I would say that is really frakkin' awesome, wouldn't you?

My third point...and this is a combination that I want to welcome our newest members to the are all in good company & for the combination, I want to again thank you all for your support!

I have said this many times before and intend to keep repeating it, that Battlestar Galactica fans ARE THE BEST!

You all ROCK!

My final bit of commentary tonight...not the least of of course talking about our Hero of the week...for all who don't know (and there might be some who don't) every week we honor somebody who has in some way, shape or form impacted the BSG they a writer, producer, actor, musician, director or fan...this also includes graphic art and don't be fooled, we are not leaving out artists.

When the re-imagined series went into production....Ron Moore & Co knew they wanted something a little different but not HUGELY different...and they needed someone with a keen eye to give certain aspects of the show a bit of a tweek....or a lot of a some cases a total redesign.

We are tonight honoring the man who gave you the updated Battlestar Galactica, Vipers, Cylon Raiders, Basestar's & of course the Cylon's themselves (not Tricia Helfer, that's natural!)...but for the toaster's he did a keenly different look.

In some circles he is known as they Cylon God...and in every circle everyone know's that he's brilliant...tonight we honor him: Mr. Eric Chu!

So Say We All!


Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club



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  • I think it should read:... A true hero of The Cylon Empire, who stepped above and beyond the bounds to bring the message of senseless death and destruction to all the pathetic humans of the world. By Your Command.

  • Wes: I don't remember that! Wish I knew what it was that I wrote... 

  • I want to print this up and hang it on my wall!

  • I don't know if Eric remembers this or not, but back in 2006 he and I competed in an essay contest where the prize was the first two seasons of Battlestar Galactica. Hearing his name certainly brings back memories of the contest.

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